, 26 SWARAJYA II August 22, 1970 .' I FROM THE GALLERY: ParlIament on ~uch an issue. Sri Prakash Vir Shastri (BKD) said RUSSIA'S MAPS: GOVERNMENT REBUKED that such misleading maps had • ONLOOKER '. been published in the past also, and India suffered on that account NEW DELHI, August 11: The up till the calling attention motion when the Colo~bo proposals were Opposition scored a major point was disposed of. Opposition made. They ,Idid not want the against the Government this week members from all non-communist same thing to happen again. when all the parties, except the parties pleaded strongly for ad­ Achatya Ra~ga said: "In the Communists, walked out in protest mission of the adjournment light of what Jas explained in the on the issue of the Soviet official motion, as. their intention was to other House, ,ye felt that no use-' maps showing large areas of censure the Government. When ful purpose w~?uld be served by a Indian territory as Chinese. The the Speaker did not accept the calling . attentionII motion. All these Government made a poor show. plea, they walked out. The Con­ years, and particularly during The statement by the Foreign gress (0), Swatantra, Jan Sangh, recent months: the Government Minister was mild, and even Rajya SSP, PSP and Independents all has not stoodl! up in the manner Sabha Members, who generally jOined the protest walk-out, which we expected it to do for the in­ give a patient hearing to Minis­ registered the indignation of a terests, honour, integrity and dig­ ters, found it difficult to put up very large section of the House. nity of this cq1untry. Therefore we with. They refused to hear the Foreign want to censlire this Government A walk-out took place first in Minister, saying that what was through an 4djournment motion. the Rajya Sabha, and it was spon­ needed was not an explanation I~ is well w~thin the Speaker's taneous.· The next day in the Lok from the Government but a full rIght to make an exception when' Sabha the same issue had been censure. exceptional '!circumstances face listed for a call attention motion. In the course of the debate' on the country! ,The Government This had been done earlier when the admissibility of the adjourn­ too, if they ~ave any self-respect, members had not read the Gov­ ment'motion, members expressed any strength 'I of character, should ernment's reply. But after read­ deep misgivings about the inten­ be prepar~d 'Ito have a ~iss~ssion ing the statement of Sardar Swaran tions and policies of the Soviet on the ad]Ol~rnment motIon. He Singh in the Rajya Sabha, they Union. Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee . appealed to the members who had realized that as the Soviet Union (IS) asked, if the Government given the call attention motion not was involved Government was not could not get a cartographic error to move it q,bt to protest by walk­ putting up the kind of fight it was corrected, what would they do in ing out of the House. All Oppo­ case of aggression? Sri Nath Pai sitiOli members walked out ex- expected to do in the national in­ -. i~ • ' terest. said members were deeply con­ cept the COIllmunists. It was also After the Rajya Sabha discus­ cerned about it because it was a significant that no CPI or CPM sion, Opposition members were so question of the territorial integrity member spdke on Russia's role in disillusioned that they felt the of India. The Great Soviet Atlas the matter !kluring the debate on only way was to censure the Gov­ showed large areas of our territory admissibility. as Chinese. The Government did .. 'I" .. ernment. Except the Communists "A II If .. all agreed that the matter was not take the matter seriously. It pa 0 uncertamty, 1l1secu- serious, and they decided to have did not warn the Soviet Union that rity,' fear Ul~d terror is threatening an adjournment motion. They it had been happening again and West Beng~l. No day passes when again. Dr Ram Subhag Singh we are not required to listen to then asked the Speaker to convert 'I . the calling attention motion to an (Cong.-O) felt that the sittlation one gruesC?me story or other of adjournment motion. The Spea­ had changed after the Minister's loot or arspn or brutal murder. ker, however, held that according Rajya Sabha reply. It was a great. We hopedil that with the imposi­ to the Rules, a substitute adjourn­ insult to India. Government's tion of 1i'resident's Rule there ment motion could not be brought protest was not going to change it. would be ~ gradual improvement. Sri Morarji Desai said the mat­ But what We see is that the situa­ ter involved not only the country's tion in West Bengal is steadily sovereignty but its honour. In a but inexorably marching towards The country which calls itself friendly chaos and! anarchy". This is what to us, large parts of our territory Sri Nath Eai said in moving a non­ Nation's are shown as belonging to China, official reSolution on West Bengal' an enemy country. The Speaker in the Lok Sabha. Sri Pai listed as the custodian of Parliament, the three bask maladies from which Best supreme body of the nation, ought Bengal is,: suffering: (1) the group to come to our help. If members of adventurers who are called 0' were not to be permitted to cen­ N axalites'( (2) the vacillation and sure the Government, where else BENGAL ELECTRICALS CO. inaction bf the Government of could they say what they want to? India, d,nd (3) the Governor of MADRAS-17 - BANGALORE-I Standing on· technicalities would 'Yest B,/e.ngal, The debate con, be the most dangerous thing for tIPUeS. .
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