Council of Governors Meeting to be held on Thursday 13 September 2018 at 2:00pm – 5:00pm At The Warwickshire Golf and Country Club, North Woodloes, Leek Wootton, Warwick, CV35 7QT AGENDA 1. Apologies for Absence - Susan Adams, Helen Lancaster, Ruth Cowan 2. Declarations of Qualification for Office / Declaration of Interests 3. Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 May 2018 Enclosure A 4. Matters Arising and Action Points Enclosure B 5. Patient Experience Presentation - Frailty Pathway Redesign Presentation James Reid Joanne Poole 6. External Audit – Outcome of work for the Year Presentation Gus Miah 7. Assurance Items 7.1 Governor Requested Assurance • Preparation for - Winter 2018/19 Presentation Rachel Williams • The Foundation Group Update Presentation Glen Burley 7.2 Patient Experience Assurance Enclosure C Fiona Burton 7.3 Finance Assurance and (CQUIN Update) Enclosure D Kim Li 7.4 Operational Assurance Enclosure E Glen Burley (to follow) 7.5 Clinical Governance Assurance Enclosure F Bruce Paxton 7.6 Audit Assurance Enclosure G Rosemary Hyde 7.7 Business Performance Assurance Enclosure H Simon Page 8. Updates from Governor Representatives on Major Projects 8.1 End of Life Care Operational Group Verbal Ruth Cowan 8.2 Car Parking Working Group Verbal Roger Lloyd / Norman Byrne 8.3 Improving the Patient Experience Project (update on Appointments Verbal Peter Gregory- and Booking System) Hood/ Richard Grimes 9. Governance Matters 9.1 Recommendation for the Appointment of a Non-Executive Director Enclosure I Matthew Statham 9.2 Report on Resignation, Appointment and Election of Governors Enclosure J Meg Lambert 9.3 Annual Report from Lead Governor Enclosure K Mary Malloy 9.4 Appointment Process of Lead Governor - Proposal Enclosure L Meg Lambert 9.5 Self-Assessment of the Council of Governors 2018 Enclosure M Meg Lambert 9.6 Business Oversight Committee Meeting on 2 August 2018 Enclosure N Felicity Bunker 9.7 General Purposes Committee Meeting on 12 July 2018 Enclosure O Mary Malloy 9.8 Patient Care Committee Meeting 23 July 2018 Enclosure P Penny Smith 1 10. Any Other Business 11. Questions from Governors 12. Questions from Members of the Public 13. Adjournment to Discuss Matters of a Confidential Nature The Council of Governors of South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust hereby RESOLVES that representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted. (Constitution - Annex 6 Standing Orders for the Practice and Procedure of the Council of Governors paragraph 4.1 (Admission of the Public) refers) 14 Apologies for Absence 15. Declarations of Qualification for Office / Declaration of Interests 16. Confidential Minutes of the Meeting Held on 17 May 2018 Enclosure 1 17. Matters Arising and Action Points Enclosure 2 18. Chief Executive’s Strategic Update Verbal Glen Burley 19. Update on SWFT Clinical Services Verbal Jayne Blacklay 20. Nominations and Remuneration Committee Meeting on 19 July Enclosure 3 Matthew Statham 2017 21. Any Other Confidential Business 22. Confidential Questions from Governors 23. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Thursday 15 November 2018 at 2.00pm to 5.00pm at The Stratford Racecourse, Luddington Road, Stratford Upon Avon, CV37 9SE. Meg Lambert Trust Secretary 2 Enclosure A Minutes of the Council of Governors meeting held on Thursday 17 May 2018 at 5.00pm at the Sports Connexion, Leamington Rd, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry CV8 3FL Present: Russell Hardy RH Chairman of Council of Governors Jean Arrowsmith JA Elected Governor: Warwick District and Borders Jon Bolger JB Elected Governor: West Stratford and Borders Norman Byrne NB Elected Governor: Warwick and Leamington Towns Les Caborn LC Appointed Governor: Warwickshire County Council (until Minute 18.059) Ruth Cowan RC Elected Governor: Warwick and Leamington Town Helena Darcy-Cope HDC Staff Governor: Nursing and Midwifery (Community) David Gee DG Elected Governor: East Stratford and Borders Richard Grimes RG Elected Governor: Warwick District and Borders Jagjit Kaur Kolhi JKK Elected Governor: Northern Warwickshire and Rugby Roger Lloyd RL Elected Governor: West Stratford and Borders Mary Malloy MM Elected Governor: West Stratford and Borders (Lead Governor) Jane Mason JM Staff Governor: Clinical Support Lara McCarthy LM Appointed Governor: University of Warwick Adrian Parsons AP Appointed Governor: GP Representative South Warwickshire Commissioning Group (SWCCG) (until Minute 18.062) Shirley Rigby SR Staff Governor: Medical and Dental Penny Smith PS Elected Governor: Warwick and Leamington Towns Matthew Statham MS Elected Governor: Warwick and Leamington Towns Sue Warner SW Staff Governor: Nursing and Midwifery Community Mike Wells MW Elected Governor: East Stratford and Borders In attendance: Glen Burley GB Chief Executive Fiona Burton FB Director of Nursing (until Minute 18.068) Sarah Collett SC Acting Trust Secretary Sam Eaton SE Administration and Membership Assistant Rosemary Hyde RHy Non-Executive Director (NED) (until Minute 18.068) Kim Li KL Director of Finance (until Minute 18.068) Simon Page SP NED (until Minute 18.068) Bruce Paxton BP NED (until Minute 18.068) Ann Pope AP Director of Human Resources (from Minute 18.062 until Minute 18.070) Emma Ratley ER Governance Specialist (until Minute 18.062) Sue Whelan Tracy SWT NED (until Minute 18.068) Zoe Waliszewska ZW Acting Secretary to the Council of Governors There were 5 members of the public present. The Chairman welcomed members of the public to the meeting and explained questions would be welcomed from members of the public at the end of the meeting. Page e 1 of 9 SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Council of Governors meeting held on Thursday 17 May 2018 MINUTE ACTION 18.035 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Sue Adams, Appointed Governor: Stratford District Council; Robert Ashby, Elected Governor: Warwick District and Borders; Felicity Bunker, Appointed Governor: Warwick District Council; Peter Gregory-Hood, Elected Governor: East Stratford and Borders; Cally Harrison, Elected Governor: Northern Warwickshire and Rugby; Phil Harvey, Elected Governor: Warwick District and Borders; Pamela Hemsley, Staff Governor: Nursing and Midwifery Acute; Kathy Wagstaff, Staff Governor: Nursing and Midwifery Acute; and Jane Wheelan, Staff Governor: Non-Clinical Support Staff. 18.036 DECLARATIONS OF QUALIFICATION FOR OFFICE/DECLARATION OF INTERESTS NED Mr Paxton and declared an interest against agenda item Recommendation for the Appointment of Vice Chair (Minute 18.050 refers). NED Mr Page declared an interest against agenda item Recommendation for Senior Independent Director (Minute 18.051 refers). Resolved – that the position be noted. 18.037 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 15 FEBRUARY 2018 Finance Assurance (Minute 18.007 refers) Page 5, fourth and fifth paragraphs to be amended to read ‘Elected Governor’ instead of ‘Elective Governor’. Resolved – that, subject to the above amendment, the Minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2018 be confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman. 18.038 MATTERS ARISING AND ACTION POINTS 18.038.01 Actions Listed as Completed The actions listed as complete in the Actions Update Report were noted and would be removed from the report. Resolved – that the position be noted. 18.039 GOVERNOR REQUESTED ASSURANCE The Chief Executive presented the Governor Request Assurance reports and highlighted the key points. Of particular note were the following: 18.039.01 Lorenzo Update including Update on Electronic Prescribing The Chief Executive commented that the Board received regular updates on the functioning of Lorenzo and the development of further modules and supportive systems. Within the current year the Trust planned to deploy two clinical models; Electronic prescribing and results requesting and reporting. A clinical opinion was provided within the report. Page 2 of 11 SOUTH WARWICKSHIRE NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Minutes of the Council of Governors meeting held on Thursday 17 May 2018 MINUTE ACTION Appointed Governor, AP highlighted that the eligibility of A&E discharges which were sent to GP’s was insufficient. It was confirmed a different module would be available for the A&E department. Elected Governor, RL queried the SEND roll out dates, and the Chief Executive confirmed all areas apart from the A&E department had gone live with the SEND project. Elected Governor, MM sought clarification of the business case for Electronic Prescribing. It was confirmed that the project had been implemented on Feldon Ward, however due to financial implications the electronic TTO (to take out) pharmacy discharge forms had not been rolled out. 18.039.02 Infection Prevention and Control including the impact on Patient Care and Winter Pressures The Chief Executive presented the Infection Prevention and Control report and highlighted the impact of influenza during winter pressures. All outbreaks had been managed well across the Trust. Elected Governor, RL queried the percentage of staff vaccinations which was confirmed as 78%, with the national target being 75%. 18.039.03 Care Quality Commission (CQC) Inspection The Chief Executive commented that the full CQC report and overall rating had been upgraded to ‘good’ following the recent re-inspection. An action plan to ensure all improvements were targeted had been developed and approved by the Board of Directors. Resolved – that the Governor
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