University of Mississippi eGrove Daily Mississippian Journalism and New Media, School of 8-21-2012 June 28, 2012 The Daily Mississippian Follow this and additional works at: https://egrove.olemiss.edu/thedmonline Recommended Citation The Daily Mississippian, "June 28, 2012" (2012). Daily Mississippian. 453. https://egrove.olemiss.edu/thedmonline/453 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Journalism and New Media, School of at eGrove. It has been accepted for inclusion in Daily Mississippian by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SUMMER DM SCHEDULE: DURING THE SUMMER, THE DM WILL PUBLISH THREE DAYS get your morning fix A WEEK, TUESDAY–THURSDAY, EDITORIAL BOARD: SMOKE SEC Players HIGHLIGHT Check us out online at DURING THE FIRST, SECOND ‘EM WHILE YOU CAN P. 2 2012 NBA DRAFT CLASS P. 8 theDMonline.com AND FULL SUMMER TERMS. THE DAILY T HURSDAY , JUNE 28, 2012 | VOL . 100, NO . 311 The Daily Mississippian T HE ST UDENT N EWS PAPER OF THE U NIVERS I T Y OF MI SSI SSIPPI MISSISSIPPIAN T HE ST UDEN T NEW S PAPER OF THE UNIVER S I T Y OF MI ss I ss IPPI | SERVING OLE MI ss AND OXFORD S INCE 1911 Looking back and SMOKING BANNED ON CAMPUS stepping forward Beginning Aug. 1, The University of Mississippi Oxford campus will be smoke free. This fall will mark the 50th anniversary of integration at The University of Mississippi, and plans are in the works for remembering the past and looking to the future. BY EVERETT BEXLEY ciety: 50 Years of Integration,” [email protected] a year-long celebration of di- versity at Ole Miss organized In the first volume of the by the university’s civil rights book, The Life of Reason, au- subcommittee. thor George Santayana wrote: Andy Mullins, chief of staff “Those who cannot remember to the chancellor and co-chair the past are condemned to re- of the UM civil rights subcom- peat it.” mittee, said this celebration The University of Missis- allows the Ole Miss family to sippi will remember its own acknowledge its past and move past and work to grow from it with “Opening the Closed So- See INTEGRATION, PAGE 3 The reality of student loan debt Students consider candidates’ stance on the student loan crisis among the top priorities in the upcoming election. PHOTOS BY PHILLIP WALLER | The Daily Mississippian TOP LEFT: Shannon Richardson, Ole Miss Outdoors assistant director, talks sub-committee members through the smoke-free BY ADAM GANUCHEAU dents from 3.4 percent to 6.8 campus policy draft. BOTTOM LEFT: UPD Assistant Chief Ray Hawkins talks about enforcing the new policy on campus. [email protected] percent on Tuesday. RIGHT: Leslie Banahan, assistant vice chancellor for student affairs, discusses the student concerns she heard at the meeting. If action had not been tak- The United States Senate en by July 1, students across passed the appropriate mea- the country would have been BY KAYLEIGH SKINNER the smoker will have a hold one place to another…but it sures to avoid the doubling forced into a more expensive [email protected] on his or her Bursar account. seems that you can get a drop of interest rates on new subsi- situation. 2012 Presidential “The idea is that (fines col- of about 5 percent in the per- dized Federal Direct Stafford Ole Miss will officially be a lected) would go to support centage who smoke and also loans for undergraduate stu- See LOANS, PAGE 4 smoke-free campus beginning smoking cessation programs,” a 25 percent decrease in the this fall. Leslie Banahan, vice chancel- number of cigarettes smoked The Smoke-Free Campus lor for student affairs, said. per day.” Policy Implementation Com- Although some may think Chairperson for the mar- Voting on health care mittee finalized and approved this policy is unfair, the com- keting and communications a policy that will ban smoking mittee said it is more about committee Jennifer Farish Despite some arguments concerning Obamacare, student on the Oxford campus of the protecting rights than tak- said they plan to announce its benefits has found strong support from both parties. University of Mississippi. ing rights away. The policy implantation on the UM To- The committee will continue aims to prevent second-hand day website and create a sepa- BY ALEX LOWE 23, 2010. to meet during the summer to smoke from affecting the rate website with information [email protected] Not everyone seems to be further discuss the policy, but health of those on campus. about the policy. buying into this “core principle,” as of Aug. 1, the University Because smoke-free tobacco There are still some details The health care debate may or at least in the way that the Police Department will begin will not harm anyone but the that need to be worked out, be coming to a close, as the Su- Obama administration has gone issuing warning cards to those person using it, it is not in- but the committee is work- preme Court is set to rule on the about instituting it. 26 states, led smoking on campus. Warning cluded in the policy. ing to provide counseling constitutionality of the Afford- by Florida, have filed a series of cards will also be available Associate Provost Maurice and cessation programming able Care Act this morning. appeals to the Supreme Court for the public to hand out if Eftink said he knows the pol- through the Student Health The Affordable Care Act, more questioning the constitutionality they see someone smoking. icy will face opposition but Center for those who decide popularly known as “Obamac- of the act. There will be no designated supports it because he believes to quit smoking. They plan to are,” is a piece of legislation that The main provision being smoking areas. Currently the a smoke-free campus will be provide prescription smoking was enacted in 2010. reviewed is the governmental policy is only smoke-free, not beneficial to the university. aids, but the details have not “We have now just enshrined, mandate that all citizens pur- tobacco free. “They work to a degree,” yet been discussed. It was re- as soon as I sign this bill, the chase health insurance by 2014 Beginning Jan. 1, a $25 fine Eftink said. “You wont get ported that an estimated 650 core principle that everybody or risk a minimum fine of $695. will be given to anyone smok- a complete ban on cigarette people came to the center for should have some basic security This is potentially in violation ing on campus, and they will smoking but basically about help this past year, and the when it comes to their health of the Commerce Clause of be asked to stop smoking or 20 percent of the college committee anticipates more care,” President Barack Obama leave campus if they do not student age population will once the policy goes into ef- said in his statement on March See OBAMACARE, PAGE 5 comply. If the fine is not paid, smoke, and it may vary from fect. OPINION PAGE 2 | THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN | 28 JUNE 2012 | OPINION THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN EDITORIAL STAFF: EMILY ROLAND editor-in-chief [email protected] HOUSTON BROCK city news editor [email protected] MEGAN SMITH campus news editor [email protected] KRISTEN STEPHENS lifestyles editor [email protected] MATT SIGLER sports editor [email protected] PHIL MCCAUSLAND opinion editor/copy chief [email protected] CAIN MADDEN BY JOSH CLARK | @dm_toons | The Daily Mississippian photography editor THE DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN EDITORIAL BOARD [email protected] Smoke ‘em while you can ELIZABETH BEAVER design editor The Daily Mississippian editorial board consists of Emily Roland, editor-in-chief, Houston Brock, city news editor, Megan Smith, campus news editor, Kristen Stephens, lifestyles editor, Matt Sigler, sports editor, Phil McCausland, opinion editor, Cain Madden, photography edi- tor, and Elizabeth Beaver, design editor. GEORGE BORDELON LEANNA YOUNG Smokers should start chewing whether or not to smoke. more difficult to enforce for the though a few student members account executives tobacco. Yesterday, June 27, Though smokers are in the University Police Department. left notes on their thoughts. [email protected] the Smoke-Free Campus Pol- minority, their rights should be UPD representatives admit- The decision, however, was icy Implementation Commit- protected, but by disregarding ted that during gamedays this ultimately left to faculty and tee finalized and approved the this population of the Univer- policy would not be a priority, staff members. Students are the S. GALE DENLEY STUDENT “Smoke-Free Campus Policy,” sity of Mississippi, this commit- although it was suggested that largest member of the campus MEDIA CENTER which will prohibit smoking at tee has shown that they are not members of the Ole Miss com- population, and the fact that all locations of the University representing everyone’s inter- munity should call UPD when their elected voices were not PATRICIA THOMPSON of Mississippi Oxford Campus ests. Members of the commit- smokers are sighted. Encourag- there for the final vote is dis- director and faculty adviser with no exceptions. tee laughed as they described ing members of the community concerting. The vote was made because smokers as being “edgy” over to inform the police of possible This being said, we do sup- MELANIE WADKINS of the possible health effects of the passage of the policy show- smokers would only serve to port the committee’s push to advertising manager second-hand smoke. The es- ing their disconnection with the alienate smokers more. have more opportunities that sential idea is, as one commit- smoking population.
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