[ 403 1 INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS. S e r ie s A, V ol. 195. A. A dams (F. D.) and N icolson (J. T.). An Experimental Investigation into the Flow of Marble, 363. Annealing in Lead and other Metals (E wing and Rosenhain), 279. 13. u Bidifferentials ” and u Bifunctions ” (D ixon), 151. C. Cathode rays, absorption and ionizing power (McL ennan), 49. Conductivity of Gases traversed by cathode rays (M cLennan), 49. Correlation, determination of, when variables are not quantitatively measurable (Pearson), 1 . Crystalline structure of metals (E wing and Roseniiaix), 279. D. Dixon (A. C.). On Simultaneous Partial Differential Equations, 151. E. Equations, simultaneous partial differential (D ixon), 151. Evolution, mathematical contributions to the theory of (P earson), 1 ; (P earson and Lee) 79. E wing- (J. A.) and Rosenhain (W.). The Crystalline Structure of Metals (Second Paper), 279. Eye-colour in man, inheritance of (P earson and Lee), 79. F. * F ourier’s double integrals and optical problems (Godfrey), 329. G. Godfrey (Charles). On the Application of Fourier’s Double Integrals to Optical Problems, 329. 3 F 2 404 INDEX. H. H ay (Alfred). See H kle-Shaw and H ay. H ele-Shaw (H. S.) and IIay (Alfred). Lines of Induction in a Magnetic Field, 303. Heredity—inheritance of characters not capable of exact measurement (P earson and Lee), 79 ; rate of production of exceptional offspring by exceptional stock (P earson), 1. Horse, thoroughbred—inheritance of coat-colour (P earson and Lee), 79. T. Induction, lines of, in magnetic field (H ele-Shaw and H ay), 303. Ionization in gases under cathode rays (McLennan), 49. Ions, diffusion of, produced by radio-active substance, &c. (Townsend), 259 ; velocity of, produced in gases by Rontgen rays; comparison of charges carried by (Zeleny), 193. L. Lee (Alice). See Pearson and Lee. Light, natural, representation by circular functions—spectrum of random sequence of pulses (Godfrey), 329. M. McLennan (J. C.). Electrical Conductivity in Gases traversed by Cathode Rays, 49. Magnetic induction in elliptic cylinders and shells—mathematical and graphical treatment (H ele-Shaw and H ay), 303. Magnetic lines, marked out by How of liquid (H ele-Shaw and H ay), 303. Marble, flow of, identity with the flow of metals (Adams and N icolson), 363. Metals, crystalline structure of, and recrystallisation of solid (E wing and Rosenhain), 279. N N icolson (J. T.). See Adams (F. D.) and N icolson (J. T.). P. Pearson (K arl). Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution. VII. On the Correlation of Characters not Quantitatively Measurable, 1. P earson (Karl) with the assistance of Lee (A lice). Mathematical Contributions to the Theory of Evolution. VIII. On the Inheritance of Characters not capable of exact Quantitative Measurement, 79. R. R ambaut (Arthur A.). Underground Temperature at Oxford in the year 1899, as determined by Five Platinum- resistance Thermometers, 235. Roseniiain (W alter). See E wing and Rosenhain. S. Spectrum of incandescent gas, widening of lines of (Godfrey), 329. Strata, folded, nature of movements in (Adams and Nicolson), 363. T. Thermal diffusivity of Oxford gravel (R ambaut), 235. T ownsend (John S.). The Diffusion of Ions produced in Air by the Action of a Radio-active Substance, Ultra-violet Light and Point Discharges, 259. INDEX. 405 u. Underground Temperature at Oxford (R ambaut), 235. Y. Vaccination, effectiveness of, quantitatively measured (P eakson), 1. Vibrator, effect of natural light on (G odfrey), 320. Z. Z e l b n y ( J o h n ). The Velocity of the Tons produced in Gases by Rdntgen Rays, 193. ERRATUM. •67449 •67449 Page 14, line read, v/Nxo v'^Xo HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN’S LANE, LONDON, W.f. THE ROYAL SOCIETY. 30th N o v e m b e r , 1900. THE ROYAL SOCIETY. Nov. 30,1900. Her S acred Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA, P atron. Date of Election. 1863. Feb. 12. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OE WALES, K.G. 1893. June 8. IMS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF YORK, K.G. THE COUNCIL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY. SIR WILLIAM HUG-GINS, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D.—P r e sid e n t . ALFRED BRAY KEMPE, M.A.—T reasurer and HA.NS FRIEDRICH GADOW, Pii.D. V ic e -P r e sid e n t . PROF. WILLIAM MITCHINSON HICKS M.A. SIR MICHAEL FOSTER, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D.— LORD LISTER, F.R.C.S.—V ice-P r e sid e n t . S ecretary. PROF. WILLIAM CARMICHAEL McINTOSH, PROF. ARTHUR WILLIAM RtTCKER, M.A., F.L.S. D.Sc.— S ecretary. LUDWIG MOND, Ph.D. THOMAS EDWARD THORPE, C.B., Sc.D.— F oreign S ecretary. PROF. ARNOLD WILLIAM REINOLD, M,A. PROF. HENRY EDWARD ARMSTRONG, PROF. J. EMERSON REYNOLDS, Sc.D. LL.D. ROBERT HENRY SCOTT, Sc.D. CHARLES VERNON BOYS. PROF. CHARLES SCOTT SHERRINGTON, HORACE T. BROWN, LL.D. M.D. WILLIAM HENRY MAHONEY CHRISTIE, J. J. H. TEALL, M.A.—V ic e-P r e sid e n t . C.B.—V ic e -P r e sid e n t . JOSEPH WILSON SWAN, M.A. PROF. EDWTN BAILEY ELLIOTT, M.A. This Council will continue till November 30, 1901. Assistant-Secretary and Librarian. ROBERT HARRISON. Cleric. Assistant Librarian. THEODORE E. JAMES. A. HASTINGS WHITE. Papers Cleric. RICHARD CHAPMAN. Omissions having occasionally occurred in the Annual List of Deceased Fellows, as announced from the Chair at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, it is requested that any information on that subject, as also Notice of Changes of Residence, be addressed to the Assistant Secretary. FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. NOVEMBER 30, 1900. (C) prefixed to a name indicates the award of the Copley Medal. (R) •• •• .. .. .. .. Royal Medal. (Rm) .. Rumford Medal. (D) .. Davy Medal. (D w .) ,. Darwin Medal. (B) .. Buchanan Medal, (t) is liable to an annual payment of £4. (*) £3. Served on Date of Election. Council. June T, 1860. ’67-69 R. f Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus. Bart., K.C.B. D.C.L. (Oxon.) D.Sc. (Camb.) V.P.C.S. ’77-79 V.P.S. A rts.; Hon. Mem. Inst. C.E., Inst. M.E.; Ord. Imp. Bras. Rosae E q .; Hon. Mem. Deutsch. Chern. Gesell.; Mem. Soc. d’Encourag. Paris; Sec. and Director of the Imperial Institute. 2 Whitehall-court, S.W.; and Imperial Institute, Imperial Institute-road. S.W. June 1, 1876. ’83-85 Rm. Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie, K.C.B. D.C.L. (Dunelm.) D.Sc. (Vic.) F.I.C. ’91-93 F.C.S. F.R.A.S., Principal Assistant Secretary, Board of Education (Secondary Branch), retired Capt. R.E. Meacham , , Rathmore Lodge, Bolton-gardensSouth, Earl's , S.W .; and Athenaeum Club. S.W. ‘ June 6, 1872. ’82-84 Adams, William Grylls, M.A. D.Sc. F.G.S. F.C.P.S. Vice-President of Physical ’96-98 Soc.; Past Pres. Inst. Elec. Eng.; Professor of Natural Philosophy and Astronomy in King’s College, London. 43 W. June 6, 1889. * Aitken, John, F.R.S.E. Ardenlea,Falkirk. N.B. June 3, 1880. ’96-98 I* Allbutt, Thomas Clifford, M.A. M.D. LL.D. F.L.S. Regius Professor of Physic in the University of Cambridge. St. , Cambridge. June 12, 1884. J* Allman, George Johnston, LL.D. (Dubl.) D.Sc. Emeritus Professor of Mathe­ matics in Queen’s College, Galway; Member of Senate of the Royal Uni­ versity of Ireland. St. Mary's, Galway. June 7, 1888. !* Andrews, Thomas, F.R.S.E. F.C.S. Mem. Inst. C.E., Telford Medallist and Prize­ man. Ravencrag, Worthy , near Sheffield. June 1, 1876.'’88-90 f Armstrong, Henry Edward, Ph.D. (Lips.) LL.D. (St. Andr.) Past Pres. Chem. | 1900- Soc. Professor of Chemistry at the City and Guilds of London Central Technical College, South Kensington; Hon. Mem. Pharm. Soc. Loud. 55 Granville-park, S.E.;Lewisham. a Club. S.W. May 7, 1846. ’61-62 Armstrong, William George, Lord, C.B. D.C.L. (Oxon.) LL.D. (Cantab.) M.E. (Dubl.) Ord.SSrum- Maur. et Lazar. Ital. Gr. Off.; Ord. Dannebrog et Ord. Jes. Christ Portog. Com.; Ord. Fr. Jos. Austriae, Ord. Car. III. Iiisp. et Ord. Imp. Bras. Rosae Eq. Athenaeum Club; upon-Tyne. June 3, 1880. * Attfi eld, John, M.A. Ph.D. (Tub.) F.I.C. F.C.S. Late Professor of Practical Chemistry to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, Hon. Mem. Amer. Pharm. Assoc., Colls. Pharm. Pliilad., New York, Mass., Cliic., Ontario, and Pharm. Assocs. Liverp., Mancli., Maryland, Virg., Georgia, New Hampshire, and Quebec: Hon. Corresp. Mem. Soc. Pharm. Paris; Hon. Mem. Pharm. Soc. Gr. Brit., New South Wales, St. Petersb., Austria, Denmark, East Flanders, Switzerland, Queensland, and Australasia. shlands, Watford; and 111 Temple-chambers. E.C. FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. (Nov. 30, 1900.) I Served on Pate of Election. ! Council. June 3, 1858. ’(>1-63 Avebury, Right Hon. John Lubbock, Lord, D.C.L. (Oxon.) LL.D. (Cantab.,. i ’70-72 Dubl. et Edin.) M.D. (Wiirzb.) V.P.L.S. F.G.S. F.Z.S. F.S.A. F.E.S. Trust.. ’78-79 Biit. Mus.; Assoc. Acad. Roy. des Sci. Brux.; Hon. Mem. R. Irish Acad.,. ’93-94 N.Z. Inst., Amer. Ethnol. Soc., Anthrop. Socc. Wash. (U.S.), Brux., Firenze., Anthrop. Verein Graz., Soc. Entom. de France, Allgem. Entomol. Gesell., Soc. Gcol. de la Suisse, and Soc. Helvet. des Sci. N at.; Mem. Amer. Phil.. Soc. Philad., K. Vetensk. Soc. Upsala, and Soc. d’Ethn. de Paris ; Corresp.. Mem. Soc. Nat. des Sci Nat.
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