y WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1987 PAOB FORTY Avenir Daily Net Plan Rod For H ie Week Ended The Weather Ootober 7, 1967 Partly cloudy and cool to­ Richard Siegal, son of Mr. and gress was in 1966 In Jlobterdam, night. Low in 30s. Tomorrow Mrs. James Siegal of B4 Stephen Holland. It’s next will be iff About Town Town Offices Closed Saul Silverstein Making Shop Pinehursf Thursday mostly sunny. High lb upper M . St., was named to the dean’s 1969 dn Tokyo. 15 ,3 75 Tomorrow, C oH u m b u s D m ICiutWa Club of Friend­ list for the second consecutive Manchester— A City o f VUlage Charm ship Lbdte of ICasona will meet year at the University of Penn­ Day, will be a day-off for all 26th Lecture Trip Abroad whei« you buy HooMi and Boouty aids at Man- in the email lodfe room of the o f Mlinchesiber’is munilcilpal sylvania. He now Is a Junior in Assessor .Aide VOL. LXXXVII, NO. 10 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CDNN., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1967 (Claaellled Adveiilaing on Page 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS ICaaonic Temple at 7:80 tomor­ the university’s Wharton School empioyes. All offlilcea will be Saul M. Silverstein of 28 Ste­ week in Israel, sightseeing and ehester's lowest prices. SCOPE mouHiwcKh and dobed. row night. A talk on the "Orand of Commerce and Finance. phen St., board chairman of the revisiting some of the places Resigns Post Lodg^i of Anderlca” will be giv­ GDarbage end refuae col-** Rogers Corp., is leaving Sunday visited in five previous trips gargle, with a mfg's suggested $1.15 en by Harry Jackson, Junior McitllonB wm be made on on his fifth complete trip there. Sunshine Buses to Norwich schedule, however. Oolum- Norman Ely, assessment aide steward. Refreshments will be HoegHltal wm leave Sunday around the ..world and his 26th During that week, Silverstein in the town assessor’s office, 's featured at 59c. buB Dhy to not one of the foreign vlrit. will talk with officials of the served. noon from Cenitral Row, Hert­ hoHdaya perm0it«d under has resigned his post, effective Ho A sked ford. On the return trip, they He will be gone approximate­ Israeli Management Center and This week at Pinehurst buy Bisquick for 44c the town’s refuae-pickup the Israeli Productivity Center. Oct. 27. He will do accounting The Mountain Laurel Chapter win leiave the Administration contrabt. ly 10 weeks and will combine * y British Jet Crashes, of Sweet Adelines will rehearse Buildhig' at 4:15 p.m. Those Rogers Corp., business With Mrs. Silverstein will return to work for a buslnesis firm. B y Thieu tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Rus­ Wishing to make reiservations AH x>ublllk: schooSis will be scheduled lecture stops as the the U. S. after that week and Ely, who resides at 262 All Sweet Margarine ........................................ f®*" 23c may oonttucft the Oaiplbol Re­ in aeaalOn bult ChthoUc American delegate to the world Silverstein will continue on to Parker St., is president of the sian American National Center, schoola wUH be closed. 211 Wethersfield Ave., Hariford. gion Mental Health AsBooiation board of CIOS, the Congress Korea, to deliver a series of Municipal Employes Group Vermont MaM Syrup ................................... 12 os. 29c The event is open to women in­ Inc., 217 Flarmdngitan Ave., International Organization Sci­ CIOS lectures there, on behalf (MEG.) He has worked for the To Talk terested in four-part barbershop HattfonJ. The Golden Age Club will entific. of the UN. Original plans had town for six years, atll of them style harmony. Those desiring have a kitchen social tomorrow ’The American member of called for a visit to Indonesia. In the assessor’s office. He is Oscar Mayer 8 oz. Bologna ..................................... 39c SAIGON (AP) — President­ That visit has been postponed elect Nguyen Van Thieu ^ will 66 Presumed Dead further information may con­ Manchester Chess Club will at 2 p.m., for members only, at CIOS Is the New York City-based a June 1967 graduate of the tact Mrs. Frank Hynes, 299 meet tonight at 6 ;30 at Iona the Senior Citizen’s Center, Council for International Prog­ to the spring. University of Hartford with a Better than ordinary McIntosh Apples •end a letter to North Viet­ Main St., or Mrs. Truman Cran­ Hall, Regent St. Play will be Myrtle and Linden Sts. ress in Management, now con­ Sllveratein then will go on to BS degree. from Cheney....................................... for 3 lb. bag 49c namese President Ho C2il Minh dall, 6 SWhlte St. continued on an innerclub tour­ ducting worldwide lectures for Japan, where he will spend two proposing that they meet to talk nament. Membership in the The Tobacco Valley Chapter the United Nations. weeks on Rogers Corp. business, YOU GUESS WHICH peace, a spokesman for Thieu NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) Calif. Seedless Oranges ..................................... doz. 69c •aid today. Miss Kathleen Kane, daugh­ g^up is oren —-'-''p. Organization for Rehabilitation Silverstein, accompanied by returning 'home about Dec. 18. FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Ifc. —A British-Cypriot Com Those 'wishing further informa­ and Training will sponsor a his wife, first will spend five The OIOS, which has 43-mem­ Either there are mighty few Thleu’s letter wlU offer a et jetliner crash^ into the ter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. one-week pause In the bombing It HUi Kane of 122 Walker St., has tion may conuicc ivugei A00..1.11, rummage sale tomorrow from weeks in England and in West­ ber countries, was formed in dogs in Kentucky or citizens are Mediterranean off the of North Vietnam If Hanoi been appointed to a one-year 302 Main St. 5 to 10 p.m. at Mott’s Commun­ ern Europe on Rogers Corp. 1923 by the late President Her­ disobeying the law which says southwest coast of Turkey ity Hall. Articles that will be business. He will deliver one bert Hoover, when he was sec­ all dogs must have a license. ■bows some willingness to talk term to the Committee for Con­ about peace, the spokesman today and all 66 persons tinuing Self-Study of the Cur­ The VFW Auxiliary will spon- offered for sale Include winter lecture during that time, at the retary of commerce, and by the The Agriculture Department ■aid. aboard are presumed kill­ riculum at Mount Saint Mary .sor a kitchen social tomorrow clothing in good condition, pa­ British Plastics Institute in late President Jan Masaryk of reports only 72,000 dog tags sold '“ ’Thieu would only meet with ed, a spokesman for the College, Hooksett, N. H. where at 7:45 p.m. at the post home perback books, bric-a-brack Birmingham. Czechoslovakia. last fiscal year in a state with 3 Ho Chi kfinh,’ ’ the spokesman British Royal Air Force she is a junior. for members and guests. and shoes. The couple then will spend a Its last International Oon- million humans. ■aid, “ but he will not meet with announced. any lesser official. If the North Operated by British European Vietnamese propose a meeting Airways for Cyprus Airways, at a lower level, we wiU send a the Comet 4 jet was on a flight lower-level official of our own. from London and Athens to Ni­ DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER We will meet at any level." cosia with 09 passengers and a He added that the letter would crew of seven. go out shortly after ’thieu is in­ The plane left London OPEN 6 DAYS—THURS. till 9 P.M. augurated Oct. 30, probably Wednesday night and stopped HOUSE HALE through diplomatic channels, briefly before dawn in Athens. k It crashed into the sea about an though he said It might be deliv­ ered via the press. hour later near the Dodecanese The letter 'will be sent througdi island of Kastellorizon, a diplomaUc channels rtiortly aft­ spokesman for BBA said. er Thieu Is Inaugurated Oct. 30, Police on Kastellorizon said the spokesman said. the airliner was seen to crash “The letter will propose a about 38 miles southeast of (he meeting between Saigon and island. A spokesman said the is­ Hanoi at a time and place land’s harbor authorities dis­ agreeable to both, “ He said.’’ If patched a fishing boat to the FOR JUNIORS, MISSES Hanoi agrees to meet, Thieu scene of the crash. Will offer a bombing pause of A BEA spokesman in London the North of one week.” said most of the passengers The spokesman said even If 'm were businessmen or vacation­ Hanoi did not agree to a meet- ers and that some children were aboard. The three-man flying iag, the bombing pause would each 1 '* go Into effect If the North Viet­ Ho Chi Minh Nguyen Van Thieu crew was British and the two SWISS BRAISED STEAK stewards and two stewardesses namese “ show their good will were Cypriots. The spokesman A flavoiful rice situfflng and sflow cooking wlUv tomato be stopping the infiltration of //J/iJ said 32 passengers boarded the 'jauce is the key to the g?oodness of this Swiss eltoak. the South or stop making trou­ State News plane at London and 27 In Ath­ p ALL YOUR NEEDS for CLASS and DATE ^ Thick slices of round steak may be used ®or this recipe, ble In the South.” ens. render top round can he used. Bdttom round is cut thdcker However, the bombing pause B. Informant Testifies It was the second crash in five Fire Damages Ansonia School for this preferred method of cooking. would last only one week and no Doctor Says months of a passenger plane longer unless some type of bound for Cyprus.
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