快讯 Newsletter December 12月 2018 Message from The Director Hello, everyone, it’s been a long time! 018 is coming to an end. As we prepare to welcome the New Year, NZ Herald (New Zealand), Since the 4th instalment I would like to thank one and all for your warmth shown towards of the Award, we have received nominations from 2Confucius Institute, NTU.With your support, our Institute not only Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Australia and USA. conducted its regular and varied programmes for the year successfully We are very encouraged by its development. The as in the past, we are also pleased to have carried out several notable book launch of Collected Works of Li Zishu was held projects. concurrently with the two award presentations, the author being a recipient of the Nanyang Chinese First of all, we introduced a new Chinese curriculum for Singapore Literature Award previously. preschools, TCEP Chinese for Early Learners, at the beginning of this year. It was an honour to have Mr Ong Ye Kung, Minister for Education Started in 2014, the “In Class with the Masters” lecture series on (Higher Education and Skills), launch the set of teaching materials Chinese Language, Literature, History and Philosophy is in its fourth on 3 January. Since the launch, it has been used by more than 300 year. Between February and December, seven lectures were conducted. kindergartens and preschools. We are greatly encouraged by the Through this platform, seven scholars and researchers from the four response. In addition, we organised a preschool Chinese seminar for universities (National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological more than 300 preschool Chinese teachers on 17 November. Ms Low University, Singapore Institute of Technology and Singapore University Yen Ling,, Senior Parliamentary Secretary of Ministry of Education & of Technology and Design) and organisations shared their research Ministry of Manpower, and Mayor of South West District, attended the work with members of the public from all walks of life, and who focus event. Besides thanking the teachers for their hard work, her genuine on traditional studies and current developments. Under the CI-NTU and morale-boosting exhortation touched them. As Ms Low also chairs Academic Series, we published Volume 4 Applied Writing in Chinese the Committee to Promote Chinese Language Learning, her impassioned by Associate Professor Kou Hong and Volume 5 Nine Lectures on the words of encouragement resonated with the teachers. History and Culture of China by Associate Professor Yang Shoucheng. Secondly, we also successfully held the Fifth Nanyang Chinese Literature Last year, CI-NTU and The TENG Academy jointly organised the Award and the Second Nanyang Youth Chinese Literature Award. inaugural Chinese Music Instrumental Grading Examinations which The former recognises veteran writers who have made significant is well into its second year. Similarly, more than 1,500 primary and achievements or contributions to the development of Chinese literature secondary school students registered for the examinations that assess in the world while the latter aims to groom budding young writers from their ability to play an instrument and encourage them to reach a higher among students who have interest, and are willing to put in effort into mark of excellence. Chinese literary writing. The Nanyang Chinese Literature Award, having been held for five years, is gaining attention from foreign literary circles. 2019 is drawing near. May you scale new heights, and thank you once The call for nominations this year was not only reported by the regional again for your support and kindness. Let’s chat again in the next issue! media, but also featured in some Chinese newspapers in Europe, Canada and New Zealand, namely, United Times (The Netherlands), Dr Neo Peng Fu Nordic Chinese Times (Sweden), Sing Tao Daily (Toronto) and Chinese Director, Confucius Institute Nanyang Technological University 院长致意 久违了,大家好! 018年已经来到了尾声,值此送旧迎新之际,感谢大家在这一整 所报道,也为欧美的一些中文报章(如《荷兰联合时报》、《北欧时 年中予以我们学院的关怀。在大家的支持下,本院今年不但亦如 报》、多伦多《星岛日报》、《新西兰先驱报》)所留意。自第四届 2以往般顺利开展并完成了诸类常规性的课程,也有幸执行了几个 以来,我们就收到了来自马来亚、印尼、泰国、缅甸、澳洲和美国等 亮点项目。 地的提名。这一发展,亦令我们深受鼓舞。我们也在本届南洋华文文 首先,我们在今年年头推出了本院出版的学前华文教材 学奖的颁奖典礼上,发布了上一届得主的代表文集《黎紫书选集》。 《状元学堂•亲亲华文》。令我们深感荣幸的是,能邀请到我国教育部 此外,本院自2014年以来推出的高端学术讲座“明师经典:中 长王乙康先生在1月3日为这套教材主持发布。在推出的这首一年中, 国语言、历史、文学及哲学讲座系列”,今年迈入了第四期。从2月到 《状元学堂•亲亲华文》既已获得三百多所幼稚园和学前中心的垂青采 12月间,我们主办了本年度的七场讲座。来自我国四所大学(新加坡 用,令我们深受鼓舞。此外,我们在11月17日为超过300名幼教华文 国立大学、南洋理工大学、新加坡理工大学、新加坡科技设计大学) 老师举办了培训讲座,教育部兼人力部高级政务次长暨西南区市长刘 及民间学界的七位学者,通过这一平台为关注中国传统学问及当代发 燕玲女士当天亲临现场,一方面感谢老师们平日为教学的辛苦付出, 展的社会各界人士,分享了他们的研究心得。另一方面,我们今年也 另一方面又以真情挚语激励士气,令老师们深受感动。由于刘次长也 接续出版了“南洋理工大学孔子学院学术丛书系列”之第4和第5种, 是全国推广华文学习委员会的主席,各位老师对她语重心长的鼓励更 即寇红所著的《中文应用文写作》和严寿瀓所撰的《中国历史文化九 有由衷的共鸣。 讲》。 其次,我们也在今年主办了第五届南洋华文文学奖暨第二届南洋 而我们去年首度和鼟乐团联办的“华乐器乐考级”,今年昂首步 华文青少年文学奖。前者旨在肯定对世界华文文学的发展有重大成就 入第二年,同样有超过1500名中小学生报名参加了这项为同学们的乐 或贡献的资深作家,后者则着眼于培育幼苗,在莘莘学子当中发掘对 器演奏能力评定水平,以鼓励他们百尺竿头更进一步的考试。 华文写作肯努力、有兴趣的新秀。南洋华文文学奖经过五届的努力, 2019年即将到来,于此敬祝诸位新年进步,并再次感谢大家的 已渐为国外文艺界所认识。其公开提名的呼吁,不但为本区域的媒体 支持与爱护,我们下一期再叙! 南洋理工大学孔子学院院长 梁秉赋 敬启 A New Experience in Singapore: Study Tour of Schools Affiliated to Northeast Normal University and Jilin University, China 精彩游学新体验—— 东北师范大学和吉林大学各所附属中小学游学记 n the January and June, Confucius Institute, NTU welcomed 年1月和7月,南洋理工大学孔子学院接待了来自中 435 students from the schools affiliated to Northeast Normal 国东北师范大学和吉林大学各所附属学校的435名 IUniversity and Jilin University, China. They were here to 中小学员。在南大孔院教职员工的带领下,学员们 participate in the summer/winter vacation programme designed 今 参与了为他们精心订制的“与未来,育未来”寒暑假课程。他们 exclusively for them. The students not only attended lessons 除了参与由专业讲师授课的讲堂课以外,还有幸走入本地的著 presented by professional lecturers, but also visited MOE schools 名中小学府和国际学校,与本地的学生们一同学习与交流,亲身 and international schools in Singapore for academic exchange 体验了本地中小学生的校园生活。 with local students and to experience student life here. 在学习之余,学员们也参观了南洋理工大学的校园和华裔 We also arranged for the students to visit NTU and the Chinese 馆,有不少学员还立志将来报考南大,并为理想而努力。讲堂 Heritage Centre. Visiting NTU made some of the students aspire 课和实地参访活动以外,学员们也游览了本地的著名景点,特 to study hard to gain admission in NTU. Apart from attending 别是中学团还进行了一场别开生面的拓展训练。在乌敏岛上, classes and visiting schools, the high school students also went 他们不仅参与了野外体能锻炼还学会了自己动手在户外生火做 for extended training in Pulau Ubin. They underwent physical 饭。在一天的活动后,学员们感触良多,真正体会到了走出课 training and learnt survival skills such as making fire and cooking outdoors. It was a good learning experience outside 堂游学的概念。 the classroom. 在丰富多彩的游学活动中,学员们学到了知识、扩大了视 野、结交了友谊、立下了志愿。最后的结业典礼,在精彩的演 It was an enriching experience for the students who have 出和大家的欢声笑语中,为2018游学活动画上了完美的句点。 acquired new knowledge, broadened their horizon, made new friends,as well as set personal goals. It was a successful study tour, with the students leaving with beautiful memories. 2 Confucius Institute, NTU • Newsletter 快讯 The Beauty of Chinese Literature: Chinese Literature Appreciation Class at Nan Hua Primary School 文学鉴赏学习乐—— 南大孔院参与南华小学文学鉴赏课 n May and July 2018, Confucius Institute, NTU, organised a Chinese literature appreciation class for I534 students in Nan Hua Primary School. Our teachers not only guided them in analysing the narrative structures of “Snow Kid” and “Journey to the West – the Monkey Subdues White Skeleton Demon”, but they also learnt about the portrayal of characters in the stories. Through compelling storytelling, interactive classroom activities and handicraft sessions, the students gained a deeper understanding of the narrative structures and writing styles. They participated enthusiastically during the Q&A session. We were glad to see them enjoying Chinese literature through the activities. Our Chinese literature appreciation class ended successfully with the support of students from Nan Hua Primary School. We are delighted to receive positive reviews from them and look forward to holding another class in future! 年五月和七月,本院参与了南华小学的文学鉴 赏课程。这次的文学鉴赏课共有来自小三和 今小五共534名学生参与其中,主要是通过导读 《雪孩子》和《西游记之三打白骨精》引导学生学习事件的 起因、经过和结果,以及人物的描写。 课堂上,本院的老师们通过精彩的演说、有趣的互 动游戏及精巧的手工制作,带领学生了解故事情节及写 作手法。学生们在老师的循循善诱下表现得非常踊跃, 积极回答问题,小组比赛更是妙趣横生。大家活动脑、 勤开口、巧动手,欢聚一堂,乐学文学。 在乐教乐学的学习氛围里,课程愉快地结束了。本 院的老师和所有工作人员看到学生们脸上洋溢的笑容和 张张充满爱心的反馈表,深深地感到我们的一切付出都 是值得的。期待明年的再聚! December 12月 2018 3 Building Bridge Between Culture and Language: Confucius Institute, NTU participated in Day of Languages 2018 @ Dulwich College (Singapore) 共建文化语言桥梁—— 南大孔院参与2018年德威士国际语言日 fter being invited to the Day of Languages of Dulwich Neo also joined the students in the Chinese calligraphy writing College in the year 2017, we were delighted to meet session, practising his calligraphy while having fun with them. the students from Dulwich Collage (Singapore) again A In conjunction with the celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival, this year. Mdm Li introduced Chinese festivals and described the festive On 26th September 2018, students from Dulwich College traditions to the students. They have a better understanding of, (Singapore) visited Confucius Institute, NTU, to attend our and are impressed with Chinese culture. At the end of the lesson language and cultural classes. The four classes were evolution , the students unleash their creativity in making dragon boats of Chinese characters, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese traditional under the guidance of Mdm Li. festivals and Chinese martial arts. We arranged an outdoor class by holding the Chinese martial In the class on the evolution of Chinese characters, Mr Neo arts lesson at the green lawn of One-north Park. The students introduced students to the subject with engaging storytelling. learnt the
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