OCTOBER 24, 1975 · 25 CENTS VOLUME 39/NUMBER 39 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE 2f YEARS /$ TOO lON(J/. OEFENO .u&..I"'''VII · .u·•rLILI 2nd NATiONAL STUDENTS CON-:·.... _.,..lliil .•~.: ... } <·· AGAINST·:RA.CISM NORTHEASTERN MilitanVLou Howort Boston, October 11. The 1,200 participants in National Student Conference Against Racism set plans for November 22 actions to defend school desegregation. Pages 4-6. Hugo Blanco interview: 'WhY Kissinger won't let me speak' PAGE 7 'N.Y. Times' editors tell FBI to stop harassing socialists PAGE 3 In Brief THIS RACIST VIOLENCE IN LOUISVILLE.•• : Racists of their central strike leader by a scab truck driver and conducted a campaign of violence aimed at halting school numerous arrests of picketers, "spirit is high after nine WEEK'S desegregation in Louisville, Kentucky, last week. On weeks,'' said one Chicana striker. "It looks like the first Thursday night, October 9, a school bus was bombed. The day." MILITANT next day police arrested a white youth who had assaulted a Black student with a baseball bat as he was getting off a 3 'N.Y. Times' tells FBI school bus. Later that day, three Black students were PEOPLE'S PARTY RUNS SPOCK: Citing other activi­ to stop harassing SWP injured by flying glass when a brick shattered a window of ties and time constraints that would prevent her from -4 NSCAR conference maps the bus they were riding in. actively campaigning, Maggie Kuhn has withdrawn as the People's party candidate for vice-president in 1976. Kuhn is national actions On Sunday night, police used tear gas to disperse a·crowd of 500 antibusing demonstrators in suburban Jefferson­ a leader of the Gray Panthers, a group concerned with the 7 Interview with town. Two cops were injured. A section of the mob then oppression of old people. Benjamin Spock will replace her as . Hugo Blanco moved to Jeffersontown High School, where they set a running mate with presidential candidate Margaret Wright. 8 Battle for union rights school bus on fire. Several shots were fired at police on the night of October 13 by antibusing demonstrators. No CHICANOS PROTEST COP TERROR IN TEXAS: in Atlanta schools injuries were reported and seven people were arrested. Chicanos in Hondo, Texas, have become victims in a 9 Congress OKs new war stepped-up attack by cops in the area. A September 27 moves in Mideast .•• DESEGREGATIONISTS RESPOND: "We have demonstration at the Medino County jail protested recent planned the event this Saturday to be a powerful public police terror, including the murder af a Chicano youth by an 13 UFW victory in Delano statement that those who stand for justice do not stand "insane" police chief and the mysterious death of a 14 'Washington Post' strike alone," stated Ms. Jackie Garrett in announcing an October young Chicano activist. Nearly 300 people participated in 11 march and rally to "honor the students" in downtown , the protest sponsored by Familias Unidas, Brown Berets, 15 AFL-CIO convention: Louisville. The protest drew 600 and was sponsored by and Los Barrios, a local newspaper. Chicanos from groups nothing for Blacks, women Progress in Education (PIE), a recently formed probusing in San Antonio, Crystal City, and Austin joined the demonstration. 16 Milwaukee officials fail organization in Louisville. Speakers included PIE coordina­ tor Garrett; Harold Kincaid, shop steward for Communica­ to act against Nazis tions Workers of America Local 10310; and Rev. Charles· FCC HACKS AWAY AT EQUAL TIME LAW: The 17 Rosenberg committee holds Kirby, director of the Kentucky Christian Leadership Federal Communications Commission ruled September 30 national conference Conference. "Down with the Klan,'' "No racism," and "Stop that the equal time provisions of the Federal Communica­ the violence,'' chanted the marchers. tions Act will no longer apply to presidential news 18 Philip Allen denied bail On Monday, October 13, about 225 supporters of busing conferences or to any news conference or debate between 27 Nixon's NEP: inflation formed a motorcade that traveled to the state capital in candidates broadcast live and not sponsored by any station. they can't control Frankfort and assembled on the steps of the state capitol This reversed two 1962 precedent-setting rulings that building there. required stations broadcasting debates between candidates 32 Harshest cuts yet hit for governor of California and Michigan to give equal time New York workers Herman Kirsch died unexpectedly October 13 of a to candidates of the Prohibition and Socialist Labor parties. heart attack in Cleveland. Kirsch, fifty-three years old, 2 In Brief was a thirty-five-year veteran activist and leader of the 'RECKLESS' COP INDICTED FOR ATTICA: New York state trooper Gregory Wildridge was indicted October 10 In Our Opinion Socialist Workers party. 10 fqr his role in the August 1971 assault on Attica prison. Letters A memorial meeting will be held in Cleveland on Wed 1esday, October 22, at 8:00 p.m. at the Socialist Wildridge is the first cop to face charges for the Attica 11 National Picket Line Workers party headquarters. The address is 2300 massacre that ended in thirty-nine deaths. He is charged Women In Revolt Payne, Cleveland, Ohio 44114. Messages to the meeting with having recklessly discharged a shotgun creating "a grave risk of death to another person." The indictment came 12 Great Society can be sent to the same address. A future issue of the Militant will carry an during the 120th session of the grand jury set up in April By Any Means Necessary 1974 to investigate crimes by "law enforcement officers" appreciation of Herman Kirsch's life and his Their Government during the siege. contributions to the Trotskyist movement. On the other side of the bars, "justice" moves more 28 In Review: 'The SWP in speedily. Sixty-two Attica prisoners have been charged with World War II' SAN QUENTIN SIX SUPPORTERS RALLY IN S.F.: m.ore than 1,400 crimes by another grand jury. Four years ago the San Quentin Six-Fleeta Drumgo, David WORLD OUTLOOK Johnson, Hugo Pinell, Johnny Spain, Luis Talamantez, and ONLY THE PRESIDENT KNOWS FOR SURE: An air 19 Special feature: Willie Tate-were indicted for murder and conspiracy in the force officer, who was referred to a psychiatrist an<! finally Issues in Portuguese August 21, 1971, shoot-out at San Quentin prison. On kicked out of the service for objectjng to firing nuclear revolution October 4 nearly 500 people rallied in Sari Francisco to missiles against civilians, has filed a lawsuit against the air commemorate the indictments and to demonstrate support force. John Vandermolen told his superiors that he didn't for the six, now in the third month of their trial in nearby mind the possibility of firing missiles at military targets, Marin County. The rally was sponsored by the San Quentin but he had moral and religious objections to aiming them at THE MILITANT Six Defense Committee of California. -civilian population centers. Only the president gets to decide where they're going, the air force replied, and officers are VOLUME 39/NUMBER 39 ILLINOIS STRIKERS REJECT COMPROMISE: Strik­ OCTOBER 24, 1975 expected to abide by that decision. CLOSING NEWS DATE-OCT. 15 ers at· Capital Packaging in Melrose Park, Illinois, rejected a For his objections, Vandermolen was first reassigned, company . proposal October 4 by a vote of eighty-five to then transferred, and finally discharged for a "defective Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS eight. Local 7-507 of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers attitude." He's suing for reinstatement to the rank of Managing Editor: LARRY SEIGLE is demanding a pay increase of twenty-five cents an hour. captain, $9,999.99 in back pay, and the clearing of his Business Manager: ROSE OGDEN Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING They were offered twenty-two-and-a-half. Despite the killing service record. -Nancy Cole Washington Bureau: CINDY JAQUITH Published weekly by The Militant Publishing Ass'n., 14 Charles Lane, New York, N.Y. 10014. Telephone: Editorial Office (212) 243-6392; Busi­ ness Office (212) 929-3486. Southwest Bureau: 710 Special offer for new readers S. Westlake Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90057 .. School desegregation. Cutbacks. Affirmative action. Telephone: (213) 483-2798. Washington Bureau: Racist frame-ups. Police brutality. On every front of the 1345 E. St. N.W., Fourth Floor, Washington, D.C. 20004. Telephone: (202) 638-4081. S~\IE·············i·~.s::,•. anti racist struggle, the Militant gets out the truth, with on­ Correspondence concerning subscriptions or ·· ·-·••••·····t\1\LDREN < the-spot coverage written by activists. You'll also find changes of address should be addressed to The . neet:r0 EGAtt;.!>'. ':>\ } ... valuable news analysis in the Militant, and discussion of Militant Business Office, 14 Charles Lane, New program and strategy in the fight against racism. Don't York, N.Y. 10014. ut;..Jt.:_•.:\)· .. r_ .. '- ·· ... \• ·. •....... ..··_··.·. "{'t "'"··. ''.·.· •. ···•.•.. ::.••.• •·•·•···__ : •.·.·.·.·._·.· .. ~'o·~. ····-.·~·_·.·._·.·.~·.· 1':~ miss a single issue. Subscribe today. 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