� � � � �������� www.thestatesman.com �������������� �������������������� ��������� ���������� ���� ��������������������������� ����������������������������� �������������������� ������� � ����������� ���������� ����������� OUTDOORS ���������� ����������������� ��������� %orecast: Light to moderate rain �������� ������������ Rainfall 13.7 mm ��������� �������� TEMPERATURE ��������� ������������������������������� ������� Max: 29.8 (-2); Min: 25.1 (-1) ������������'������ HUMIDITY �� ��� ��� Max: 92% Min: 73% SUNRISE SUNSET 05:09 hrs 18:18hrs THUMBNAILS )C judge de#ands TEACHERS ABDUCTED list of errant la8"ers ���������������������������������������������������������� STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE SNS & PTI Many Indian nurses steps for the safe return of Colkata, 31 :uly SC orders High Court to change Bench New Delhi, 31 :uly we evacuated from the Indians. New Delhi, 31 :uly: 2he Supreme Court today Yemen are going 2aking serious note of :ustice Girish Chandra directed Calcutta High Court to transfer the case (slamic /tate terror group the pre'ailing situation, Gupta of Calcutta High pertaining to the appeal against selection of con- <(/(/= abducted four (ndi- back. hat is a cause the (ndian go'ernment Court today directed the victed doctor Sukumar Mukherjee for Bangabib- an teachers working in for worry. Situation had in :uly last year issued office-bearers of the Bar hushan .ward to another Bench. A Bench headed ibya two days ago but the is not normal and an ad'isory as$ing its cit- Association to gi'e a list by Mr :ustice M Y Eqbal issued the directions on go'ernment today said it we do not have izens to lea'e conflict-hit of the lawyers who were an SLP filed yesterday against the “boycott” of the has AsecuredB the release embassy there. Libya. not allowing police officers Division Bench presided o'er by Mr :ustice Girish of two of them. 2he latest incident to enter his court room. Chandra Gupta in the High 3ourt by the ad'ocates “Four Indians abduct- SUSHMA SWARAJ came e'en as 39 Indians Presiding o'er a 5i'ision for his alleged misbehaviour. SNS ed in Libya - I am happy remain missing in Iraq. Bench on the eighth day we ha'e been able to secure 2hey were taken hostage of the boycott of his answer the Guestions of patriarchs. 7ut this the release of a$sh- nationals who were return- Ffficial sources said last year at the height of court% :ustice !upta raised by yesterday6s order attitude should not be mikant and -ijay Cumar. ing to (ndia 'ia 2ripoli and no ransom demand has the fighting between /unni directed the association to of the Division Bench, it misconstrued as wea$- 2rying for other two%B Tunis% were detained at a been made as yet. militants and go'ernment submit the names before was pointed out.2he office ness of the court,,%:ustice External Affairs Minis- chec$point appro8imate- 2hey also said the area forces and efforts to get A waterlogged Maheshtala area in South 24-Par- the Division Bench com- bearers of the different !upta obser'ed.A5r /aha ter Sushma Swaraj said. ly "0 $m from /irte. Ff the from where the Indians their release ha'e not ganas. On Friday. �sns prising him and :ustice associations will carry has prayed for imposi- +D. spo$esperson four (ndian nationals% two were kidnapped is under yielded any results. Shib Sadhan Sadhu on 3 out the order in the inter- tion of costs as his mat- -i$as /warup said the are from Hyderabad, one the control of the Islam- 2he Andhra Pradesh Petrol and diesel prices cut: Petrol .ugust when the 7ar .sso- est of 0ustice realising ter could not be ta$en up% two (ndians ha'e been from Raichur and one ic State% which has taken Go'ernment said it is in price was cut by Rs 2.43 per litre and ciation members are to the urgency of the matter% but it would not be prop- brought bac$ safely to the from 7engaluru. 2hree of control of large swathes touch with the 3entre and diesel by Rs 3.60 a litre wef Friday mid- state in the presence of the it was obser'ed.2he assis- er on our part to impose Uni'ersity of Sirte and them were faculty mem- of Iraq and Syria and has ma$ing all efforts to secure night. Price of non-subsidised LPG ad'ocate-general why they tant registrar was direct- costs as we should gi'e a efforts are continuing for bers at the Sirte Uni'er- declared itself a caliphate. the release of P Gopikr- was cut by Rs 23.50 per 14.2-kg bottle% are pre'enting litigants ed to ser'e plain copies of proper opportunity to the the remaining two. How- sity and one was wor$ing Swaraj also expressed ishna% one of the four in sync with international rates. and police officers from the order. 2he fallout of learned lawyers%,, it was e'er% it was not immedi- at the /irte &ni'ersity concern o'er many Indi- (ndians $idnapped in coming to this court fol- the boycott was felt in further observed. ately $nown how they branch in :ufra%B the an nurses going back to ibya allegedly by the Uber’s India plans: &ber%embroiled lowing an order passed the proceedings of the A2hings cannot happen were freed. spokesperson said. 4emen where the situation (slamic /tate terror group. in contro'ersies in (ndia o'er alleged yesterday. court as three litigants o'ernight%,, the court Darlier in the morn- 2he ministry is in reg- was not normal. “Many Information and NRI misconduct by its dri'ers with women 2he association was submitted their cases in pointed out.AJe are aware ing, Swaraj had briefed ular touch with the fami- Indian nurses we e'acu- .ffairs Palle Raghunatha passengers% said it will in'est $ 1 b in also directed to produce person.The first litigant of a Special Bench judg- Prime +inister @aren- lies concerned and all ated from 4emen are going Reddy said the state gov- the country as it targets one million all the documents and to do so was 5r Cunal /aha ment in this matter and dra +odi about the inci- efforts are being made to back. 2hat is a cause for ernment was ma$ing rides a day in 6-9 months. P8 connected papers by who submitted that his there are 0udgments of dent as also the steps being ensure the well-being and worry.Situation not nor- efforts for the release of which the proposal for case is being delayed this court and one of them taken by the ministry to early release of the Indi- mal and we do not ha'e !opi$rishna% a teacher Varanasi-Sharjah flight: Prime the boycott of this court because of the ongoing is centuries old,’’ it was secure their release. an nationals% he said. Dmbassy there%Bshe tweet- and nati'e of /ri$a$u- Minister Modi’s parliamentary con- was mooted. Both Bar boycott of this court.AFne further pointed out. A2wo days ago% on :uly 2he +D.% through its ed. lam district. Srikakulam stituency -aranasi will soon be on the Library Club and Incor- side is adamant and after “Notice is to be gi'en to 29th at around 11 pm, our Eead of +ission in 2ripoli% +eanwhile%the .ndhra MP K Rammohan Naidu international air map with .ir (ndia porated aw /ociety were ha'ing gi'en them a the respondents and this +ission in 2ripoli came to is ascertaining the details Pradesh go'ernment said he was in touch with set to launch a flight service to Shar- also directed to furnish the wee$6s time%we ha'e ta$en matter is fi8ed for Jednes- $now that four (ndian regarding the incident. urged Swaraj to expedite Ms Swaraj. jah from -aranasi on 17 .ugust. documents by which the up the matter.Je cannot day’’, the court held. “If resolution of boycott was ta$e harsh action as we are they do not come%the mat- Rail lines along China border: supported.2hese docu- indulgent and tolerant ter will be heard e8 parte%,, Sha7eel 8arns of conse9uences for 2he ministry of Railways has initi- ments are reGuired to occupying the position it was further held. ������������� ated the proposal for construction of four strategic railway lines along the #iscarriage of justice in +a7ub case China border with a total length of ������������ of 1,352 km. P3 /pea$er conducts ������������� STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE Mumbai, 31 :uly ��������� ITC noodles: Amid a crackdown on ��������������� food products o'er safety concerns% business amid din 3hota /ha$eel %an abscon- New Delhi, 31 July: 2he Eong (23 chairman 4 3 5e'eshwar said that Kolkata, 31 July: 2he com- der in the 12 +arch 1993 Cong central bank today noodles manufactured by the company STATESMAN NEWS SERVICE including those from the missioner of Eowrah 7ombay serial blasts%con- penalised the State Bank under the 64ippee6 brand are safe and New Delhi, 31 :uly Congress and Left, were Municipal Corporation, tacted a newspaper office of (ndia,s Eong Cong passed all the tests. in the Jell shouting slo- Mr Nilanjan Chattopad- in Mumbai yesterday to branch &/5 # million Undeterred by the noisy gans and holding plac- hyay% today accused the strongly protest the hang- <Eong Cong dollar 1." mil- V"apam scam: 2he Supreme Court protests by 3ongress mem- ards. 2R/ members were 7ally + .% +r /ultan ing of 4a$ub +emon who% lion) for alleged violation told the 37( to inform it in three bers% Lok Sabha Speaker also in the aisle with plac- /ingh%of threatening him according to the confi- of local anti-money laun- weeks about taking o'er of in'esti- Sumitra Mahajan today ards demanding a separate when the former raised his dant of Carachi-based dering and counter-ter- gation of a ma8imum number of adopted a tough posture Eigh 3ourt for 2elan- 'oice against an illegal don 5awood (brahim ror financing laws.
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