Please note: the monthly Area Newsletter is now available via the Brentwood Ramblers website Chair’s Notes Since the last Newsletter your Committee has spent a lot of time trying to work out how best to communicate effectively with members. Changes to the Mailchimp system have made it more difficult for Brian to manage, especially with an increasing number of requests for messages. Advice on what we are allowed to send by email in line with GDPR has changed and Jane has done a great job in getting written clarification on this issue from Central Office, so that we are clear about how we may proceed. The cost and workload associated with communicating by post has become difficult to manage. Finally, Steve has created an excellent website with a Members area for Brentwood-specific information which we not think appropriate for the public website. However, very few of us have registered for a password to access this part of the website. In light of the above we have decided that:- • Mailchimp messages will be limited to urgent issues such as last-minute changes to a Walk Start Point. • Any walk leader wishing to send a Mailchimp must supply the text of the message to be sent. • We will give notice of changes to communication by post. Frankie’s article in this Newsletter gives full details. • Our Walks Programme, including holiday details and booking forms will continue to be sent to all members by email (Mailchimp) as these are classified as contractual communications under GDPR. • We will publish our full Newsletter on the Members area of the website and send an email to advise when a new issue is available. We can no longer email the Newsletter directly as it is considered to be marketing material. I hope that members will understand the need for us to change and ensure that we are fully compliant with guidance from Central office. Brian Scroggs will be greatly missed on the Committee having stood down as Mailchimp Editor at our AGM. Fortunately, he has agreed to continue to sort out Mailchimp until his successor is in place. Lorraine has volunteered for this role and, by the time this Newsletter is published, she and Brian will have met to discuss the work involved. Brian has been on the Committee since 2005 and has been Chair, Membership Secretary, Walks Programme Editor and Saturday Rambles Secretary, so his experience and wisdom will be a great loss to us. We thank him for his hard work and hope that he enjoys the extra free time to devote to his many other interests. I recently attended the Essex Area AGM and it was very informative. There were excellent presentations by Len Bannister talking about Parish Path Adopters, Les Lamb from Fyfield Parish Council talking about joint working with West Essex Ramblers on PRoW maintenance, and Peter Rookes, Vice Chair of Ramblers Board of Trustees, giving an overview of the work of RA and current and upcoming issues. Details of these presentations can be found on the Essex Area website, and I’m we will give more information on issues when they are discussed by our committee to determine what we do in Brentwood to support the RA agenda overall. Festival of Walks At the Essex Area AGM we were congratulated on our input to the Festival of Walks in 2019. 1 The 2020 Essex Festival of Walks will be organised on a theme of Essex Heritage, so walk leaders are encouraged to start thinking of walks which might incorporate sites of historic interest or importance. The dates are 3-11 October. Network Rail Inquiry Members will be aware of the vast amount of time and effort expended by our Footpaths Secretary, Gordon Bird, in gathering and presenting evidence on behalf of Ramblers to submit to the Inquiry, the results of which are still awaited. At the Essex Area AGM, Dr Peter Rookes, Vice Chair of the RA Board of Trustees, presented Gordon and Alan Goffee with a Certificate of Commendation for outstanding effort and work on the Network Rail inquiry. It is good to see the hard work of local volunteers being recognised and here is a photograph of them receiving their award. Don’t Lose Your way This initiative has received a lot of coverage in national news media recently and is a priority for RA this year. Members may be aware that there are many footpaths across the country which have been used by walkers for centuries, but which are not included on the definitive maps which local authorities are required to keep. The government has set a deadline of January 2026 for missing paths to be identified and added to the definitive map. After this any unidentified paths will be lost! RA has launched a toolkit to help members to identify missing PR0Ws. It is available on the RA website and all members are encouraged to help with the task. Some paths may be unused and overgrown, but may provide a useful link between other paths and, for example, avoid walking on busy roads; other paths may be well used but simply unrecorded. Please help if you can! Committee members can help if you’re unsure how to proceed. Car Parking I’m sure we’re all aware of the need to be considerate of the needs of local residents when parking our cars to go for a walk. The popularity of our walks means that we often have a large number of vehicles and, sometimes, local conditions such as mud, etc can affect the space available. If we encounter difficulty with parking space, it is particularly important to ensure that we do not obstruct access for emergency vehicles to any properties nearby. As always, car sharing, wherever possible, will reduce the scale of our parking problems. Geoff Sharman News and Views Newsletter mail-outs Most of you have received this newsletter and walks programme via email. A few of you will have received a printed copy in the post. From 2021 we have decided that we can no longer send printed copies to members who have an email address. The annual amount we receive from the Ramblers Association only 2 works out at £1.28 per person so with 3 second class stamps costing £1.83, plus printing costs and envelopes, you can see how expensive it is proving. We realise there are a few people not on email so we will continue to send to those. Thank you to members who have offered to pay an extra contribution or supply stamped addressed envelopes but that would involve us in a lot of extra administration so we have decided against that solution. Thank you also to those people who don’t have printing facilities but use their local library or friends and family to help. This new arrangement will start in 2021. Frankie Carpenter Footpath Secretary If you attended the Brentwood Group AGM or Area AGM or have read the Minutes of the AGMs, much of what I have to report has already been announced. So at the risk over-elaborating or repeating myself I shall keep my comments brief. Footpath Orders – There have been none in the last few months, however footpath diversions at Chase Farm, Little Burstead are still under consideration. Essex Highways gave Footpath Secretaries a detailed presentation on the processes undertaken in raising and confirming footpath orders. It was well received and welcomed by those attending. The Coastal Path project has been reactivated now that the legal challenge has been removed. Essex Area and several Groups including Brentwood will now assist in progressing this project. The Lower Thames Crossing development has entered the next consultative phase following representation from interested parties, including Ramblers. The initial impression is that the latest changes indicate that the Public Rights of Way needs in Thurrock, Havering and Brentwood are being catered for. We shall, however, be looking in greater detail at the proposals. Obstructed Paths - Discussions have been held with Essex Highways regarding the resolution of long-term problems such as obstructed paths. These are on-going. As previously requested, footpath problems experienced when out walking should still be reported via the Essex County Council website. However, any lingering long-term problems please bring to my attention. The outcome of the Network Rail Public Inquiry is still awaited. There has been no indication of when this will happen. The Don’t Lose Your Way initiative, aimed at registering old forgotten footpaths on the definitive maps, is to be commenced. Ian Glenn will be coordinating our efforts on behalf of Essex Area. Several volunteers have put their names forward – hopefully more will join. Let me know if you are interested. This long-term project has been widely advertised by the Ramblers. The Parish Path Adopters initiative - promoted by Len Banister - is now underway. The aim is to get Rambler members to adopt a footpath(s) and report any issues to Essex Highways. It would be good to see Brentwood Group actively supporting this. More details will become available shortly. Unfortunately, we are now looking for someone to take on the important and interesting role of Area Footpath Secretary after Katherine Evans stood down after many years in post - her contribution will be missed. If you are interested in finding out more details please contact me. Gordon Bird 3 Footpath Working Party - The Brentwood Bramblers The stile we put in a for a landowner in Hullett's Lane earlier last year was somewhat damaged recently by a vehicle. We are waiting to hear from Essex County Highways to see if he wants us to repair it for him.
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