University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 2-8-1964 Kabul Times (February 8, 1964, vol. 2, no. 284) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (February 8, 1964, vol. 2, no. 284)" (1964). Kabul Times. 543. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/543 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , , ' , , ' , •......, __-?e-< ,. .'. " --- .- " '. '. " - . - : ~; • ..t.-. -,lo~-y~ .... ~~.:......'- -- :-7:::r~';!'-~~~~~ ~. '. ' .. , < -. ',C .' , ' . , '. '. -.=. -- . - -:"- : -. '. " '. , KABUL".' ,TrMES .. KABUL TIMES ~~FEBRUARY 6, 1964 TH£ WEATHER --- - ----.--,-,.- -- : - NEWS STALLS., , < YESTERDAY Max -2°C. Sbar.e.n.aw~ Khyber' Restaurant, HU~SDAYS Minimum -10°C, Neal' Shah! PuI; Blue ,M~ue' I I Gen~ 5-'32 pm. '> BECOME HALF-WORK Khan'h Orders Sun sets today at Internatronal. ClUb; Pamir Cine!»8 . Sun rises tomorrow at 6-34 a.m. pAY'~1 ~i1fF.;:\.,; ~Vc TomorroW's OiIUook: w -JANUARY 30TH '. Changes In Army Slightly cloudy Thul sday 5 ha"\'e officlaUy been '. -Foreea8i by AIr Alit;bortQ Command ~U4 -~·PRICE-.AL ~ VOL, II. NO, 284 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY ,B: 1964, C!:?ALWA 18, 1342,S, E,).'. :_,.0._. _ 'I.. '_ •. SAIGON. Feb 6. (Re~Jter' - PARK CINEMA N~t.:Jlen ~o i General Kh.1nh, ne\\ At 7-30. p m. p.m' Ira)'uan MOHAMMA1)· 'W-~DDIN~· 11 '. \-TeaChers " Number ACU'sCarpelltry'Workshop chdHman ot South \:,etr.am s m,· :\lm;THE RUNAWAY BRIDE. Israe~ HRH PRINCE NAD1:WS .-.' IN Opened In Pul-i-Charkhi !1\~tr~ jtJl'lta. I'as ord~rE'd the first KABUL CL.... EMA US To Help 0; several prOjected ~h;]flges m At 3-30 pm RUSSian film, , GLITTERING CEREMONf ~T .-DI~kuSH4 P~A~~. -' T~.· Se '·,R~r~4,.,~~ o· KABL'L. Feb ~ -'r,::'.' carpen· the comm"nd of mil" !l'y units VALARI CIDKALOV wltli trans... In 'Using Sea Water \ 0: k5i10P of the A'ghan j tv consol1ddtc hIs :;.;r'urtty. ac- Iatlon 111 PerSian, at at 7.30 and rnIl:I~ry ,~J ~8 :_: ":1..1<::; U:' Una J1"S ·'tnl ted' CG. din:; 'to Informcd 10 pm. Ind1an film: SURAT ASD ~ab .I ',' 50,000' ,6y, ~_t Inl~ r)1.1C'~~ Press Rejects Plan >...., . l ... l-'Jll C!l.;tfkhl \\'nh 'In J ... HYRA'r, , . C,;:li;,c! of A~ 5 rllllllon ilir .' 1'1'''' commandcr of 'tiE ;,rmour. S.I:nZAD CINEMA , BEIRUT, Lebanon, Feb. 8, (li,P), KABlJL, Fei>. &.......,&,000 T"aC11-.;'",,: ·r~cc.! reported-a~ Arab newspapers resume<:! a cam­ , I j;;I.,LU .,\,'Z.lJl1 1;I.z'mL e.d c-o:ps, \\ho "as At 3-30 pm. Russran f lin; SKY a.re engaged in' WilC 0 mg , ,ilWb . '" ,(...It 0, t'":e Ll1li ,,~!d that b'ln;; angry at seeing illS,n,mlE' m· BEING CONQUERED BY THEM' paign agamst the United States ..Yrllage, prunarYl," s"eo _eta ':t ~"' ',f' m , "nc? and ollic:', t::quip. I ]I'd.lced on the first cl~claratlOn at 7-30 and lO'p m. IndnIn .film. Fnday and repnmanded PreSI­ vocational schoul.;; 0 tI e ., nt.>;<J'.. ' ,~ r , :', (. 'd iUI Lr.C \\'olkshop: c{ the Junt3 after last Thursday's LIFE IMPRISONMENT, den.t J0hnson tOI' annOtIBcIng that oC'Mucatlon. 'By !to'U 'tnL> · , ·..uw , I,~'. : jJ:1(.' ,a'.;d ,urn Italy at I coup de force, has be~'l lepldced ZA.:'<EB CINfu'\'1A . Amenca would co-operate WIth bel' \\ III raIse to 5u,UUO. '"' ~ • L .'',,:. 1 5 ',1111;0:1 The sources s:l1d the officer, Israel m prodUCIng water sup- , - 1 At 3, 7-30 and 9' pm. IndIan film. ! .~ • }, c ..~" n,n,!' alleady . <:o.o:1el \' Inb. OJoc I'"s 0' "ll !-Iven C!lAl\'ffiILI, starrm.: Notan plIes for tne Jewish state, ii I· '~~ll'~ .. lonarn;aci .: :~' Du:ectv - ' In~ I'O-OP~I;;' I ,. f :. -, 1 ...... a .: 1\.:1 in"\! e;:)mmand of the mn·::t!i mfantry Tanola and Kalsl MIca. .1J O' .. Bell'ufs Ai Nahar rejected the \ f;1 .I General 01 tn.e' - • ment·,' • , j l :i:p". , . 01 ." w' :n t ,(hO the diVISion wll,ch has th" dltIicult plan and DamascllS, Jlhohawra \ TeacheiS :and- 'e~sonnel 01 !nc- - ~\. - n:!s -:. ..... \ 51-d rt_d· e}.pefl- l'l.3k 0: paclfYing Sl.!vcr.11 P' OVln- ., Onj saId the plans for American and , .\1ints·,.ry 01 -1:{iueat 'J S'.ud tna~ _1 j;' J:Jc.Ion .•11 AZlml ces In the :.. 'ekong DCI!e!. Johnson 'ViII Carry Israeli SClent15ts to conduct Jomt 1,; tea<:ne 5 orauua:,~d 1 ~ yt:d'= - .,.' , . ~. .._......... \. - - .:J ,:-,,,. I, \'.01 KS:- ~P iI.lS :n" The name of the new -COin man, . - . 1 I research on the water problem 'irom HIe teac ,e.r" L a:1"' uO' · , .'-.::l- :. :: ~ .·,r.;e~d O~' ""rl,!nan,hIP d"r of Ih~ ;;rmGJred C~Op5'. \'Itall 1-1: ,-dy' Eff - t, meant .. the most aggressive policy 01.. Kao' J ~ j\ungCil la..t:.. ~- ~:"l "\b,l)~U, m~mt~nd'ice' 1 ' >': .... _ '. : - . 1'::1., 8dd.ng t:n'l fo! tr.e Gf \.enne s' or s · yet by the U S. agaInSt the d_anai', re gious -:::., 1 UUCi, L ""'{';; , .' .: n ~ t!~) :>.1 ~ 1 t ..... ex- iJ •. 1-':, not yet kno \:l for cer- 1 · , li~i_~61iOK Arabs." 1 ~cal- tr(Ut~.wo_ • 1'" -' • i' ,:: '<, '.., 'I ". ,! P ,-dA'(' .1:- .'=lcn';o13; tne POYSlC , . '" -.... For . , )~' the~ ~o ~ ~e'!lce ~ •....J (I.-l(\-f '..t. :'JU \ Ot k~ The source;, saId [urtnel cam- Lasting Peace Israel's water supply IS current- sCnOVi.. egt: 0 d al .. -~ :- -' ly "the major issUe In the long­ ,"-ollege cJt L:et!,ers. , 1.1 LOJ1S';',:Cl:'_!1.,1 m.' "'11, ~ .c.; __ ;1~t'~ are ILRe-!,;' soon. NEW, Ya~K. Feb' G, (DPA)- me . standIng Arab-lsraeli feud, Arab ~ ..:- - I < ';0 ; .t roe" r.,l Khanh mqy also US PreSIdent Lvndon B Johnson < • .~ leaders agreed at a conference 't.! -'" r. l" : J'.: p~o"lnc.,.i1 and diS, d <~, d' ., • ht he \\'ould " " d' sal V\ e nesoay mg ,..: 1 .!.J 7'1. 3"10 i'... " .... ', U;.lJe:> l:O!1-"'.~ .... l'j Cl{:'le I oJ' P 't last month to oppose Israel's .i ·~ t'Ii:=.:i:' ' ,. ',' 1 11 ,urn y carryon. resloen plans to divert water from the .' . '"., .,:' .. ,.:" """In genuals '''"u ... m I J 1 F K .. d . ff' '. .!: .. - I­ ., U !-.~!:' ) , l:: ~k:-.. purae 0 '0 enne ys 'great C' orts Jordan River to ll'ngate the Negev , .__~__o~ fOJ last,ng r:eac.e In the \\olld , - -.---.--. - D.esert, , , _''el :ll:,.dl.,.-...., .. , _. I.: . , '. S,.cahlng at a omner of the PreSIdent Johnson said Thurs· . , , lH.4:-,~·H "1LUN REGAINS JrN',h P Kennedy Jr Founda· day discussIOns were underway ~ct ~ " ,1. up by the Kennedy fam1' ," • I' • With Israel on Jomt nuclear re--. _ ' ...... _ .l. _ I;> t'1 comuat mental Illness, Mr ; .... JT ~ ·UP 3T,TOH""·lTTLE IN search for turnIng salt water Into J8' "'Oil callcet the K2nnedv~ "3n fresh water. His offer to extend ' , ~;ll aordlllary [;;mIly" ·, \. .:- ... the same help to other water- ;, (jI,'1'iHPitd AT INNSBRUCK "Flen':! competitors m !Ife. they t· I. short countrIes was Ignored by " 3rt" a eIosely. kntt team unlike , ~ ~~k the Arab newspapers. , , . -; tTl\. Fcbr"iT.\. 6, (Reuter),­ man~ \"ho have theIr opportuni­ ,. ::-:.~: ;~,g ~ Ai. Nahar added that Johnson .~ ,I (. , ':.' <"';1'<;(:11'5 'Iron. mall", sci golden. seal on ties. they plefel .labour to leisure" • t .' , j, '. ~- has offiCially revealed. that Umted ~ 1 .... -,.::J .1 .... ( ",'~l(,ll 1 ~'-"'" '- '. , i',.·, ... he eglil;ft! the oiynlpic Iohn Kennedy \\ as to have .' '. ,! States was co-operatmg Wlth Is- ~ 'their Majesties the King and' the Queen' with th~ bryde ,an~ the aft~r :~he .1 ~... ::'.lcn\' Ll~(' L~n \ esterdav groom- _..c.: Aina- Masllaf_ _ .:. .:'- ~ . hcen h{'L e tOl1lght," M1' Johnson I ... - " . 1 ~. ~ . , \-.·~.o{ rael m nuclear researcl1, "e.voking cereTIWnll, . ';. ~.... ' ,~ _ _. ..A 5 cd:: t;-- l c,"but by takIng the said , ; i Arab fears 0ver the poSSIbility In a gllttertIig ceremony at H.R.H. Mohammad 'Nadir, ..23,_ -, Fanilly, cabinet . ministers, _. , .' i .:iTIer pO ....:'1::l1.ng :,!\ .. i 1:;t:. ...=.I :dtJl' an Uslo eleCtll- , , ',! . -' .. ..-:..'. :<. ...: I 'Humbly I shall carry on for ~. 11·1;.1'_~ ~v that israel may develop the ato- DUkusha Palaee last night, J mamed the danghier 'of·laie 'high Tanking military ,and' l .....J' -, • C (Ji ml:t...:.::t) l ..... J. \1,. a::> cetlgJlte3 by hIS 0"\\ n hm, here as I Intend to carryon ..;"-- - I mic bomb." His MajestY's son Prince,MO'­ Mr, Mil' Mi.'bammad Haider ' cIvil omcials, a group of distin· ....: . , J'~ ~'lV",",-a tro.d at 5~·;::reld I, .11LIL lnal. he Old not tJllQk he • , <, •.1 ~ -,I!.J ~, I tbc great efrol ts he started fOr hammad Nadir and Miss Li­ Husseini ,the Mlntsier' of Na- guWied citizens of .Kabul·to- ,8.-~11-. J. .' !;l~ . ..:KABUL: Feb, Nehru • :":'" .:11<-:. ' -,.. :1 ., S I·L j J.e _.J'" U ... I_a) pI eseni \ lOi.HC ue <.:tii.1gnt Hut the expb 1- . b.stIng peace "I tionaI"Economy.she'" is 22, '. '.' gether with' their wives_" . , ~ , luma Hussellli's wed"dlng was th'e. Indian Prime :MInister has' _ L .• :;.' __ ll.' " • -1 .\.. 1- .. O~~ LOi UL!Ii~C!g. \"J.~_l:a::> -C0011-; t: Ileu JCJ!1anHe~en nut only \\00.
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