Otterbein University Digital Commons @ Otterbein Otterbein Aegis Otterbein Journals & Magazines 5-1901 Otterbein Aegis May 1901 Otterbein Aegis Otterbein University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/aegis Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons Recommended Citation Otterbein Aegis, "Otterbein Aegis May 1901" (1901). Otterbein Aegis. 117. https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/aegis/117 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Otterbein Journals & Magazines at Digital Commons @ Otterbein. It has been accepted for inclusion in Otterbein Aegis by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Otterbein. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ·~ ( ";' rnnnn.nnnnnn.nnn.nniUl.Ilnrutll.JU1n.rt.nJ'1I11\, eottttnts • Editorial. ......................•.•.. ·······'· .•....•...•••..• 7 The Study of History .•......•.....................••• 9 The Chinese of America ..•......••.•••............. 12 Power of InRuence ......•...•.•.•.• •....••.•.....•... 14 Baseball ....................•.•....•......•................•16 MAY NUMBER Alumnals ......••.......................................•. 17 Y. M. C. A ...............................................18 1901 :~,:. :·.. ~ ..................... ·:::::::: ::::::.::::::::::: ::::::::::J An Institution of High Grade, Standard Faculty and Courses of Study. ~~ University Located at Westerville, Ohio, SUBURBAN TO COLUMBUS .THE CAPITAL OF THE STATE. ~~~~ There are Four High Class Literary Societies, With Elegantly Furnished HaUs, Well Selected Libraries and Reading Rooms. ~~~~ The Christian Associations, the oldest in the state, are doing a grand work. Westerville is a beautiful and healthful village of about 2,000 popu­ lation, with a fine classical and religi<.)US atmosphere. There are no saloons or other low places of resort. Both sexes are admitted to equal advantages. Instruction thorough. All professors are specialists in their departments. Expenses moderate. The University offers eight Courses of Study; the Classical, Philosophical, Preparatory, Pedagogy, Music, Fine Art, and Elo­ cution and Oratory. There are increased facilities in the new Chemical, Physical and Biological Laboratories and Lecture Rooms; and in the new emphasis given to History and Pedagogics. Students can also get work in Stenography, Bookkeeping and Type-writing. SPRING TER:l\1 BEGINS MARCH 25, 1901. For Information address the President, T. J. SANDERS, WESTERVILLE, 0. OTTERBEIN .£GIS. 3 Ohio Medical University "a~s of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy 1!-,our years' graded course in Medicine, three in Dentistry, two in Pharmacy. Annual Sessions, seven months. All Instruction, except Clinical, by the Recitation Plan. Students graded on their daily recitations, term and final examinations. Large class rooms designed for the recitation system. Laboratories are large, well lighted, and equipped with all practical, modern apparatus. Abundant clinical facilities in both Medical and Dental Departments. CONSIDERING SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES, FEES ARE LOW. Session for 1901-1902, in all Departments, begins Wednesday, Sept. 11, 1901 For Uatalogue and Other Information, Address GEO. M. WATERS, .A. M. , M. D., OTTO .ARNOLD, D. D. S.. GEO. H. MATSON, G. PH. Dean, Medical Dept. Dean, Dental Dept. Dean, Pharmacy Dept. Ohio Universily, 4 OTTERBEIN £GIS. G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D., F. M. VANBUSKIRK, D.D.S., WESTERVILLE, OHIO. OF"F"ICE-ROBINS'- N BLOCK. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE Hi EAST COLL~GE AVE. Westerville, 0. Gold Crown &. Bridge Work. Fine Gold Fillings . OSTEOPATHY Wheeler Bldg., 51/z W. Broad, Columbus, 0. Rheumatism, indigestion, constipation, paralysis, nervous disorders, asthma and chroni c diseases generally successfull y H • .J, CUSTER, D. D. S., M. D. treated by the new and natural method. Consul tation free. 62 E. BROAD STREET, Literature on application. Recommendations from t he best COLUMBUS, O. Columbus people. We invite investigation. PHONE 655, M. F. HULETT, J. T. L. MORRIS, ADELAIDE S. HULETT, Graduates from Dr. Still's Famous Kirksville, Mo., School of Osteopathy. Study Your Needs And best serve your own interests by coming to us for your CLOTHING.! FURNISHINGS ~a HATS -·h=~tO per cent Discount to t udents ::::-=.... - SC::S:.A~F .AREERS' High & State Streets. CALL C>N~ The Corner H. P. BEERY & CO.~ Drugstore. For anything in t he line of Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, Brushes, Combs, Spunges, PerfUmes, Toilet Soaps, Purses, etc. , etc. The largest line of Fine Candies in boxes or bulk in the town at reasonable prices. A complete line of paperties, Tablets, Ink, Pencils, Pens, etc. Try our Benzoated Rose Cream For the complexion, removes freckles and re11ders skin clear and smooth. OTTERBEIN A!GJS. 5 Your a ttention is especially called to our line of Pure F ruit J nice Svda, Ice Cream Soda, Sam Jones, Phosphates and Dopes Perfumes and The Barber. Toilet Articles. Solicits your patronage when you want a In these goods as well as in medicines, you want the best, and our la rge stock and experience is at your ser­ vice. We ca n give you quality and quantity for the Hair Cut price. Go to or Shaves DR. KEEFER'S THE DRUGGIST. STATE STREET.~ OUR BUSINESS IS DRUGS. You Make No Mistake -WHEN YOU GO TO THE- has a magnificent stock of Spring Hats on hand. The HOME-MADE BAKERY patronage of Otterbein girls FOR _,/ ' solicited. Bread, Pies South State Street, Westerville, 0. and Cakes. Goods First-Class. Prices Right J. R. WILLIAMS. TRADE MARKS B. W. WELl.,S, DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. ~u1~~~n:s~~~r~rrf g~Jr~~~~ ~~~dt~~~c~g~~~ne:?!~ MERCHANT invention is probably patentable. Communica­ tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive TAILOR. special notice, without charge, in the Sti~ntifit Jlm~ritan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. J,a.rgest cir- Spring Samples to Show. ~~~~tiof~~f ~~~ttc~~$ii 11Soi~ub~:h nr;~w:a ~~~~ MUNN &C0. 3618roadway, New York Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. C. 1st Door South of P. 0. Westerville, 0. THE--------- ~s~udents' Trade a Specialty. COLU1\I.[EUS SPORTING GOODS CO_ ~r-u BASEBALL 26 7 North High Street, ATHLETIC GOODS Near Columbus Bugg¥ Co, 6 OTTERBEIN .&GIS. GEO. S. BEALL, DEPARTMENT STORE:. 236-246 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio. ONE PRICE AND RELIABLE. T -HE CENTRAL TEACHERS' AGENCY I. N. C"LTSTER, RUGGERY BLDG·, COLUMBUS, 0 Can do more for you than an agency at a distance. We are near you. Let us aid you to secure a good position for the com­ DENTISTJ ing year. We placed a large number of teachers at good salaries last year. We can do the same for you this year. OFFICE-West Main St. Now is the time to enroll for positions. Send at once for RESIDENCE-Cor. Main & Grove Sts. Westerville, 0. I full particulars. Read our testimonials, For Finest Photos Go to • ./ ~ ftCKeJI·s An ·S'TiJDro 416 NORl'B HIGH STREET. Students of Otterbein University at half price. Go to c:.l. L. Morrison's Bookstore, see samples, and get coupons free, or see E. !\. Lawrence. North End of Viaduct. Columbus, Ohio. JEWELRY 1J DIAMONDS * WATCHES And everything usually found in F irst ~ class Jewelry Stores. Engraved Cards----------- Society and Weddin£Stationery Remounting of Precious Stones and Special Designs promptly executed. 1:::' 1:::' BQN N 1:::' ~ 18 North High St., C' • C' • ..a:::::..t I ' COLUMBUS, OHIO. OTTERBEIN A3GIS VoL. XI. WESTERVILLE, OHIO. MAY, 1901. No.9· Published the 20th of Each Month of the College Year. while the student body also needs be com . EDITORIAL ADDRESS: mmended for the manner in which they have Editor OTTERBEIN .lEGIS, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. thus far supported it. It is to be hoped that BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS: Business Manager OTTERBEIN .lEGIS, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. every student, alumnus, and friend of the college will give their hearty support, espe­ FRANK OLDT. 'Ot .............................. Editor in Chief cially when the book is published, and may a I. N. BOWER '03 .......................... ...... ............... Assistant D. T. BENNERT, '01.. ........................ ...... Exchange Editor copy of this book be found in every United L. S. HENDRICKSON, '01.................. , ........ Alumna! Editor Brethren community. L. M. BARNES, '01....................................... Local Editor F. H. REMALEY, 'Ot .............. ........ Business Manager A. W. WHETSTONE, '02 .................................... Assistant DROBABLY few people realize the influ­ C. 0. CALLENDER, '03 ........................ Subscription Agent L( ence that our vast tracts of free land B. J. HUGHES, 02 ......... ............... Ass't Subscription Agent have had on the development of our country. Subscription, 50c a Year in Advance Single Copies tOe Not only industrially, but socially and morally, Subscriptions Will be continued until tile paner is ordered stop­ ped by the subscriber, and all arrearages p a id. the effects of this have been almost beyond REMIT SUBSCRIPTIONS TO SUBSCRIPTION AGENT belief. Its first effect, of course, was to raise [Entered at the postoffice, Westerville, Ohio, as second-cl!lss wages, hr the servant class, if they grew mail matter.] dissatisfied, had always the alternative of set­ PHILOPHRONEAN PUBLISHING CO., PUBLISHERS. tling on land of their own. From this, too, BUCKEYE PRD!'£ING Co., PRINTERS, Westerv ille. Ohio. came our wonderful inventive genius. Ma­ Editorial chinery took t~e place of hand labor and increased production many fold and made 'DOR the first time in the history of the possible our
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