The DIOCESAN Chronicle News of the Diocese of Baker January 24, 2016 Volume 7, Number 2 Saints and Feasts: Saint Francis de Sales Clergy Assignments Today marks the feast of the Fr. Abraham Manthuruthil, S.D.B., patron of our Diocese, St. Francis has been assigned to Our Lady of de Sales. Born in France of a noble Mount Carmel in Chiloquin and its family in 1567 and very well mission, St. James in Bly, effective educated, Francis surprised his January 7, 2015. He replaces Fr. father (who had definite plans for Andrew Szymakowski, J.C.L. his highly talented son) by becoming a priest and then bishop (at age 35). Fr. Andrew Szymakowski, J.C.L. At that time the line of division returns to St. Thomas Church in between Catholics and Protestants Redmond as Parochial Vicar and was less than 100 years old, but continues his weekly pastoral visits to the young and genial Bishop of the inmates at Deer Ridge Correctional Geneva fearlessly crossed over it to Institute in Madras. engage his opponents in respectful Fr. Szymakowski, J.C.L., is the dialogue that drew thousands back to the Church. His Defender of the Bond for the Office of peaceful spirit prepared the way for the ecumenical Canonical Affairs and Tribunal for the Diocese of Baker. openness that flowed from the Second Vatican Council 350 years later. Mother Mary’s Daughters The effect St. Francis had on others can be seen in Mother Mary's Daughters is very pleased to have the testimony of a very good judge of character who knew received the donation of the Nativity Set (purchased him briefly near the end of his life (he died in 1622 at the through Hobby Lobby) by Owen and Becky Larkin, age of 55). “This servant of God conformed so well to the parishioners of St. Thomas the Apostle Church in divine pattern,” St. Vincent de Paul said, “that often I Redmond. The beautiful set will be used for Mother asked myself with amazement how a created being . Mary’s Daughters’ events to promote the Beauty and could reach so high a degree of perfection. Going over Sanctity of Family Life through the Greatest Pro Life his words in my mind, I have been filled with such Story Ever Told...Marian, Eucharistic, Spirit-filled. admiration that I am moved to see in him the man who, of all others, has most faithfully reproduced the love of the Son of God on earth.” Feast Day: January 24 Type of Feast: Memorial Born: August 21, 1567 (Thorens, France) Died: December 28, 1622 (Lyons, France) Symbol: Sacred Heart of Jesus Patron of: Catholic press, confessors, deaf people, educators, journalists, writers Beatification: January 8, 1661, by Pope Alexander VII Canonization: April 8, 1665, by Pope Alexander VII; proclaimed a Doctor of the Church by Pope Pius IX on November 16, 1877 “Have the utmost confidence that in His mercy and kindness Our Lord will not forsake you; yet for all that, do not relax your hold on His holy cross.” — St. Francis de Sales Thoughts Along the Way and at the Holy Doors in Baker City and Powell Butte. Don’t let this Holy Year pass you by. Put yourself in Bishop Liam Cary a position to let the Mercy of God take you by surprise. An Indulgence of Mercy Information on Pilgrimage, obtaining an Indulgence and the 40 Hour Devotions may be found at http://dioceseofbaker.org/yom.htm This Jubilee Year the Divine Mercy will take flesh in many different ways for those who seek it. One Pensamientos Del Camino such opportunity is that of gaining an indulgence. “An indulgence,” the Catechism teaches, “is a remission before Obispo Liam Cary God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven . through the action of the Una Indulgencia de Misericordia Church.” The Church forgives on the authority of Jesus Himself. On the night of His Resurrection our Lord Este Año Jubilar de la Divina Misericordia tomara entrusted the fruit of His victory over death into the forma de muchas maneras diferentes para los que la hands of His Apostles and commanded them to dispense buscan. Una de esas oportunidades es el de ganar to sinners the treasury of grace which His sorrowful una indulgencia. Passion drew forth from the infinite depths of the “La indulgencia”, el Catecismo enseña: “es la Father’s merciful love. “Whose sins you shall forgive, they remisión ante Dios de la pena temporal por los pecados, la are forgiven them,” Jesus said; “whose sins you shall culpa ya perdonada. a través de la acción de la Iglesia”. retain, they are retained.” La Iglesia perdona por la autoridad de Jesús mismo. En la Forgiveness of sin is one thing; healing the ongoing noche de su resurrección nuestro Señor confió el fruto effects of sin is quite another. Like infection in the de su victoria sobre la muerte a las manos de sus body, sin corrupts our thinking, our feeling, and our apóstoles y les dio instrucciones para distribuir a los willing; serious habitual sin leads to self-inflicted spiritual pecadores el tesoro de gracia que su dolorosa pasión destruction; it evicts the life of grace from the soul. consiguió de las profundidades infinitas del amor After a surgeon removes a cancerous tumor (which we misericordioso del Padre. “Los pecados que perdonen, could liken to a priest forgiving a mortal sin), the patient quedan perdonados”, dijo Jesús; “Los pecados que goes to the recovery room to begin to heal the potentially detengan, quedaran detenidos.” lethal damage the tumor has done to the body. So it is El perdón del pecado es una cosa; sanar los efectos with the cure of the soul. Divine forgiveness removes continuos del pecado es otra muy distinta. Al igual que la the malignant tumor of sin, but even the best confession infección en el cuerpo, el pecado corrompe nuestro cannot call back the sin-spreading consequences of pensamiento, nuestro sentimiento y nuestra voluntad; un what we’ve done or failed to do. They continue to play pecado habitual serio conduce a la destrucción espiritual themselves out independent of our best intentions. autoprovocada; que desaloja la vida de la gracia del alma. Wounding words shouted out publicly, for example, Después que un cirujano extirpa un tumor canceroso (que harden the hearts of absent others through the reports of podríamos comparar con un sacerdote que perdona un bystanders who pass on the bad news indiscriminately. pecado mortal), el paciente va a la sala de recuperación Within ourselves we can detect sin’s ongoing corruptive para comenzar a sanar el daño potencialmente letal que el effects on our memory in what St. Francis de Sales calls tumor le ha hecho al cuerpo. Lo mismo sucede con la our “affection for past sins.” They’ve been confessed and salud del alma. El perdón divino elimina el tumor forgiven, and we’ve ceased to commit them, but we recall maligno del pecado, pero incluso la mejor confesión no them with a strange, lingering attachment, as if a low- puede evitar las consecuencias que el pecado provoco por grade spiritual infection still circulated in the blood lo que hemos hecho o dejado de hacer. Ellos siguen stream of our soul. perjudicando por sí mismos independientes de nuestras Jesus is the Divine Physician who came to heal us mejores intenciones. Palabras hirientes deshonran through and through, and the indulgences of the Church públicamente, por ejemplo, endurecer el corazón de los offer a remedy for the unhealthy spiritual state we find demás a través de los que transmiten las malas noticias de ourselves in. It is customary in a Jubilee Year for the manera indiscriminada. Dentro de nosotros mismos Pope to extend these sin-destroying favors to already podemos detectar los efectos continuos de corrupción del pardoned sinners who perform specified religious acts or pecado en nuestra memoria en lo que San Francisco de works of charity in order to gain freedom “from every Sales llama nuestro “afecto por los pecados del pasado.” residue left by the consequences of sin,” in the words of Ellos han sido confesados y perdonados, y hemos dejado Pope Francis. You will find information on how to take de cometerlos, pero los recuerdo con un extraño apego advantage of this truly special offer on the diocesan persistente, como si una pequeña infección espiritual website and in printed materials available in your parish todavía circulara en el torrente sanguíneo de nuestra alma. Jesús es el Médico Divino que vino a sanar de todo, The Traditional Latin Mass in Bend todo, y las indulgencias de la Iglesia ofrecen un The Extraordinary Form (Latin) Mass remedio para el estado espiritual malsano en que nos will be offered at St. Francis of Assisi encontramos. Es habitual que en un año jubilar el Historic Church on: Papa extienda estos favores destructores de pecados a los pecadores ya perdonados que realizan actos religiosos Jan. 24, 2:15 p.m. High Mass (Sung) específicos u obras de caridad con el fin de obtener Feb. 7, 2:15 p.m. Low Mass libertad “de todos los residuos dejados por las Feb. 21, 2:15 p.m. High Mass (Sung) consecuencias del pecado,” en palabras del papa Francisco. Encontrará información sobre cómo A High Mass (also referred to as Missa Cantata) is aprovechar esta oferta especial en el sitio web de la celebrated with a schola (choir) and almost all the priest’s diócesis y en los materiales impresos disponibles en su parts are sung (chanted), as are all the Ordinaries, i.e.
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