6430 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 5 March 14, 2007 seek elected office and for that, I am forever In its origin, No Child Left Behind attempted ordinator, and teaches classes for Elizabeth- grateful. to provide greater school choice and reduce town Community College. I send my deepest condolences to his wife, Washington’s involvement in education, but in- I applaud Mr. Hanson for his accomplish- Pat of Camden; his brother Harvey Hildebrand stead this expensive and largely unsuccessful ments in public education, a profession of of Louisiana; and his sister Dorothy Herrington legislation has broadened the scope of the great responsibility and even greater reward. of Camden. Bobby Hildebrand will be greatly Federal Government’s role in education. On behalf of many others in the Hodgenville missed in Camden, Ouachita County and Enshrined in our Constitution is the 10th area, I would like to express my profound ap- throughout the state of Arkansas, and I am Amendment, which reads, ‘‘The powers not preciation of his service. truly saddened by this loss. delegated to the United States by the Con- It is my great privilege to recognize Rex f stitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved for the States respectively, or to the Hanson today, before the entire U.S. House of WALBERG SUPPORTS STATE, people.’’ Representatives, for his special achievement. LOCAL CONTROL OF EDUCATION Federal control of education is listed no- His unique dedication to the development of where in the Constitution, and in accordance young people and the communities they will HON. TIMOTHY WALBERG with the 10th Amendment, education should someday serve makes him an outstanding cit- izen worthy of our collective honor and re- OF MICHIGAN be the responsibility of State and local govern- spect. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ments. Because I believe each child’s educational Wednesday, March 14, 2007 path should be determined by a child’s par- f Mr. WALBERG. Madam Speaker, as a ents, and not by the Federal Government, I A TRIBUTE TO MAYFIELD JUNIOR member of the Education and Labor Com- am an original co-sponsor of the A-PLUS Act. SCHOOL AND MAYFIELD SENIOR mittee, this morning I attended a bi-cameral The A-PLUS Act would give States, teach- SCHOOL hearing on the reauthorization of the No Child ers and parents the freedom and authority to Left Behind Act. determine what educational path a student In listening to testimony from various individ- should take. HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF uals today, it was impressed upon me that all As part of this legislation, States can opt out of us involved are seeking the same goal: the of Federal programs and State leaders decide OF CALIFORNIA best possible educational opportunities for our how to use Federal education funds to im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children. prove student achievement. Today, at a time when our Nation lags be- We all are seeking the best possible edu- Wednesday, March 14, 2007 hind other countries in math and science test- cational opportunities for our children, and the Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today ing and the Federal government has a larger way to achieve this is let States and local to pay special recognition to Mayfield Junior role in education than ever before, this Con- communities be accountable for academic School and Mayfield Senior School as they gress must find a way to give our schools achievement and educational reforms. celebrate their 75th Anniversary of Holy Child greater flexibility, reduce the bureaucracy in- f education in Pasadena, California. volved in education and ensure these opportu- nities really are being given to our children. HONORING REX HANSON In 1931, the Mayfield School was founded In years past, Congress has attempted to by the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus. Under solve problems in education by simply throw- HON. RON LEWIS the philosophy and tradition of Cornelia Connelly, the Mayfield Schools are committed ing piles of federal money into the education OF KENTUCKY to educating the whole child, by providing a system. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The original purpose of No Child Left Be- learning environment balancing academic ex- hind was to return some education policy- Wednesday, March 14, 2007 cellence with the arts, athletics, community making authority to the states. Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Madam Speaker, I service, and spiritual growth. Unfortunately, during the process of crafting, rise today to congratulate Rex Hanson, an ex- The Mayfield Schools embrace seven goals passing and enacting the legislation, No Child emplary citizen from my district who was re- developed by the Society of Holy Child Jesus Left Behind took the form of a massive spend- cently named recipient of the LaRue County founder Cornelia Connelly. These goals seek ing bill that increased the Federal govern- School’s 2007 Excellence in Classroom and to provide an intellectually challenging and ment’s presence in classrooms. Educational Leadership, ExCEL, Award. creative program of study that fosters aca- As the Detroit News stated in a December A math teacher at LaRue County High demic excellence and to create a learning en- 22, 2006 editorial, ‘‘What our federal legisla- School in Hodgenville, KY, Mr. Hanson has vironment based on trust and reverence for tors come up with in the Nation’s capital worked to give his students the strong math the dignity and uniqueness of each person. doesn’t always translate well into the class- and science skills needed in today’s high tech The Mayfield Schools have long been com- room.’’ world. Through his position as the Mathe- mitted to community involvement and vol- The editorial continues, ‘‘Michigan should matics Department chairman, he has worked untary service. Upholding their motto of Ac- have the flexibility to decide how and when to hard to strengthen the math curriculum in tions not Words, both students and alumni measure student progress.’’ LaRue County, spearheading a program that have dedicated themselves to community en- My daughter-in-law is a hard-working and allows high school students to receive college richment and demonstrated the principals of talented teacher who has experienced first- credit through Campbellsville University. This compassion, integrity and leadership—char- hand the problems No Child Left Behind cre- program continues to allow students in LaRue acteristic of a Mayfield education. ates for teachers, parents and students. County to get ahead as they make the transi- As a classroom teacher forced to teach to tion from high school to college. Under the guidance of devoted teachers the tests required by No Child Left Behind, Mr. Hanson’s teaching philosophy is to chal- and faculty, the students of the Mayfield she actually considered quitting because of lenge his students to become the best that Schools have achieved great success. Over the paperwork and restrictions imposed upon they can be in whatever career path they the past 75 years, more than 2,000 young her. She struggled to have time to give indi- choose once they leave high school. This phi- men and women have graduated from vidual attention to each of her ‘‘special needs’’ losophy has greatly served LaRue County and Mayfield Junior School and more that 2,800 students. Kentucky’s Second District. women from Mayfield Senior School. Ironically, she obtained her teaching position President Bush has placed a strong focus I ask all Members to join me today in hon- due to her performance the year prior as a on math and sciences as the country moves oring the Mayfield Junior School and Mayfield ‘‘permanent’’ substitute teacher in a class- into a global economy. I believe Mr. Hanson is Senior School upon the celebration of their room. Because she was not required to fill out a fitting example of this charge. In addition to 75th Anniversary. The entire community joins all the forms and paperwork required by No his position as the Math Department chair, Mr. me in thanking the Mayfield Schools for their Child Left Behind, she excelled, and the Hanson is an advisor for the National Honor outstanding educational opportunities for the school offered her a permanent position. Society, senior class sponsor, ACT school co- youth of California’s 29th District. 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