SRO-LUCKNOW DEFAULTERS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY-2019 Employer Code Establishment Name S.N. 2131-04395300-21002 Eyeglobal Technologies P Ltd4th Flr Mafatlal House 1 3000-00001800-00704 Motor Sales Ltd.Charbagh Station Road Lucknow 2 3000-00003800-00099 Sarbhan Doodh Bhandardelhi Road 3 3000-00013800-01101 The Grand Hotel4 Lal Bagh Lucknow 4 3000-00018100-00704 Motor Sales Limited11 M G Marg Lko 5 3000-00029400-01001 Eagles Eye Security Servicese-20, Site 2, Industrial Area, 6 3000-00038700-00009 Neelkanth Sweetscourts Road 7 3000-00040400-00999 Jugal Kishore Scootersnear Kukrail Bridge, Sanjay Gandhi 8 Puram 3000-00043400-01102 Nrindavan Lunch Home 9 3000-00093700-00506 S.M. Industriesmanju Nagar 10 3000-00101300-00803 C.M.Y.K. Printech (P) Ltd.90 Vidhan Sabha Marg 11 3000-00103000-01001 Upper India Cooper Pepar Mills Co.B-26, Nishatganj, Lko 12 3000-00104400-00905 Lucknow Electricity Supply Undertakingkanpur Road Lucknow 13 3000-00104900-00803 Associated Journals Ltd 14 Employer Code Establishment Name S.N. 3000-00105000-00504 Prakash Engineering Co.Aishbagh Road 15 3000-00105300-00304 Bhagwan Industriesaish Bagh, Lko 16 3000-00105400-00090 Ambil Grouptalkatora Industrial Area 17 3000-00109600-00902 Sitapar Plywood Mtg Ltd 18 3000-00115300-00606 Reliable Water Supply Servicebarabirva Road Lucknow 19 3000-00123200-00907 Lucnow Jal Sansthanaishbagh, Lucknow 20 3000-00123300-00803 Tejkumar Press Pvt Ltd29, Nawal Kishor Road, Lko 21 3000-00123400-00704 Commercial Motor Service11 Hazaratganj 22 3000-00124600-00002 Lucknow Producer Co-Oprativ Milk Union 23 Workshoppragnarain Road 3000-00125200-00704 U.P.S.R.T. Workshoptedhi Kothi, Lucknow 24 3000-00125500-00704 Karamjeet Steel Rolling Millsaishbagh Lucknow 25 3000-00126300-00506 Mass Products India Pvt Ltdg B Marg Lucknow 26 3000-00126400-00607 U. P. Instrument Ltd.Post Box No 153, Aishbagh Road, Lko 27 3000-00126600-00803 Ken Union Federation12-R.P.Marg 28 3000-00127300-00304 Vitamin Labs Of India Ltdaish Bagh, Lko 29 3000-00127500-00705 Saibro Enpineerignrts 30 Employer Code Establishment Name S.N. 3000-00127900-00803 Govind Agro Industriesnear Industrial 31 3000-00127900-00910 Boots Company India Ltd16 32 3000-00128000-00803 Navjyoti Press9, Pandariba, Lko 33 3000-00128100-00009 Laxmi Industrieshardoi 34 3000-00128200-00606 Rajkumar Sarvottam Oil Rice Milltalkatora, Lko 35 3000-00129800-00304 Up Stateparmacy Ayurvedic Unaniaish Bagh, Lko 36 3000-00131100-00506 The Asiatic Surgical And Metal Works Pvt. Ltdaishbagh Road, 37 Lucknow 3000-00131400-00304 Scientific Research Institute4 Chhitwa, Stn Road 38 3000-00131730-00999 Harbilas Cold Storage Food Productskamta P.O. Chinhat 39 3000-00132000-00704 Motor Sales Servicesstn Rd 40 3000-00132100-00602 Shanker Cable Industriesroad No-11 41 3000-00132500-00304 Central Drug Research Institutechattar Manzil Palace Po Box 42 No 173 Mg Marg Lko-226001 3000-00132700-00605 Popular Alloy Casting Pvt Ltdgolghar 43 3000-00133800-00704 Kailash Motors Saleslalbagh 44 3000-00133900-00803 Swadeshi Pressrajendra Nagar 45 3000-00134760-00905 Lakshmi Electricalsc 3 Industrial Area 46 Employer Code Establishment Name S.N. 3000-00136000-00304 Synthetics Chemicals Ltd 47 3000-00136300-00804 Ml Bhargava Co16 Hazaratganj 48 3000-00136600-00607 P.W.D Worksshopkabir Marg Lucknow 49 3000-00138500-01101 The Grand Hotel4 Lal Bagh Lucknow 50 3000-00138800-00101 Lucknow Electric Supplyalambagh 51 3000-00140600-00009 Vijay Cold Storagekotwali Road 52 3000-00141600-00802 Bharat Plywood Productsnajibabad Moradabad 53 3000-00143300-00304 Garg Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltdtalkatora Road, Lucknow 54 3000-00144600-00506 Wazir Chand Sonsstationroad 55 3000-00145400-00606 Automobile Productsind Area Amausi 56 3000-00146500-00506 Krishna Metal Industriesd56, Talkatora Industrial Estate 57 3000-00147500-00002 Narang Dairy Products Coghazipur Barabanki Road 58 3000-00147900-00506 Kathiwal Aluminium Productsrampur Road, Moradabad 59 3000-00148000-00607 Mactool Industries6-A, Ind Area, Aishbagh, Lko 60 3000-00149200-00803 Law Time Press56-C, Shringar Nagar, Lko 61 3000-00149600-00034 Biological Productsltdbadshah Bagh 62 Employer Code Establishment Name S.N. 3000-00150000-00099 Rocket Dryers Dry Cleaners34-Gwynne Road 63 3000-00150300-00704 Kumar Motorsgal Shahid 64 3000-00152200-00607 Oudh Asbestos Cement Companyb-6/1 Amausi Industrial 65 Area 3000-00152300-00009 Quality Mayfair Retaurantmayfair Building Hazratganj 66 3000-00152700-00803 Pratibha Press33, Cantt, Road, Lko 67 3000-00153400-00607 Bihar Cottage Industriesfaizabad Road, Lucknow 68 3000-00153700-00604 K B Industriesb-3,Talkatora Industrial Estate 69 3000-00153800-00603 Chandra Industriesa-4industrial Area Talkatora 70 3000-00154000-00506 Stalwart Electroplating Worksidgah Road 71 3000-00154100-00108 Amaushi Textile Mill Ltd.Nadar Ganj , Amaushi 72 3000-00154200-00506 Puri Metal Indgal Shahid Moradabad 73 3000-00154600-00304 United Research Institute90,Chandra Nagar 74 3000-00155500-00909 Mercury Dry Cleaners72 75 3000-00158600-00905 Ram Swaroop Electricalb24 Ins Area Naderganj 76 3000-00158800-00605 Hind Ceramics Ltdcivil Lines 77 3000-00159600-00009 Infant Milk Food Productsdalpat Purpo 78 Employer Code Establishment Name S.N. 3000-00159900-00801 Vijay Paper Board Millskotwali Road 79 3000-00160100-00304 Swarup Chemicals Pvt Ltd.Water Works Road, 80 3000-00160800-00905 Kv Hydle Sub Station Moradabadcivil Lines 81 3000-00161100-00507 Bhatia Overseas Exportsgal Shahid 82 3000-00161300-00003 Balaji Vegetablessitapur 83 3000-00161600-00506 Hindustan Steel Industries21-B, Ind Area 84 3000-00162000-00503 Durga Steel Rolling Millsb-20 Industrial Area Nadarganj Lko 85 3000-00163800-00090 Medi Productsberlington Hotel Building Ke Pass 86 3000-00164100-01001 Baijnath Harishankar Nag Pvt Ltdmansoor Nagar 87 3000-00164700-00706 Hal Accessories Division Lucknowfaizabad Road 88 3000-00165000-00503 Usha Steel Allied I Area Amausi 89 3000-00165500-00607 Encordio Rite Electonica-5 Ind Area Talkatora 90 3000-00165900-00909 Up State Agro Corporationdaliganj 91 3000-00166600-00404 Volga Bulb Industrieschaupatiya Baba Hazarabagh 92 3000-00167300-00506 Kesariya Industriesjhunjhunwala Compund Tilak Nagar 93 3000-00167600-00802 Kant Companychaulakhi Behind Nishat Talkies 94 Employer Code Establishment Name S.N. 3000-00168500-00606 Star Steelsb-11, Ind.Area Nadarganj 95 3000-00169600-00101 M.L.Bhargavaco.16-Hazratganj 96 3000-00169800-00005 Ganesh Iron Steel Rolling Millsc-10 Amausi 97 3000-00170300-00009 Food Corporation Of India 29,Bn Road 98 3000-00171800-00607 M.N. Mishra Co.A-3, Scooter Ancillary Estate 99 3000-00171900-00607 Automecha4 Scooter Ancillary Estate Amousi Industrial Area 100 Lko 3000-00172200-00607 Sunshine Industriesscooter India,Lko 101 3000-00172600-00504 Automotive Metal Castinga5, Scooter Ancillary Estate 102 Nadarganj Lko 3000-00173400-00803 Sahkari Press (P.C.U.)14 Dr Ambedkar Marg Lko 103 3000-00174300-00304 Grosons Pharmaceuticalskanpur Road 104 3000-00174900-00607 Premier Auto Cables5 Rana Pratap Marg, Lucknow 105 3000-00175600-00605 Sunlight Foundrylucknow Road 106 3000-00175800-00301 Up Co-Operative Fedration Ltd.Somaiya Nagar 107 3000-00176800-00507 Newton Scientific Productsaish Bagh Road 108 3000-00176900-00305 Uttar Pradesh Drugs Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd.A-5 Industrial 109 Aria, Kanpur Road, Lucknow 3000-00177600-00910 Rako Mercantile Tradersaishbagh Lko 110 Employer Code Establishment Name S.N. 3000-00177800-00506 U.P.Bridge Corporation Ltd.Aish Bagh 111 3000-00178600-01099 Leela Moviesnaval Kishor Road 112 3000-00179300-01102 Chaudhari Sweet Househazarat Ganj Lucknow 113 3000-00179400-01006 Hindustan Auto Worksservice Station5,Shahnazaf Road 114 3000-00179500-01101 Carlton Hotelhazratganj Lko 115 3000-00179600-00607 Premier Electronicstikait Rai Talab Yogeswar Math Marg 116 3000-00179800-00607 Prateek Industriesb 20 Scooter Ancillary 117 3000-00180400-01102 Chatterjee And Sonscharbagh, Lucknow 118 3000-00180600-00008 Khanna Beveragese-4 Ind State 119 3000-00180700-00503 Amrit Industriestalkatora Lko 120 3000-00180900-00304 Veldis Sales Ltd. 121 3000-00181000-01099 Shilpi Theatre11, Canttroad 122 3000-00181600-00304 India Pesticides Ltdwaterworks Road 123 3000-00182700-01201 Pratibha Cinema38-Darbari Lal Sharma Marg 124 3000-00182800-01099 Eshwar Das Shahani Brothers (Naz Cinema)Aminabad 125 3000-00183100-00704 Alliance Automobiles P Ltd17 126 Employer Code Establishment Name S.N. 3000-00183300-00009 Anand Motor Agencies Limited21 Vidhan Sabha Marg. 127 3000-00183400-01101 Hotel Charans International16 V S Marg Lko 128 3000-00184200-01099 Universal Hospital Suppliersa-42, Ins State Talkatora 129 3000-00184700-00602 Mahendra Engineeringamausi 130 3000-00185700-00008 Mohan Gold Works Business Ltd. 131 3000-00186300-01006 Speed Works 3-Shah Nazaf Road 132 3000-00186400-00306 Shakti Tar Productsamausi Railway Station Ke Pas 133 3000-00186700-00803 Agarwal Printing Press45-Sadar Bazar 134 3000-00187800-00090 Eastern Book Company34-Lalbagh 135 3000-00188200-01018 Bureau Of Security Servicestalkatora Industrial Area 136 3000-00188300-00699 Rama Automobilestalkatora Industrial Area 137 3000-00188400-00803 Asiatic Printing Pressnazar Bagh 138 3000-00188600-00606 Vidys Works Chandganj ,531/11 139 3000-00188700-00305 V.Pharma Labs Pvt.Ltd26,Chandra Lok 140 3000-00188800-00699 Sindh Engineering Lethe Workslalbagh 141 3000-00189100-00607 Vaid Steelsaishbagh, Lucknow 142 Employer Code Establishment Name S.N. 3000-00189700-00607 Megalters Indiac-36, Scooters Ancillary Estate, 143 3000-00189800-00304 Arora Laborateries28/60,Ashok
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