; ti COURSES Am'BMWCHOSE^^^^&^ GOLF ASSOCIA VIOM CHAMPIONSHtm The track- men win do their work ea GET OPTION ON GARDEN? FOLWELL The FAVORITE^ YALE COACHSTORY A RUMOR HARVARD TRACK MEN OUT. the outdoor wooden track Bear tb* I * . looker Oreat Interest also irw NASSAU TO HOLD PEACE GONFBRENGE CANADIAN BASK^ . building. Dr. for — shewn in Harvard's effort to start MS* Promoters Run •elief General that Will Ae H. L. Wllllama No M in ' 'Chicago May Slx^ .Hti- Says Agree- sixty flieport Practice again among the uadergradoatss. - •. Too. bay Cyelo Race Next Fall. Pennsylvania Coach-. ment Has Been Reaohed. Coxing Sftarts, nig squad reported at the i Charley 'Wlilta. the Ugt-.twi^^, . AMATEUR TOURNEY The fight of the Chicago six-day bicy- MEETS TOMORRW Btwial to The Hew Jortt Timet. BALL TEAM liOSES MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Jan. 3.—Dr. Bpfttiai to Tie 2Vno 7ork TtaMt. came out to Cambridge and spArred for cle race promoters against the men who PHIIjUJBLPHIA, Penn., Jan. 8.-- H. L. WilUams, UnlTeraity of Minne- CAMBR-IXJB, Maaa., Jan. 3.-Wlth a few moments with Arctile RoesevVIt, son of Colonel Roosevelt, irtio was tb* control In the Bast assumed WhUe no definite action was ti^en sota football rettnmed to Minne- the openbijT of college today after the cycle racing Vf ootidi, best boxer at Cambridge in the late- larger proportions yesterday, when the the Football Committee of the Univer- apolis today, after two weeks' visit in holiday rcseaa. H^rrard's track season '70s. The footlMll men made tbe Garden City Gets Cham- National Commission Announces Qrescent A C. Breakis Two 'beet'j Open Western men made tentative plans to sity oi Pennsylvania In relation to the the £;ast. When questioned relative to besan In earnest. Captain Bill Bing- representative showing at txaing.to^' day, R. Parson, Harte, Souar. 'WnlMT enter the local field and conduct a race selection o( a football coach at its a report i that the -Tale commTttee ap- ham and Coaches Donoran and EUery pionship and Englewood Date for Clearing Up Years' Record of Hainilton and Weatherhead all reporUog t* tBs.' at Madison Square Garden next Decem- meeting held tonight, the Impressloti is pointed to select a coach for 1916 had Clark wel "omed more than eixty 'Varsity boxing instructors. the Junior. ber. Details.' general that Bob Folwell will be the Boys in Camej decided to name him for the work, be and fresbrion athletes at Soldiers' Field, at once started for the Evans Thomas P. Convey, the Chicago i>ro- man chosen. JJeither Folwell nor any said he beUeved the report was pre- and work was Billy Boxing CommlssloiMr.: Ind sor at which the to The Ktie moter, who came here to sign riders for fit the committee would make any direct mature, as no agreement had been many meetings SpeeM Tor* TUam. this winter. a ai;t-day race In hl» homo city, tn- statement regarding the coaching propo- reached. Crimson will be represented CUEVBtJiiiV, Ohio. Jan. 8.—Billy, CINCINNATI, Ohio. Jan. 3.—The Canada's champion basket ball plaj-- " " FATHERS AND SONS TO PLAY ncunced he had seemed sition. The committee will meet It is true," he said, that the TaJe More than fifty additional men are Stvans, Amerleaa lioague umpire, ias yesterday that committee appointed at the recent again ers, the Hamilton Tigers frcim Ham- to II in on-orrow, and it is believed been appointed one of the memberil «t an option on Madison Square Garden for in about a week. the of their committee requested me meet ekpeoted meeting of the baseball peace conferees ilton, Ontario, got surprise that the .ouad eventually will be the a grind the Decem'oer. New Tork on Dec. 21 and talk over the the Cleveland Bozmg CoramissioB. Dcvy first week In next here to settle the dispute between the lives last night vheii they weire defeat- largesFln harvard's history. The Crim- to Con- situation. This was done. I have not I'lv athletes Jones, who was formerly at tl«epy Hollow Club Again His. statements were flatly contradicted Federal and International L^igues will ATHLETES FAILTO FILEBRIEF ed by the Crescents at the Secobd 'Signal son tost good by gradua- tion last r-jne. Clark, Is Institute of Technology, Is the i by Frank Mlhlon and Inglis M. T'ppercu, met with the committee since. At, this SUery who duct meet here next Wednesday at noon. Corps Armory in Brooklyn by a score the aasisti^nt graduate treasurer of the for Secretary. Competition Inaugurated President re- Krvlat and Smith Case time it is uncertain that any proposi- and Secretary-Treasurer, This decision was reached at a meeting Debarment of 35 to 19. The Hamilton TJigers are athletic association and a former all- tion will be made to me, and also equal- Last Summer. spectively, of the Cycle Racing Associa- of the members of the National Com- New Considered Lost. former Canadian and round amateur champion, 'wUl be in college players, of the tion, the which controls the ly uncertain whether, if made. It would oharse field events this year, organization mission here today. Abel they now represent the Hamilton Y. M. 'Fred Powers. He had more Newark The long-standing case against be such as I could accept." succeeding Velodrome. The committee la composed of Presi- c. A. than twenty high Jumpers, vaulters and Klvlat and Harry t^. Smith was virtual- [Y Mr. Convcy's statement was made at of the Federal are the United Sb&tes ahot-puttei-s in the baseball cage today. dent James A. Gilmbre ly closed yesterday when counsel for They visiting HURT. a dinner in the Hotel McAlpln, where he of DARTMOUfiTPLAYER — I..eague, President Edward Barrow the athletes failed to present their brief for the first time, and they came with Junuy Sale Piices Ar* Profyii Where and When Metropolitan was waiting for the arrival from Boston the International League, a representa- to the special committee of the Na- a fanfare of trumpets. They had not But Too Siwuld of Alfred Grenda, Fred and Joe Pelletler Lost to Basket Ball Team Wwryl Golf Will Be in 1916 Hill, tive of the Baltimore Federal League tional Amateur Athletic Union, whlcti been defeated in two years. During the Played Kogler, who have to for for Remainder of Season. UDdcrwiear promised sign club, a representative of the Bulfalo several weeks ago heard the athletes' first half of the game, when Hamilton t ho "Chicago race. Federal League club, and the members appeal from the decision of the Metro- led by a score of 13 to 10, .the Cana- The Dartmouth College basket ball Sweatsn Metropolitan Amateur Chamiiionshlp Grenda failed to put in an appearance of the National Baseball Commission. polltah Association declarlni; them inel- dians flashed the best passing same team scored a vfctory over the Poly- Nassau Country Club, before the departure of Hill Mufflen —June 7-10, Convey, but At the meeting here today viirlous igible for further competition in ama- that has been seen In a local court. technic Institute of Brooklyn quintet Glen Cove, Lons Island. , ai peared. He listened to arguments by with the read- all on matters that have to do teur sports. The athletes were found They not only passed the 1 ball In an interesting game last night Mackinaw Coats championship— Messrs. and for ICetropolltan Ui)en Con^•py Fogler nearly an justment of baseball affairs to con- guilty of demanding excessive expense around the New Mooners, biit did it the latter"s court, by the score of 29 Garden City Oolf Club, hour, but declared Anto GloTM July 0-7. thj^t he would not sign form with the recent treaty of peace money to compete in a set of games in so quickly and so accurately that the to n. The Banoverians lost the ser- Garden City, Lonit Island. to ride in Chicago unless the promoters were discussed informally and other Troy, N. y., last September. Crescents were bewildered. vices of Peiletier, probably their fore- Street&DrenVaib .secured Hetropolltan Junior Championship— a franchise from the National than th- announcement that the date After the swift exhibition in the first most player, <or the remainder of the June T:-2H, Englewood Country Cycling Association or the ' he received Gufamere Socks Cycle Racing and place' of. the. committee meeting had FENCERS CLUBMEN WIN. half the Canadians were fatigued. The season, t>ecause of injuries Club. Englewood, N. J. Association. definite he went to the floor neneath a been fixed, no news of a char- Crescents sent in three uig, husky sub- when Bathrobes, &c, Ac Father Son Tournament—June The Chicago mans statement as to hands apd came a acter came from the meeting room. defeat New York A. C. In stitutes, and they outplayed the Cana- mass of players eager get their Hollow Country Club, Competi- FuO Dress ReqiiUtet 18. Sleepy distinct surprise, for it was the leasing It is known however, on the bail and shoot it to the cace. semi-officlally, tion dians during the entire seconid period. Scarborough-on-Hudson, N. T. of at Amateur League. at Prices the Garden two yeari ago that ended that the waiver question, insofar as The Hamilton team did not have one Pelletler was playins at guard for the Speciil the war between Illness of members deprived the three In the cycle the Motordrome it concerns the Federal League players, substitute to help out their exhatnted Dartmouth representatives and and tlie Velodrome. At that time Mr. weapon competition of the Amateur second half, about seven minutes after Hat DepartimeBt in the was taken up.
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