77:' Approved and ordered this day of Jul y , A.D. 19 c.)8 /4.1.1.eV-Loilo*,-.1 At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, Administrator. PRESENT: The Honourable in the Chair. Mr. MacLetm Mr. !la ns on Mr. 73arrow Mr. Pa ttullo Mr. utherland - Mr. !Zackenzie Mr. Donacthy Mr. To His Honour The Administrator in Council : The undersigned has the honour to REC (MEND:— THAT, under the provisions of the "Game Act," being chapter 98 of the "Revised Statutes of British Columbia, 1924," the subjoined Game Regulations for the years 1928-29 be made an promulgatetl. DATED this 1. 4f day of July, A.D. 1928. Attorney-General. 4 APPROVED this day of July, A.D. 1928. )11-61e-td Presiding Member of the Executive Council. A • • GA!_ .C:GULATIONS- 1928-1929. The prohibitions dee: ed )y section 9 of the "Game Aot," being chapter 98 of the Statutes of British Colombia, 1924", as to the huntine, tra:Hee, taking, wounding, and. killin of game, are, subject to the provisions of sections 3, 4, 5, 6, ant 7, of these regulations hereby removed. to the extent and within the periods eld limits and sub:ect to the provisions hereinafter sct out respectively as follows:- For the purpose of definine the open seasons for big game, game birds, and trapping of fer-bearing animals, the Province shall be divided into two districts, t. be known as the Western and Eastern Districts:- "'WESTERN DISTRICT" shall mean and include all that portion of the Province situate and lying to the west of the summit of the Cascade Mountains and south of the Electoral District of Atlin. "EASTOT DISTRICT" shall sea!, and include all of the remainder of the Province. PROVIDED that that portion of the Lillooet Electoral District lying to the east of a line drawn north and south (astronomic) of Alta Lake Railway Station, on the Pacific Great Eastern Railway; and that portion of the Skeena Electoral District lying to the east of a line drawn north and south (astronomic) of the easterly railway yard limit of Shames on the Canadian National Railway, bounded by the douthern boundary of the Electoral District of Atlin on the north and by Maitland Island. on the south, shall for all purposes in respect of open seasons on migratory came tirds within the purview of the "Migratory Birds Convention Act," be construed and considered as lying within the Eastern District. EAST= DISTRICT (OPEI; SEA307E). BIG GAME. (a)MOOSE of the male sex, in that portion of the Electoral District of Omineca situate and lying to the north of the pain line of the Canadian rational Railway, formerly known as the 'rand Trunk Pacific Railway, and in the Electcral Districts of Atlin, Fort Gearge, and Cariboo, open season from September 1st, 1928, to December 15th, 1922, both dates includive. In the Electoral District of C,olumbia, except that eortion thereof situate and lyine nest of the Columbia River, open season from October 1st, 1028, to October 31st, 1928, both dates inclusive. (b)CARIBOU, of the male sex, in the Eastern District texoept the Electoral Districts of Mackenzie and Skeona and that portion of the Electoral District of Caritoo eituate and lying the west of the Fraser -;11 that frther nortion.of the Eastern District situate and lyinz to the smth of the min line of the Canadien T'aeifil Railway), open season froe September 1st, 1928, to December 15th, 1928, to„': Leelesive. (0) WAPITI (Elk), of th.. :ex, in the Electoral Districts of Fernie, Crenbrek, tni Celumbit, eeoept that portion o the Columbia e.leeteral Dietelet situate en& 61 the west of the Columbia ::ever, open !season from October 1st, 1923, to October 15th, 1928, loth Fates inclusive. -2- :10UeTAIN-SHEEF, et. the mei eex, in the oastern Dietriot, in that (d) portion thereof uItuete and lyne to the north of the main line of the uenedian eat!onsl , Foenerly keowo us the ;rand Trunk Pacific Jeallway, ani in those portions of the 21eatoral Dietricts of Cariboo and Lill000t sitelate and lying to the south of the 52nd parallel. of latitude and west of tho iraeor River, open season from September lst, 1928, to eceember lbth, le2e, both dates inclusive. In the Electoral District:3 of eernie, Crunbrook and Columbia, open season from October 1st, 1928, to Oetobor 31st, 1928, both dates inclusive. (e) MOUNTAIN-GOAT, in the e;astere District- except that portion thereof described as follows:- "Cormenoing at a point on the International Boundary whore it is intersected by the centre line of the Columbia Aver; thane() northerly along the said centre line of the Columbia diver ask to the Arrow Lakes; thence northerly along the centre line of Arrow Lakes and Columbia Laver to the Canadian Pacific Railway;. thewe westerly following the Canadian Pactifio Railway to the north boundary of Township 6, Aange 26, west of the 6th meridian, being a,point south of Yale; thence east along the north bound- ary of Township 6, ranges 26 and 25, to the easterly boundary of the watershed of the Fraser Aiver; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of the said waterbed to the International Boundary Line; thence easterly along said International Boundary to the point of co' menoement" - open season frcm September let, 1928, to November 30th, 1928, both dates inclusive. (f) BEAR (except White or Kermodei Bear), in the Eastern District, open season from September let, 1928, to June 3uth, 1929, both dates aft inolusive. PROVIDED that no Bear shall be trapped in the Eastern District. (g) DEER (Yule, Ihite-tail, and Coast), Buoks only, throughout the Eastern District (except White-tail Deer in North and South Okanagan and Similkameen Electoral Districts and in the Grand Forke- Greenwood Electoral District west of the summit of the Midway Mountains), open season from September let, 1928, to November 30th, 1928, both dates inclusive. *id :-e-3EARING ANIMALS. (h) In the Eastern District, all fur-bearing animals, open season from November let, 1928, to rebruary 20th, 1929, both dates inclusive. giAm BIRDS. (i) Ducks (except Nood and Eider Duoks), Nilson Snipe, Costs, Geese and Brant, throughout the Eastern District, open season from September 15th, 1928, to December 21st, 1928, both dates inclusive. PROVIDeD that eheoting of the migratory game birds referred to herein shall ' *Si not oilmen°, before the h:ur of 7 A.M. on September 15th, 192e, (j) Bane-tailed pigeons, throughout the 14stern District, open season from September 15th, 1928, to ceptember 30th, 1928, both dates inolusive. PROVIDED that the use of live decoys in the hunting of band-tailed pigeons is prohibited. (k) Grouse, Blue only, in the Eastern District, in that portion thereof known as the Grand Forks-Greenwood Electoral District and that portion of the Similkameen Electoral District situate and lying to the east of Allison Creek, the South Similkameen River, and the RaPta Pasayton River, open season from September 11)th, 1928, to October 15th, 1928, both dates inelusive. Grouse (Blue and Prarklins; and Ptarmigan (except Prairie-ohioken or Sharp-tailed Grouse), in the :eastere District, in that portion thereof kncwn as the (=ariboo Electoral District, open season from September 15th, 1928, to Noeember 15th-, 1928, both dates inclusive. 3 - Grouse (Blue mad eranklins) and :tarmigao (except Prairie-chicken or Sharp-tailed 7,roase), throujiout the remainder of the Eastern District, (except the Electoral Districts of Creston, Cranbrook, Fernie, Columbia, aoscland-Trail, Omineca, Skeena, Fort George, and Atlin), open season from September 15th, 1928, to October 15th, 1928, both dates inclusive. Ptarmigan, in the Eastern District, in that portion thereof is as the Electoral Districts of Onineca, Skeena, Fort George, and Atliu, open season from September 15th, 1929, to November 15th, 1928, both dates inclusive. PROVIDED that there shall a close season on Willow Grouse in the Eastern District. Prairie-chicken or Sharp-tailed Grouse, in the (astern District, in that portion thereof known as the Electoral District of Fort George situate and lyira7 to the north and east of the Rocky Mountains, open season from September 1st, 1928, to October 15th, 1928, both dates inclusive. In the Eastern District, in those portions of ti. Electoral Districts of Cariboo and Lillooet situate. ana lying to the south'of the 53rd parallel of latitude, open season from October 15th, 1928, to October 31st, 1928, both dates inclusive. Quail, in the Eastern District, in that portion thereof known as the Electoral Districts of Similkameen and South Okanagan, open season from October 15th, 192C, to November 15th, 1928, both dates inclusive. Pheasants, cock bids only, in the Eastern District in ti:e Electoral District of South Okanagan; that portion of the Similkameen Electoral District situate fled lyine to the east of Allison Creek, the South Similkameen River and the Pasayton River; in the Electoral District of North Okanagan (exempt that portion situate mad lying to the east of the Coldstream Ihnicipality), and in the Municipality and District Municipality of Salmon Arm, and all that tract of land situate and lying in Kamloops Division of Yale District, more particularly desoribed as follows:- "Commencing at the mouth of "'hum Creek, near Squilax; thence upstream along the centre line of said Clcim Creek to point where same intersects the north boundary of Section 23, Township 21, Range 12, West of 6th Meridian; thence east along the north boundaries of Sections 23 and 24 in said Township to the east boundary of said Township; thence Jlath alork; the east boundaries of Townshios 21, 20, 19, 18 and 17, in said Range 12 to the Sa, corner of Section 30 in Township 17, Range 11, West of 6th Meridian; thence east to the 3.E.
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