Hum Genet (2008) 123:321–332 DOI 10.1007/s00439-008-0487-7 REVIEW The human gamma-glutamyltransferase gene family Nora Heisterkamp · John GroVen · David Warburton · Tam P. Sneddon Received: 9 November 2007 / Accepted: 6 March 2008 / Published online: 21 March 2008 © Springer-Verlag 2008 Abstract Assays for gamma-glutamyl transferase related genes or sequences. These sequences were given (GGT1, EC activity in blood are widely used in a multiple diVerent names, leading to inconsistencies and clinical setting to measure tissue damage. The well-charac- confusion. Here we systematically evaluated all human terized GGT1 is an extracellular enzyme that is anchored to sequences related to GGT1 using genomic and cDNA data- the plasma membrane of cells. There, it hydrolyzes and base searches and identiWed thirteen genes belonging to the transfers -glutamyl moieties from glutathione and other extended GGT family, of which at least six appear to be -glutamyl compounds to acceptors. As such, it has a critical active. In collaboration with the HUGO Gene Nomencla- function in the metabolism of glutathione and in the con- ture Committee (HGNC) we have designated possible version of the leukotriene LTC4 to LTD4. GGT deWciency active genes with nucleotide or amino acid sequence simi- in man is rare and for the few patients reported to date, larity to GGT1, as GGT5 (formerly GGL, GGTLA1/GGT- mutations in GGT1 have not been described. These patients rel), GGT6 (formerly rat ggt6 homologue) and GGT7 (for- do secrete glutathione in urine and fail to metabolize LTC4. merly GGTL3, GGT4). Two loci have the potential to Earlier pre-genome investigations had indicated that encode only the light chain portion of GGT and have now besides GGT1, the human genome contains additional been designated GGTLC1 (formerly GGTL6, GGTLA4) and GGTLC2. Of the Wve full-length genes, three lack of sig- niWcant nucleotide sequence homology but have signiWcant (GGT5, GGT7) or very limited (GGT6) amino acid similar- Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00439-008-0487-7) contains supplementary ity to GGT1 and belong to separate families. GGT6 and material, which is available to authorized users. GGT7 have not yet been described, raising the possibility that leukotriene synthesis, glutathione metabolism or N. Heisterkamp (&) · J. GroVen -glutamyl transfer is regulated by their, as of yet uncharac- Division of Hematology/Oncology, The Saban Research Institute of Childrens Hospital, terized, enzymatic activities. In view of the widespread Los Angeles, CA 90027, USA clinical use of assays that measure -glutamyl transfer e-mail: [email protected] activity, this would appear to be of signiWcant interest. N. Heisterkamp · J. GroVen Department of Pathology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA Introduction D. Warburton Mature gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT; EC is Developmental Biology Program and Department of Surgery, The Saban Research Institute of Childrens Hospital, anchored to the cell surface through a small N-terminal Los Angeles, CA 90027, USA transmembrane domain. It is one of the most widely used clinical indicators of tissue damage and GGT assays form T. P. Sneddon part of the routine screening procedures on blood or HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC), Department of Biology, University College London, plasma. GGT is an important enzyme in the metabolism London NW1 2HE, UK of extracellular glutathione. GGT is able to cleave the 123 322 Hum Genet (2008) 123:321–332 -glutamyl peptide bond in glutathione and other proteins NP_842563; Human GGTLC2, NP_954578; Human and transfer the -glutamyl moiety to acceptors. GGT is GGTLC3, XP_001128296; E. coli GGT, NP_417904; also key to glutathione homeostasis because it provides the Human TGM1, NP_000350; Mouse Tgm1, NP_064368; substrates for glutathione synthesis. GGT and glutathione Rat Tgm1, NP_113847; Yeast (S. cerevisiae) ECM38, are important to several organ systems such as the fetal NP_013402; were aligned using BioEdit (Hall 1999) and liver, the kidney and the intestines (reviewed in Ikeda and phylogenetic analysis conducted using MEGA version 3.1 Taniguchi 2005). GGT plays a critical role in lung antioxi- (Kumar et al. 2004). A neighbor-joining tree was generated dant defense, both at normoxia and at hyperoxia (Jean et al. using Poisson correction with pair wise deletion and boot- 2002; Barrios et al. 2001). Mice lacking ggt1 have strap 500 replicates using the transglutaminase 1 (TGM1/ decreased lung Wbrosis in a bleomycin injury model but are Tgm1) sequences as an out group. more sensitive to oxygen-induced lung injury (Pardo et al. 2003; Barrios et al. 2001; Jean et al. 2002). In addition, GGTs regulate the catabolism of LTC4, a potent vasocon- Analysis and discussion strictor (Han et al. 2002; Potdar et al. 1997; Zaitsu et al. 2003) in the lung and vasculature. Moreover, mice deWcient Review of preexisting literature on human GGT genes in ggt5 (formerly ggl, GGT-rel/GGT-LA1, see below for revised nomenclature) have signiWcantly more airway GGT is synthesized as a single polypeptide that is catalyti- hyper-reactivity in a model of experimental asthma (Han cally inactive and is post-translationally processed to form et al. 2002) and rat ggt5 was shown to be highly expressed a heavy and a light chain (reviewed in Ikeda and Taniguchi in airway epithelial cells and whole lung (Potdar et al. 2005). After the isolation of cDNA clones for rat and 1997). Thus, the GGT gene family plays an important role mouse -glutamyltransferase, these were shown to be the in maintaining lung homeostasis but the exact composition product of a single gene, Ggt1 (Coloma and Pitot 1986; of this family was not clear. We have therefore systemati- Laperche et al. 1986; Pawlak et al. 1988; Goodspeed et al. cally analyzed the human genome and identiWed all family 1989; Chobert et al. 1990; Rajagopalan et al. 1990, 1993; members. Our analysis points to the existence of GGT Shi et al. 1995). In human, cDNA clones encoding the most family members other than the well characterized GGT1 ubiquitously expressed human GGT gene, GGT1, were also and GGT5, that may be involved in glutathione metabolism sequenced (Rajpert-De Meyts et al. 1988; Sakamuro et al. and leukotriene catabolism. 1988; Goodspeed et al. 1989). The transcriptional regula- tion of this GGT1 gene is complex (reviewed by Ikeda and Taniguchi 2005; also Visvikis et al. 2001; Diederich et al. Data source and analysis 1993). An alternatively spliced transcript from the GGT1 locus was reported that contains intron sequences 5Ј to the Database searching and sequence retrieving beginning of exon 7. These extra sequences cause a frame- shift and premature termination of the polypeptide (Pawlak We performed BLASTN nucleotide–nucleotide database et al. 1990). There is also a shorter mRNA that is initiated searches (human build 35.1 and 36 RNA alternate and ref- from a promoter in the intron separating coding exons 7 and erence assemblies) at NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) 8 and is found speciWcally in the lung (Leh et al. 1998). using GGT1 cDNA (J04131) sequence to identify all In addition to these GGT1 “variant transcripts”, a second human sequences with signiWcant nucleotide identity with distinct gene, GGT2 (formerly GGT type II), was Wrst GGT1. We used MapViewer at NCBI to investigate locali- described by Pawlak et al. (1989) who cloned a partial 0.8- zation of each human GGT member using human genome kb cDNA from a human kidney cDNA library. Although build 35.1. closely related to GGT1, this gene has the potential to encode a polypeptide with several amino acid residues dis- Construction of protein tree tinct from those in GGT1. Also, Wetmore et al. (1993) identiWed a third species of GGT mRNA by cloning a Protein RefSeqs (Human GGT1, NP_005256; Mouse Ggt1, cDNA from a lung cDNA library, that could encode NP_032142; Rat Ggt1, NP_446292; S. pombe GGT1, another distinct polypeptide, but which would include only NP_593457; Human GGT2, XP_001129377; S. pombe the light chain region. This gene has now been designated GGT2, NP_593273; Human GGT5, NP_004112; Mouse -glutamyltransferase light chain-1 (GGTLC1, formerly Ggt5, NP_035950; Rat Ggt5, NP_062108; Human GGT6 GGTL6, GGTLA4). NP_699169, Mouse Ggt6 NP_082095, Rat Ggt6 We previously identiWed a human cDNA that encodes a NP_001002820; Human GGT7, NP_821158; Mouse Ggt7, protein lacking signiWcant nucleotide identity but clearly NP_659035; Rat Ggt7, NP_569107; Human GGTLC1, homologous to GGT1 at the amino acid level (Heisterkamp 123 Hum Genet (2008) 123:321–332 323 et al. 1991). This gene, GGT5 (previously named -glut- Null mutant mice for ggt1 and ggt5 amyl leukotrienase {GGL}, GGT-rel/GGTLA1), was subse- quently also characterized in mouse and rat (Shi et al. 1995, The generation of null mutant mice for ggt1 and ggt5 (for- 2001; Potdar et al. 1997; Carter et al. 1998; Han et al. merly GGTLA1/GGT-rel or GGL) has provided insight but 2002). also controversy into the consequences of ablation of these two In situ hybridization (Morris et al. 1993; Figlewicz et al. major GGT family members. Ggt1 null mutants have rela- 1993) and Southern blot analysis had suggested the pres- tively normal LTD4 synthesis in some cell types (Carter et al. ence of additional loci with nucleotide homology to GGT1, 1997; Shi et al. 2001) whereas ggt1 x ggt5 double knockouts and in two studies cosmid or phage clones containing such lack synthesis of LTD4 (Han et al. 2002; Shi et al. 2001). segments were isolated and characterized (Pawlak et al. These studies showed that gg5 is the main enzyme converting 1988; Courtay et al. 1994). Collins et al. (1997) also ana- LTC4 in (the lymphocytes present in) spleen, in the liver and lyzed and numbered GGT sequences on chromosome in the uterus and plays an important role in LTC4 metabolism 22q11 using YACs.
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