DISTRICT DHEMAJI STATE: ASSAM ANNEXURE:A STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENREAL AREAS OF FIRST (1st) INSTALMENTS OF THIRTEENTH FINANCE COMMISSION GRANTS FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES FOR YEAR 2012-13 (In Rupees) Amount required in ZPs/Aps/GPs Level For For Water Sanitation For Operation Roads & Parks /Play others Others Nos of Population of Maintenanc Creation of Supply each family & Drains grounds/ income Name of Total amount Sl.N AP and the each AP Rural Areas e of Data Base below Maintenance waiting shed generating District and required Remarks o. GPs(LSG as per census, ( In Sq. Km) Accounts poverty Cost etc sources types of PRIs under 13th I) [2001] lines FC [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] DHEMAJI 1 ZP 1 537565 2585.52 200000.00 200000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2781100.07 0.00 0.00 2000000.00 5181100 2 AP 5 75000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4496650.11 0.00 0.00 3200000.00 7771650 3 GP 65 325000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11002750.18 0.00 1625000.00 0.00 12952750 537565 2585.52 600000 200000 0 0 0 18280500.36 0 1625000 5200000 25905500 NB: Schemes may implement as per government procedure. Standing committee must select one income generation schemes for resoruces mobilisation in ZP and AP level as per allocation of fund for income generating resource. Create profile for data base by private agency Schemes may implement through tender procedure. Prepare Plan & Estimate each schemess as per allocation Chief Executive Officer, Dhemaji Zilla Parishad 1 DISTRICT DHEMAJI STATE: ASSAM ANNEXURE:B STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENREAL AREAS OF FIRST (1sT) INSTALMENTS OF THIRTEENTH FINANCE COMMISSION GRANTS FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES FOR YEAR 2012-13 (In Rupees) Amount required in ZP Level Population of For For Creation Water Sanitation For Roads & Parks others Others Nos of the each AP Rural Areas Total amount Bank Sl.N Name of Nos of AP Maintenance of Data Base Supply each family Operation Drains /Play income Schemes Bank Account GP as per in ZP( In required Bank Type Branch Name of Bank & Addreess o. District/ZP (LSGI) of Accounts below poverty & grounds/ generating /types of Nos (LSGI) census, Sq. Km) under 13th Code lines Maintenan waiting sources works [2001] FC ce Cost shed etc [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] One visible DHEMAJI 5 65 537565 2585.52 200000 200000 2781100 2000000 5181100 Regional 1426 31502212799 SBI ,Dhemaji scheme for income generation source as per government procedure and PWD (Rule), line Departments etc Grand Total 5 65 537565 2585.52 200000 200000 0 0 0 2781100.072 0 0 2000000 5181100 NB: Schemes may implement as per government procedure. Standing committee must select one income generation schemes for resoruces mobilisation in ZP and AP level as per allocation of fund for income generating resource. Create profile for data base by private agency Schemes may implement through tender procedure. Prepare Plan & Estimate each schemess as per allocation Chief Executive Officer, Dhemaji Zilla Parishad 1 DISTRICT DHEMAJI STATE: ASSAM ANNEXURE:-C STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENREAL AREAS OF FIRST (1sT) INSTALMENTS OF THIRTEENTH FINANCE COMMISSION GRANTS FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES FOR YEAR 2012-13 (In Rupees) Amount required in AP level For For Creation Water Sanitation For Roads & Parks /Play others Others Maintenance of Data Base Supply each family Operation Drains grounds/ income Population of of Accounts below & waiting generating Total Nos of Rural Areas Bank Name of Name of Anchalic the each AP as poverty Maintenan shed etc sources Schemes amount Bank Account Sl.No. Goan in AP( In Bank Type Branch Name of Bank & Addreess District/ZP Panchayats per census, lines ce Cost /types of required Nos Panchayat Sq. Km) Code [2001] works under 13th FC {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {20} DHEMAJI ZP One visible 1362 UCO,Bordoloni Tiniali 1 BORDOLONI 13 94398 15000 549725 800000scheme 1364725 Nationalize 2 DHEMAJI 15 112934 15000 817702 800000each AP for 1632702 Nationalize 1426 31501961261 SBI, Dhemaji income 1426 31841038890 SBI, Dhemaji 3 MACHKHOWA 5 26657 15000 370384 generation 385384 Regional 5557 31821385204 SBI, Jonai 4 MURKONGSELEK 15 146189 15000 1298474 800000source as 2113474 Nationalize 5 SISSIBORGAON 17 157387 15000 1460365 800000per 2275365 NationalIze 1426 31905950319 SBI, Dhemaji government procedure and line Department DHEMAJI ZP 65 537565 75000 0 0 0 0 4496650 0 0 3200000 0 7771650 NB: Schemes may implement as per government procedure. Standing committee must select one income generation schemes for resoruces mobilisation in ZP and AP level as per allocation of fund for income generating resource. Create profile for data base by private agency Schemes may implement through tender procedure. Prepare Plan & Estimate each schemess as per allocation Chief Executive Officer, Dhemaji Zilla Parishad 10 DISTRICT DHEMAJI STATE: ASSAM ANNEXURE:-D STATEMENT INDICATING THE SCHEMES FOR GENREAL AREAS OF FIRST (1sT) INSTALMENTS OF THIRTEENTH FINANCE COMMISSION GRANTS FOR RURAL LOCAL BODIES FOR YEAR 2012-13 (In Rupees) Amount required in GPs Level For For Creation Water Supply Sanitation For Operation Roads & Drains Parks /Play others Others Maintenance of Data Base each family & grounds/ income Population of of Accounts below Maintenance waiting shed generating Rural Name of Anchalic the each AP poverty lines Cost etc sources Sl.No Name of Areas in Schemes Total amount Bank Branch Bank Account Panchayats( Nos of Goan Panchayat (LSGI) as per Bank Type Name of Bank & Addreess . District/ZP GP( In Sq. /types of required under Code Nos LSGI) census, Km) works 13th FC [2001] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] {16} {17} {18} {19} {20} {21} {22} DHEMAJI 1 BORDOLONI AP 1 BHEBELI 6362 5000 123294 25000 153294 Nationalize 1362 13620110006979 UCO, Bordoloni Tiniali 2 BORBAM 5539 5000 103463 25000 133463 Nationalize 1362 13620110006986 UCO, Bordoloni Tiniali 3 BORDOLONI 8323 5000 170545 25000 200545 Nationalize 1362 13620110006955 UCO, Bordoloni Tiniali List of MMG/G-87 1252010136457 UCO, Mingmang 4 GOGAMUKHA 9822 5000 206663 25000 schemes 236663 Nationalize 5 JOYRAMPUR 4931 5000 88814 25000 may 118814 Nationalize 1362 13620110006498 UCO, Bordoloni Tiniali 6 KACHUTOLI 12076 5000 260974 25000 prepare by 290974 Nationalize 1362 13620110005427 UCO, Bordoloni Tiniali 7 LATAK 6928 5000 136932 25000 GPs of the 166932 Nationalize MMG/G-87 1252010150781 UCO, Mingmang Gram 1362 13620110006597 UCO, Bordoloni Tiniali 8 MADHYA MINGMANG 5188 5000 95006 25000 Sabha 125006 Nationalize 9 MICHAMARI 5740 5000 108307 25000 meeting 138307 Nationalize 1362 13620110006559 UCO, Bordoloni Tiniali 10 MINGMANG 10301 5000 218205 25000 248205 Nationalize MMG/G-87 1252010105653 UCO, Mingmang 11 NAHARBARI 7813 5000 158256 25000 188256 Nationalize MMG/G-87 1252010135849 UCO, Mingmang 12 NALBARI 6324 5000 122378 25000 152378 Nationalize 1362 13620110006573 UCO, Bordoloni Tiniali 13 UKHAMATI 5051 5000 91705 25000 121705 Nationalize 1362 13620110006962 UCO, Bordoloni Tiniali AP Sub-Total 94398 0 65000 0 0 0 0 1884541 0 325000 0 2274541 DHEMAJI 2 DHEMAJI AP 14 AJUHA 4677 5000 82693 25000 112693 Nationalize 1426 31876986299 SBI, Dhemaji 15 ARADHOL 7924 5000 160931 25000 190931 1426 31827177048 SBI, Dhemaji 16 BATGHORIA 6034 5000 115391 25000 145391 1426 31824705131 SBI, Dhemaji List of 17 BISHNUPUR 7219 5000 143943 25000 173943 1426 31855107532 SBI, Dhemaji schemes 18 CHAMARAJAN 6972 5000 137992 25000 may 167992 1426 31822889754 SBI, Dhemaji 19 DAKHIN DHEMAJI 6712 5000 131727 25000 prepare by 161727 1426 31824484972 SBI, Dhemaji 20 GHUGUHA 6615 5000 129390 25000 GPs of the 159390 1426 31822814245 SBI, Dhemaji Gram 21 GOHAINGAON 7898 5000 160304 25000 190304 1426 31822919973 SBI, Dhemaji Sabha 1426 31822920999 22 HATIGORH 9144 5000 190327 25000 meeting 220327 SBI, Dhemaji 23 JIADHOL 9538 5000 199820 25000 229820 1426 31824484100 SBI, Dhemaji 24 KHUBALIYA 6860 5000 135293 25000 165293 1426 31855106742 SBI, Dhemaji 25 LAKHIPATHAR 8770 5000 181315 25000 211315 1426 31822923297 SBI, Dhemaji 26 MORIDHOL 8349 5000 171171 25000 201171 1426 31822922045 SBI, Dhemaji 27 NARUATHAN 5691 5000 107126 25000 137126 1426 31837987562 SBI, Dhemaji 28 UTTAR DHEMAJI 10531 5000 223747 25000 253747 1426 31822924075 SBI, Dhemaji AP Sub-Total 112934 0 75000 0 0 0 0 2271170 0 375000 0 2721170 DHEMAJI 3 MACHKHOWA AP 29 BENGENAGORAH 5703 5000 107415 25000 137415 Nationalize 211343 50083514972 ALLAHABAD BANK, MACHKHOWA 30 JORKOTA 7310 5000 146136 25000 176136 211343 50083511868 ALLAHABAD BANK, MACHKHOWA 31 MACHKHOWA 4819 5000 86115 25000 116115 211343 50083495947 ALLAHABAD BANK, MACHKHOWA 32 PUB-MACHKHOWA 3590 5000 56502 25000 86502 211343 50083509359 ALLAHABAD BANK, MACHKHOWA 33 SISSIMUKH 5235 5000 96139 25000 126139 211343 50083504475 ALLAHABAD BANK, MACHKHOWA AP Sub-Total 26657 0 25000 0 0 0 0 492306 0 125000 0 642306 DHEMAJI 4 MURKONGSELEK AP 34 BAHIR JONAI 10835 5000 231072 25000 261072 Nationalize 5557 31808450475 SBI, Jonai 35 DEKAPAM 11030 5000 235770 25000 265770 5557 31814053968 SBI, Jonai 36 GALISHIKARI 10409 5000 220807 25000 250807 5557 31810423163 SBI, Jonai List of 14 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] {16} {17} {18} {19} {20} {21} {22} List of 37 JONAI* 14350 5000 315766 25000 345766 5557 31808451491 SBI, Jonai schemes 38 KEMIJELEM 13348 5000 291623 25000 may 321623 5557 11872184357 SBI, Jonai 39 LIEMEKURI 9576 5000 200736 25000 prepare by 230736 5557 31814053786 SBI,
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