2176 form part of, the said archdeaconry of Wilts ; and nothing herein contained shall prevent us from re- that the rural dean of the said deanery, and all pa- forarriending and proposing other measures relating rishes and places, churches and chapels, and the io~ the said bishopricks of Salisbury, Gloucester and whole clergy and others withia the same; shall be Bristol, and Worcester, in conformity with the pro- released from the jurisdiction of the present and visions of the said Act. every future Archdeacon of Salisbury, and be subject All which we humbly recommend and propose to to the jurisdiction of the Archdeacon of Wilts for the your Majesty in Council. tine being. • In witness whereof we have hereunto set our com- And vre further recotnmend nrul propose, with mon seal this thirteenth day of July in the year the consent of the Right Reverend Robert James one eight hundred and thirty-seven. Bishop of Worcester, in testimony whereof he has Aud whereas the said scheme has been approved also" signed and sealed this scheme, and, with the by Her Majesty in Council; now, therefore, Her Ma- like consent of the said James Henry Bishop of jesty, by and with the advice of Her said Council, h Gloucester aud Bristol, testified as aforesaid, that the pleased hereby to ratify the said scheme, and to . whole parish of Shenington, in the county of Glou- order and direct that the same, and every part thereof, cester, but locally situate between the counties of shah1 take effect immediately from and after the tiree Warwick and Oxford, and now forming part of the when the same shall have been registered as herein- diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, and of the arch- after directed, and shall have been duly published in deaconry of Gloucester and deanery of Campden, the Condon Gazette, pursuant to the" said Act; and shall be detached from the said last-mentioned Her Majesty, by and with the like advice, is diocese, archdeconry, and deanery, and shall forjn pleased hereby to direct, that this Order be part of the said diocese of Worcester, and be in- forthwith registered by the several registrars of clud«-d\ij&$he archdeaconry of Worcester, and within the several dioceses of Salisbury, Gloucester and the deanery of JUnetoT^Nlid be subject to the juris- Bristol, Bath and Wells, and Worcseter. diction of the Bishop and the Archdeacon of Wor- Wm. L. Bathurst. cester for the time being ; and th$t the whale parish- of Iccomb, in the county of Worcester, but insulated in the said county of Gloucester, and now forming T the Court at St. James's, the 19th dav- part of the diocese and archdeaconry pf Worcester, and of July 1837, of the deanery of Blockley, shall be detached from the said last-mentioned diocese,archdeacG]jry,and deanery, PRESENT, and shall form partof the said diocece of Gloucester and The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council. Bristol, and be included in the archdeaconry of Gl :m- £ester, and within the deanery of Stowe ; and be "S "V^HEREAS by an Act, passed in the session .subject to the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Gloucester ' * of Parliament held in the sixth and seventh .and Bristol and the Archdeacon of Gloucester for the years of the reign of His late Majesty King jtime being. William the Fourth, intituled " An Act for And we further .recommend and propose, trat " carrying into effect the reports of the Coinmis* the parish of Bedminster, now in the diocese of Bath " sioners appointed to consider the state of the a.nd Wells, and in the archderconry of Bath, and " Established Church in England and Wales, with deanery of Redcliffe and Bedminster, shall, on the " reference to ecclesiastical duties and revenues, so Jfirst vacancy of the see of Bath and Wells, be de- " far as they relate to episcopal dioceses, revenues, tached aud dissevered from the said diocese, arch- " and patronage," reciting, amongst other things, that deaconry, and deanery, and shall form part of the His said late Majesty was pleased, on the fourth day said diocese of Gloucester and Bristol, and be included of February, and on the sixth day of June, in the year in the archdeaconry and deanery of Bristol, and be one thousand eig'it hundred and thirty-five, to issue subject to the jurisdie.ion of the Bishop of Gloucester two several commissions to certain persons therein and Bristol ' arid the 4\rchdeHC0n of Bristol for the respectively named, directing them to consider the state of the several dioceses in England and Wales, we furth'er recommend and propose, that with reference to the amount of their revenues, and.
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