THE CANADIAN BOTANICAL ASSOCIATION ISSN 0008-3046 BULLETIN LASSOCIATION BOTANIQUE DU CANADA April 1976 Volume 9 Number 2 Waterloo THE ANNUAL MEETING, June 6-10 CONGRES ANNUEL, 6-10 juin The local organizating committee reports Le comité local d organisation fait that all arrangements for the conference are rapport à leffet que les arrangements prévus proceeding smoothly. They are confident that sorganisent de facon normale. On est participants will find a delightful atmosphere confiant dassurer aux participants un for a botanical conference, with all the atmosphere propice et les accomodations arrangements at the University attractive and disponibles á lUniversité savèrent a la fois very convenient. attrayantes et convenables Jardin Botanique de Montreal. Jardin botanique de Montreal. Participants at the Lennoxville meetings Les participants au congrès á Lennoxville have been invited to an all day visit at the sont invités á passer une journée au Jardin Botanic Gardens, where the days activities botanique de Montréal. Les activités de la will be planned jointly by Mr. André Bouchard, journée seront planifiées conjointement par M. curator of the Garden and Mr. Michel Famelart André Bouchard, conservateur du Jardin of lInstitut Botanique de lUniversité de botanique et M. Michel Famelart a lInstitut Montreal. In view of the distance from botanique de lUniversité de Montreal. Compte Montreal to Lennoxville and the fact that tenu de la distance entre Montréal et nearly all participants at the annual meeting Lennoxville et du fait que la plupart des will leave Lennoxville for Montreal, it seemed congressistes quitteront Lennoxville pour best to have this item at the end of the Montréal, il a semblé opportun de planifier conference so that participants might leave cette journée á Montréal comme la dernière du for home thereafter from Montreal. All those congrès, de telle façon que tous puissent wishing to go to the Botanic Gardens can be retourner chez eux en partant de Montréal. accommodated at Bishops University for the Les personnes désirent profiter de la visite night of June 10/11. du Jardin botanique peuvent passer la nuit du 10 au 11 juin á lUniversité Bishops. NOMINATIONS FOR N.R.C. GRANT COMMITTEES The CBA/ABC Nominating Committee is responsible for making nominations to the Biological Council of Canada for membership on the National Research Council Grant Selection A WORKSHOP ON ENDANGERED SPECIES is being Committees. Would you please forward planned for the Lennoxville meetings if there immediately suggestions for the following is sufficient interest from members who will committees to Dr. J.K. Morton, Chairman of the be attending the meetings. Amongst the Nominating Committee: objectives of the workshop would be to try to a. Cell Biology complete national and provincial lists and to b. Plant Biology (we need 2 nominations discuss ways of utilizing this information so here) as to ensure the protection and survival of c. Population Biology these plants. If you are willing to participate in such a workshop please write His address is:- Department of Biology and let me know -- J.K. Morton, Department of University of Waterloo Biology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1 Ontario N2L 3G1. 15 A CBA AWARD FOR STUDENTS General The Canadian Botanical Association is Chairman: introducing a cash award to foster Dr. R. Sattler participation of students at Annual Meetings. Department of Biology This award will be $50, for the best oral McGill University presentation by a student of his or her own MONTREAL, P.Q. H3C 3G1 research, as a contributed paper at the Annual Meeting. Among the criteria will be Secretary: originality of research, organization and Dr. N.G. Dengler interpretation of data, and presentation. To Department of Botany be eligible, a student must be a member of the University of Toronto Canadian Botanical Association, and the TORONTO, Ontario MSS 1A1 presentation must be made in English or French on research towards a bachelors, masters or Mycology doctoral degree. If the paper is co-authored, Chairman: documentation from the other author(s) stating Dr. L.L. Kennedy that the research was primarily that of the Department of Botany student is required. Papers will follow the University of Alberta same format as the regular contributed papers, EDMONTON, Alberta T6G 2E1 as specified by the organizers of the Annual Meeting. A minimum of five student papers Secretary: must be presented for the award to be given, Dr. R.A. Shoemaker and a maximum of two such awards will be made Biosystematics Research Institute in one year. Central Experimental Farm OTTAWA, Ontario K1A 006 Prix pour la meilleure communication par un Phycology tudiant au Congres annuel Chairman: LAssociation Botanique du Canada offre Dr. M. Munawar un prix en argent pour encourager la Great Lakes Biolimnology Lab. participation des étudiants au Congrès annuel Fisheries and Marine Service de lAssociation. Ce prix de $50 est décerné Environment Canada pour la meilleure communication inscrite et BURLINGTON, Ontario L7R 4A6 présentée au Congrès annuel par un étudiant ou une étudiante et portant sur ses propres Secretary: recherches. Les critères dévaluation Dr. G.R. South comprennent loriginalité de la recherche, Department of Biology lorganisation et linterprétation des Memorial University donnees, ainsi que la présentation elle-même. ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland A1C 5S7 Pour être éligible á ce prix, létudiant(e) doit étre membre de lAssociation Botanique du Systematics and Phytogeography Canada. La communication peut être présentée The section is currently without officers. en français ou en anglais et doit porter sur Dr. J.K. Morton, Department of Biology, des recherches effectuées en vue de University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L lobtention du baccalaurat, de la maîtrise ou 3G1 is looking after the affairs of the du doctorat. Si la communication est signée section until new officers can be elected. par plus dun auteur, on exige une attestation écrite de lautre ou des autres auteurs á leffet que le travail de recherche a dabord et surtout été effectue par letudiant(e). Les communications doivent suivre les specifications des organisateurs du Congrès pour toute communication inscrite. Le prix LETTERS TO THE EDITOR nest attribué que si / moins cinq communications par des tudiant(e)s sont I wish to strongly support Jack Mazes présentées et deux prix au maximum peuvent view (CBA Bulletin, vol. 9, page 6) that the etre attribués chaque année. CBA/ABC ought to be able to represent itself at all levels. Indeed, Article 2 of the Constitution states, "The object of the Association shall be to encourage research and education in botany and to represent its members both nationally and internationally" (Italics mine). I cannot help but feel that, OFFICERS OF THE CBA/ABC SECTIONS 1975-76 no matter how well-intentioned the Biological Ecology Council of Canada and the Royal Society of Chairman: Canada are, their positions on matters of Dr. H. van Groenewoud national or international importance are not Maritime Forest Research Centre likely to coincide entirely with the position P.O. Box 4000 of our Association. The BCC fee ($3.00), FREDERICTON, N.B. E3B 5G4 which most of our members must pay, is almost half our own fees ($7.00), and I do not think Secretary: that this rather hefty subsidization of BCC Dr. T.C. Hutchinson provides our members with anything essential Institute of Environmental Studies in the way of national or international Haultain Building representation that could not be provided by University of Toronto our own Association directly. TORONTO, Ontario M5S 1A1 Guy R. Brassard. 16 You invited comments in a recent CBA Reading your outcr y "Wither the CHA", I Bulletin, especially from CBA members who thought to respond, so at least youll know rarely attend annual meetings, on what we get that people read the Bulletin. from CBA membership and on how your services I am a stratigraphic palynologist, with a to us could he improved. Well, you may be training in geology , but of necessity involved especially interested in my comments because I for many years with as p ects of paleobotany. have never attended a CBA meeting. Yet I I joined the ABC several years ago when consider myself a botanist and am a member of it seemed that through a paleobotanical CBA. section, it would provide a means of contact Primarily, I consider my self a biologist, and communication with kindred souls. These and only secondaril y a botanist, geneticist, anticipations were never fulfilled, partly and horticulturist. I do not profess to he because the American Association of thoroughly schooled in all these areas, but I Stratigraphic Palynologists was formed in certainly have interests in them. those years (the AASP went on to flower, with I normally attend no more than one more than 400 members) and partly because scientific convention per year, mostly for there also alread y exists the Paleobotanical reasons of finance. I have preferred the Section of the American Botanical Society. meetings of the Genetics Society of Canada and However, I have maintained my membership secondarily the American Societ yfor because I have an (amateurish) interest in Horticultural Science, because my interests botany and nature, and occasionally find bits are most closely represented there. of information in the Bulletin. But also, Consequentl y , other society meetings are because of those interests, I want to support mostly ignored. any "offical" voice speaking for the Canadian Yet I like to support the CBA by annual biologists. This borders on politics, may he, membership, and by having my name listed as an but I think it is desirable to have a forum active botanist in Canada. I like to browse, where matters of concern can be rapidly if not completely read, the CBA Bulletin. It communicated, even if such matters helps keep me informed of Canadian biology in (thankfully) may not occur with great the broadest sense.
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