WSBANK Today JMfc Fair tmtrtmr, fcfgk, U* weather page ?. 16,825 VOL.83.NO. 119 Iiiued Dally, Monday tbroujti Friday, •ntered 11 Second Clasi Mitiei 35c PER WEEK tt th« Poit OlUci »t Red Bask, N. J., under th. Act o» March I U7fc RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1960 7c PAGE ONE BY CARRIER Military Order Eased OnJudgesliip Weinstein Meets Some Loopholes in Overseas Travel Haile Selassie WASHINGTON (AP)-The gov- lowed to stay abroad. In all, there Under the ne^r set-up, each With Gov. Meyner trnment has eased its contro are 484,000 military dependents service determines its own versial order limiting the number abroad. monthly quotas. In all probability, TRENTON - Gov. Robert B. Deputy Attorney General Francis of military dependents overseas. In addition, the memorandum few servicemen ordered abroad Meyner met for 20 minutes here X. Crahay.) Now there are loopholes for slows down the effect of the in the beginning of 1961 will yesterday with Leo Weinstein, But what made yesterday's gome families to squeeze through. presidential order by cancelling travel without their families. compromise choice of the Mdn- meeting standout from the prio Originally President Eiseniiow- a system of strict monthly quo- The memorandum, issued by alks was it took place after- Reported Back mouth County Democratic organ- ward rather than in the confer- er ordered that American service- tas of reductions supposed to be- Deputy Secretary of Defense ization for appointment as a Mon- men abroad could have no more gin next month. James H. Douglas in the absence ences themselves. mouth County District Court than a total of 200,000 dependents of Secretary of Defense Thomas Judge. Delays Announcement living with them. He listed no ex S. Gates, lists these exemptions: After talking with Mr. Keupe emptions. Last night, the De- Pope Names Dependents who paid their own After the talk, Mr. Weinstein on the telephone Nov. 11, the gov- partment of Defense listed ex way to live with servicemen said he had nothing to say and ernor delayed any public an- emptions. abroad—a total of 30,000. that any comment would have nouncement and three week Eisenhower's order last Nov. 17 4 Cardinals; Cite Examples to come from the governor. later Mr. Keuper said he wa In Ethiopia stemmed from this country's ef- Dependents of foreign nationals And Mr.. Meyner was talking 'embarrassed" and no longe: forts to stop the flow of gold from I American serving with the U.S. forces. Ex- very little. He said no inference wanted the job. the United States to foreign coun- amples: should be drawn from, the con Following the meeting with Mr. tries. American servicemen and VATICAN CITY (AP)-Pope Filipinos serving in the Navy ference that an appointment was Crahay, word spread to count) their families spend American John XXIII today named four and Germans, Austrians, and oth imminent and that there were Democrats that older lawyer) Human Bomb In Fight dollars while overseas, and these new cardinals, including Most er Europeans permitted to enlist some "more people" he wanted were to be by-passed for thi dollars sometimes are redeemed Rev. Joseph E. Nrltter, arch- under a special act of Congress. to talk with before making a 34-year-old Oceanport man, oi Say He Intended to Kill Kennedy for American gold by foreign bishop of St. Louis, Mo. Dependents who are non-Ameri decision. another young man, and a dra banks. Two South Americans and an can and who now are living in matic protest move was started BULLETIN In his. automobile and motel To Keep 4S4.0OO Dependents Italian were the other* ele- their own countries. The governor pointed out that After his chat with Mr. Appl room. he has previously talked with WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. The new Defense Department vated by the Pontiff. All dependents living with their gate, the governor let it be knowi (AP) - A 73-year-old little Assistant U. S. Dlst. Atty. memorandum could mean that at The Italian prelate is Msgr. servicemen in the Ryukyus Is- other potential nominees, (the the latter would not get his back Robert Rust oi Miami re- county organization's first choice, man with wavy white hair was least 60,000 more than the origi Giuseppe Ferretto, a member lands (Okinawa), the Guantana ing and the move toward organi held in $100,000 bond today on quested the $100,000 bond. John nal 200,000 dependents will be al- of the Vatican Curia. mo Naval Base in Cuba, the Assistant Prosecutor John W. Ap- zation support of a compromisi Marshall, a secret service Throne plegate, and the governor's first a charge that he intended to The new Lathi - American Azores Islands in the Atlantic, developed. turn himself Into a human agent from Miami, said Pav- cardinals are Most Rev. Luis Mexico, Canada, and Panama — and second choices, County Pros- Mr. Weinstein lives in Mata- lick probably would be taken LONDON (AP) — Em- ecutor Vincent P. Keuper and bomb aimed at the life of Ask Figures Concha Cordoba, archbishop of a bit more than 30,500. wan, is Democratic leader there, President-elect John F. Ken- to Miami today. peror Haile Selassie was BogDta, and Most Rev. Jose has run twice for the Board nedy. Pavlick's arrest by patrol- reported today to have Umberto Quintero, archbishop Freeholders, is a member of man Lester Free for a traffic landed in Ethiopia to spur On Slotkin of Caracas. County Tax Board, and is presi Richard Paul Pavlick, re- violation ended a nationwide They will be created at a School Site Told dent of the Monmouth Countj tired postal worker from Bel- hunt for the little ex-postal the fight of loyal forces to secret consistory at the Vati- Bar Association. mont, N. H., was given a hear- clerk. Agents would not di- keep his throne. Tract Plan can Jan. 16. The "other people" whom ing before U. S. Commissioner vulge how they found him but George L. Pink last night. LITTLE SILVER - After Creation of the four new governor said he wanted to talk indicated a general alert was The bearded 68-year-old lengthy discussion last night, cardinals will bring the mem- By Shore Regional with before deciding a Demo- Pink said the bor,) was one out for him. "King of Kings" was reported to Borough Council decided to come bership of the Sacred- College cratic nominee were understood of the highest ever set in this At the hearing, Rust laid have returned to his kingdom of the Roman Catholic Church to be Democratic leaders rather city. from South America after the up with some cost estimates be- OCEANPORT - The Shore Pavlick had let them Inspect to an all-time record of 86. the proposed location of the re- than additional candidates for the rebel-controlled radio in his capi- fore coming to a decison on Regional Board of Education Pavlick was arrested yester- his car yesterday afternoon and There was no Indication to- gional school. judgeship. tal at Addis Ababa announced whether to buy the 29-acre voted here last night to take an day in Palm Beach and officers that they found seven sticks day that the Pope would make Board members said that fu- that violent street battles al- Slotkin property on Seven Bridge option on a $125,000, 35-acre site ture plans call for an athletic Mayor Paul Kiernan of Long said they seized several sticks of dynamite in it. Marshall said Rd., for recreational purposes. -public at the Jan. 16 consistory Branch, the county's Democratic of dynamite, blasting caps, Pavlick told him he had been ready had broken out. the names of the three card- in West Long Branch for its field and parking area to be Council has expressed an in- new high school. constructed between the schoo state committeeman, said today wiring and other paraphernalia treated at a mental hospital. Other broadcasts and diplomatic inals he designated "in pectore" he had not heard from the gov- reports indicated powerful forces terest in the tract because it .(in his heart) on March 28, The site selected by the board and the Parker Ave. strip. could provide an access to the ernor since Mr. Weinstein's meet- were lining up to resist the revo- 1960. fronts on Franklin Lake with ac Exceeds Estimate river for small boating purposes. ing. He said he was fully back- More Due Today lutionary government proclaimed cess to Parker Rd and Rt. 36. To provide access to Parker The pros and cons of the $40,500 At that time the Pope named ing Mr. Weinstein. in his absence by his eldest ion seven new cardinals which The tract is part of a 52-acre Ave., the board will receive 110 purchase were debated again last feet frontage through the strip The Senate, which must con two days ago. brought the college to a total plot owned by Arthur E. Turner, night with some members favor Mr. Cooper also said that ten- firm the governor's nominees for of 85, plus the three "in pec- who conducts a nursery business the report of ths return, of the Ing the purchase and others tative arrangements have been the two newly-created $18,000 tore." on the land. positions will meet Monday, but wily emperor came from Gen. questioning the wisdom of such worked out with Glenwood Ceme- Merid Mengesha, his defense a move, The latter, after their names will be unable to act under nomi- Two Cabinet are made known, will be con- Spring Referendum tery to secure right-of-way per- minister, in a broadcast over Mayor P.
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