CITY OF NEWCASTLE Ordinary Council Meeting Councillors, In accordance with section 367 of the Local Government Act, 1993 notice is hereby given that an Ordinary Council Meeting will be held on: DATE: Tuesday 27 April 2021 TIME: 6.00pm VENUE: Council Chambers Level 1 City Administration Centre 12 Stewart Avenue Newcastle West NSW 2302 J Bath Chief Executive Officer City Administration Centre 12 Stewart Avenue NEWCASTLE WEST NSW 2302 21 April 2021 Please note: Meetings of City of Newcastle (CN) are webcast. CN accepts no liability for any defamatory, discriminatory or offensive remarks or gestures made during the meeting. Opinions expressed or statements made by participants are the opinions or statements of those individuals and do not imply any form of endorsement by CN. Confidential matters will not be webcast. The electronic transmission is protected by copyright and owned by CN. No part may be copied or recorded or made available to others without the prior written consent of CN. Council may be required to disclose recordings where we are compelled to do so by court order, warrant or subpoena or under any legislation. Only the official minutes constitute an official record of the meeting. Authorised media representatives are permitted to record meetings provided written notice has been lodged. A person may be expelled from a meeting for recording without notice. Recordings may only be used for the purpose of accuracy of reporting and are not for broadcast, or to be shared publicly. No recordings of any private third party conversations or comments of anyone within the Chamber are permitted. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 27 April 2021 CONTENTS Item Business Page APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE ORDERS OF THE DAY DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY / NON-PECUNIARY INTEREST CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES 4 MINUTES - PUBLIC VOICE COMMITTEE 16 MARCH 2021 4 MINUTES - BRIEFING COMMITTEE 16 MARCH 2021 7 MINUTES - ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 23 MARCH 2021 10 LORD MAYORAL MINUTE REPORTS BY COUNCIL OFFICERS 30 ITEM-31 CCL 27/04/21 - CODE OF MEETING PRACTICE - PROCEDURES 30 FOR COUNCILLORS ATTENDING COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL MEETINGS REMOTELY ITEM-32 CCL 27/04/21 - DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND VIOLENCE AGAINST 34 WOMEN AND CHILDREN ITEM-33 CCL 27/04/21 - PUBLIC EXHIBITION OF DRAFT COMMUNITY 44 INFRASTRUCTURE INCENTIVE POLICY ITEM-34 CCL 27/04/21 - ADOPTION OF THE COMMUNITY GRANTS AND 49 SPONSORSHIP POLICY ITEM-35 CCL 27/04/21 - PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE - CROWN STREET 53 LANEWAY, STOCKTON ITEM-36 CCL 27/04/21 - EXECUTIVE MONTHLY PERFORMANCE REPORT 57 ITEM-37 CCL 27/04/21 - TENDER REPORT - STAGE 3A WALLSEND 60 LOCAL CENTRE - INTERSECTION OF KOKERA AND COWPER STREETS - CONTRACT 2021/362T ITEM-38 CCL 27/04/21 - TENDER REPORT - SUMMERHILL WASTE 65 MANAGEMENT CENTRE - PROVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - CONTRACT 2021/293T CITY OF NEWCASTLE Ordinary Council Meeting 27 April 2021 Page 3 NOTICES OF MOTION 71 ITEM-9 NOM 27/04/21 - WASTE REDUCTION AND GREEN CAFFEEN 71 PROGRAM REPORT ON NOTICE OF MOTION - 27/04/21 - WASTE REDUCTION AND 73 GREEN CAFFEEN PROGRAM ITEM-10 NOM 27/04/21 - MODERNISING SHARK BITE RISK MITIGATION 74 REPORT ON NOTICE OF MOTION - 27/04/21 - MODERNISING SHARK BITE 81 RISK MITIGATION ITEM-11 NOM 27/04/21 - CITY OF NEWCASTLE VACCINE HUBS 84 CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS 87 ITEM-3 CON 27/04/21 - TENDER REPORT - EAST END STAGE 1 - 87 HUNTER STREET MALL REFURBISHMENT - CONTRACT 2020/380T ITEM-4 CON 27/04/21 - CONFIDENTIAL CODE OF CONDUCT MATTER (Business Paper to be distributed on the night in accordance with the Code of Meeeting Practice, cl20.5) FOR DOCUMENTS MARKED 'DISTRIBUTED UNDER SEPARATE COVER' REFER TO COUNCIL'S WEBSITE AT www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au NOTE: ITEMS MAY NOT NECESSARILY BE DEALT WITH IN NUMERICAL ORDER CITY OF NEWCASTLE Ordinary Council Meeting 27 April 2021 Page 4 CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES MINUTES - PUBLIC VOICE COMMITTEE 16 MARCH 2021 RECOMMENDATION The draft minutes as circulated be taken as read and confirmed. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: 210316 Public Voice Committee Minutes Note: The attached minutes are a record of the decisions made by Council at the meeting and are draft until adopted by Council. They may be viewed at www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au CITY OF NEWCASTLE Ordinary Council Meeting 27 April 2021 Page 5 CITY OF NEWCASTLE Minutes of the Public Voice Committee Meeting held in the Council Chambers, Level 1, City Administration Centre, 12 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West on Tuesday 16 March 2021 at 6.00pm. PRESENT The Lord Mayor (Councillor N Nelmes), Councillors M Byrne, J Church, D Clausen, C Duncan, K Elliott (arrived 6.07pm), B Luke, J Mackenzie, A Robinson, A Rufo, E White (arrived 6.08pm) and P Winney-Baartz. IN ATTENDANCE J Bath (Chief Executive Officer), D Clarke (Director Governance), B Smith (Director Strategy and Engagement), F Leatham (Director People and Culture), K Liddell (Director Infrastructure and Property), A Jones (Director City Wide Services), E Kolatchew (Manager Legal), M Bisson (Manager Regulatory, Planning and Assessment), S Moore (Acting Chief Financial Officer), L Duffy (Manager Parks and Recreation), A Abbott (Manager Community Strategy and Innovation), M Murray (Chief of Staff), J Vescio (Executive Officer), K Sullivan (Councillor Services/Minutes), A Knowles (Councillor Services/Meeting Support) and G Axelsson (Information Technology Support). MESSAGE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Lord Mayor read the message of acknowledgement to the Awabakal and Worimi peoples. PRAYER The Lord Mayor read a prayer and a period of silence was observed in memory of those who served and died so that Council might meet in peace. APOLOGIES The Lord Mayor noted that she had received an apology from Councillor Jason Dunn and that Councillor White would be a late arrival at the meeting. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS Councillor Church Councillor Church declared a less than significant non-pecuniary interest in Item 1 - Nomination to list Newcastle Recreation Reserve (King Edward Park) on the State Heritage Register stating that he lived a few blocks away from King Edward Park and as such enjoyed the park every day. He stated that he would remain in the Chamber for discussion of the item. CITY OF NEWCASTLE Ordinary Council Meeting 27 April 2021 Page 6 Councillor Winney-Baartz Councillor Winney-Baartz declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 1 - Nomination to list Newcastle Recreation Reserve (King Edward Park) on the State Heritage Register stating that she was a member of City of Newcastle's Guraki Committee and along with Rob Russell, Chief Executive Officer, of the Awabakal Land Aboriginal Land Council and would manage the interest by remaining in the Chamber. Councillor Rufo Councillor Rufo declared a non-significant, non-pecuniary interest in Item 1 - Nomination to list Newcastle Recreation Reserve (King Edward Park) on the State Heritage Register stating that he was a member of Council's Guraki Committee and along with Rob Russell, Chief Executive Officer, of the Awabakal Land Aboriginal Land Council and would manage the interest by remaining in the Chamber. PUBLIC VOICE SESSIONS ITEM-1 PV 16/03/21 - NOMINATION TO LIST NEWCASTLE RECREATION RESERVE (KING EDWARD PARK) ON THE STATE HERITAGE REGISTER The State Heritage Register nomination excludes the King Edward Headland Reserve (former Newcastle Bowling Club) which is owned by the Awabakal Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC). Mr Rob Russell, Chief Executive Officer, Awabakal LALC addressed Council in support of the former Bowling Club site being excised from curtilage of the headland site. He invited City of Newcastle to support the LALC's request that the NSW Heritage Council excise 1.6% of 38 hectares of the site from the heritage listing. Dr Louisa Connors and Mrs Gael Davies, OAM, addressed Council on behalf of the Friends of King Edward Park Inc and highlighted the significance of both Awabakal and Worimi heritage as well as colonial and convict heritage. They spoke in support of including the headland reserve in the curtilage for heritage listing with the view to maintaining the land for public recreation. The meeting concluded at 6.33pm. CITY OF NEWCASTLE Ordinary Council Meeting 27 April 2021 Page 7 MINUTES - BRIEFING COMMITTEE 16 MARCH 2021 RECOMMENDATION The draft minutes as circulated be taken as read and confirmed. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A: 210316 Briefing Committee Minutes Note: The attached minutes are a record of the decisions made by Council at the meeting and are draft until adopted by Council. They may be viewed at www.newcastle.nsw.gov.au CITY OF NEWCASTLE Ordinary Council Meeting 27 April 2021 Page 8 CITY OF NEWCASTLE Minutes of the Briefing Committee Meeting held in the Council Chambers, Level 1, City Administration Centre, 12 Stewart Avenue, Newcastle West on Tuesday 16 March 2021 at 6.33pm. PRESENT The Lord Mayor (Councillor N Nelmes), Councillors M Byrne, J Church, D Clausen, C Duncan, K Elliott, B Luke, J Mackenzie, A Robinson, A Rufo, E White and P Winney-Baartz. IN ATTENDANCE J Bath (Chief Executive Officer), D Clarke (Director Governance), B Smith (Director Strategy and Engagement), F Leatham (Director People and Culture), K Liddell (Director Infrastructure and Property), A Jones (Director City Wide Services), E Kolatchew (Manager Legal), M Bisson (Manager Regulatory, Planning and Assessment), S Moore (Acting Chief Financial Officer), A Abbott (Manager Community Strategy and Innovation), M Murray (Chief of Staff), J Vescio (Executive Officer), K Sullivan (Councillor Services/Minutes), A Knowles (Councillor Services/Meeting Support) and G Axelsson (Information Technology Support). APOLOGIES MOTION Moved by Cr Winney-Baartz, seconded by Cr Clausen The apology submitted on behalf of Councillor Dunn be received and leave of absence granted. Carried DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS Nil. BRIEFING COMMITTEE REPORTS ITEM-2 BR 16/03/21 - COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC RESILIENCE PACKAGE EVALUATION On 24 March 2020, City of Newcastle (CN) adopted the $5.5m Community and Economic Resilience Package (CERP) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis; one of the first government responses across Australia.
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