June 5, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1153 PAYING TRIBUTE TO NORA ANZIK further promised to engage in a dialogue with political campaign committees are taxed in the the NLD, supervised by the United Nations. same manner as our federal campaign com- HON. SCOTT McINNIS Sadly, the talks failed to make significant mittees. OF COLORADO progress. Joining me in this effort to ensure that the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Deficits are not only visible in the political tax code treats our state legislators fairly is the arena but also in the social and economic entire Democratic wing of the Texas delega- Thursday, June 5, 2003 field. Long-term economic mismanagement tion: Representative CHRIS BELL, Representa- Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to under authoritarian rule created severe eco- tive LLOYD DOGGETT, Representative CHET ED- stand before this Congress and this nation to nomic and social ills. Due to the government’s WARDS, Representative MARTIN FROST, Rep- pay tribute to an outstanding volunteer and human rights’ abuses and the unfriendly busi- resentative CHARLES GONZALEZ, Representa- community member from my district. Nora ness environment, international companies tive RALPH HALL, Representative RUBEN Anzik is the recipient of this year’s Volunteer have left the country. Inflation is rampant, HINOJOSA, Representative SHEILA JACKSON- of the Year Award given by TREC, the Thera- probably as high as fifty percent. The social LEE, Representative EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON, peutic Riding and Education Center of Pueblo, sector is in dire straits with every third child Representative NICK LAMPSON, Representative Colorado. Nora’s hard work helps children with suffering from malnutrition. Yet 40 percent of SOLOMON P. ORTIZ, Representative SILVESTRE disabilities experience the joy of riding horses, the budget is spent for defense. REYES, Representative CIRO RODRIGUEZ, Rep- something they could not accomplish without The problems in Burma are grave and wide- resentative MAX SANDLIN, Representative her. reaching. There’s a democratic movement that CHARLES STENHOLM, and Representative JIM Nora’s enthusiasm, patience, and effective- deserves and needs our support, there’s a TURNER. ness became obvious in her first week at military regime that needs to realize that its My thanks goes out to each of them for their TREC. She began her work with a young au- only way out of Burma’s crisis is to fully re- support, as well as to Senator Lindsay for tistic boy named Steven. Steven was not com- spect democracy and human rights. This re- bringing this matter to our attention. I urge my fortable with some of the aspects of riding, gime must accept the results of the 1990 elec- fellow colleagues to co-sponsor this bill and and it was Susan’s persuasive, positive atti- tion which were won by Aung Sang Suu Syi. show their support for the state legislators who tude that helped him to adjust. Her work with To achieve these goals, I have cosponsored work hard representing them back home. Steven is just one example of the compassion the ‘‘Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of f she has for those in need. Nora continues to 2003,’’ which—amongst other provisions—pro- work with Steven and numerous other chil- hibits imports from Burma in order to press the RECOGNITION OF BRADEN dren, becoming a role model in many of their regime to adapt full-fledged democratic re- CHRISTIAN lives. She is a wonderful teacher, who knows forms and supports democracy activists within how to get through to children with special Burma. HON. JOHN SHIMKUS needs. f OF ILLINOIS Mr. Speaker, great Americans like Nora, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES who volunteer their time, have helped to make A BILL TO RESTORE EQUITY IN Thursday, June 5, 2003 our country great. I am proud of her accom- THE TAXATION OF POLITICAL plishments and it gives me great joy to inform CAMPAIGN COMMITTEES Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to this body of Congress and this nation of her pay tribute to Braden Christian of Harrisburg, outstanding community service. Thank you, HON. GENE GREEN Illinois in honor of his participation in the 76th Nora, for your hard work and dedication. Your OF TEXAS annual Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee. commitment and involvement in the Pueblo IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Braden was the winner of the Tri-State Spelling Bee held at Bosse High School in community will not be forgotten. Thursday, June 5, 2003 f Evansville, Illinois on March 15 earlier this Mr. GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise year. His win secured him an invitation to the POLITICAL TENSIONS IN BURMA today to introduce a bill that will restore equity National Spelling Bee. in the taxation of political campaign commit- Today, I would like to congratulate Braden HON. JOSEPH CROWLEY tees. on his victory and wish him luck in the Na- OF NEW YORK Currently, the tax code treats income in fed- tional Competition. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eral political campaign committees the same The Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee as corporate income. This allows candidates is held annually and features 251 students Thursday, June 5, 2003 for congressional office to pay campaign taxes from grades five through eight from all over Mr. CROWLEY. Mr. Speaker, I risk today to on a graduated rate scale, offering us signifi- the country. Students are quizzed on a large express my deepest concerns about the ongo- cant tax benefits. selection of words from the Merriam-Webster’s ing political problems in Burma and the recent Specifically, we pay a 15 percent tax rate on Third New International Dictionary. I would like arrest of opposition leader Aung Sang Suu the first $50,000 of income in our campaign to commend Braden for his hard work and Kyi. I am deeply troubled by the military re- accounts. Income in our accounts between dedication to pursuing his goal of winning the gime’s stifling of political life. This equals a $50,001 and $75,000 is taxed at 25 percent, National Title. brutal, unacceptable situation lacking demo- and income between $75,001 and $10 million In closing, I would like to praise Braden for cratic essentials. Obviously, the military junta is taxed at 34 percent. Only when our cam- all of his achievements and also thank his par- tries to block and prevent democratic change paign accounts boast over $10 million are we ents and teachers who have nurtured and in- for which nobel peace prize laureate Suu Kyi’s subjected to a 35 percent tax rate. spired Braden’s desire for excellence and love life and work stand for. Mr. Speaker, each of us in this chamber can of knowledge. He is a truly wonderful young With the detention of Suu Kyi and nineteen attest to the ridiculously high amount of money man and I look forward to hearing of his future members of her National League for Democ- that we must raise in order to run a formidable accomplishments. God Bless. racy party last Friday, the political tensions are campaign for Congress. However, I doubt that f on the rise again. The NLD headquarters and many of us actually reach that $10 million universities were also closed. It is common threshold and pay a 35 percent tax rate on the PAYING TRIBUTE TO LYNN practice for the junta to crash NLD meetings money in our campaign accounts. WELDON by sending bullies to intimidate pro-democracy Unfortunately, our colleagues in state legis- advocates. Only last year Suu Kyi was re- latures across the country aren’t as fortunate. HON. SCOTT McINNIS leased from custody while at the same time As Texas State Senator Jon Lindsay pointed OF COLORADO the junta arrested many NLD party members. out to us in the Texas Delegation, every dollar IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The military regime allowed her to travel freely in his campaign account is taxed at a flat 35 throughout the country and organize her party percent rate. In fact, only candidates for Con- Thursday, June 5, 2003 but during her last two trips she met harass- gress are able to enjoy this graduated tax Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ment and obstruction. This clearly indicates schedule. take this opportunity to recognize a longtime that hope for democratic reform, which was To correct this inequity in our tax code, I am servant of Alamosa, Colorado, Lynn Weldon. stirred by Suu Kyi’s release, has suffered a introducing legislation today to amend the In- Lynn has served the Alamosa City Council dili- major setback. The illegitimate government ternal Revenue Code and mandate that state gently for almost twenty years. In recognition VerDate Jan 31 2003 05:54 Jun 06, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05JN8.002 E05PT1.
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