WORKOUT # week 10 MEDICAL DISCLAIMER This guide is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended as medical or professional advice. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet. The use of diet and nutrition to control metabolic disorders and disease is a very complicated science, and is not the purpose of this guide. The purpose of this guide is to help healthy people gain strength and lose weight by educating them in proper exercises, weight training and nutrition while using the Funk Roberts Spartan Training System. No health claims are made for this guide. The nutrition and exercise guide will not help cure, heal, or correct any illness, metabolic disorder, or medical condition. The author is not a medical doctor, registered dietician, or clinical nutritionist; the author is a fitness and nutrition consultant. If you have diabetes, chronic hypertension, high blood cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, or any other medical condition or metabolic disorder requiring special nutritional considerations, we suggest you consult a health care professional with a clinical nutrition background (MD, RD) for your special nutrition program. If you have been sedentary and are unaccustomed to vigorous exercise, you should NOT do this program and obtain your physician’s clearance before beginning any exercise program. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any of the information contained in this manual. The user assumes all risk for any injury, loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused, directly or indirectly by using any information described herein. Mt. Vesuvius WORKOUT #9 week 10 WoRkout 9 DIRECtIoN Do this circuit 2 days per week Perform 1 set of each exercise in succession. Each exercise lasts 60 seconds. Do as many reps as you can, with perfect form, in that time, and then move on to the next station. Take a 15 second rest and move to next exercise within that time, and rest for 90 seconds after you’ve completed 1 circuit of all 10 exercises. Then repeat two more times for 3 complete rounds. If you can’t go the entire minute, rest a few seconds and then resume until your time at that exercise time is up. Use a weight that’s challenging for 15 to 20 reps. The workout takes 41 minutes to complete. Warm up and stretch after your workout Complete all exercises and DO NOT GIVE UP! This will be the hardest workout that you have done in a long time, so it will be tough. Hang in there because the more you do these workouts the better you will get and the more fit you will be. NoW It’S YouR tuRN TO GEt It DoNE! 1 FuNk RoBERtS SPARtAN tRAINING SYStEM // Workout 9 // Week 10 // www.spartantrainingsystem.com WORKOUT #9 week 10 YouR WoRKOUT: *MEtABoLIC CoNDItIoNING Phase* Perform 3 rounds of this 10 exercise circuit with 90 seconds rest in between rounds. Perform each exercise for 60 seconds of work followed by 15 seconds of rest. 60 + 15 x 10 90 3 41 SEC SEC SEC MIN WORK TIME REST TIME EXERCISES REST bETWEEN SETS ROUNDS TOTAL WORKOUT TIME WoRKOUT #9 EXERCISE LISt: 1 SPRAWLS 2 PUSH UPS 3 REVERSE LUNGE AND KNEE RAISE 4 PLANK WITH Alternate LEG RAISE 5 JUMPING Jacks 6 PIKE PUSH UPS 7 JUMP Squats 8 Alternate LEG AND ARM RAISE 9 AbS KNEE GRAb V-UPS 10 FROG Thrusts AND Sprawls (SPEED) 2 FuNk RoBERtS SPARtAN tRAINING SYStEM // Workout 9 // Week 10 // www.spartantrainingsystem.com EXERCISE DESCRIPTIONS 1 SPRAWLS • Squat down and sprawl legs back wide • Drive your hips down to the ground • Explode onto your feet • Your torso should be up, chest up • Repeat 2 PuSh uPS • Assume the classic push up position, with your weight on your hands and balls of the feet. • Space your hands just wider than shoulder width apart • Keeping your back straight, bend your elbows to lower yourself to the floor. • When your chest is just off the floor, push yourself back up to the starting position. • Always start with regular pushups, if you need to go to your knees, then do so but finish the allotted time 3 FuNk RoBERtS SPARtAN tRAINING SYStEM // Workout 9 // Week 10 // www.spartantrainingsystem.com 3 REvERSE LuNGE AND kNEE RAISE • Start with your arms by your side and step back about 3 feet with your right leg. • bring your right leg back and raise the your knee simultaneously without your feet touching the ground and repeat the movement for 5 reps then switch tIP: Make sure to use your front quad and push your foot through the floor when raising the back leg and knee up. 4 PLANk WIth ALtERNAtE LEG RAISE • begin in the plank position with your forearms and toes on the floor. • Keep your torso straight and rigid and your body in a straight line from ears to toes with no sagging or bending. • Your head is relaxed and you should be looking at the floor. • Raise your right leg as high as you can and then return to the start position and raise the left leg and then return. Alter- nate legs for the allotted time. 4 FuNk RoBERtS SPARtAN tRAINING SYStEM // Workout 9 // Week 10 // www.spartantrainingsystem.com 5 JuMPING JackS • begin by standing with your feet together and arms at your sides. Tighten your ab- dominal muscles to pull your pelvis forward and take the curve out of your lower back. • bend your knees and jump up, moving your feet apart until they are wider than your shoulders. At the same time, raise your arms over your head. You should be on the balls of your feet. • Keep your knees bent while you jump again, bringing your feet together and your arms back to your sides. At the end of the movement, your weight should be on your heels. 6 PIkE PuShuPS • Pike push-ups put a lot more emphasis on the upper body and back. To do them, start in a plank position. Now walk your hands back as you lift your hips up in the air. • Come to a point where your body is in about a 90-degree angle. • Slowly lower yourself down toward the floor, and then push back up. • Try to touch the floor with your nose before pushing straight up 5 FuNk RoBERtS SPARtAN tRAINING SYStEM // Workout 9 // Week 10 // www.spartantrainingsystem.com 7 JuMP SquAtS • Stand with your feet wider than your shoulders. Tighten your abdominal muscles so your pelvis rolls forward. • Lower your hips as if you are sitting in a chair until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor. • Jump up and explode, straightening your legs as your feet leave the floor. • Return to the same position when you land, feet apart, heels on the floor and hips back. • Do not to let your knees extend over the tops of your toes when you land and repeat the jump. 8 ALtERNAtE LEG AND ARM RAISE • Starting on all fours, lower forearms to the ground and tuck toes under and extend legs into what might look like a push-up position. • Extend one arm in front of you and the opposite leg back and hold pose for one second. Repeat with opposite arm and leg • Alternate until the allotted time is complete 6 FuNk RoBERtS SPARtAN tRAINING SYStEM // Workout 9 // Week 10 // www.spartantrainingsystem.com 9 ABS kNEE GRAB v-uPS • Start on your back and with your arms above your head and your legs on the ground. Lift your shoulders off the ground while lifting you knee to your chest. When your knees reach your chest rap your arms around them as if you were hugging them. Slowly straighten your legs back to the starting position. 10 FRoG thRuStS AND Sprawls (SPEED) 7 FuNk RoBERtS SPARtAN tRAINING SYStEM // Workout 9 // Week 10 // www.spartantrainingsystem.com TRACKING SHEET workout #9, weeks 9 & 10 60 + 15 x 10 90 3 41 SEC SEC SEC MIN WORK TIME REST TIME EXERCISES REST bETWEEN SETS ROUNDS TOTAL WORKOUT TIME WoRkout A WoRkout B WEEk 9 RouND 1 RouND 2 RouND 3 RouND 1 RouND 2 RouND 3 # EXERCISES REPS Wt REPS Wt REPS Wt REPS Wt REPS Wt REPS Wt 1 Sprawls 2 PUSH UPS 3 REVERSE LUNGE AND KNEE RAISE 4 PLANK WITH Alternate LEG RAISE 5 JUMPING Jacks 6 PIKE PUSH UPS 7 JUMP Squats 8 Alternate LEG AND ARM RAISE 9 AbS KNEE GRAb V-UPS 10 FROG Thrusts AND Sprawls (SPEED) 60 + 15 x 10 90 3 41 SEC SEC SEC MIN WORK TIME REST TIME EXERCISES REST bETWEEN SETS ROUNDS TOTAL WORKOUT TIME WoRkout A WoRkout B WEEk 10 RouND 1 RouND 2 RouND 3 RouND 1 RouND 2 RouND 3 # EXERCISES REPS Wt REPS Wt REPS Wt REPS Wt REPS Wt REPS Wt 1 Sprawls 2 PUSH UPS 3 REVERSE LUNGE AND KNEE RAISE 4 PLANK WITH Alternate LEG RAISE 5 JUMPING Jacks 6 PIKE PUSH UPS 7 JUMP Squats 8 Alternate LEG AND ARM RAISE 9 AbS KNEE GRAb V-UPS 10 FROG Thrusts AND Sprawls (SPEED).
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