RESTRICTED MT/TAR/W/5 GENERAL AGREEMENT ON 6 August 1975 TARIFFS AND. TRADE Special Distribution YguJltilateral Trade Negotiations TARIFF INFORMATION AVAIJ.ABLE IN' THE SECRETARIAT As agreed at the meeting of the Group 'Tariffs;' on 7 July 1975, the secretariat has prepared a list of tariffs and their latest modifications available in the secretariat. The information, as noted here, is drain mainly from three sources: national editions of the customs tariffs, the publications of the International Custcas Bureau in Brussels and the Harndels-Archiv (published in Germany). MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 2 Tariff Information Available in the Seoretariat SOURCE Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff AFGHANISTAN 1970 1.955 modif. up to 1973 ALGERIA 1971 1973 1969. ARGENTINA 19174 .1971 1968 AUSTRALIA 1972 1973 1975 Papua ) 1957 - New Guinea) 1972 1957 (1969 AUSTRIA 1974. 1972 1972 Suppi. up to 1973 (up to 1973) 1961 1966 BAHRAIN 1954 BLEEDOS 1958 1955 1966 a/Tg/3/5 Page 3 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff BEUGIUM 1969 1969 1975 (Beneluix) (Benelux) (Benelux) BOLIVIA 1970 1975 nodif* up to 1973. BRAZIL 1973 1973 1975 DtTLGARIA 1968 1972 modif. up to 1974 BURMA 1.962 1948 1967 modif , up to 1963 BVtRINDI 1972 1975 modif. up to 1974 CANEROON 1967 1966 (UDEAC) modif. up to 1974 CANADA 1971 1975 1974 modify. up to 1975 up to 1975 CAPE VERDE .1966 MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 4 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Buceau National Tariff CENTRAL AFRICAN 1967 1971 1969 REPUBLIC (UDEAC) modify. up to 1974 CENTRIL AMERICAN 1967 1969 COMMON MARKEWT modify. up to 1970 CHAD 19..67 1966 1970 (UDEAC) modify. up to 1974 CHLED, 1969 1974 1967 modify. up to 1974 CHINA, PEOPLE' S 1973 REP.OF COLOMBIA 1973 1975 1974 up to date modify up to 1974 (1975) CONGO -1967 1968 (Brazzaville) modif. up to 1974 (UEC) COSTA RICA 1967 1969 1965 (CACOM) modif. 71p to 1970 MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 5 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff CUBA 1953 1958 Supply. Dec. 1956 CYPRUS 1974 1974 1963 (up to date 1966) CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1956 1971 1954 modify. up to 1968 Supply. August 1972 DAHOMEY 1966 1971 (West Aifrican modify. up to 1972 Customs Union) DNM00IAK 1974 1975 1975 modif. up to 1975 - Farce Islands 1957 1954 - Greenland 1972 1964 DO:ENICAN 1972 1972 1971 REPUBLIC EAST AFRICAN 1974 1970 1966 COMMUNITY modif. up to 1975 MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 6 Countr- Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff ECUADOR 1975 1972 EGO 1975 1964 196 EQUATORIEAL 1961 1960 GUINEA modif. up to 1966 EUROPEAN ECONOMIC 1975 1.974 COMMUNITY El SALVADOR 1967 1969 1965 (CAGOM) modify. up to 1970 ETHIOPIA 1972 1967 modif. up to 1974 Suppl. to 1971 FIJI 1975 FINKED 1975 19741 1975 MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 7 Country HandelsArchiv Brussels Brsau National Tariff -- FBANCE 1969 1969 1975 modif' up to 1975 ComoroIslands 1966 1968 modify . up to 1974 - Corsica 1969 19/4.6 French Oceania 1961 1958 modify. up to 1965 - French Polynesia 1961 1969 modify' Up to 1974 - French Guiana 1969 1957 1966 Guadeloupe 1969 1956 1966 - Martinique 1969 1966 modif. up to 1975 - New Caledonia 1961 modif . up to 1974 - New Hebrides 1957 1956 modif. uip to 1962 - Reunion 1969 1958 - St. Pierre and 1963 1961 PMLquel on mod~i. up to 1974 Wallis and 1954 Futuna Suppi. up to 1960 GABON 1967 1C,66 (UDdEC) modify. up to 1974 GAMBIA 1965 1966 GERMNY, FED. REP. OF 1965 1975 MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 8 Country Handes-Arohiv Brsseil. Bureau National Tariff GHANA 1968 1974- mydtf. up to 1970 GREECE 1,972 1972 1964 modify. up to 1973 GRENADA 1967 GUYANA 1973 1971. GUATEMALA 1967 1969 1965 (CACOM) modiSf. up to 1970 GUINEA (Bissau) 1970 GUINEA (Conakry) 1970 1970 HAITI 1970 1970 modif. up to 1975 HONDURAS 1967 1969 1965 (CACOM) modif. lip to 1970 MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 9 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff HUNGARY 1968 Supply. up to 1971 ICELARD 1971 1.974 1963 mod±if. up to 1974 (up to date 1968) INDIA 1965 1971 INDONESIA 1974 1954 1973 IRAQ 1957 1957 modify. up to 1974 IRAN 1974 1974 1969 modif. up to 1975 hRELAND 3.969 1973 19572 modify. up to 1971 ISRAEL 1972 1971 1974 ITALY 1973 1962 1975 MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 10 Country Handels.Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff IVORY COAST 1966p 1967 1969 (West African modiM. up to.1972 Customs Union) JAMAICA 1962 1954 1967 modif. up to 1967 Supply. up to 1960 JAR' 1973 1974 1973 MOdLf. up to 1975 JORDAN 1970 1964 modify. up to 1972 Supply. up to 1970 KEYA 1974 1970 1966 (East African Community) KHn (Rep. ) 1963 1972 1959 modif. up to 1964 up to date 1967 KOREA (Rep. of) 1973 1973 1968 KUWAIT 1970 1966 modify. up to 1974 Page 11MTN/TAr/W/5 Country Eande-Asrobiv Bryssel Bureau National Tariff LAOS 1961 19171 modify. up to 1963 IEFNON 1966 1966 1971 modify. up to 1974 Supply. up to 1967 LIBERA 19671 1956 1940 up to date 194+9 LIBYA 1975 1975 16,366 LUXMOURG 1965 1969 1975 modify. up to 1969 (Benelux) (Benelux-) .(Benelux) MADAGASCAR 1973 . ;1966 1960 modif. up to 1975 Suppi. to 1967 MALAWI 1967 1974 Supply. up to 1968 MALAYSIA 1974 1969 1969 Supply. 'up to 1971 1According to D.H.A. a new tariff entered into force on 1 Mav 197.4, MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 12 Country Handela-Archiv Brussels Bireau National Tariff MALDIVE ISLANDS 1967 MALI 1966 1969 1968 (West African modify. up to 1972 Customs Union) MALTA 1965 1971. ;.1971 modify. up to 1967 up t-o 197/ MAURITANIA 1966 1971 (West African modify. up to 1972 Custcms Union) PMAURITIUS .,, 19701 1970 1969 MEXCO 1972 .974 1975,. modify. up to 1973 MOROCCO .974 1973 1965 modif. up to 1975 MOZANBIQUE 9.965 1967 modify. up to 1970 1 According to the DdH.A. a new tariff Jsntered into-force on I January 1973. MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 13 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Taruff MUSCAT AND OMAN 1971 1961 1967 NEPAL 19681 N . AD 1965 (Benelux) 1969 1974 Modify. up to 196 (Benelux) (Benelux) Antilles 1970 1972 Supply. up to 31973 Surinm 1958 1970 modif. up to 1967 Suppl. up to 1971 NEW ZALASND 1975 1975 1974 NICARAGUA 1967 1969 1965 (Cacom) modify. up to 1970 NIGER 1966 (West African mdif. up to 1972 Customs Union) NIGERIA GR1974 1970 1962 modif . up to 1975 Supply. up to 1971 (up to date 1967) According to the D.H.A. a new tariff entered into force on 24 October 1970. MTN/TAR/W/5 Page14 Country Handels-Aihiv Brussels Bureau Natuibal Taruff NORWAY 1974 1975 1975 modif. up to 1975 PAKISTAN 1975 1973 1969 PANAMA 1959 1970 modit.iup to 1963 PARAGUAY 1955 1975 modify up to 1966 PERU 1969 1974 modif. -up to 1972 PHILIPPINES 1973 1974 1.973 POLAND 19711 PORTUGAL 1969 1973 1974 modify . up to 1974 - Angola 1965 1967 -T'mr *od.4. 'up to 1973 -Timor'" 1967 -According to D.H.A. a new tariff entered into force on 1 3ui e 19734 Page 15 MTN/TAR/W/5 Countiry Haadels-Archiv Byssekk - National Tariff QATAR 1958 ROMANIA 1°67 1974 1973 RWANDA :L966 1975 :aoif..X up to 1968 SAO TO0',,M LIMD 1967 MPINC E SAUDI ARABIA 1970 1970 ModiUf; *.JO-p 1973 SENEGAI 1966 1970 1968 (West African modlif . up to 1972 Customs Union) SIERRA IEONE 1970 1968 miodifs up to 19'72 SINGAORE 1973 1970 1974 SOMALIA 3.972 1969 1963 l-dif. up to 1973 MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 16 Country Habdeks-Archiv Brussels Bureau Natio Tariff SOUTH AFRICA 19D73 1.973 1974 modif. up to 1975 up to 1975 SPAIN 1975 1972 1974 - Canaries 1971 - Ceuta 1971 - Ifni and Sahara 19Y71 SRI LAMU 1970 19'70 1970 SUDAN 1970 1970 modif. up to 1975 SWEDE 1974 1972 1975 modify. up to 1975 SWITZERLUND 1973 1975 1975 SYRIA 1964 1972 1972 modify. up to 1967 Supply. up to 1973 TANZANIA 1974 1970 1966 (East African Community) MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 17 Country Handels-Archiv Brussels Bureau National Tariff TRAILAD 1973, 1972 modif. up to 1975 TOGO 1975 1970 TONGA 1957 TRINIDAD AMID 19651 1956 1962 TOBAGO madif, up to 1966 (up to date 1965) TUNISIA 1965 1974 1959 modify up to 1964 TURKEY 1971 1969 1968 UGANDA 1974 1970 1966 (Eastt African comnnity) UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - Abu Dhabi 1971 - Dubai w 1968 1AccoQding to DH*AS a new tariff entered into free on 31 July 1973,a. MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 18 Country Handels-Archiev Brussels Bureau - Nationalriff - UNITED KINGDOM 1972 1972 1975 modif. up to 1974 - Antigua 1955 1954 modif. up to 1967 - Bermuda 1966 - Brunei 1953 - Cayman Islands i954 Dominica 1959 1954 modify. up to 196T - Falkland Island.s 1970 1966 - Gilbraltar 1955 1967 modif. up to 1957 - Gilbert and 1967 Ellis - Honduras (British) 31953 1966 1971 modif6 up to 1957 - Hong Kong 1966 1960 modif. up to 1969 - Man (Isle of) 1955 - Monserrat 1954 - New Hebrides 1957 1966 modif. up to 1962 - Solomon Islands 1960 1971 1970 - St. Helena 1962 1954 - St. Lucia 1954 - St. Vincent 1959 1970 modify. up to 1967 - Seychelles 1-952 -1967 modif. up to 1960 - Turks and Caicos 1959 1971. 1970 Islands- - Virgin Is1lnds 1967 1971 MTN/TAR/W/5 Page 19 Country Handcls Archiv. Brussels Bureau Natioxnal Tariff Hadels-Archiv UNITED STATES OF 1968 .1972 1975 AMERICA modify. up to 1975 SuppL. to 1974 - Virgin Islands of 1953 the United States UPPER VOLTA 1966 1968 (West African modify.
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