Large housing estates: ideas, rise, fall and recovery The Bijlmermeer and beyond PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Technische Universiteit Delft, op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. ir. K.Ch.A.M. Luyben, voorzitter van het College voor Promoties, in het openbaar te verdedigen op dinsdag 12 maart 2013 om 15.00 uur door Franciscus Anne Godefridus WASSENBERG doctorandus in de planologie geboren te Amsterdam Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotor: Prof. emer. dr. ir. H. Priemus Samenstelling promotiecommissie: Rector Magnificus, voorzitter Prof. emer. dr. ir. H. Priemus, Technische Universiteit Delft, promotor Prof. dr. S. Musterd, Universiteit van Amsterdam Prof. dr. P. Hooimeijer, Universiteit Utrecht Prof. dr. W.A. Hafkamp, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam Prof. dr. J. van der Schaar, Universiteit van Amsterdam Prof. dr. ir. M.G. Elsinga, Technische Universiteit Delft Prof. dr. P.J. Boelhouwer, Technische Universiteit Delft Large housing estates: ideas, rise, fall and recovery The Bijlmermeer and beyond Frank Wassenberg The series Sustainable Urban Areas is published by IOS Press under the imprint Delft University Press IOS Press BV Nieuwe Hemweg 6b 1013 BG Amsterdam The Netherlands Fax +31 20 6870019 E-mail: [email protected] Sustainable Urban Areas is edited by OTB Research Institute for the Built Environment Delft University of Technology Jaffalaan 9 2628 BX Delft The Netherlands Phone +31 15 2783005 E-mail [email protected] http://www.otb.tudelft.nl Design: Cyril Strijdonk Ontwerpburo, Gaanderen; dtp: Itziar Lasa Printed in the Netherlands by Haveka, Alblasserdam ISSN 1574-6410; 48 (print) ISBN 978-1-61499-231-8 (print) ISSN 1879-8330; 48 (online) ISBN 978-1-61499-232-5 (online) NUR 755 Legal notice The publisher is not responsible for the use which might be made of the fol- lowing information. Copyright 2013 by Frank Wassenberg No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm or any other means, without written permission from the copy- rightholder. Contents Preface . 1 Part I Introduction . 5 1 Research background and theoretical reflections . 7 1.1 Research background..................................7 1.2 Theoretical reflections................................11 1.3 The Bijlmermeer high-rise estate as a leading case in this book ...............................................20 References..........................................23 2 Housing estates . 27 Previously published in: International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, 2012 2.1 What are housing estates? ............................27 2.2 Ideas, expectations, and historical notions behind housing estates .............................................28 2.3 Developments once built..............................33 2.4 Redevelopment of housing estates: a policy perspective ...35 References..........................................37 Part II Great expectations: glorious estates . 39 Introduction to Part II 3 Housing of tomorrow for the people of today . 41 3.1 The origins of large housing estates ....................41 3.2 Early housing ideas: Garden cities in new towns..........44 3.3 Mass housing for the millions .........................47 3.4 Three conditions favoured the development of large housing estates......................................49 References..........................................50 4 The Netherlands: Adaptations of the carefully planned structure . 53 Previously published in: Built environment, 2004 4.1 The origins of neighbourhood planning in the Netherlands 54 4.2 Developments since the 1960s .........................62 4.3 Consequences of the developments for neighbourhood centres .............................................67 4.4 Renewing the local neighbourhood structure in The Hague South-West .........................................69 4.5 The future and discussion ............................71 References .........................................74 5 The making of the Bijlmermeer . 77 5.1 Glorious ideas .......................................77 5.2 The city of tomorrow and the demands of people today ...79 References..........................................79 6 The ideas in a wider context: understanding the ideals . 81 6.1 Introduction ........................................81 6.2 Toulouse-Le Mirail as inspiration.......................83 6.3 Vällingby as inspiration...............................85 References..........................................86 7 Motives for developing high-rise and large housing estates 89 Mainly originates from: ‘High-rise housing in Europe’. Current trends and future prospects, Chapter 1, 2004 7.1 Large housing estates: embracing the high-rise ‘solution’ ..89 7.2 Seven motives for building large housing estates .........89 7.3 Common features....................................91 7.4 The outcomes: mass housing estates ...................93 7.5 Toronto, city of towers ................................94 7.6 The high-rise wave...................................97 7.7 New high-rise housing developments ...................99 References.........................................100 8 Early critics . 103 8.1 There were critics, but no one listened .................103 8.2 Top-down planning .................................104 8.3 Consumer’s preferences .............................104 8.4 The high-rise debate in the Netherlands ...............105 References.........................................106 Part III Decline and fall: sink estates . 109 Introduction to Part III 9 Hoptille: record breaking problematic housing estate . 111 9.1 Glorious ideas ......................................111 9.2 Problems ..........................................112 10 The changing position of high-rise housing estates: background developments . 115 Previously published in: High-rise housing in Europe. Current trends and future prospects, Chapter 2, 2004 10.1 Factors influencing the position of high-rise housing estates: a framework .......................................115 10.2 Factors operating at the micro level....................115 10.3 Factors operating at the macro level: public policies......118 10.4 Factors operating at the macro level: global ‘megatrends’ . 119 10.5 Conclusions........................................127 References.........................................127 11 Accumulating problems . Issues in deprived urban areas . 131 11.1 Introduction .......................................131 11.2 Issues in deprived urban areas........................132 11.3 The process of decline...............................135 11.4 Local and national context . 137 References.........................................138 12 Problems and early measures in the Bijlmermeer . 141 12.1 Persistent problems ................................141 12.2 Problems in figures .................................141 12.3 The early solutions .................................147 12.4 Results of the early measures.........................153 References.........................................155 13 Residents’ praises and grievances in the Bijlmermeer . 157 13.1 Research reflections.................................157 13.2 Resident’s opinions .................................160 13.3 Good and bad in the Bijlmermeer .....................163 References.........................................165 14 The renewal of what was tomorrow’s idealistic city: Amsterdam’s Bijlmermeer high-rise . 167 Previously published in: Cities, 2004 14.1 Introduction .......................................167 14.2 The rise of high-rise estates ..........................168 14.3 The Bijlmermeer: the idea............................170 14.4 The Bijlmermeer: three groups of problems .............171 14.5 The Bijlmermeer: early solutions......................173 14.6 Urban renewal in the 90s ............................174 14.7 Listening to the people ..............................175 14.8 Urban renewal in the 21st century.....................177 14.9 Conditions for success...............................180 14.10 Conclusions........................................183 References.........................................184 15 Large housing estates: from stigma to demolition? . 187 Previously published in: Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2004 15.1 Stigma and large housing estates .....................187 15.2 Large housing estates: optimism and disappointment ....188 15.3 On stigma .........................................189 15.4 Urban renewal and image renewal ....................191 15.5 Editorial: contribution to this issue ....................193 References.........................................194 16 Renewing stigmatised estates in the Netherlands: a framework for image renewal strategies . 197 Previously published in: Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 2004 16.1 Introduction .......................................197 16.2 The remarkable image of large housing estates..........197 16.3 Internal and external image creation ..................199 16.4 A frame work for neighbourhood images ...............201 16.5 Image as a factor of decline ..........................203 16.6 Urban renewal in the Netherlands.....................205 16.7 Working on the image of the most stigmatised area in the country: Amsterdam’s Bijlmermeer....................207 16.8 Internal and external strategies for image renewal.......209 16.9 Conclusions........................................212 References.........................................213 17 Reflections on Part III . 215 Part IV Integrated
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