LINGWOOD & BURLINGHAM PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Meeting held at the Methodist Schoolroom, Chapel Road, Lingwood on Tuesday 5th July 2011 at 7.30pm. Present were: Ben Bethell – Chairperson, Marina Tubby – Vice Chairperson, Mike Bredbere, Ray Britt, Cliff Fountain, Tony Gould, Richard Morton and Sonya Dickinson – Clerk. 11/121. Welcome and Apologies: Apologies were received from Lauren Bean, Ian Chapman, Krisy Little and NCC Brian Iles. Mike Bredbere signed his Declaration of Acceptance before the meeting started. It was resolved to move item 10. On the agenda - Parish Council Structure and Committees to after item 12. Finance. 11/122. Declarations of Interest: Marina Tubby, School matters, Sonya Dickinson 132. a) iv. Mike Bredbere 127. a) as the Millennium Green is visible from his property. 11/123. Public Forum: We were joined by 4 members of the public along with Broadland District Councillor David Ward. David Ward said that if anyone has any queries they should get in touch with him. It was asked if anybody knows how Shirley Peters is, Ben replied that she was at the 1st School fete but still needed some recovery time from her accident. It was asked when the allotment tap will be installed. Herbie is busy at the moment but he will be asked when his intended start date is. It was asked why the spare grass is cut at the back of Larchwood, would it not be better to give extra gardens to the houses adjoining it. This is not part of the Village verges paid to be cut by the Parish Council, Victory Houses are responsible for this land. 11/124. Minutes of the Meeting 7th & 28th June 2011: Were signed as a true copy. 11/125. Matters arising from the Minutes 7th & 28th June 2011: One of the bin lids that have gone missing from the Millennium Green Bins has been spotted behind the fence and in a ditch along Granary Close, the Network Rail trees are overgrown and the lid cannot be reached to retrieve it. 11/126. Correspondence: other than in circulation to Councillors or requiring a response. a) NALC Summer picnic and sustainability event. Weds 27th July, 12 – 3pm Thorpe St Andrew. Decision: A Resilience Workshop has been tagged onto the front of this at 10 – 11.30am Clerk can attend, subject to childcare. b) NALC AGM 2011 – request resolutions for debate. Decision: No resolutions for debate to be put forward at the moment, inform the Clerk before 1st August if this changes. c) Letter from Mrs Shirley Peters regarding her Parish Council seat. Ben has spoken to Martin Thrower to clarify the situation. A declaration of acceptance must have been signed at the 1st meeting of the Parish Council after the elections. Shirley is aware that she is no longer a Parish Councillor but if and when she is ready she can be co-opted back on if there is a space. Decision: It was resolved to send a card and flowers as a thank you for her hard work as a District Councillor, any retirement gift from the Parish Council will wait until Shirley decides she does not want to come back onto the Parish Council. d) Green Community Challenge event 2011 Saturday 16th July 10am to 1pm, Norwich Business School UEA. Decision: Inform Clerk if you wish to attend. e) The Village Book has asked if the Parish Council wishes to place a ½ page article in free of charge. Decision: This is free of charge so an advert is to placed in it to promote inviting the Public to meetings, no contract should be signed. The question should be asked if the Village Book could cover the whole Parish as North Burlingham and South Burlingham are not covered at present. f) Councillors were reminded of the NALC Natural neighbours Conference on 9th July. g) Caremark Norwich has requested their details go into the Parish News or on the Parish Website. This is a private organisation and the Parish Council may look like it is endorsing it. Decision: It was resolved not to put it onto the website but put them in touch with Tony at the Parish News to place an advert. 11/127. Millennium Green: a) A petition from the Children on the Millennium Green for Bmx Mounds was handed to the Council last week. When discussed with the children they said they would be more than happy to help build the mounds. This would have to involve a working party of parents and children. There was a concern that there would be a danger to walkers and the elderly but it was pointed out that not many old people walk on the green and if there was a designated area for the bikes it would make it safer for everyone as at present they are using the play area mounds. The young people using their bikes on the green have requested this and it would make it safer to use purpose built mounds than self made bumps and ramps on the road. The corner of the field NPS recommend is clay and gets soggy very quickly with very little rain. Decision: It was resolved by majority to put some raised works in. Further info and advice is to be sought and a place chosen on the green. 11/128. Trees, Orchard and Bee friendly planting: The Parish Council was requested to look into a possible Community Orchard at the Clarkson triangle site by the Strumpshaw tree warden and the Lingwood & Burlingham tree warden. Funding is available through the tree warden budget, Barchams also say there is funding for trees. The Clarkson Road area is not available for tree planting other suggestions were: The front area of the allotment site - this was deemed unsuitable by the L & Burlingham Tree warden a few months ago as there was too little soil on top of the rubbish dumped in the pit. Burlingham Green has “Clamps Orchard” which needs a few more trees. The Millennium green would be a good place for other trees not necessarily fruit trees. The Lingwood walk adjacent to the A47 - this would be difficult to arrange as it is this is a farmers land. End of Avondale – It is not known if this is Parish land. Decision: Clerk to find out about Avondale. The Council is to investigate possible sites and Ben is to let the Tree Wardens know. 11/129. Highways: It was reported that the new control dog signs placed at North Burlingham walks have been taken away by someone. Decision: Clerk to inform NPS. 11/130. Planning: a) 20110902 Two Storey Front Extension, 47 Post Office Close, Lingwood, NR13 4EW. Decision: Accept subject to issues of light at number 49 being addressed, 4 for and 3 against. b) Land at: Glee Barn, Acle Road, Lingwood, NR13 4ER – Appeal Ref: APP/K2610/D/11/2155366. This has gone to the Secretary of State for Planning. c) Proposed Power and Recycling Centre, Willows Business Park, Saddlebow, Kings Lynn. Application PP/C/2/2011/2020 available to view on http://norfolk.jdl-consult.net/majordevelopments/. Decision: Although it would make more sense to be more central it was resolved to stay out of the argument on this subject. 11/131. Finance: a) Permission to Pay: i) The Garden Guardian June Highway & M. Green Grass cutting. £430.96 inc. VAT. (Chq No 625). ii) K. Monsey – Cemetery grass June £ 225 – Invoice and cheque for £180 (Chq No. 180). iii) K. Monsey – Sign Grass June £ 67.50 - Invoice and cheque for £ 48.00 (Chq No. 626). iv) S. Dickinson, Clerk’s expenses Apr/May/June £ 244.73 (Chq no. 627). b) NPS Rent Review 2011, 3.37 acres of Bare Allotment Land. Increased from £230 p.a. to £490 per annum, this will take effect from 11 October 2011 with the first payment being due on 6th April, fixed for 3 years. Decision: It was resolved that the Clerk should send the letter she had prepared regarding the land at the front of the site not being allotment land. c) BDC Bin contract for the emptying of the 3 millennium Green bins and the 1 at the Village Hall site. Decision: Clerk to sign the contract for another year. 11/132. Parish Council Structure and Committees: It was resolved that the Councillors should take home, read and digest the alterations to the standing orders and discuss at the next meeting. Committees – These are still to be public meetings and need minutes, it would be preferred for the Clerk to take the minutes, this will make more work for her. At this point the meeting was adjourned while David Ward was asked if Blofield Parish Council has a Committee for anything. David informed the Council that there is a Committee for the Allotments in Blofield. Decision: It was resolved to set up 2 Committees, one for Communication and Community and one for Facilities. Communication and Community Committee meetings are to be once a quarter and Chaired by Marina Tubby and Facilities Committee meetings to be once per month except in August, Chaired by Ray Britt. Both committees must report back to the next full Council meeting after their meetings. Inform the Clerk if you wish to join any of the Committees. 11/133. Projects in progress: None discussed. 11/134. Lingwood Reading Rooms: The Police have requested a village venue for some community liaisons. Decision: Clerk to inform them that they can have the Reading Rooms free of charge but there will be some works on the hall in the future. There being no further business the meeting closed at 21.30 – Next meeting Tues 2nd August 2011.
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