Index Page numbers in italics refer to Figures and Tables martian classification 333-6 Aci San Antonio 182 deformation 336-7 Acicatena 182-3 flank structures 337-9 Aciplatani 183-4 gravitational collapse 340-3 Aeolian Islands regional studies Alicudi 12 Elysium 323-7 see also Stromboli Hellas 327-30 Alaska 1, 3, 11, 12, 17 Syrtis Major 330-2 Alba Patera 319-20, 334, 335, 336, 339 Tharsis 313-23 Albor Tholus 323, 324-5 334, 335, 336, 339 rift zones 339-40 Alicudi 12 sizes 332-3 Alpha Regio 352, 358 morphology classification 308 Amphitrites Patera 327-9, 334, 337 problems of interpretation 308-10 analogue modelling related slides 276-7 landslides 302-4 California 83 Andean volcanoes 1 Campi Flegri 83, 263 Antarctica see Deception Island Canarian Archipeligo (Canary Islands) 1, 5, 8, 12 Apollinaris Patera 325-6, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338 mass wasting 128 Arsia Mons 36, 37, 316-18, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339 rift features 125-8 Arsia-type caldera 335-6 geometry 129 Ascraeus Mons 37, 38, 319, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, stresses in 128-9 339, 341 setting 125 aseismic creep 179-80 slides 281 Etna study volcanic activity 125 measurement sites 181-6 volcanic hazard assessment 131-4 significance of results 186-90 see also E1 Hierro; Fuerteventura; Gran Canaria; Atla Regio 353, 356, 357, 364, 369 La Gomera; La Palma; Lanzarote; Tenerife Augustine Island (Alaska) 1, 3, 11, 12, 17 Caribbean Avalancha del Zarzo 366, 368 tsunami hazard 115 Ayacata Formation 86, 87 quantification 120-2 Cascades Range see Mount Adams; Mount Rainier; Bandai-type collapse 77-8 Mount St Helens basalt Casita 99 influence on stability 48-9 Cavoni 55, 60 shield volcano landslides 295 Ceraunius Tholus 321-2, 334, 335, 336, 339, 343 Basaltic Shield Formation (BSF) 255 Chilean volcanoes basement Hudson 245. deformation behaviour Socompa 7, 8, 77, 78 numerical modelling 105-9 clastic dykes, effect on pore pressure of 83-5 quantification 102-3 cohesive strength (s), relation to collapse 79 Mount Etna 200-3 Colima (Mexico), Nevado di 3-4, 7-8, 16 Basilicata mass flow studies 237-9 collapse emplacement 241-5 classification 77-8 lithology 239-40 physical parameters influencing 78-80 summary 245-6 collapse calderas 2 Bezymianny-type collapse 77, 78, 340 Colli Albani Volcanic District 225 Biblis Patera 323, 334, 336, 339 Colombia 17 Blackhawk landslide 366, 368 Concepcirn (Nicaragua) 10, 86, 96, 98, 100-1, 103 Bracciano Depression Copernicus crater 30 setting 225-6 Crocefisso-Nizzeti 182 structure 230-3 Cumbre Vieja ridge 5, 15 volcanic sequence 227-30 Bransfield Strait see Deception Island debris aprons Brito Formation 97 Venus morphology 353-9 calderas morphometry 359-61 Deception Island debris avalanches origin 263 defined, 7 setting 253-14 Hawaiian Islands 295 dating 250-4 Rrunion 298-302 384 INDEX Deception Island Gomera 125, 126, 127, 133 plate tectonic character 254, 255 Gough Island 128 seismological study grading in mass flows 242 method 257 Gran Canaria 125, 126, 127, 133 results 257-62 gravitational collapse results discussed 262-4 earth volcanoes 340-1 setting 253-4, 255 martian volcanoes 341-3 stratigraphy 254-6 gravitational sliding and thrusting 11, 169 structure 257 gravity anomaly, Bracciano 231 decompression 361 ground movement deformation application of inverse rate method basement 95-6 method 111-12 numerical modelling 105-9 study of Etna 112-13 quantification 102-3 use in eruption prediction 113-14 relation to pore pressure 85-8 Guinevere Platinia 354 degassing, effect on pore pressure of 82-3 digital evaluation modelling (DEM) 299 Hadriaca Patera 329, 334, 335, 336 digital terrain modelling Harimkotan 17 methods 296-7 Hawaiian Islands 1, 4, 10, 11, 12 results 297-302 flank collapse 341 dyke injection landslides 281,283, 295 contribution to flank failure 47-50 rift zones 339-40 lunar 27 setting 281-2 relation to pore fluid pressure 46-7 shield volcano structure 309, 339 relation to rifting 8-10, 129 submarine slides 128, 368 dyke swarms 8-10 turbidites correlation 290-2 earthquakes (seismic), effect on flank failure 50-1 geochemistry 285-8 E1 Chonco 99 origins 288-90 E1 Coyol Group 97 petrography 285 E1 Hierro 5, 8, 125, 126, 127, 131,132, 133 role in deep sea sedimentation 292 Elysium Mons 323, 326, 334, 335, 336, 339 stratigraphy 283-5 Elysium region 16, 323-7 volcanic sand study 290 eruptions see also Kilauea; Mauna Loa prediction of 113-14 Hawaiian Ridge 13, 14, 39-40 triggering 113 Hawaiian rifts 129 Esan Skyzawa-yama 267, 268, 278 hazard assessment for instability 16-18 Etna see Mount Etna Canary Islands 131-4 Hecates Tholus 323, 326-7, 334, 335, 336, 339 fabric, role in failure 7-8 Hekla 338, 339 fault creep 179-80 Helen Planitia 353, 359 Etna study Hellas region 327-30 measurement sites 181-6 Hokkaido volcanoes 276-70 significance of results 186-90 caldera formation 276-7 fault systems hydrologic mass flows Mount Etna 194-9 Tokachidake 274-6 Roccamonfina 219-20 Usu 270-4 faulting, relation to pore pressure of 85-8 Hudson, Volcan 245 flank failure geometry 47-8 " hydrogeology, Mount Etna 199-200 relation to mechanical pore fluid pressure 48-50 hydrologic mass flows relation to thermal pore fluid pressure 50 Tokachidake 274-6 forecasting of eruptions 18-19 Usu 270-4 friction, effective coefficient of (#), relation to collapse 79-80 Iceland 338, 339 Fuerteventura 125, 126, 127, 133 Iizuna volcano 95 instability, coastal Gal/tpagos Islands causes 2-3 shield volcano 338, 339 defined 1 submarine slides 12 development 3-4 Geisha seamounts 339 frequency of occurrence 2 geochemistry, Hawaiian Island turbidites 285-8 rifting 8-10 geomorphology, Roccamonfina 216-19 role of water 5 glass, volcanic 286 triggering mechanisms 4-5 INDEX 385 intrusive bodies use in volcano monitoring effect on Etna stability 204 Mount Adams 145-6 see also dyke injection Mount Rainier 145-6 inverse rate method 111-12 Mount St Helens 140-4 application to Etna 112-13 Lassen Peak (California) 365 use in eruption prediction 113-14 Latian Volcanic Province 225 Irumukeppu-yama 268, 269 Lesser Antilles Ischia setting 115-17 evolution 249 tsunamigenic potential 17, 122-3 uplift estimates Loma de la Asperaza 366, 368 methods of analysis 249-51 Loma La Teta 99 results discussed 251 Loma Redonda landslide 366, 368 Long Valley 263 Japan 1, 95 Esan Skyzawa-yama 267, 268, 278 Maderas (Nicaragua) 10, 101, 103 Hokkaido 276-70 96, 98, magma chamber collapse 308 caldera formation 276-7 maria, lunar 28 hydrologic mass flows 270-6 Marion Island 128 Irumukeppu-yama 268, 269 Marquesas 12, 281 Komagatake 267, 268, 278 Mars 1, 15-16 Matsushiro 83 Minami-dake 268, 270, 278 calderas Niseko 268, 278 characters 310-13 classification 333-6 Onnebetsu-dake 268, 269-70, 278 deformation 336-7 Oshima Ohshima 267, 268, 278 Shikaribetsu 268-9 flank structures 337-9 gravitational collapse 340-3 Shiribetsu-dake 268, 278 regional studies Tokachidake 268, 269, 278, 274-6 Unzen 7, 17 Elysium 16, 323-7 Hellas 327-30 Usu 83, 267, 268, 278, 270-4 Syrtis Major 330-2 Yake-dake 83 Java 95 Tharsis 16, 35, 313-23 rift zones 339-40 Jovus Tholus 323, 334, 335, 336, 339 sizes 332-3 igneous processes 34-5 Kamchatka 1, 10 Kick 'em Jenny 17 volcano structures 33-4, 35-9 Martinique 1, 12 setting 115-17 Mascalucia fault system 195 tsunamigenic potential 122-3 mass flow deposits of Monte Vulture 237-9 Kilauea 11, 12, 14, 282, 290 caldera 309 emplacement 241-5 Klyuchevshoi 10 lithology 239-40 Komagatake 267, 268, 278 summary 245-6 Kurile Islands 1, 17 mass movement defined 267 factors affecting 267 La Palma 5, 8, 15, 125, 126, 127, 131,132, 133 Hokkaido examples 267-70 La Pelona 99 caldera formation 276-7 lahar, defined 7 Tokachidake 274-6 Lahar Facies 237-8 Usu 270-4 distribution 238 mass transport 5-6 stratigraphy 239 mathematical modelling, basement deformation transport mechanisms 241-5 105-9 landslides Matsushiro 83 Canary Islands 128, 131 Mauna Loa 12, 15, 282 Hawaiian Islands 281,283, 295 debris avalanche 45 Rrunion 297 Meroe Patera 330, 332, 334, 337 debris avalanches 298-302 Mexico 3-4, 7-8, 16 modelling 302-4 Minami-dake 268, 270, 278 see also slope failure modelling Lanzarote 125, 126, 127, 133 analogue modelling of landslides 302-4 laser altimetry digital evaluation modelling (DEM) 299 airborne method 139-40 digital terrain modelling application in morphometry 146-8 methods 296-7 general method 138-9 results 297-302 386 INDEX modelling (continued) Mount Shasta 7, 8 mathematical modelling Moyotepe 99 basement deformation 105-9 stress modelling parameters 67-9 Navka Platinia 352, 354, 362, 364, 368 results 70-3 nested calderas 308 summary 73-4 neutral buoyancy zone (NBZ) Mokosha Mons 352, 353, 355 Moon 27, 28-9 Mombacho 1, 96, 98, 99-100, 103 Venus 30-2 Monte Vulture Nevado del Ruiz 17 mass flow deposits 238-9 Nevado di Colima 3-4, 7-8, 16 emplacement 241-5 Nicaragua see Concepcitn; Maderas; Mombacho lithology 239-40 Nicaragua summary 245-6 basement geology 97 setting 237-8 volcano construction 97-9 Moon 15 volcano deformation igneous processes 26-7 numerical modelling 105-9 lack of calderas 310 quantification 102-3 mafia 28 volcano description seismicity 30 Concepcitn 10, 86, 96, 98, 100-1, 103 volcano structures 26 Maderas 10, 96, 98, 101, 103 morphometric analysis 146-8 Mombacho 1, 96, 98, 99-100, 103 Mount Adams 145-6 San Cristobal 96, 98, 99, 103 Mount Etna 4, 8, 12, 15, 169-70 Nigorikawa Caldera 268, 276 eruption prediction 113-14 Nili Patera 330, 331-2, 334, 337 eruption triggering 113 Niobe Platinia 356, 364, 368 explosion-quake monitoring Niseko 268, 278 methods 373-4 Nyiragongo 338, 339 results 374-5 spectral analysis
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