![1953-01-08, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Thursday, January 8, 195' AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE iUTOMORILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SAU HOW YOU CAN BUY THE HEW SPECTACULAR CLEAR THE DECKS!! THE POPULAR DEMAND FOR HUDSON WASP NEW FORD TRUCKS Equipped With TWIN-H-POWER Forces Us To Make Mors Room for Trade-Ins DON T FORGETi OUR FAMOUS Delivered BRAND-NEW and Heater (GUARANTEE $248500 Plus Tax MONEY-BACK 1951 Ford Ton Cab 1950 Ford Vt Ton BEFORE TOO BUY, SEE US FOR and Chassis, long Panel, red $695 THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN! , wheelbase, green $1095 1948 Dodge v, Ton See and Drive This Spectacular New Car At 1951 Ford »/» Ton Pick- Panel, red $395 Up, green $995 1947 Chevrolet 1 Ton 1950 Ford, 2 Yard Panel, red £595 WAGGONER-BEACH, INC 3? NASH AUTHORIZED DIRECT FACTORY HUDSON SALES and SERVICE Hydraulic Dump 1947 Chevrolet Truck,’ green ... .$1295 481 East 185th St at Lake Shore Blvd. KEnmore- 1-6696 Pick-Up, red $595 1950 Ford ’4 Ton . 1947 Dodge Panel $345 We Need Room Ramblers Pick-Up, green . $795 1947 Ford Vanette $345 for more 1953 Dodge and Plymouth Trade-Ins! SOI AU RALPH STEWART ,1950 Studebaker % Ton 1947 Chevrolet Sedan Our New Car Trade-Ins Have Been Pick-Up, red $695 Delivery, blue ... $495 Just Arrived! ONE OWNER 1949 Ford Ton Pick- 1945 Ford V2 Ton **•*& TRADE- INS Up, green $695 Pick-Up, red $375 Drastically Reduced In Price! with A Many More T< Choose From if Big Selection All Makes and Models if Most 1947 Dodge Deluxe One Owner if All Reconditioned if .All Guaran­ 2 Door; C7ftK radio, heater W I 0 v DON'T FORGET OUR teed ★ AH Winterized Easy Terms if Your Present Car May Be Down Payment MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE GOOD BUYS ON 1950 Dodge 2-door sedan, black finish, this late 7 ’ ’ is 1947 Buick Roadmaster DESOTO - PLYMOUTH specially priced and ready to go at the Sedan; C7QR SPECIAL LOW PRICE of TRADE-INS radio, heater .. WI vv $1095 LUAIMEHLE MUTIJHS, (lord) 1950 Packard deluxe 8-cyl. 4-door sedan, light blue, radio, 1951 DeSoto Custom 4 Door, OPEN EVENINGS heater, Futuramic transmission, excellent motor and tires. radio and heater . $1995 1948 Olds 8 Sedan THIS CAR WILL BEAK COMPETITIVE PRICE Hydramatic; CftQli 13608 St Clair at Hayden MUlberry 14000 CHECKING BY $300 — SPECIAL at • aft. 1951 Chevrolet Club Coupe radio, heater . tpOvv $1095 with Power-Glide, * J 1950 Nash Ambassador 4-door Custom Sedan, beautiful : W radio, heater ... $1595 two-tone blue and gray, COMPARE THIS '... * Open Mon., Wed» FrL 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook, 1949 Chevrolet 2 Door PRICE ($500 under ceiling) $1145 radio and heater . $1395 Fleetline; HU 9 P. M. radio, heater . ^vOv Wards 1951 Chevrolet Club Coupe, radio, 1951 Plymouth Cambridge Club 1951 Kaiser 4-Door Sedan, heater, Power-Glide. 2 t~" arpr- Coupe, beautiful light g— low mileage; BEAT radio, heater; a compact “JOK radio, heater, BORNER’S THIS PRICE Q I small family car V • WWW overdrive $1395 1949 Dodge Convertible Club Coupe; Q1AQE BEST BUYS 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe Club 1947 Buick Super Sedanet’n 2 tone 1950 Chevrolet Club Coupe, Coupe, gray finish, green finish, radio and heater, seat radio, heater . yIVvV Truck Values One Owner Trade-Ins covers, good motor, new Q7QK radio, heater, radio, heater ...................... Q**® clutch: ready to go......... w ■ wU Power-Glide . $1295 Panels 1951 Pontiac Chieftain 8 1948 Plymouth Special Deluxe 4 Door Sedans. 2 to choose from; 1951 Mercury Sport Club Coupe (8 Hard-Tops and 1950 Chevrolet 2 Doof, 1946 Dodge 1-toa S445 Hydramatic Sedan; like new, fin­ 1950 Pontiac 4 Door Sedan, maroon, dark gray and aF QOQR Passenger), beautiful 2 tone blue Styleline; CIAOE 1946 Ford Vz-ton $375 ished in two tone gray; white walls have radios and heaters WvwJ and gray finish, radio and heater; radio and heater $1395 and many extras. Very low mileage. Deluxe Equip. ^iVvv | 1947 Ford Vi-ton $445 a classy car you'll be proud to You can't find a nicer car anywhere. 1947 Dodge 4 Door Custom Sedan, own. Ceilina price on this car, 1950 Chevrolet Club Coupe, 1948 Dodge Vi-ton $795 See it! dark blue finish, radio, CTOH Station Wagons radio and heater $1195 CUSTOMER Satisfaction la our FIRST S2163 (Save $458). QI CAE 1949 International V4-ton Metro $559 heater and seat covers V ■ w *■' Our Price V ■ WUW CONCERN NOW as ALWAYS Reasonably Priced at $1895 1950 Chevrolet ’/z ton . $895 1946 DeSoto 4 Door BUY WITH CONFIDENCE 1950 Dodge Meadowbrook 4 Door 1947 Nash (600) 4 Door, blue finish, Sedan $795 Sedan, radio, heater, light blue fin radio, heater, new transmission good Pickup 1951 Chrysler Windsor ish. Fluid Drive; you'll 9QR tires, good motor and body, QEAR Full Custom Equipment 1949DeSoto Deluxe Club RALPH Sedan. Exceptionally clean; fully be proud to own this car 01 economical transportation 1949 Ford F 3 $745 equipped, low mileage. SAVE! Coupe, heater .. .$1295 1949 Plymouth Suburban, brown 1947 Chevrolet Vi-ton $395 1950 Dodge Coronet Club Coupe, light green finish, radio, heater, seat finish, leather upholstering to martch, They Must B« Sold This Month 1948 Pontiac 2 Door Sedan, STEWART 1950 Chevrolet s/«-ton $895 1S51 Plymouths ....... ...$1395 covers to match, sun visor, a heater and air conditioned; a beau­ radio and heater . .$895 1950 Plymouths ..........$1295 beautiful one AAR tiful family and utility car ........................ Q1DORV ■ UwW Ws Win Pay UP To 1948 Plymouth Special BUICK Vans 1950 Pontiac 8 . $1495 owner car . • "fVW Deluxe 4 Door, radio DIRECT FACTORY DEALER 1947 Dodge l'/2-ton, 14' body; 1950 Olds 88 Hydra. ...$1595 1952 Dodge 2 Door Sedan, beautiful TRUCKS s caaa Foc *** St. Clair at East 125th choice of 3 .................. $595 LaPlata blue finish, radio and heater, WrW Pre-War Car and heater $845 1949 Dodge, H ton 1947 Ford I'i-ton 1Y body .. $545 • 1949 Packard 2 Door_ $1095 one owner, 6,000 miles. This car panel, green that 1948 Dodge I’a-ton, 14 body $695 1949 Chryslers $1395 fom — or oven li we hare Io low U Ini Also Many Ou>«n Tc Choose From $1745 1947 Dodge, 114 ton dta. QdQE ! . ■ ' 1949 Plymouths _____ $995 and cab, red In The Best Deed Car Stock We 1951 Plymouth Serroy (Station ▼Mt The Largest Utility Harn Ever Hadi 1947 Plymouth Club .... $695 Wagon), light blue finish, beautiful 1947 International, (KB-1), ton H panel, green, QftQR USED CAR LOT 1946 International, V4-ton, : 1947 Chrysler Club ....... $850 cord upholstering, radio, heater, 1 closed body $375 only 12.000 miles; bought from us 8 >4 ft. body VW** Vary Ftaaneteg T«hbs — In The City of Euclid 1946 Ford V8 Club ...... 5595 ; lifu t HliU Up To U Mentha To Pay 1948 Chevrolet Suburban new 1948 Dodge, 1 ton For The Best Selection carryall ............... S995 1346 Pontiac $595 here OTd ,erviced $1695 bakery body OPEN MONDAY, WEDNESDAY of AND FRIDAY EVENINGS 7hU Oppctlunitif! A-l USED CARS 1950 Plymouth Suburban Dorner Chevrolet Co. Excellent Family Car; Very Clean Henry Canning, Inc KEITH WEIGLE H»r»i An Example of Our Bargains: ALWAYS A COMPLETE Only $1395 1948 HUDSO11P SELECTION OF LATE MODEL CABS DIRECT FACTORY DEALER — DODGE and > ALSO WE WILL 75 To Chooee From MOTORS, Inc. Super 4-door, fully equipped; only Kasy Terms — Bank Financing PLYMOUTH CARS — DODGE TRUCKS ova CQAA 0N ANY PRE- DE SOTO - PLYMOUTH DEALER! 5595 Mew Used Car Lot 14401 Euclid — 2 Lots — 14422 Euclid TRADE up to WUU WAR CAB 20941 Euclid Avenue 14000 St. Clair Ave. OPEN EVENINGS — Across from East Cleveland City Hatt ■ ‘i IVanhoe 1-4500 MUlberry 1-2000 P. R. Ward Co. CALL GL. 1-5300 i!< Get Our Trade-In Price Euclid Ford Co. CHBYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER NEW USED CAB LOT 870 East 152nd near 5 Points I FOR RENT WANTED TO RENT Before You Buy Huy YOUR CFR 519 E. 185th, cor. Pasnow MUlberry 1-7600 1 HOUSEKEEPING rooms near St. EUCLID Central lady tea- her dem es | Car — New or Used! Regardless Of Its IVanhoe 1-92 U0 | Clair suitable for 2 girls or 2 gentle- room with home privileges or share Headquarters | men. 958 East 146th st. Age Or Condition Is home or apartment with congenial FOR RKNT ItOOM for middle aged woman, with lady, convenient to public transp-or- tation. Call evenings. RA. 1-9636. ENUFF r„ kitchen privileges, on East 260th st. | We Absolutely Will Not Turn BUSINESS woman will share her DESIGNING engineer, wife, child, in apartment with same. Strathmore Call RE. 1-6199 For A Down Payment need of single housb, references, up | Down Any Reasonable We Have a Supply of SNOW PLOWS . ave. UL. 1-4926. GARAGE for rent near Woodworth to $80. MU. 1-3377. On One Oi Our ROOM for couple, private, kitchen and Hayden aves. LI. 1-8095. privileges, new home, off Babbitt SHAW teacher, wife, child desire $ I i Oller! ROOM, kitchen privileges, garage. bedroom houje, reasonable rent. Call MUD and SNOW rd RE 1-7636, after 4 p. m.______ 13921 Northfield. LI. 1-2675. 48 1 LARGE carpeted vacant room, pri­ KE. 1-6880. \ TIRES vate bath, light cooking. 1874 Bur- GARAGE at 14516 Alder ava., $8 a ELDERLY widow, financially reapon- SNOW r.ette. _________________________ month. LI. 1-3821. sible. badly needs 3 or 4 unfurnished Good Used Cars 4 ROOMS, up of double, southeast rooms, must have gas heat. KE. \ CHAINS city, including garage, very desirable, 1-1055. BE WISE S50: see this and over 100 others for A jeeps rent on our list today; we charge Remember — Of All The New Cars TS2 or ’S3) Take Advantage ot u « Offer NOW for our services.
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