DIBECTO~Y.] LlNCOLNSHIREI BOLLJND. 281 •tation. A delivery of letters takes place from Hub- f PELHAMS t.AND, fotmerly extra-paroobial, i1 now a bert's Bridge post office at 6.30 a.m. for Sutterton & ci'Vil parish, close to the weit bank of the river Witham Algarkirk Drova. and near Holland Fen church. :to miles north-west from NORTH FO.~TY FOOT BANK, formerly extra-paro- Boston and 4 north-by-wed from Langrick station, in the chial, is now a civil parish and village within the boun- Holland division of the county, parts of North Holland~ daries of the ecclesiastical parish of Holland Fen : it is 6! lUrton wapentake, Boston union and county court; dis­ miles in length, its greateet width being only u yardE, trict lind North Holland petty sessional division. The and has navigation to Boston by the North Forty Foot principal landownen are Mes11rs. John Teesdale, Joseph drain, from which it takes its name, and is about 2 miles William Goose and Charles Ireland. The soil is clayey, west from I.angrick station on the Boston and Lincoln and well suited for the growth of all the cereals. The branch railway, in the Holland division of the. county, area, including Chapel Hill and Harts Grounds, is 1,18~ Kirton wapentake, parts of North Holland, Boston union acres of land and 22 of water; rateable value, £~.o366;. and county court district and North Holland petty ses. the popul,ation in 1891 was J8o. sional division. There are Wesleyan and Baptist chapels By 8 Local Government Board Order, dated December here. The land belongs to very •mall freeholders, wbQ 24th, t88o, detached parts of Swineshead, containing II7 cultivate it as gardens. Holland Fen highway d1strict inhabitants, were transferred to Pelhams Land c:vil parish. was constituted October 24o 1879. and subsequently the North Forty Foot Bank road waiF constructed at a cost of Letters from Lincoln, vili. Dogdyke, arrive at g.so a.ro. £~,000. The area is 63 acres; rateable value, £u3; Tattershall Bridge ia the neare~t money order & tele­ the population in 1891 was 159 • grap.l;i. office. Letter Box cleared at 4· 15 p.m .!LGARKIRK FEN, A-1\fBERHILL. KffiTON FEN. Barratt Alfre.d, fanner [All letters should be addressed Amberhill, (~arked thus • should be addressed Dogdyke, Barratt James~ farmer Bolton.] Lincoln.] C:arke Franklin,butcbr.&a-rcr.Post <>ffi [Marked thus t 11ho·1ld toe addressed Lang- Dodson William, farmer COMMERCIAL. rick, Boston.] Dowse Benjamin, Harvest Man P.H [Marked thus ! shoo1ld be arldressed Amber· Gadd Be · · f - Allgood Samuel, farmer hill, BOiltQJl.] nJamm, armer Bames John, farmer, clerk to the P&rish *Smith Rev. John (vicar), B;oDand Fen GoGadd JJames, ffarmer council, assistant overseer & msur- vicarage ose ames, armer ance agent COMMERCIAL. Greeth~ Rober~ fa.Mrmmer Barnes Jo-seph Samuel, jun. farmer *Allitt William & Joseph, farmers Haw William, Crimean Cottage P.H Barrowcliff George, blacksmith *Baldwick Samuel, farmer Kent Joseph, farmer . Bockleton Joseph, farmer tBrigg• Ma.rk H,,t,.hin<:()'l, farmer Mann Forman, farm bailiff to W. R. Craft Elizabeth (Mn. ), farmer *Bristow Harry, wbeelwrigh' Sharp esq Enderby Thomas farmer "taltlin Andrew, farmer Manton Charles, farmer Greetham Joseph, jun. farmer *Cook Joseph, farmer Maso!l John, farmer Barrison William, farm bailiff to Wm. tCornwell Thomas, farmer Mast~ Cha.rle~, fa~mer H. Wa.rd esq *Garner Benjamin, fa;rmer Mashn Frede_nck, JUn. fa1~er Lake Benjamin, farmer *Geor{!"e William, farmer N~rth Wm. Jun. beer retall~r & baker Lake William, farmer tGreetham Richard, farmer Pr'idmore Thoma.s, farmer, Vlcara(P8 fm Maddison John, farmer *Hall James, farmer Reyrwlds Fredenck, fatmer Manton William, farmer *Hand Harry, butcher & farmer Thorpe Robert, farmer Peak William, farmer *Hides George Henry, farmer Wa.rd Joseph, f":r~er Pea.roo Thomas farmer *Hilton John, farmer Westmorland Wilham, farmer Pjck Cha.rles, f~rmer, & Harrow P.H tHutchinson George, farmer Zealand John Thomas, boot maker Pocklington J'oseph, farmer tKing Thomas, farmer Pocklington Richd. farmer & ovel'seer tLane Thoma.s, farmer NORTH FORTY FOOT BANK. Woods Geor~ Harry, farmer, 'fhree piartin Frank, farmer, Hubbert!l [L(tters viR. Dogdyke, Lincoln.] Hundreds farm Bridg-e farm Cook Thomas William,grocer & draper, *Mason Georsre & Charles, farmer• Post office *Parker Mark, blacksmith Hudson. William, boat owner FOSDYKE FEN. fRansome Thomas, f11rmer Johnson Thomas, wheelwri~ht [Marked 'hWI • receive their letters Yia fSha.rp Jo~eph, fat mer Scoggins William, beer retailer (letters Dogdyke, r.incoln.] *Sha.rp Thomas (exors. of), brewers through Langrick, Boston) [Marked thus t receive their letters vi:\ (William North, manager), Witham Shipley Elizh. {Miss), ('frocer & draper Langrick, Boston.] brewery Shipley Joseph, I!TOC~r & overseer tBarsby William, farmer *Taylor Overton, farmer Ward William, miller (wind) & baker tCook William, farmer *Upton Samuel, farmer *Dring Rrichardson, farmer *Waite Henrr, Castle P.H PELHHIS J.AND. tMeads Isaac, farmer SU'l'TERTON FEN, AMBERHII.T,. [Lettt>l'll viR. Dogdyke, Lmcoln.J *Meeds Francis, farmer [All lettel'll should be adffressed Amberhill, Barsby John, farmer tP1~~ Sarah (Mrs.). farmer . Boston.] Barsby Joseph, fa.tnter *Ptmon Abraham, Barl('y Sheaf mn, & COMMERCIAL. Cheetham William farmer c<trriel' Dames William, farmer, Terry Booth Pocklington Ro!rer' farmer *Tr:imin6rham William, whee:twri~rht (letters through Dogdyke) lwestmorland J~sh~a. farmer NEW HOLLAND is a village in the parish of Barrow­ Post, M. 0. & T. 0., T. M. 0., Express Delivery, S. B. on-Humber and on th.,. shor8' of the Humber, opposite & Annuity & Insurance Office.-William Westoby, sub­ Hull, with a station on the Manchester, Sheffield and Lin­ pot~tmaster. 'Letters are received from Hull, arrive at colnshire railway, and is t6l miles friJUl Grimsby, 4 east 6.30 a.m. ; di11patched at 6.4.'i p.m from Barton-on-Humber and 171 from London in the Wall Letter Box at Railway station, closes at 5.30 p.m North Lindsey division of the county, parts of Undsey, Schools:- North Yarborough wapentake, Glanford Brigg union, National (mixed), built in 1847• at a cost of about Barton-upon-Humber petty sessional division and county £x,soo, & enlarged in xl3gs at a further cost of about court district. The Manchester, Sheffield and I.incoln­ £400, fol' 230 children; avera~e attendance, 179, k •hire railway have a steam ferry across the Humber to 1upported in part by the M. S. & L. Rly. Co. ; Henry Hull, '3t miles distant, and the locomotive engine works William Bates, master and shipbuilding yards of that company are situated here. Infants', averag~ attendance, 74; Miss K. :Binnington,mist The Pier station and refreshment rooms, destroyed by Coast Guard Station, William Headley, chief boatman fire 30 Jan. x8g5, are now (x8g6) being r£-built. The Manchester, Sheffield & J.incolnshire Railway Stat:on, National sdhoolroom is licensed by the Bishop of Lincoln A.ugustus Rd. Hooper. station master & manager of for divine service, which is held every Sunday. Here are goods depot & d6ck superintendent ; George Parritt. 'Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. 'fhe popu­ inspector or passenger department ; John .A.Hred Kir­ lation in I8gr was 1,176. man, clerk to ~ood1 department Hooper AuguatUoS Richard Bilt'l)n William Hewitt, Felha.m P.H Day Richard, ship~ boat bnilder Booth J()hn Collins, Magna Oharta P.B Dea.ring .J&hn Pearson, gTocel" &; bntcht COMMERCIAL. Brown Robert. grocer & dairyman Earles Ship Building & Eng'ineerin~ Co . .A.rmilon E. S. brick&; tile maker C'.ayroa William, farmer Limited (Samuel Mason, sec) Ashton WiDiam, boot .t; .00. make~\. Col'den. Hew-y, ship builder &; boiler Ellis Mary (Miss), dreSS' maker Bellamy Mary(Mrs.),frmr.Oxmar&h..fxn mak.RI Humber iro& :works ,Fryer William, newspaper reportt>r .
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