VOL.48 ISSUE 1448 OCT 6, 2014 From VouTube to Touh.ill, Pentatoriix music amazes JENNIFER EMILY ADDY LAI STAFF WRITER STAFF WRITER YouTube sensation and acapella group, Pentatonix, perform at Touhill Performing Arts Center PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF ADDY LAIITHE CURRENT as well as the winning group of show was the group's cover the third season of NBC's "The of "Say Something," origi- Sing-Off,': . An American acap­ nally performed by A Great Big pella group that consists of five World feat. Christina Aguilera. vocalists who originated from The vocalists' voices echoed Arlington, Texas. Pentatonix throughout the theater and sent is comprised of lead vocalists chills through the captivated Scott Hoying; Kristin "Kristie" crowd. Their performance of the Maldonado, and Mitch GrasSi, "Evolution of Music" demon­ vocal bass Avriel ''Avi'' Kaplan, strated their technical skills, and and beat boxer Kevin K.O. Olu­ accomodated their audience of sola. Originally a three member different ages. group comprised of Scott, Kris­ Pentatonix's involvment tie, and Mitch, they eventually with their audience, a con­ found the need for a bassist and nection that is rarely seen at a beatboxer to reach stardom. concerts, was definitely one of The band name derives from the the key reasons why audiences five-note music scale, pentaton­ . were begging for an encore. ic, replacing the 'c' with an 'x'. Mitch, wanting a photograph The band redefines the meaning. of the enthusiastic crowd, took of an acapella concert. out his cell phone and started to Pentatonix performed take a panoramic photo as Scott some songs froln their previ­ hummed to the tune of "Jeop­ ous albums along with a couple ardy". Lacer, meyasked for au- On one of the last stops of other selections from their the ability of singing more than dience participation in creating sung to during the concert. of their 2014 tour, Pentatonix newly released third album. one note at a time, and Kevin's the background vocals for their The vocal group dosed rocked St. Louis with a sold- Their unexpected soprano to skill of playing the cello while original song "Natural Disas­ with a big thank you apd in out concert at the Blanche M. bass vocal range and stylistic beat-boxing, also known as ter". The crowd did not hesitate turn received cheers and a Touhill Performing Arts Center capability had them perform­ 'cello-boxing'. Kevin was even to sing and clap along when standing ovation. They look at the University of Missouri ing covers of different genres able to perform his own original instructed to do so. In addition, forward for their return to the - St. Louis on October 4 at 7 such as pop, electronica, reggae, piece called "Renegade." The as a surprise to the audience, Avi city. Their new album PTX Vol. p.m. Pentatonix had the crowd R&B, dubstep, and more. This audience were truly in awe with took a chair out from the side of III is currently available, one a on their feet cheeriI1g "PTX" for attracted a diverse audience. the performance, with some the stage and chose a very lucky new Christmas album, "That's not just one, but two encores. Despite being an acappella fans screaming their love for the audience member to be seated Christmas to Me", is on its way Commonly known as PTX, group, Pentatonix showcased group. in the hot seat: this individual to production. Pentatonix is a vocal sensation Avi's skill of o~ertone singing, Another highlight of the . would get the opportunity to be After the show, people gathered around The Pentatonix Merchandise Booth ... ................. , .... .. .... ..... .... ...... ..... ............. .. ..... ..... ..... ... .... .. ... .. ... .... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ........ .......... .. ... ....... ......... ....... .. .... ... ......................... .... .................. ........ .... .... .. oUJ V')z 2 THECURRENT-ONlINE.COM October 6, 2014 THE CURRENT ONLINE EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Anna Glushko Managing Editor Kat Riddler Correction for Issue #1447 News Editor Kat Riddler Features Editor Karlyne Killebrew The Current wishes to apologize to the Chan~ellor of Univeristy of Missouri - Saint Louis, Thomas George. A mispelling of his Sporls Editor Eric Harris name in an article located on page 8, "Alumni attend Founders' dinner at Ritz-Carlton," was, not wittingly, allowed to be put into print. A&E Editor Cate Marquis We offer our deepest apologies to Chancellor George. Opinions Editor LaTwuanna Troupe Copy Editors Dominique McPherson, Campus Jessica Caudill, Jane Lakayil Ferguson arrests continue Crime Staff Writers Albert Nail, William WILLIAM PATTERSON R~port Patterson, Daniel C. Hodges, CRIME REPORTER Jacqueline lrigoyen, Jennifer Emily, WILLIAM PATTERSON Cullen Williams, Cynthia Ford, The night of Octo­ Michael Brown pro­ rights groups thought St. Ann jail because the CRIME REPORTER Lotte J~nsson ber 2, 13 more people tests under unclear cir­ were uncalled-for Ferguson jail has been were arrested outside cumstances. Police say reasons, like violating too over capacity. October 1, two people, one of the Ferguson Police that the protesters were noise ordinances. They of them a University Missou- Department during arrested for what civil were taken over to the ri - St. Louis student, were arrested at Oak Residential DESIGN Hall for marijuana possession. Design Editor Eric Wynen SGA parking questionnaire On October 2, a handgun was Photo Editor Ryan Brooks displayed after a confronta- Web Editor Cate Marquis DANIEL c. HODGES tion between two students in Staff Photographers STAFF WRITER Millennium South Garage. The Rob Sifford, Adrienne Lai UMSL police department is still CarloonistiArlists Brett Heuer,Greg The University of Missou­ and shuttling at.UMSL. Those believe in sitting around and investigating. Hartl, Mike "MR" Nash ri - St. Louis Student Gov­ who are unhappy with the doing nothing about com­ ernment Association (SGA) is status quo are being asked to plaints." Students who were not taking on the issue of student sign a signature page. The SGA approached by the SGA, but BUSINESS parking. plans on gathering support for would like to contribute to their Business Manager Cate Marquis Following up on student the position before deciding initiative, can either stop by the Adverlising Director Britni Fischer complaints, senators from the on a course of action. SGA, Student Government Office or Distribution Manager Lori Dresner SGA are circulating among President Cameron Roark, send an email to [email protected]. Social Media Director LaTwuanna Troupe students asking them how they junior, criminology, said, ''As a Roark said that all emails will be ffiel on the issues of parking student government, we do not documented. CON'rACTUS ~h( (J( ))) 388 MSC, 1 University Blvd st. Louis, MO 63121-4400 A COLLABORATION Newsroom ' 314-516-5174 [email protected] <rUITrnt 0 N A I R WITH Business/~ dverlising 314·516·5316 WEDNESDAYS @ 8:45 A.M. [email protected] Fax 314·516-6811 Visit thecurrent-online.com for additional content Editor-in·Chief [email protected] LETTERS TO THE EDITOR GET INVOLVED Internships and Volunteer Positions [email protected] Letters to the editor should be brief, and those not exceeding Do you have a tip regarding a.story? Have a correction to report? 250 words wi" be given preference. We edit letters for clarity Do you have a question or comment for our staff? Contact us at Letters to the Editor [email protected] and length, not for dialect, correctness, intent, or grammar. [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you. A" letters must be signed and must include a daytime phone Twitter number. Students must include their student 10 numbers. The Current values feedback from the campus community. @UMSLTheCurrent Faculty and staff must include their title(s) and department(s). What do you think of our campus coverage? Let us know your Facebook The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to respon d to letters. The thoughts at [email protected]. ITheCurrentStudentNews Current reserves the right to deny letters. fFHE UNDE-RC.URRENT By Ash/ee Car/strom WHAT,IS YOUR DREAM JOB? MAYRARICO, STEFAN SMIUANIC, EVAN HURT, Junior, NurSing Sopomore, Accounting Senior, Psychology "To be the owner of my own "I'd say working with wild "My dream job is to be clink. I would like to provide life probably somewhere in a psychiatriC physicians resources that are affordable Alaska. " assistan t. It gives me an to the community. I offer opportunity to mold myself in service to bilinguals in the a growing and accelerating ..Hispanic community. " field." MON71 TUE 76 WED 75 THU 68 FRI 60 SAT 63 SUN67 55 53 56 56 47 47 53 October 6,2014 1Chc (turrent NEWS 3 Governor Nixon unveils UMSL partnership plan KAT RIDDLER NEWS EDITOR Missouri Governor Jay by the Department of Social Nixon held a press conference . Services to the College of Ed­ on October 2 in Woods Hall ucation at UMSL through the 101 announcing a new partner­ federal Temporaty Assistance ship berween the University of for Needy Families (TANF) Missouri-St. Louis and North program. This partnership will Campus. The North Campus is also give UMSL students a place an organization founded by St. to volunteer their time and gain Louis Alderman Antonio French hands-on experience. in 2012 to provide targeted, Chancellor Thomas George intensive educational supports was unable to attend because of to heIp lift students and their a curator's meeting in Kansas fainilies out of poverty. Cur­ City, so Carole Basile, dean of rently, it serves 150 children in the College of Education, gave North St. Louis County provid­ introductions and began the ing in-school and after school press conference. Also in atten­ programs. The press conference dance were former State Senator was called for 10:55 a.m., but and minority lead~r Maida the Governor was unable to Coleman and Judge Marvin arrive until 11 :30 a.m. Teer. North County.
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