2015115608 2015115614 2015115609 Entries Close at Superintendent’s Office at 12:00 Noon, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2015, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled, or substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Premium List 36th & 37th All-Breed Dog Shows (Unbenched) Moore County Kennel Club of North Carolina, Inc. (American Kennel Club Licensed) Pinehurst Harness Track - Back Polo Field Hwy. 5, 200 Beulah Hill Rd. S. Pinehurst, NC 28374 These shows are dedicated to the memory of founding member Jane Forsyth. Saturday & Sunday September 12 & 13, 2015 GOLF ATTIRE PREFERRED ~ NO JACKETS OR TIES REQUIRED SHOW HOURS: 6:00 A.M. TO 7:00 P.M. - EACH DAY ALL JUDGING WILL BE OUTDOORS AND WILL START AT 8:30 A.M. - EACH DAY ALL PUPPY CLASSES DIVIDED NOTE: OBEDIENCE & RALLY CLASSES NOT OFFERED AKC NATIONAL OWNER-HANDLED SERIES - SATURDAY 4 & UNDER 6 MONTHS PUPPY COMPETITION ~ SATURDAY MilitarY DOG EXHIBITION ~ NOON SUNDAY BEST PUPPY IN SHOW COMPETITION ~ SUNDAY Supported Entries Carolina Irish Setter Club (& Sweepstakes) - Saturday Central Carolina Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club - Saturday & Sunday DON'T MISS! ~ SAME Location ~ FRIDAY Tarheel Golden Retriever Club Specialty Central Carolina Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club Specialty PLEASE NOTE: RV PARKING RESERVATIONS (See Page 16) PARKING - $5.00 PER DAY ✵ Best Puppy in Show Competition ✵ Sunday Best Puppy in Show Judge: Ms. Beth Dowd Puppy Groups Judge: Mrs. Carol Dowd-Kamalbake All puppies entered in 6 & under 9 or 9 & under 12 months puppy classes are automatically in the Puppy Extravaganza. Puppy Class winners in each breed/variety will be judged immediately following Best of Breed/Variety to determine Best Puppy for that breed/variety. A puppy awarded Best of Winners or Best of Breed/Variety is automatically Best Puppy in their respective breed/variety. It culminates with a separate Puppy Groups and Best Puppy in Show. New Exhibitor Briefing - Saturday A New Exhibitor Briefing will be held during this Show. The briefing location & time will be posted in the Judging Program. Spectators are welcome to attend. IS THE OFFICIAL SPONSOR OF THESE EVENTS CERTIFICATION Permission is granted by the American Kennel Club for the holding of these events under American Kennel Club rules and regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary EQUIPMENT & SERVICE FURNISHED BY: "Please feel free to come by and take a tour of our Headquarters Office in NC any business day Mon. thru Fri., 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M." 620 Industrial Ave., Greensboro, NC 27406 P.O. Box 22107, Greensboro, NC 27420 • 336-379-9352 32351 Edward Ave. • P.O. Box 9999 • Madison Hts., MI 48071 • 248-588-5000 FAX - 336-272-0864 • Internet Address http://www.infodog.com E-Mail Address [email protected] Dial-N-Entry® - (1-800) 334-8978 - For Entries Only or (336) 379-9605 AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ANNUALLY LICENSED SUPERINTENDENT Member of the Dog Show Superintendents Association • dogshowsupers.org Rosemary Berg • Vickie L. Bovee • Kathleen Bowser • Michael Bowser • Bob Christiansen Anthony M. Christopher • Michelle Clair • Kathleen Corbett • Dorie Crowe Patricia DenBoer • Edward Hadley • Eleanor C. Hamlin • Richard Hamlin Dennis Johnson • Marti Johnson • Debra Jolly • Tonya Jordan • Kellie K. King • Kathryn Knepley Fred J. Lyman • Karen McBee • Darlene Nichols • Kevin Nieboer • W. Henry Odum, III Robert C. Peters, Jr. • Ralph Price • Barbara A. Rio • Robert P. Rio • Heidi Spaeth Kuno W. Spies •Joseph R. Tomey • Cathy Tomey • Carol Lee Tyte ONE OR MORE OF THE ABOVE SUPERINTENDENTS WILL SUPERINTEND THIS SHow 2 - Moore County Kennel Club of North Carolina, Inc. - September 12 & 13, 2015 Officers of the Moore County Kennel Club of North Carolina, Inc. MB-F Shows #993, #383 & #5304 President ...................................................................................................................Karolynne McAteer Vice-President .................................................................................................................... Jefferie Cade Secretary /Treasurer ........................................................................................................Betty Chapman 1 Pine Ridge Dr., Whispering Pines, NC 28327 E-mail: [email protected] Membership Secretary ..........................................................................................................Beth Verner Board of Directors Penny Freeman Bill Pace Lisa Schrank Abby Toporek Ursula Walsh Event Committee Karolynne McAteer, Show Chairperson 180 Baltursol Ln. Pinehurst, NC 28374 (919) 772-7873 E-mail: [email protected] And Officers of the Club Committees Parking .......................................................................................................................................Bill Pace Safety .....................................................................................................................................Beth Dowd Publicity .....................................................................................................................Karolynne McAteer Grounds .......................................................................................................................... Blaine Rowland Trophies ...............................................................................................................................Lisa Schrank Hospitality ............................................................... Beth Dowd & Moore County Kennel Club Members Catalog Sales .............................................. Christiane Rowley & Moore County Kennel Club Members Chief Ring Steward .........................................David Kirkland, 387 Holly Brook Rd., Sanford, NC 27330 Stewards ................................................................. Moore County Kennel Club Members & Supporters Vendors & Concessions ...........................................Ursula Walsh, Katie Bolt, Lisa Schrank & Bill Pace (910) 246-0749 E-mail: [email protected] Official Photographer ..............................................Dave McCurley, P.O. Box 9, Stewartsville, NJ 08886 (908) 838-4506 E-mail: [email protected] (Only the Official Photographer may take win pictures.) Veterinarians In Attendance & Animal Emergency Services 11:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Melissa Israel, DVM James Watson, DVM Pinetree Animal Hospital 2352 NC Hwy. 5, Aberdeen, NC 28315 (910) 944-7892 Small Animal Emergency Services On Call from Friday, 6:00 P.M. to Monday, 8:00 P.M. Dr. Ann Turner, 5091 US Hwy. 1, Vass, NC 28394 (910) 246-0405 (If your dog is injured, the Emergency Hospital requests that you call to alert them that you are on the way.) (There will be maps posted on site with directions to the emergency hospital) “Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians' recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases, and have appropriate vaccinations.” Moore County Kennel Club of North Carolina, Inc. - September 12 & 13, 2015 - 3 AKC Sanctioned 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy Competition Saturday Entry Fee: $15.00 per puppy One combined class will be offered for breeds and varieties of dogs that are (4) four months & under (6) six months and divided into Groups as described in Chapter 3, Section 1 of the Rules Applying to Dog Shows and the Miscellaneous Class breeds as listed in Chapter 3, Section 23. There will be a selection of Best 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy in each Breed/Variety, each Best 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy in Breed/Variety winner will then compete in their respective group for First through Fourth Placements. The Miscellaneous Class Competition will be judged same as above followed by a Miscellaneous 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy Group Competition. The Foundation Stock Service Class Competition will be judged same as above followed by a FSS 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy Group Competition. All First Place Group Winners will be eligible to compete in Best 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy in Show. An AKC registration number or AKC litter number will be required for entries of an AKC recognized breed or Miscellaneous breed. FSS number or FSS registered litter number will be required for FSS entries. A foreign born dog may enter this class if they are registered in the country of origin. Dogs are required to be vaccinated (including rabies) in accordance with their veterinarian's protocol in order to avoid inadvertent transmission of illness by/to puppies not yet fully immunized. Dogs that are owned or co-owned by a professional handler may compete in this class, but must be handled by a non- professional handler. Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers' organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay. Dogs may not be exhibited by current assistants and household members of a professional handler. AKC Rules in Dealing with Misconduct will be applicable to any person and dog entered at this competition. All applicable rules found in Rules Applying to Dog Shows will govern the conduct of this competition unless these regulations state otherwise. Exhibitors should plan on opening the mouth of their puppy for the judges. Breed standard disqualifications such as color, height, weight or dentition shall not be a point of consideration in the judging process for this 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy in Show Competition. JUDGES Best 4 & Under 6 Months Puppy in Show ......................................................Ms. Marjorie
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