University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 2-8-1964 Kabul Times (February 8, 1964, vol. 2, no. 284) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (February 8, 1964, vol. 2, no. 284)" (1964). Kabul Times. 543. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , , ' , , ' , •......, __-?e-< ,. .'. " --- .- " '. '. " - . - : ~; • ..t.-. -,lo~-y~ .... ~~.:......'- -- :-7:::r~';!'-~~~~~ ~. '. ' .. , < -. ',C .' , ' . , '. '. -.=. -- . - -:"- : -. '. " '. , KABUL".' ,TrMES .. KABUL TIMES ~~FEBRUARY 6, 1964 TH£ WEATHER --- - ----.--,-,.- -- : - NEWS STALLS., , < YESTERDAY Max -2°C. Khyber' Restaurant, HU~SDAYS Minimum -10°C, Neal' Shah! PuI; Blue ,M~ue' I I Gen~ 5-'32 pm. '> BECOME HALF-WORK Khan'h Orders Sun sets today at Internatronal. ClUb; Pamir Cine!»8 . Sun rises tomorrow at 6-34 a.m. pAY'~1 ~i1fF.;:\.,; ~Vc TomorroW's OiIUook: w -JANUARY 30TH '. Changes In Army Slightly cloudy Thul sday 5 ha"\'e officlaUy been '. -Foreea8i by AIr Alit;bortQ Command ~U4 -~·PRICE-.AL ~ VOL, II. NO, 284 SATURDAY. FEBRUARY ,B: 1964, C!:?ALWA 18, 1342,S, E,).'. :_,.0._. _ 'I.. '_ •. SAIGON. Feb 6. (Re~Jter' - PARK CINEMA N~t.:Jlen ~o i General Kh.1nh, ne\\ At 7-30. p m. p.m' Ira)'uan MOHAMMA1)· 'W-~DDIN~· 11 '. \-TeaChers " Number ACU'sCarpelltry'Workshop chdHman ot South \:, s m,· :\lm;THE RUNAWAY BRIDE. Israe~ HRH PRINCE NAD1:WS .-.' IN Opened In Pul-i-Charkhi !1\~tr~ jtJl'lta. I'as ord~rE'd the first KABUL CL.... EMA US To Help 0; several prOjected ~h;]flges m At 3-30 pm RUSSian film, , GLITTERING CEREMONf ~T .-DI~kuSH4 P~A~~. -' T~.· Se '·,R~r~4,.,~~ o· KABL'L. Feb ~ -'r,::'.' carpen· the comm"nd of mil" !l'y units VALARI CIDKALOV wltli trans... In 'Using Sea Water \ 0: k5i10P of the A'ghan j tv consol1ddtc hIs :;.;r'urtty. ac- Iatlon 111 PerSian, at at 7.30 and rnIl:I~ry ,~J ~8 :_: ":1..1<::; U:' Una J1"S ·'tnl ted' CG. din:; 'to Informcd 10 pm. Ind1an film: SURAT ASD ~ab .I ',' 50,000' ,6y, ~_t Inl~ r)1.1C'~~ Press Rejects Plan >...., . l ... l-'Jll C!l.;tfkhl \\'nh 'In J ... HYRA'r, , . C,;:li;,c! of A~ 5 rllllllon ilir .' 1'1'''' commandcr of 'tiE ;,rmour. S.I:nZAD CINEMA , BEIRUT, Lebanon, Feb. 8, (li,P), KABlJL, Fei>. &.......,&,000 T"aC11-.;'",,: ·r~cc.! reported-a~ Arab newspapers resume<:! a cam­ , I j;;I.,LU .,\,'Z.lJl1 1;I.z'mL e.d c-o:ps, \\ho "as At 3-30 pm. Russran f lin; SKY engaged in' WilC 0 mg , ,ilWb . '" ,(...It 0, t'":e Ll1li ,,~!d that b'ln;; angry at seeing illS,n,mlE' m· BEING CONQUERED BY THEM' paign agamst the United States ..Yrllage, prunarYl," s"eo _eta ':t ~"' ',f' m , "nc? and ollic:', t::quip. I ]I'd.lced on the first cl~claratlOn at 7-30 and lO'p m. IndnIn .film. Fnday and repnmanded PreSI­ vocational schoul.;; 0 tI e ., nt.>;<J'.. ' ,~ r , :', (. 'd iUI Lr.C \\'olkshop: c{ the Junt3 after last Thursday's LIFE IMPRISONMENT, den.t J0hnson tOI' annOtIBcIng that oC'Mucatlon. 'By !to'U 'tnL> · , ·..uw , I,~'. : jJ:1(.' ,a'.;d ,urn Italy at I coup de force, has be~'l lepldced ZA.:'<EB CINfu'\'1A . Amenca would co-operate WIth bel' \\ III raIse to 5u,UUO. '"' ~ • L .'',,:. 1 5 ',1111;0:1 The sources s:l1d the officer, Israel m prodUCIng water sup- , - 1 At 3, 7-30 and 9' pm. IndIan film. ! .~ • }, c ..~" n,n,!' alleady . <:o.o:1el \' Inb. OJoc I'"s 0' "ll !-Iven C!lAl\'ffiILI, starrm.: Notan plIes for tne Jewish state, ii I· '~~ll'~ .. lonarn;aci .: :~' Du:ectv - ' In~ I'O-OP~I;;' I ,. f :. -, 1 ...... a .: 1\.:1 in"\! e;:)mmand of the mn·::t!i mfantry Tanola and Kalsl MIca. .1J O' .. Bell'ufs Ai Nahar rejected the \ f;1 .I General 01 tn.e' - • ment·,' • , j l :i:p". , . 01 ." w' :n t ,(hO the diVISion wll,ch has th" dltIicult plan and DamascllS, Jlhohawra \ TeacheiS :and- 'e~sonnel 01 !nc- - ~\. - n:!s -:. ..... \ 51-d rt_d· e}.pefl- l'l.3k 0: paclfYing Sl.!vcr.11 P' OVln- ., Onj saId the plans for American and , .\1ints·,.ry 01 -1:{iueat 'J S'.ud tna~ _1 j;' J:Jc.Ion .•11 AZlml ces In the :.. 'ekong DCI!e!. Johnson 'ViII Carry Israeli SClent15ts to conduct Jomt 1,; tea<:ne 5 orauua:,~d 1 ~ yt:d'= - .,.' , . ~. .._......... \. - - .:J ,:-,,,. I, \'.01 KS:- ~P iI.lS :n" The name of the new -COin man, . - . 1 I research on the water problem 'irom HIe teac ,e.r" L a:1"' uO' · , .'-.::l- :. :: ~ .·,r.;e~d O~' ""rl,!nan,hIP d"r of Ih~ ;;rmGJred C~Op5'. \'Itall 1-1: ,-dy' Eff - t, meant .. the most aggressive policy 01.. Kao' J ~ j\ungCil la..t:.. ~- ~:"l "\b,l)~U, m~mt~nd'ice' 1 ' >': .... _ '. : - . 1'::1., t:n'l fo! tr.e Gf \.enne s' or s · yet by the U S. agaInSt the d_anai', re gious -:::., 1 UUCi, L ""'{';; , .' .: n ~ t!~) :>.1 ~ 1 t ..... ex- iJ •. 1-':, not yet kno \:l for cer- 1 · , li~i_~61iOK Arabs." 1 ~cal- tr(Ut~.wo_ • 1'" -' • i' ,:: '<, '.., 'I ". ,! P ,-dA'(' .1:- .'=lcn';o13; tne POYSlC , . '" -.... For . , )~' the~ ~o ~ ~e'!lce ~ •....J (I.-l(\-f '..t. :'JU \ Ot k~ The source;, saId [urtnel cam- Lasting Peace Israel's water supply IS current- sCnOVi.. egt: 0 d al .. -~ :- -' ly "the major issUe In the long­ ,"-ollege cJt L:et!,ers. , 1.1 LOJ1S';',:Cl:'_!1.,1 m.' "'11, ~ .c.; __ ;1~t'~ are ILRe-!,;' soon. NEW, Ya~K. Feb' G, (DPA)- me . standIng Arab-lsraeli feud, Arab ~ ..:- - I < ';0 ; .t roe" r.,l Khanh mqy also US PreSIdent Lvndon B Johnson < • .~ leaders agreed at a conference 't.! -'" r. l" : J'.: p~o"lnc.,.i1 and diS, d <~, d' ., • ht he \\'ould " " d' sal V\ e nesoay mg ,..: 1 .!.J 7'1. 3"10 i'... " .... ', U;.lJe:> l:O!1-"'.~ .... l'j Cl{:'le I oJ' P 't last month to oppose Israel's .i ·~ t'Ii:=.:i:' ' ,. ',' 1 11 ,urn y carryon. resloen plans to divert water from the .' . '"., .,:' .. ,.:" """In genuals '''"u ... m I J 1 F K .. d . ff' '. .!: .. - I­ ., U !-.~!:' ) , l:: ~k:-.. purae 0 '0 enne ys 'great C' orts Jordan River to ll'ngate the Negev , .__~__o~ fOJ last,ng r:eac.e In the \\olld , - -.---.--. - D.esert, , , _''el :ll:,.dl.,.-...., .. , _. I.: . , '. S,.cahlng at a omner of the PreSIdent Johnson said Thurs· . , , lH.4:-,~·H "1LUN REGAINS JrN',h P Kennedy Jr Founda· day discussIOns were underway ~ct ~ " ,1. up by the Kennedy fam1' ," • I' • With Israel on Jomt nuclear re--. _ ' ...... _ .l. _ I;> t'1 comuat mental Illness, Mr ; .... JT ~ ·UP 3T,TOH""·lTTLE IN search for turnIng salt water Into J8' "'Oil callcet the K2nnedv~ "3n fresh water. His offer to extend ' , ~;ll aordlllary [;;mIly" ·, \. .:- ... the same help to other water- ;, (jI,'1'iHPitd AT INNSBRUCK "Flen':! competitors m !Ife. they t· I. short countrIes was Ignored by " 3rt" a eIosely. kntt team unlike , ~ ~~k the Arab newspapers. , , . -; tTl\. Fcbr"iT.\. 6, (Reuter),­ man~ \"ho have theIr opportuni­ ,. ::-:.~: ;~,g ~ Ai. Nahar added that Johnson .~ ,I (. , ':.' <"';1'<;(:11'5 'Iron. mall", sci golden. seal on ties. they plefel .labour to leisure" • t .' , j, '. ~- has offiCially revealed. that Umted ~ 1 .... -,.::J .1 .... ( ",'~l(,ll 1 ~'-"'" '- '. , i',.·, ... he eglil;ft! the oiynlpic Iohn Kennedy \\ as to have .' '. ,! States was co-operatmg Wlth Is- ~ 'their Majesties the King and' the Queen' with th~ bryde ,an~ the aft~r :~he .1 ~... ::'.lcn\' Ll~(' L~n \ esterdav groom- _..c.: Aina- Masllaf_ _ .:. .:'- ~ . hcen h{'L e tOl1lght," M1' Johnson I ... - " . 1 ~. ~ . , \-.·~.o{ rael m nuclear researcl1, "e.voking cereTIWnll, . ';. ~.... ' ,~ _ _. ..A 5 cd:: t;-- l c,"but by takIng the said , ; i Arab fears 0ver the poSSIbility In a gllttertIig ceremony at H.R.H. Mohammad 'Nadir, ..23,_ -, Fanilly, cabinet . ministers, _. , .' i .:iTIer pO ....:' :,!\ .. i 1:;t:. ...=.I :dtJl' an Uslo eleCtll- , , ',! . -' .. ..-:..'. :<. ...: I 'Humbly I shall carry on for ~. 11·1;.1'_~ ~v that israel may develop the ato- DUkusha Palaee last night, J mamed the danghier 'of·laie 'high Tanking military ,and' l .....J' -, • C (Ji ml:t...:.::t) l ..... J. \1,. a::> cetlgJlte3 by hIS 0"\\ n hm, here as I Intend to carryon ..;"-- - I mic bomb." His MajestY's son Prince,MO'­ Mr, Mil' Mi.'bammad Haider ' cIvil omcials, a group of distin· ....: . , J'~ ~'lV",",-a tro.d at 5~·;::reld I, .11LIL lnal. he Old not tJllQk he • , <, •.1 ~ -,I!.J ~, I tbc great efrol ts he started fOr hammad Nadir and Miss Li­ Husseini ,the Mlntsier' of Na- guWied citizens of .Kabul·to- ,8.-~11-. J. .' !;l~ . ..:KABUL: Feb, Nehru • :":'" .:11<-:. ' -,.. :1 ., S I·L j J.e _.J'" U ... I_a) pI eseni \ lOi.HC ue <.:tii.1gnt Hut the expb 1- . b.stIng peace "I tionaI"Economy.she'" is 22, '. '.' gether with' their wives_" . , ~ , luma Hussellli's wed"dlng was th'e. Indian Prime :MInister has' _ L .• :;.' __ ll.' " • -1 .\.. 1- .. O~~ LOi UL!Ii~C!g. \"J.~_l:a::> -C0011-; t: Ileu JCJ!1anHe~en nut only \\00.
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