Profiling the meat quality of blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus) A VAN HEERDEN & PROF. LC HOFFMAN INTRODUCTION Africa needs to double food production in next 35 years Decline in livestock production Africa’s population growth 5000000 4000000 3000000 Poor grazing Low rainfall 2000000 X 2 POPULATION (THOUSANDS) 1000000 0 1950 1980 2013 2050 2100 YEAR Meat – essential nutrients Exchange rates Need to identify local protein sources - avoid economic insecurity (Asibey, 1974; Dry, 2012; Torry, 2015) INTRODUCTION CONT. SOLUTION = Game farming • Animal protein – animal numbers • Game animals better adapted Positive growth Strategically and sustainability utilise hospitable scrub into food and energy (Von La Chevallerie & Van Zyl, 1971; Muir, 1989; Cole, 1990; Carruthers, 2008; Hoffman & Cawthorn, 2012; DAFF, 2016; Otieno & Muchapondwa, 2016; Taylor et al., 2016) INTRODUCTION CONT. Industry growth Intensive • Development of various combinations of production systems • Optimise animal production Semi-extensive • Need – balance breeding and meat production • Avoid pressure placed on natural resources 5000 Extensive 4000 4300 3000 2000 2600 Millions 1000 0 610 Hunting Live Sales Game Meat Consumptive utilisation Opportunity to expand commercialisation of game meat production (Berry, 1986; Barnes, 1998 ;Cloete, Van Der Merwe & Saayman, 2015; Taylor, Lindsey & Davies-Mostert, 2016; Janvosky, 2016) RESEARCH ANIMAL Blue wildebeest ◦ Reared semi-extensively & extensively ◦ Hardy, highly adaptable, fertile & resistant to most tropical diseases ◦ Widely distributed ◦ One of the most preferred hunting species ◦ LITTLE ATTENTION AS A MEAT PRODUCER (Furstenburg, 2002; Bothma, 2013) RESEARCH ANIMAL • Primary aim of farming wildebeest • High quality animals for live sales, trophy hunting • Breeding of the golden wildebeest • Numbers have grown Blue Gold • Animals not meeting criteria (Split F1, inferior horns) = available for meat production (Furstenburg, 2002; Bothma, 2013) INTRODUCTION CONT. • Ideal species – MEAT PRODUCTION • High animal production turnover • Alternative methods to utilise surplus and sub-standard stock – especially bulls • Maintain an unspoilt habitat & financial viability of farm (Vestergaard et al., 2000) INTRODUCTION CONT. Consumer Producer acceptance Can it compete with available products? NEED: meat production potential, quality and nutritive properties. Limited information available. Intrinsic factors –Species specific research required Does production system have an influence? No information Extrinsic factors affect the carcass = differences in meat quality (Kohn et al., 2005) AIM Carcass characteristics Physical parameters • Production system Optimum MEAT • Age aging period QUALITY • Muscle Sensory profile Chemical composition type STUDY LOCATION Semi-extensive Sandstone Valley Farm Extensive Bushlovers Lodge METHODOLOGY • Meat colour SLAUGHTER PHYSICAL ANALYSIS Extensive • Moisture loss • Carcass weights production system • Tenderness • Removal of offal & muscles 8 bulls CHEMICAL ANALYSIS • Moisture • Protein Round • Fat (IMF) • Ash (inorganic) • Fatty acids Semi-extensive Loin SENSORY ANALYSIS • Aroma production system • Flavour Chuck • Texture 8 bulls AGING • Optimum time (Van Schalkwyk & Hoffman, 2016) Sub Semi Adult Extensive - adult - extensive 0 50 100 150 200 250 Undressed carcass weight (kg) weight carcass Undressed 168.8ᵃ 208.2ᵇ CARCASS YIELDS CARCASS 211.15ᵃ 165.9ᵇ Carcass weight (kg) weight Carcass 84.9ᵇ 112.1ᵃ 111.3ᵃ 85.7ᵇ Dressing percentage Dressing 50.2ᵇ 53.8ᵃ 52.6ᵃ 51.5ᵇ % CARCASS YIELDS High value cuts 18 Round 17.11ᵃ 16 14 12.56ᵇ 12 Loin 10 8 5.55ᵇ 5.06ᵃ 6 Weight (kg) Weight 4.08ª 4.06ᵇ 4.31ᵃ 4 3.14ᵇ 1.65ᵃ 1.48 2 1.28ᵇ 1.22 0.991.23 0 LTL BF SM ST IS SS Total Muscle type hindquater Extensive Semi-extensive PHYSICAL QUALITY PHYSICAL Visual appearance QUALITY In-mouth texture (Honikel 1998) PHYSICAL QUALITY Effect of production system Drip loss 2 1.5 1.3 1.5 1 0.5 Drip loss loss Drip % 0 Extensive Semi-extensive PHYSICAL QUALITY Moisture loss Effect of age: Adult vs Sub-adult Physical Age Parameter High Low Adult Sub-adult moisture moisture loss loss Tough Tender Cooking loss 37.6 ± 0.63 35.5 ± 0.63 (%) Cooking loss = juiciness Shear force (N) 35.7 ± 1.28 31.8 ± 1.34 Toughness PHYSICAL QUALITY Effect of muscle type Physical Muscle type Good quality meat parameter LTL BF SM ST IS SS Hindquarter Forequarter pH = 5,3 – 5,8 pHU 5.7ᵇᶜ 5.6ᶜ 5.7ᵇ 5.7ᵇ 5.8ᵃ 5.8ᵃ Low drip loss Drip loss 1.6ᵃᵇ 1.4ᵇᶜ 1.9ᵃ 1.4ᵇᶜ 1.0ᵈ 1.2ᶜᵈ Lower cooking loss= (%) enhanced juiciness Cooking 34.6ᶜ 37.2ᵇ 38.8ᵃᵇ 40.6ᵃ 30.8ᵈ 37.6ᵇ Tender < 43 N loss (%) Tough > 53 N Shear 37.8ᵇ 39.5ᵇ 43.6ᵃ 33.3ᶜ 24.1ᵈ 24.4ᵈ force (N) PHYSICAL QUALITY Colour Muscle type Effect of muscle type LTL BF SM ST IS SS Attractive colour Hindquarter Forequarter L* < 40 Lightness L* 33.8ᵃ 30.6ᶜ 33.6ᵃ 31.9ᵇ 33.7ᵃ 33.0ᵃ High a* redness a* 12.1ᵇ 11.3ᶜ 11.7ᵇᶜ 10.9ᵈ 14.8ᵃ 15.1ᵃ Yellow Low b* /brown b* 7.3ᵈ 7.8ᶜ 9.4ᵃ 9.7ᵃ 8.7ᵇ 8.5ᵇ Bright red colour meat CHEMICAL COMPOSITION BASIC CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MEAT FAT ASH – INORGANIC RESIDUES PROTEIN WATER (Honikel 1998; Huff-Lonergan & Lonergan, 2005; Olsson & Pickova, 2005; Lawrie & Ledward, 2006) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Effect of production system Chemical Production system Consumer preference Parameter Extensive Semi-extensive High protein Moisture 77.5 ± 0.19 76.5 ± 0.17 Low IMF Protein 20.5 ± 0.23 21.6 ± 0.20 IMF 1.8 ± 0.08 1.8 ± 0.08 Ash 1.01 ± 0.01 1.07 ± 0.01 IMF – intramuscular fat CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Blue wildebeest meat = lean Effect of muscle type . High in protein ̴ 21g per 100g . Low in IMF ̴ 1,7g per 100g Chemical Muscle type Parameter LTL BF SM ST IS SS Hindquarter Forequarter Moisture 75.9ᵈ 76.5ᶜᵈ 76.0ᵈ 77.2ᵇᶜ 77.6ᵇ 78.5ᵃ Protein 22.3ᵃ 21.4ᵇᶜ 22.2ᵃᵇ 21.0ᶜ 20.0ᵈ 19.3ᵈ IMF 1.7ᵇ 1.8ᵃᵇ 1.6ᵇ 1.6ᵇ 2.1ᵃ 1.9ᵃᵇ Ash 1.0ᶜ 1.1ᵃ 1.1ᵃᵇ 1.1ᵃᵇ 1.0ᵇᶜ 1.0ᵃᵇᶜ CHEMICAL COMPOSITION High value cuts Effect of muscle type Chemical Muscle type Round Parameter LTL BF SM ST Hindquarter Loin Moisture 75.9ᵈ 76.5ᶜᵈ 76.0ᵈ 77.2ᵇᶜ Protein 22.3ᵃ 21.4ᵇᶜ 22.2ᵃᵇ 21.0ᶜ IMF 1.7ᵇ 1.8ᵃᵇ 1.6ᵇ 1.6ᵇ Ash 1.0ᶜ 1.1ᵃ 1.1ᵃᵇ 1.1ᵃᵇ SENSORY ANALYSIS Aroma & flavour Aroma & flavour -Beef-like -Gamey NEGATIVE POSTIVE -Sweet-oily -Metallic -Liver-like (Oltra et al., 2015) SENSORY ANALYSIS Aroma and flavour Overall meat Effect of production system More Gamey Beef-like • 13 meat desirable Sweet-oily sensory Extensive Semi-extensive Metallic experienced Barnyard judges Overall meat aroma 69.9 ± 0.58 72.1 ± 0.49 Salty • Flavour, Texture Sweet oily aroma 13.2 ± 0.36 14.2 ± 0.26 Mealiness aroma and Initial juiciness eating Sustained juiciness quality Tenderness Residue SENSORY ANALYSIS Blue wildebeest meat Rating Gamey Overall meat ̴ 70 aroma Gamey aroma ̴ 66 Negative Beef-like aroma ̴ 62 Overall meat ̴ 70 flavour Gamey flavour ̴ 63 Beef-like flavour ̴ 63 Liver-like aroma zero Liver-like flavour zero SENSORY ANALYSIS Blue wildebeest meat Rating Overall meat ̴ 70 aroma Gamey aroma ̴ 66 Beef-like aroma ̴ 62 Overall meat ̴ 70 Positive flavour Gamey flavour ̴ 63 Beef-like flavour ̴ 63 Liver-like aroma zero Liver-like flavour zero SENSORY ANALYSIS Fatty acids Flavour Fat/lipids • SFA levels • Low PUFA Health • PUFA:SFA ratio • Omega-6:Omega 3 ratio Consumers demanding correct fatty acid profile SENSORY ANALYSIS • SFA levels 16 Stearic acid Low concentration of • Low PUFA 14 cholesterol-raising FA’s 12 Essential FA’s • PUFA:SFA ratio 10 • Omega-6 8 Linoleic acid mg/g n6:n3 ratio<4 :Omega 3 ratio 6 α-Linolenic acid 4 2 PUFA:SFA>0,7 0 Total IMF SFA PUFA PUFA:SFA n6:n3 PUFA Overall a good (g/100g) ratio fatty acid profile Selected fatty acid content Extensive Semi-extensive Adult Sub-adult LTL BF AGING ANALYSIS • Period SLAUGHTER AGING • Physical quality Aging days: 2, 5, 9,14, 21, 28 at 4˚C Semi-extensive BF production system Round Loin Loin bulls R L R L 28 months old Physical analysis (Van Schalkwyk & Hoffman, 2016; Honikel, 1998) AGING ANALYSIS Tenderness 35 Intermediate a 33 a a a 31 a 29 a 27 Round muscle 25 23 WBSF (N) WBSF a a 21 Loin muscle 19 Tender 17 b b 15 b b 2 5 9 14 20 28 Days LTL BF Optimum ageing periods = Loin 9 days PM & Round 14 days PM AGING ANALYSIS ab abc a Colour during aging abcd Consumer acceptance - de L* < 40, high a*, low b* bcde cde bcde ef Less yellow/brown than f beef at optimum aging period Negative >4% OVERALL CONCLUSION Animals produced in semi-extensive Consumer desired sensory profile system: Good fatty acid profile – lean and better meat production potential healthy (positive) Higher value Loin reached optimum tenderness as Higher meat protein content early as day 9 PM Sub-adult bulls exhibited the more BF reached lowest tenderness day 14 desirable characteristics –lower cooking PM loss and tenderness This period was associated with Muscle type influence all physical quality favourable purge loss, cooking loss and parameters colour OVERALL CONCLUSION Blue wildebeest meat LEAN, HEALTHY, TENDER & TASTEFUL RECOMMENDATIONS Study was limited to only bulls Safety – microbial analysis Future studies should include: Growth parameters to determine optimum weight/age to slaughter Intrinsic factors (gender) Identify target market Extrinsic factors (season, intensive production system, Numbers of blue wildebeest vegetation) farmed –availability Fibre types – variation in Economic feasibility muscles Feed cost vs meat sold ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For their advice, support & assistance Professor L.C Hoffman Mr Barry and Richard York of York Safaris for the donation of the research animals Mr Pierre Cremer of Bushlovers Lodge Farm Stellenbosch University personnel For their financial support NRF/SARChI Chair QUESTIONS?.
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