✽ CMYK CMYK ✽ O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 11, ISSUE 555 May 31, 2008 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Archbishop Demetrios Paul Sarbanes Awarded Greece’s Highest Honor Meets Church and Political Former U.S. Senator Honored with Order of Leaders in Moscow Visit The Phoenix Cross By National Herald Staff such a deep commitment to the Or- By George Kakarnias Special to The National Herald thodox Faith. Special to The National Herald In the evening, the Archbishop BOSTON – Archbishop Demetrios and the delegation were guests of ATHENS – Former U.S. Senator of America concluded a six day offi- Patriarch Alexios at a concert and Paul Sarbanes addressed an event cial visit in Moscow with meetings performance in the Auditorium of organized by the "Constantine and visits of the high ranking eccle- Christ the Savior Cathedral. The Karamanlis Institute for Democra- siastical and political leaders of performance, including music, po- cy" at a central Athens hotel on Russia. Archbishop Demetrios visit- etry and dance, were a continua- Monday, May 26, during a visit to ed Russia upon the invitation of Pa- tion of the celebration of Slavic Let- Greece where he was also be- triarch Alexios of Moscow and All ters Day. stowed Greece's highest honor, the Russia. According to News Releases Before the official visit to the Order of the Phoenix Cross, by the issued by the Greek Orthodox Arch- parliament of the Russian Federa- President of the Republic Karolos diocese of America, Archbishop tion, the Archbishop, accompanied Papoulias. He was welcomed by the Demetrios and his entourage was by officials of the Moscow Patriar- president of the institute, Yiannis received at the State Duma of the chate, visited the Central Hospital Varvitsiotis. Russian Federation on Monday, of the Moscow Patriarchate, a "For four decades, with moder- May 26, where he was received by Church philanthropic institution ate positions in favor of peace, with the Deputy Chairman, Liubov K. restored to Church ownership only a deep sense of contributing to the Sliska and various members and of- in the last decade. social whole and with knowledge ficials. Deputy Chairman Sliska in The Archbishop and delegation of American foreign policy, Paul welcoming the Archbishop and the were received at the gate of the Sarbanes entered the House of Rep- members of the Greek Orthodox hospital grounds by administrators resentatives and later the Senate," delegation of the U.S. in a formal of the hospital and the spiritual fa- the institute's general director, pro- Hall of the Duma, spoke of the ther of institution, Archpriest Ar- fessor Constantine Arvantitopoulos great honor – both to herself and to cady. The clergy escorted the dele- said. the State Duma, to receive for the gation to the main chapel of the fa- In his address, Paul Sarbanes ex- first time “the Representative of the cility, dedicated to Saint Alexy of pressed his gratitude to the Con- Ecumenical Patriarchate of Con- Moscow, where over 100 high stantine Karamanlis Institute for stantinople.” She thanked the Arch- school pre-nursing students of the Democracy and to former prime bishop for his visit and expressed reestablished “Sisters of Mercy” minister Constantine Mitsotakis great appreciation for his prayers were awaiting the Archbishop with EUROKINISSI who was present at the event. and the prayers of the Ecumenical flowers and hymns. As they lifted Former U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes, right, met with Greek Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis during his Mr. Sarbanes also thanked Pres- Patriarchate in connection with the their voices in singing “Christ is trip to Athens where he received the country’s highest honor, the Order of the Phoenix Cross. ident of the Republic Karolos Pa- reunification of the Moscow Patri- Risen” (“Christos Voskrese”), poulias, who honored him with the archate and the Russian Orthodox prayers of thanksgiving were of- Grand Cross of the Regiment of the Church Outside of Russia (RO- fered. Fr. Arcady officially wel- Phoenix, Parliament President COR). She spoke with great praise comed the Archbishop and delega- Dimitris Sioufas who awarded him for Patriarch Alexios, and his lead- tion on behalf of the doctors, nurs- the Pericles medal, while he ership of the resurgence of the es and administration of the hospi- Fr. Heropoulos Leaves Priesthood stressed that late statesman Con- Russian Orthodox Church. She also tal. stantine Karamanlis was "a source expressed her hopes that the visit of Mrs. Aphrodite Skeadas, Trea- By Theodore Kalmoukos is a priest gifted with pastoral and possibility of marriage. of inspiration for himself." the Archbishop Demetrios to Russia surer of National Philoptochos, Special to The National Herald administrative abilities and also Starting with the basic question Sarbanes spoke in particular of would contribute in a positive way made a presentation of $25,000 to sensitive humane attitudes towards of if it is possible to name the rea- the ancient Greek ideals, observing to the relations between the United the hospital. In her remarks, Mrs. BOSTON.- Archimandrite John fellow humans. Proof of that is the son or the reasons that he is leaving that "for ancient Greece the ideas States and Russia. Skeadas gave greetings on behalf of Heropoulos who served faithfully donation of a kidney to a 16 year- the holy priesthood, Fr. Heropoulos were more important than the Archbishop Demetrios spoke of the more that 27,000 women of as Deacon to the late Archbishop old Greek American which saved said, “I thank you very much for practices." the importance of the historical re- Philoptochos throughout the Arch- Iakovos and was also one of the his life. In an interview with The this opportunity. I have been a cler- A few hours before visiting the lations of Russia and United States, diocese of America. Offering in her close confidants of former Arch- National Herald, Fr. Heropoulos gyman, including my years as Dea- Prime Minister Kostas Karamanlis and stressed the support of the Ecu- address these words of explanation bishop Spyridon and specifically spoke about his life changing deci- con, for approximately 20 years and just before leaving Athens for menical Patriarchate for many of of the purpose of the Organization Director of his Private Archbish- sion citing over-exhaustion as a and I can tell you they were the best Moscow, Mr. Sarbanes spoke to the the issues that are important to the to the very attentive young women opric Office is leaving the holy major reason for leaving. He said years of my life. I am so gratified for “National Herald” about his trip to Russian people. The Archbishop al- of the “Sisters of Mercy” high priesthood and has petitioned to be he was “burned out” and also was the opportunity that the Church Greece and his views on the present so expressed deep satisfaction at school program, she said: “The defrocked and return to the ranks concerned of pressure on his re- had given me to serve the people and the future of the Greek Ameri- coming to this center of govern- of the laity. maining kidney, while he did not ment, the State Duma, and finding Continued on page 2 Very Reverend John Heropoulos rule anything out including the Continued on page 5 Continued on page 3 New York Native Kalomira Philly Chamber of Commerce Honors Papadakis Finishes Third in Eurovision PHILADELPHIA – The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Com- merce (GPCC) honored Drexel Uni- Song Contest in Belgrade versity President Dr. Constantine Papadakis, with the 2007 William Penn Award before a packed crowd ATHENS (ANA) – Greece won third followers. They often travel across at a gala event on April 18. The gala place in the finals of the 2008 Euro- Europe to support their favorite had a Greek theme and featured a vision Song Contest in Belgrade in singers. performance by Greek dancers the early hours of Sunday. "Dreams can come true," Bilan honoring Papadakis’ Greek her- Greece's entry for the competi- said at a news conference after the itage. He was joined at the celebra- tion, which was broadcast live by show. "Russia believed in our victo- tion by his wife Eliana and their the state television channel NET, ry." daughter Maria. was young Greek American singer Kalomira was born in New York The William Penn Award is the Kalomira with the song "Secret on the 31st of January, 1985 by highest honor bestowed upon a Combination", with music by Con- Greek parents. Since early child- business executive in Greater stantinos Pantzis and lyrics written hood, Kalomira’s dream was to be- Philadelphia. Awarded annually by Posidonas Giannopoulos. come a pop star! Kalomira partici- since 1949, recipients are chosen Greece appeared 21st in a total of pated in all extracurricular activi- for their outstanding contributions 25 countries. ties at school (such as drama pro- toward the betterment of the re- Kalomira was accompanied by ductions, musicals, recreational gion, their professional accom- backing vocalists Victoria Halkiti events), which showcased her plishments, and their commitment and Nektarios Georgiadis and her dancing skills as well as her passion to charity as well as to the commu- set included a team of dancers and for singing. She studied viola - her nity. some impressive stage props de- favorite musical instrument – for Since assuming the presidency signed by Ilias Ledakis. The chore- nine years, and was a member of in 1995, Papadakis has maximized ography was designed by Juliano the school orchestra. She won the Drexel’s traditional strengths and and artistic direction was by Costas second place at a music contest or- taken bold actions to build it into a Kapetanidis.
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