WASHINGTON SCHOLARS PROGRAM 1985 WASHINGTON SCHOLARS ANIIS, SUZAIIIE ANIISI*, "ICllllf OOCXIMS, KATHY IIEIWIII, CORll S$ A.IUO, ALit( DOOOBARA, AllY NICIO..S, IEIORAH am , ~ . OIC ICIIIS, K1111£1l. Y OIEII.AIIOER. JEFF Mlt.AI, TIIOIMS DUI'EI' IIARK OIIIEN, l£AIIO AOTMA, IIUI DIIISKEU, AllY P£ 0£RSOII, CHR I SToPIIR Mmll, LISA E6TYEIT, KRIST! I'ER~. CKMI.OIIE MDIII liA TK, A5HA El.DIIII6E, ~EFFIEY PfiEitS£1, IIAAI.IS JMS£, IIOIAS FElli, ElllAIETH PEITYJOHII, KEIIN IM&R, JEFFUY FISIIR, SAliM POIIERS, REIECCA MillO, IW ~. DAIIIEL IIUAI.LE1, SAIIIIIIA IMIIER, M111EA FURUYA, 1011 REDIIAII, NIUIAII MER, RAIIIE 6ARRISOII, kiiiiEII. Y II0£1CISOEIIIER, DMt.ll lASCO, VALERIE &IOYAIIIIII, IOIIIIICA ROIIIIBACK, RASCI£llE BEARSE, ~e.IIFO &II.DEN, KERRIE ROPER, ALICIA IEAYERS, SMA &IIE£IIIAII, &ILIERT RYAI, IIAR&AR£ I IETZ, LAURA &ROss, mm SAIIOII, BECKY IHATIA, AIIIIIA HAI.IERT, JEFFIIEY SCHII.Tl, IIIIAII IIAUUII, KAUMD HMAN6, SCOTT SCHIIAB, JACK April 12, 1985 UCK, DOIMLD HAIR ISOli, 101 SE SCOTT, KRI$111 lUCKER, KIIIIERI.Y IWITIII&, ROCIEill Sl£RIIAH, KEVIl 81 ~IES. CATI£RJIIE HA!LE&ROYE, 9COTT SIII£CEl, JOlliE IUU, liMA l£1DR ltKS, DARA1. Y* SLUTSKY I ALEIEY UIEVICK, IWIIA IOtSfiELD, MY SIHU, RICHMI 800RSM, COlli J( HID:, IIARE SIROYAII, CUllY BOSS, Jll.IA IUil.EY.LISA SUIII*, RAanlE lOSS, $MIRA HYAn, ROIUT IDIIR£15, AllY IIIAUT I&All, Rl CHAIII JIHISOI, IAIJMA TRIPI', IOIICA IJIIM, ION J.S, IEIISE TL'WIS, IRIAII IRYAIIT, S1M KMr£UOR&, atMI.£5 TUlliO, JEMY IUCN, SUSM KEAST, LESLIE Ill., "ICKA£l IIMKE, lUI kEO&H, KELLEY VACHE, "ICIM£1. IUS!, IEWIELU KIIITIIER, RMIAU VAl OIKEN, DURA CAOJll, IOIICA KIIIOTO, &RE& VIS, CIIIISIOMR CKU6, JEAII t OOIITl, IOMS WAGNER, PfiER CHILSOII, ROIOTA LARS!*, 11MWA 111\l.HR, AIIDIIEA CHJI, IRJAII LEE, IIARSM£1 IIAlrfR, .y CHIISIEIISO, 1000 LORI, SUZAIIIIE 111\l.l, JOHII Q.at..:H, LO.IJO !Willi.­ liARD, DOYLE CI.IIIE, DAVID MTTI£»5, JOIII IIUDT, Jll.JE C'*S IAliCE, Clf:RWL IIAIJA£R, I'AIIELA IIHI1E, S. RITS CORIIN, SHA1111011 ID:AII, SUSAN IIH II flAil, JOAII COIIAN, lJSA IICPJ£RSI*, IIOI.L Y MJCKmE, SUSAI CROOK, JILL "ILDI*, TAIIIY VllliAIIS, LARA tROIIlEY, IIOIERI "ILLER, DAVID *lODBURY, IIEIORAH CUff, JAIIEI "l.rl, IO..LY tO!J116, JOHH tlE SUE BA, JASOII IIJSCI£ ITI, KEY II DM., KEVIN IIYJAI:, RUSSEll II£ l()lj£R , KAR I IIABO!IY, Jll.IE O£L 61AIIII, 1£MSA IIIITAP.AJAI, rOTTAYAII Dill*. SIJSAII NA11611T OM. JOHII IIELSOII, liSA ..&.&::1&•.&..• ....... ---- REGISTRATION WASHINGTON SCHOLARS LUNCHEON Legislative Building Westwater Inn 8:30 - 9 :45 Forest Room 12 :30 ROTUNDA INTRODUCTIONS Olympia High School Mixed Chorus Carl A. Trendler Karla Timmerman, Director Executive Coordinat or Council for Postsecondary Education GREETINGS SENATE Richard Hanson, President 9:45 Association of Washington School Principals Scholars will be seated in t he north gallery of the Senate chambers. Guests may be seated in the south gallery. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION Senator Marc Gaspard The Honorable Booth Gardner Chairman, Senate Education Committee Governor, State of Washington Presenting Washington Scholars Resolution ACCEPTANCE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tammy Mildon Ellensburg High School 10:45 Representative Brian Ebersole Chairman, House Education Committee PAUL FOWLER SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS Presenting Washington Scholars Resolution Nortll End Achiever. fessors elected as Fello\vs of the Tom Banse and Kristen Se!nncJU'k American Association for the Ad· each received the Army Reserve's Wagner named vancement of Science IAAASl thi National Scholar-Athlete Award, as spring. selected by a ~mittee of teadlers. to deans list The AAAS. formed in 1848 wi take auxirds coaches and school administrators. headquartt-rs in Washington. D.C. is Richard Wagner, son of Dilys the leading gent>ral scienti ic The U.S. Army and Army Reserve John Hamel of Blanchet High Wagnerof'770521st Ave. N.E .. was on organization in the U.S. with so t> have announced additional local win· School receivt>d the Army's I the autumn and winter qua rrt>r 136,000 mt>mbers and about 285 f. ners of its high school athlt>tic " Most Valuablt> Socct>r Playt"r, dean's lists of the Universit~· nf fi liated scientific soc·ieties a d awards, presented nationally. award for his school. as Blanch s Washington School of Pharm at· ~·. academit>S of scit>nct>. An AA Ingraham High School students most outstanding where he is a member of thl" ch1ss nf Fellow is described as "a membe Rick Harris and Gail Gislason and playt>r. 1187. He maintained a 3.4 gradt> point whose t>fforts on behalf of the ad­ University Preparatory Aeademy's average each of those quarters. \'aiK't"mmt of scienct- ur its applica· tinns art> scit-ntificallv or sociallv distinguisht>d. .. · · among_ McDt>rmott specializes in physks McDermott <'ducation. A facultv rnt-mber since 1967. sht> rt>et>i\'ed a bachelor's UW Fellows dt>~trt'<' in 1952 frnm Vassar Collegt> and a master's in 1956 and a doc­ Dr. Lillian C. McDermott. l'nin·r tnrat<> in 1959 from Columbia Univt>r· sity Distr ict resident and ph~'!llt's sity. professor at the Unh·t>rsity c~t Washington, is one of se\'t''l UW rrn· D 2 The Seattle nmes Thursday, May 23, 1985 Scholarships help top high-schoolers reach a doctor," said Tim Pauls, a senior money.' But I always come back direction yet. But writing would be at Seattle Christian School. "But to teaching," she said. "I've kind of a dream.'' m~ CQml~ MERIT by the time we hit the somatic thouaht about math, but it's a For Loosmore, who wants to goals nervous system in science, it just chalfenae to me. It's not second be an astronaut, the dream is to continued from D 1 blew me away." nature Dke English is." walk with extra-terrestrials - the Pauls has a $2,000 gift from the The winners are notafraid to dream of a million others of her Merit corporation. He will study at dream. generation for whom science fie- ~!'linJ. to the National Merit Concordia Coli• in Portland to Matthew Wright, a senior ar tion could very well be science SCilOI8rSIUp Corp. But the scholars be a Lutheran minister. Woodway High in Edmoods, has fact. are as diverse as their ambitions. "This is something God has no idea what he wants to be after "I realize I'll probably never For every one who has a talent for been calling me into for the past he graduates from Whitman Col- get to do that in my lifetime," & Kenl Mlf1cll8n Hllh 1c11oo1: GNsil L : math or science there is another couple of years. I feel comfortable lege, where he has a $1,500 sc • · · • ··- • ·• . ' · •• · 'Komoto, Daniel M. Spees; • • with a phobia for anything more lettmg him lead me this way." arship, renewable each y ~lard High lchool: Rtchard K. John- K...... High 1c111oo1: ....,_.-,. • scientific than English. son, Denby Mlicl K. Kuamlrek; Shannon Gaffney, who has Wh en the Me rit. corpora tton a ...._. Hlglllclhool: Bonnie J. Grot- Lrr'ullle 1c11oo1: ~ A. Cole "l know more about what I served two years as a student for an ambition, he put c jahn; Joleph P. uu John K Nnoty ~ L' don't want than what I do want," representative to the Seattle "creative writing," even thou 11anct1e1 Hlglllcllool: Julia A. Boss. Boulware. L..ih K. Todd; ' · poem he entered in a co Sandra L Boea. Jeffrey Halbert; 1-.PNp; Teresa said Sandra Boss. "I don't want to School Board, wants to be a hiah· w. L-='; have anvthinP to do with math or school English teacher despite the elicited only a sorry-you-didn't En~~~~,...,.. War. Tunr:m- High School, linin L. science .... --.... long hours and relatively low pay. "I have sat down and saad, not~:l'm not really driven, Sto~:-cr- H lchool: Brion G. UaaM~ High lohool, LrnnwoCMI. "For a long time I was really 'OK, given what I like and what that's a. proble!ll," he said Mo::.-'Biyk":l~lgh lctlool, ~ w. = ;llland Hllhlclhool: Cloentha illtereltecl in science and becoming I'm good at, what will make me peas I Just don t have that n ,,...... High 1c11oo1: Brian T. Selden, Mounllllfa T..,.. Hlglalcbool: Eliza. Shannon E. C38ftney, Heather L. Obrian : beth C. Felix; o.tleld High lchool: Michael L Hall, .....,... High 1ct1oe1 ....._ Gwwt Joeh M. Mcintyre, Michael D. Selinker; A. Looamore; ' Hazen. High lohool, ReMan: Andre A. 1-. Cllrt.aen 1c11oo1: Timothy J. Needham, Paula; Sch~'lz~ll ne High School: &nan E. Tahoma lchool, 80UII Klnl I.,.,.... High .... Krilta A. Ben­ nett; .........,. Hllh 1c11oo1: Stevwt e. Bohrer; K......, High lohool: Stein .E. Serre, Mark I. Lemmon; THIRD ANNUAL VPA PROM Saturday, June 1st, 1985 Nine o'clock p . m. until Twelve-thirty a.m. Thunderbird Inn Bellevue Formal Attire ------ -·-------------- -~-----------------,------------------------------------ ()NIVERSI1Y PREPARATORY ACADEMY •poR I DIPT INTO THE FUTURE, FAR AS THE HUMAN EYE COULD SEE, SAW THE VISION OF THE WORLD AND ALL THE WONDER THAT WOULD BE• Ei ghth Gr ade Moving Up Ceremony --T~nnyson, Lo cksl~y Hall Jun~ 5, 1985 MEMBERS OF EIGHTH GRADE CLASS PROGRAM Matt Abelson Welcome Roger J . Bass Chase Barton J ohn Kaleva Borland Musical Performanc e • •.... • . Academy Singers Hila ry Chentow Bonnie Marie Chisum Moving Up Address .• . •••.. • .. • . Eric Hansen Michael S . J. Christopher Kevin Cretin • carpe Diem• •...•• • • . •• Richard Earenfight Kristina Detwiler David Ebel Book Signing Ceremony . ..• • Gina Ehrlich Jeanette c . Williams, Dean of Students Andrea Etter Mark Cullen, Advisor Erick Goldman Millie McCormick, Advisor Andrew Henrickson Stacey Jurgensen A Musical Interlude ••. • •• . • Academy Singers Mi ke Kleiner Quinn Mitrovich Emerine Shannon Award •.. .. .. Jim Hirshfield J ill Norman J ason Paragus • Recipient must be one who studies a nd Peter Park puts forth effor t, who has a positi ve J osh Parr feeling toward the school as shown in Ka r l Will iam Roebke p articipati on, and who is willing to vol­ Anthony Adrian Shel by unteer in activities and even unpl easant John Sh~ rw ooo jobs.
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