
-------------- ------ --~----. Form Apmoved. OMS No. 2070~OO60. Aooroval oxoires 05-31·98 United States Registration opp Jdentifier Numbsr &EPA Environmental Protection Agency Amendment 249246 Washington. DC 20460 ~xx Other .- Application for Pesticide - Section I , . CompanyJProduct Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification 9688-109 . - - J. Miller [:] None Restricted 4. CompanyJProduct (Name) PM, 0 Chemsico Spot Weed Killer A 23 5. Name and Address of Applicant -(lnc/ud9 ZIP Cods) 6. Expedited Review. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(3) Chernsico, Div_ of United Industries. Corp. (b){i), my pro.duct is similar or identical in composition and labeling P.O. Box 15842 St. Louis, MO 63114-0842 to: - - EPA Reg. No. ____~ ______~ ___~~ o Chock if this is s n9W sdtjress Product Name Section - II Amendment - Explain below. ORnsi Print.dlabol.;n rospf:f.o'7JFICtrnDN Agency letter dated -,____________ _ Resubmission in response to Agency letter dated ____~ __ .. 0 -Me Too" Application. NO V .., 199-6 Notification - Explain below. D Other - Explain below. Explanation: Use additional page(s) if necessary. (For section I and Section II.) Notifaction per PR Notice 95-2 Add the folowing marketing phrases: "Optional: Kill 66+ types of w_eeds!Tt ,-- "Kills Weed Roots", "Kills All major Broadleaf weedS II Replace "within a few days" with "overnight" in number 5 of the directions. Add "This dilution- rate results in a product with the _same strength as that supplied in the Power Pump when purchased. ' Correct the spelling of "thoroughly" Section - III 1. Material This Product Will Be. Packaged In: Child-Resistant Packaging Unit Packaging Water Soluble Packaging 2. Type of Container Yes' vo. v•• No No ~!:c E3 B aNo Glass If ·Yes· No. per If ·Yes· No. per Pep8r "'tertificotion must § Other {Spe"ifyl _______ Unit Packaging wgt. container Package wgt container c-~submitted I 3. Location of Net Contents Information 4. Size(s) Retail Container 5. Location of Label Directions o Labol o Container B -g~-t:~i~g accompanying product 6. Manner in WhIch Label is: Affixed to Product Uthograph 0 Pap8r glued § Stencired Section -IV ~--------------------------~~~~~---------------------------~1. Contact Point (Camp/tits it9ms dJTectly b8fow for id8ntification of Individual to btl ccmtacted, jf nOC8$$sry, to proc(JSs this B{:'p}icat1on.) Name Title Telephone ~ ,l1s1~t\Jde Area Code) Kelly Loft Regulatory Affairs Specialist • • ,8J)P-242-1l6p, Certification > 6) 2)d,)))~pplic8tion A,N(.ivod I certify that (he statements I have made on this form and all attachments thereto.8fit tru8~ accurate and. cbr'PJ:n'et1. I acknowledg~ that any knowingly false- or misleading statement may bo punishable by fin8 or imprisonment or} ) .' IStamped) both under applicable law. ' ) ~ J ) \ " . ',-' 2. Sign8tur~ ) 3. Title ;;K;/!4i,. , Regul"a"tory' Affairs Specialist 4. Typed N~mo U 5. Data Kelly Loft November 1, 1996 EPA Form 8570-1 (Rov. 8-94) PreVIous editions ara obsolete. WIlla • EPA File Copy loriglnal) v dow· Applicant Copy v ....,) ~ Chemsico@ Spot Weed Killer A EPA Reg. No. 9688-109 page 1 of 2 Chemsico Spot Weed KlIJer A STORAGE AND DISPOSAL (For hand sprayor) Chemslco spot Wood Killer A kills more than 33 (oplional: 66) types Tum !he nozzle to ·OFF M position and store, with sprayer above 01 broadleallawn weeds down to the root And Chernsieo Spot'Weed the level of liquid h1 container to prevent reakago. Store in Killer A is formulated to kill only the weeds. not the lawn. 0rginal container in a. COOl, dl)' area aYiay, from heat o;r open he'JJsiC!!D® Use Chemsleo Spot Weed Killer A as dirocted to spot treat the flame and In an area inaccessible to' c:rllcjren and pets. Keep • following tYfl€s of weeds in your lawn: ' from freezIng. Do, not reuse conlafner. Afnsa 1horoughly and securely wrap or1ginal container in several layers of newspaper Bedstraw English daisy Mustard StIee\J sorret and discard In trash. 8lackmedic Filare& 0",,11. Shevherdsp"CSO Buckhorn Fleabana Pannywort SpaadWall (OPTIONAL TRIGGER SPRAYE;R DIRECTIONS) Canada thistle Ground ivy Pepp8lWe!ld Spurge 1. Shake well. Chickweed ,Heal-Ail Pigwead Wild carrot 2. Adjust nozzle to coarse spray pattern to minimize wInd drift , ChlOOry Hanba Plantain Wi~garl~ Spot Weed Killer A (graphic). Clover Kl1<ltweed POis<Jnlvy , WI~le«uce 3. Spray, just enough Chemslco Spot Weed!<llIer A to lightly Cudwead Uimbsquarter Polson oak Wild onion cover: broadleaf ,weeds. ExcesSive spraying can ~nJute, Kills weeds down to the root, not the lawn • Kills Curted dock LaSj>l<laza: Pnc~y letluCG Yarrow some Do spray weeds growing within tha drtpllne iDanQe.ll00 Matchweed Purslane lawns. not 33+ weed-types, roots and all' (Optional: Kills, of trees (graphic). 00 not apply when daytima temperaturas 'Oollarwead ' Morning g~ry Ragweed 66+ types of Weeds!).' Kills weed roots' Effective are above 85"F as 1a\)1llnJury can occur (graphic). Spray only poison oak and ivy killer • Kills the weeds, the STOP! R/:AD ENTIRE LABEL BEFORE USE. the weeds, not the ehlire lawn. not (Optional: Stop. Read all Instructions Inside before using.) 4. Weeds will begin :wllling and browning overnight. lawn • Water-Ba,sed • Heady-Io-Use' See DIRECTIONS FOR USE STORAGE AND DISPOSAL (For trtgger sprayer) . Results in Hours' Overnight Results • Kills all It Is a violation of Federal Jaw to use this product In a manner Store In ortginal container In a cool, dry ,area ,away from heat or Inconsistent Wi1h its labeling. open flame and in an area inaccessible to chlidren and pets. majQr"broadleaf weedsl 3eep from freezing. Do not reuse contalnar. Rinse thoroughly III Keep people and pets off treated, areaa until dry.:,' Q,ct securely wrap ortglnat oontalner In sevarat layers of :::;fewspaper and discard In traalh. '"r1 . MISE TIPS (For both hend a/ld trigger sprayers) I.. ' . (OPTIONAL HAND SPRAYER DIRECTIONS) :!:to Some hard-to·kill weeds may require retiealmam. Walt at' , 1. Shake well. i.i a least 3 weeks between applications -- some weedS can take 'j II!; 2. Connect trigger sprayer. Unscrew and d~scard the white cap' :2 thallong to die. .. ' AclivolnglecJienls: on the bottle. Insert the hose Into the bottle and tlgilten the 2. Do not water the tawn within 24 hours after spraying. It II rains' tDimethyiarnine salt of 2,4-d\cN<lrophenoxyacelkiitCi:d O~3% cap securery. within, 24 hQurs of use, ret~eatment Olay be necessarY,. ' tDlmelhylamioo salt of 2'(2'meltry!+chlorophenbxyl ' :,: ~ 3. Prime Sprayer: Tum t1?e sprayer nozzle one-half furp oounter~ 3. Do not allow spray 10 drmontodeslrable piants since Injury, propion{c acid .•..•.•.....•.. , ...••. '.. ', , . , .• , , ••...•• , •• 0.287% ~ay result. ' I:; tDlmelhYlamns Silll of m,~smba (3,8-dichIO(cr'crMI5ICad~) •...• ,.,. IlJ)6e% ClockWise. Hold the '.sprayer lower fhan the bottle and " squeeze the togger severa! times until it sprays. Adjust the.: ,;',Ii Inert IngredienIS;:'~.;" ....~ .. ~.~: ...... , ,',. .:..;........ 99,054% nozzle to coarse spray pattern to Olinimize wind drift·; ," liOla!., •• '•...... :'."',~ ....... ~.: ....... ~ ... , .•.. , .............. " 1bo.~ I (OPTIONAL POWER PUMP DIRECTIONS) I1 This proWcl cool8ills: 't:4Wft.2.'4-d'Ici)1010p/lenoxyaOOUQ acid equivalent, to.237% (graphic). .! 2i2-melh~rophellO~ prOj;!aJc"aCHt equIValent tM55% ~;jfcNom-Q.. 4. Spray Jusl enough Chems/co Spot Weed KIMer A to lightly Aevorutronary (NEW) Power PumpTiof. Works like a pressure" 1'1·.. anisic acid equivalent. coyer broad/eaf Weeds. ExcessIve spraying can Injure R sprayer· Ready to Pump and Spray. RefWabfe • Power' ;: I'"Ill some lawns. DO not spray weeds growing Within the drlpllna Pump Pressure Sprayer • Pump & SprayYcur Weeds Away I .• ~ K~&p_ 0[11-01 Rea~trQf «ha~fen -; -. : • of trees. (grap'hic). Do not apply when daytime temperaturas • Rest Your Trigger Finger Patent Pending I CAl'TK1N ~e fid; (o,adCiH"'l81 pr:icautlo'\ary .taternents are above 85'Fas lawn Injury can occur (graphic). Spray only .1 .. •• 1> .. :~ the weedS, not the entire fawn. Chemsico Spot Weed Killer A kills more tha~ 33 (opHonal: 66) types of broadl,eaf lawn weeds down to the root. And the NET CONTENTS 1GALLON/3.i8 L 5. Weeds will biJgln wilting and browning overnight. !,'i: revolutionary Power Pump eliminates the n:l3ed to ~queele a, 1 II ~ :~ J BEST AVAILABLE COpy 1lI q :~. !i .\~ ;'~ C\I\ ~ "J v v ;'~IYJ "~ Chemsico@ Spot Weed Killer A EPA Reg, No. 9688-109 page 2 of 2 ~ trigger sprayer over ahd over again. The Power Pump works like 5. Weeds will begin wilting and browning overnight. First Aid a pressure sprayer· just pump It a few times and spray. And the USE TIPS If Swallowed: Call a physician or Poison Control Center Power Pump can be refilled up to 5 flmes With Real·KiII" 1. Some hard-to-kill weeds may require retreatment. Wait at immediately. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water and induce vomlUng Broadleaf Weed Killer for Incredible valuel Joost 3 weeks between ap~icatlons - some weeds can take by touching back of throat with flnger. Never IndlUce vomltlng or Use to spot Treat.: Bedstraw, Black mediC, Buckhorn) canada that'long to die. give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If In Eyes: ThIstle, Chickweed, ChiCOry, Clover, Cudw€!ed.~ Curled dock, 2. Do not waler the Jliwn wItl1In 24 hours after spraying. If ft rains Flush eyes' with plenty of water. Call a 'p'hysiciim ,if 'irritati0tl Dandelion, Dollatweed. English daisy, Fllaree, Fleabane, Ground wIthin 24 hours of use, retreatment may be neceSsarY; perSists. If on' Skin: Wash with plenty of soap and Water. (let Ivy, Heal·all, Henbitj Knotweed, Lambsq~arter) Lespedeza f 3. Do not allow spray to drift onto desirable plants since Injury medIcal attention. , Matchweed, Morning glory. Mustard, Oxalis. Pennywort, Pepper. may result. Environmental Hazards weed Pigweed. Plantain. Polson Ivy, Poison oak, Prtckly leHuce.
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