University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-24-1884 Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 05-24-1884 J. H. Koogler Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 05-24-1884." (1884). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. 5.-- --NO. 340. LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICOj SATURDAY MOKNTIN(i, MAY 24, 1884. PRICE 5 CENTS- - JAS. A. LOCKHAUT. W. F. COOKS, HENRY. O CO0R5 a well-inform- ed gentleman of this J. J. FITZQERRELL, OVER THE WIRES. itv Ttlnrpo. tho flamnffl to railroad THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE property as high as half a million of ICE! ICE! ICE! - THE LIVK aouars. inis However memoes pro- LOCKHART- & CO. bably the decrease in agricultural Wholesale and Retail Dealers In REAL ESTATE AGENT. The actual, immediate 2,000 Tons of BANK EMBEZZLEMENT. placed at two millions, NOTARY PUBLIC besides several hundred miles of sub- merged track in spots which require TaiiS AND reparing. Hundreds of culverts, Pure fiilCll' Ic The Oil Tanks of the Atlantic small bridges and trestle work have llllllillll House Furnishing Goods, XI, been carried away or loosened. IN j. OONVEYANOH Refining Company STORE Large quantities of freight aro ac- 7 17 Carpets, Oil Cloths and Mattings. cumulating. From to Inches tliick. For Salo at RANCH PROPERTY, on Fire. St. Louis, May. 23. Ft Louis LAS VEGAS! Unions 16; Boston Unions 4. REASONABLE FIGURES. Grants and Cattle for Sale Items of All Shipping in Car Lots a specialty .6 Hardware, Sliotpis,Rifles,FisloIs Interest from Parts Colümbcs, May. 22.Col umbus G; St-Loui- ot the Country. s 2. Office at Depot at Lao Vegas Hot Springs, I AM in position to contract for the Indianapolis, Mav 21. The Demo- A large and complete sprlnir dull very of any number ot Texas Btock dis- cHttlo. Call ami see mo. crats of the Fourth congressional Hol-ma- Goods, Cook Stoves ONE-HAL- in trict renominated Congressman n Sporting Ranges, THE F interest a New 23. EBIIL BAUR. inairtitllcent stocked cattle ranch in Western York, May Tammany on first ballot. line of mens' ladies' Grates Heating Texas can be bought at a bargain. Cuttle men hall is crowded tonight on the occa- and Stoves. should Investigate this property. sion of a meeting which an advertise- Indianapolis, May 22. Indiana- I HAVE a niagniiieent Water Front ment said was the first gun for the polis 2; Louisville 12. misses' and childrens' tange on the Pecos river north of Fort Bum-ne- r presidential canvass. BROWNE&IANZANARES LUMIÍKH, LATH, SHINGLES, for sale ata bargain. To stock men de- Tilden's name Toledo, May 23".ThiH afternoon siring to establish themselves on the Pecos evoked long and continued cheers Mrs. Emma Pfann and Miss Tillie river this property will bear iu vestlKatiou. shoes now for DOORS AND BLINDS whenever it was mentioned. Con- Fear, sisters, while Walking in the open L.A-- , HUE., I HAVE for sale several Mexican gressmen Blackburn and Hurá were suburbs baby S YEO-AS- land grants, both eon tinned and patented and with a carriage contain- to. the principal speakers. Congressman ing two took Mailorders Promptly Attended . unconfirmed, that are the best stock ranges children, refuge from a spring trade. All the that cao be procured. All grants recommend- Morrison sent a letter reiterating his thunder storm under a tree by the ed for continuation by tho surveyor general well-know- n views. Speaker Carlisle roadside, when a bolt of lightning are Bcvcred from the publio domain. These in a letter said since Building. grants are the onlv solid bodies of land that that the close of struck a tree bearing it in pieces, kill- latest styles in stock. Also Contracting and four-fifth- can bo bought In New Mexico, and range in the war more than s of the ing Miss Mrs. cento to $2.00 per acre, owing to Fear. Pfann had one price from M internal revenue taxes have been shoe torn off and was severely title and quality of lands, and are in bodies of abolished from 60,0Nito 400.UÜO acres. I will cheerfully while the tariff remains shocked. The children remained Custom work a spec- Hive ali the information possible regarding substantially unchanged, indeed, on unhurt. tbisclttsaof investments. many articles of necessity in common No. 13. Is a range on the Feoos river that May 22. at- will support 7,0-- to 8,000 bead of cattlo, the use among people the rates of duty Emporia, Kas., At the ialty. I call the owner of which desires to lease or make an ar- are higher now than during the war Republican convention of the Fourth rangement with some cattle man, to take a congressional district, Congressman Or sheep years, while on nearly all of them the duties Wholesale Dealer, given number of cattle for five tention of rny custom- and Retail in f at the end of which time he will return double are much higher now in proportion Ryan was nominated unanimously the nnmber of cattlo received, Insuring 30 per to the market value of articles than for cent increase. & No. 021 Is 00.000 acres ot the Mora arrant. they were then. Taxes upon the New York, Mat 23. Money, six per ers and the public in Browne, Manzanares Co., Conlirmed and patented. Title perfect. This vices and luxuries of the people have cent, per annum, 4 D a frontage on south Bide Prime paper, Glass, Brutos, Etc, property has the of been greatly reduced or entirely abol- bar silver, Pits, the Mora river of about eight miles. Property 5; Hi. n lenerd, well watered by lakes and springs out- ished, while the taxes upon necessi- general to the "Stimp-so- side of the waters of tho Mora. Perhaps no ties life, Boston. Mav 23. Josenh B. Mc New Mexico has bet- of tools and implements of Donald, JOBBEES OF GKOCERIES, HKlCllY IIUOS.' VAltNISlIES AND HARD OIL, range in the territory of labor been of Woburn. lumber dealer. ter grass, wuter and shelter than this proper- have retained and in some has assigned. Button ty. Plenty of timber and brakes tor shelter instances increased. Under this Liabilities, $125,000. Elastic uurinir the winter. Abundance of nutritious Philadelphia May 23. lud Wholesale Dealer in gramma cover the range, the finest grass fot policy our commerce has been Lightning cattle in the world. The ranch fin obstructed, the cost of production in- tonight struck the largo tank containing Gaiter," a nice summer p ovements aro of the most substantia creased and the earnings of labor crude oil of the Atlantic refining com- GENERAL MERCHANDISE WALL PAPER, character. The home ranch is two miles pany, on tho Schaylkill river. The confiscated. from a station on the A.. T. in B. it. Several These taxes are not shoe for wear. RANCHE SUPPLIES hundred acres of rich valley land is under needed for entire southwestern portion of the citv Gents' Best Quality and Latest Designs. revenue, and they cannot is flames. The lire cultivation and in meadow, making this at be legitimately or beneficially main- in communicated to onoe ono ol the finest ranch properties in the another large tank and several smaller Hanging, ts House and Sign Painting, Paper Etc. territory. Belonging to it is de- tained for any other purpose. There ones. At ia:oü a. m. all wore, bummer And Goods, sirable to sell the property AT ONCK. lo do is no instance history Outfitting in the of the fiercely. , It is feared the oil in others Douglas Ave. Near 6th St. LAS VEGAS, N. M so it ts offered at a Uw figure. Title guaran world which teed in a government has will also catch lire. The loss at this MINING IMPLEMENTS AND MATERIALS No. 615. Is a fenced unconfirmed grant, of made its people rich and prosperous hour is estimated at $150,000. h. AN Q sepa- i; H. HUBERTY, A. L. ELL. over 100,000 acres, with cross fence lo to by imposing unnecessary taxes upon Mav 23 Agents rate the beef cattle from the general herd. The Savannah, Ga.. Leónidas w&ti Manufacturers' for the best cattle.soino 4,500 In number, are of hiuh grade, them. Every dollar taken by taxa- Johnson, colored, was hanged at with plontyof full blooded bulls This Is one tion is iust so much withdrawn from today for rapo, and John of the best equipped ranches in the territory. the productive capital country McKuthcn. CENTER ST. BAKERY! The home ranch is connected by telephone of the colored, at Way Cross, for NO. 17 wconsrs, and sup murder, l CENTER ST. FLOWS with one of the railroad stutious on the Santa from the laborer's means of lie road, while the different stations on (ho port and therefore justice and sound Cakes, ranches are ooneectcd by telephone with the Kansas City, May 23. The Livo Fresh Bread, Buns, Pies, Etc., home ranch. Thisisone i,f the best dividend policy demand that the reduction Stock Indicator reports cattle receipts Alwnya on Hand and Delivered Promptly to Any Part oí the City. paying properties in tho territory, and is should be made to the lowest limit 1800; market Armor, 10($15.15.
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