1721 The Published b\ Uganda Gazette Authoritx Vol. CXIII No. 58 2nd October, 2020 Price: Shs. 5,000 CONTENTS Page General Notice No, 1217 of 2020. Ihe Marriage Act Notices ... ... 1721 THE MARRIAGE AC T (Cap. 251 Revised Edition, 2000| I he Commissioners lor Oaths (Advocates) NOTICE Act -Notice ... ............... ■ 1721 /Under Section 5 of the Act/ I he Advocates Act—Notices ... ... 1722 PLACE EOR CELEBRATION OE MARRIAGE 'Hie Companies Act— Notices ... ... 1722-1723 Registry No: 1201000(1027704-00470 I he Mining Act - Notices ............... ... 1723-172-1 IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon me by Section Ihe Trademarks Act Registration of Applications 1724-1739 5 of the Marriage Act, I hereby licence the place of Public Worship mentioned in the Schedule hereto to be a place for z\dx •enisements ... ............... 1739-1800 celebration of marriages. SCHEDULE Church — Live Christian Centre Mission Church SUPPLEMENT Denomination — Pentecostal Si tuition Ins/ntnienf Village •— Kabanyoro Parish — Gayaza No. Ill - Ihe Diplomatic Privileges (Extension to Sub-County — Kasangati Town Council Prescribed Organisations) (Amendment) County — Kyadondo East Regulations. 2020. District — Wakiso PROF. EPHRAIM KAMUNTU (MP), General Notice No. 1216 of 2020. Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. IHE MARRIAGE ACT (Cap. 251 Revised Edition, 2000) General Notice No. 1218 of 2020. THE COMMISSIONERS EOR OATHS NOTICE. (ADVOCATES) ACT COMMISSION place: eor celebration oe marriage (Under Section 5 oftheAct| NOTICE Registry No: 12010000025016-00004 TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESEN TS MAY COME, GREETINGS Is i.xi Ruisi of the powers conferred upon me by Section Bi- it known 'i hat on the 27th day 5 of the Marriage Act. 1 hereby licence the place for Public of July, 2020, N.IENGA Worship mentioned in the Schedule hereto to be a place for MICHEAL, an Advocate of the the celebration of marriages. High Court has been appointed SCHEDULE to be a Commissioner for Oaths under the above mentioned Act Church — Disciple Church of Christ - Kyabazaala for so long as he continues to Denomination Boni Again Churches practice as such Advocate and Village — Kyabazaala the Commission is not revoked. Parish — Kyabazaala Given under my hand and the seal Sub-county — Nttinda of the Court this 20th day of August, 2020. County — Nakifuma District — Mukono HON. KAHINDA OTAF11RE, ALFONSE CHIGAMOY OW1NY-DOLLO, Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs. /lg. Chief Justice. 0^(3 PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY UGANDA PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CORPORATION SH UPPC020201200058 MUI Ml.ee Wo. 1219 of 2020. General Notice No. 1223 of 2020. THE ADVOCATES ACT. CAP. 267. THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY. OF ELIGIBILITY. It is hereby notified thal an application has been It is hereby notified that an application has been presented to the Law Council by Okwarc Mcshak. who is presented to the Law Council by Akiteng Audrey, who stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from is staled to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree Kampala International University, having been awarded from Uganda Christian University, Mukono. having been on the 17th day of November. 2018 and a Diploma in awarded on the 6th day of July, 2018 and a Diploma in Legal Practice awarded by the Law Development Centre Legal Practice awarded by the Law Development Centre on the 13th day of December, 2019, for the issuance of a on the 13th day of December, 2019, for the issuance of a Certificate of Eligibility for entry- of his name on lhe Roll Certificate of Eligibility for entry of her name on the Roll of Advocates for Uganda. of Advocates for Uganda. Kampala, STELLA NYANDRIA, Kampala, STELLA NYANDRIA. 17th September, 2020. far Secretary, Law Council. 31 st August, 2020. far Secretary. Law Council. General Notice No. 1220 of 2020. General Notice No. 1224 of 2020. THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267. THE COMPANIES ACT. LAWS OF UGANDA, 2000. NO TICE OF APPL1CAT ION FOR A CER TIFICATE (Act No. 1 of 2012) OF ELIGIBILI TY. NOTICE. It is hi-.rhiy nuiiiii.d (hat an application has been presented to the Law Council by Bagaaya Martha, who is Pcrsl/\nt to Section 40(4) of the Companies Act, (No. 1 stated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from of 2012) Laws of Uganda, 2000, notice is hereby given that, Makercrc University, Kampala, having been awarded on the AFRIKGLOBAL GATEWAY LIMITED, has been by a 18th day of January, 2019 and a Diploma in Legal Practice special resolution passed on the 8th day of June, 2020, and awarded by lhe Law Development Centre on the 13th day with the approval of the Registrar of Companies, changed of December, 2019, for the issuance of a Certificate of its name to MZUZI GROUP LIMITED, and that such new Eligibility for entry of her name on lhe Roll of Advocates name has been entered in my Register. for Uganda. Dated at Kampala, this 14lh day of September. 2020. Kampala, STELLA NYANDRIA, 25th August. 2020. Jbr Secretary, Law Council. ABALO LILIAN. Registrar of Companies. General Notice No. 1221 of2020. THE ADVOCATES ACT, CAP. 267. General Notice No. 1225 of 2020. NO TICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE THE COMPANIES ACT. LAWS OF UGANDA, 2000. OFELIGIBILTI Y. (Act No. 1 of2012j Il is iiiriby Noni n D that an application has been NOTICI:. presented to lhe Law Council by Nampwera Chrispus, who Pursimni to Section 40(4) of the Companies Act, (No. is slated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from 1 of 2012) Laws of Uganda. 2000, notice is hereby given Makerere University. Kampala, having been awarded on the thal, NT BET A WILL UGANDA LIMITED, has been by 18th day of January, 2019 and a Diploma in Legal Practice a special resolution passed on the 22nd day of September, awarded by lhe Law Development Centre on lhe 13lli day 2020, and with the approval of the Registrar of Companies, of December, 2019. for the issuance of a Certificate of changed its name to MEGECHA INVESTMENTS Eligibility for entry of his name on lhe Roll of Advocates LIMITED, and thal such new name has been entered in for Uganda. my Register. Kampala, S TELLA NYANDRIA, 18th September, 2020. far Secretary, Law Council. Dated at Kampala, this 24th day of September, 2020. General Notice No. 1222 of 2020. KATUSHABE NAOME, Registrar of Companies. THE ADVOCATES ACT. CAP. 267. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE General Notice No. 1226 of 2020. OF ELIGIBILITY. It is hereby notified that an application has been IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT 1/2012 presented to the Law Council by Nagudi Deborah, who is slated to be a holder of a Bachelor of Laws Degree from AND Makercrc University, Kampala, having been awarded on lhe 30lh day of January, 2014 and a Diploma in Legal IN THE MATTER OF WILD AGRI (U) LIMITED ■Practice awarded by the Law Development Centre on the ==g9th day of April. 2016, for the issuance of a Certificate of SPECIAL RESOLUTION ^Eligibility for entry' of her name on the Roll of Advocates =r Uganda. At an extraordinary general meeting duly held on 12th day =anipala, STELLA NYANDRIA. of August, 2020 at the registered office of lhe Company, the ■—=th July, 2020. for Secretary', Law Council. following resolutions were discussed and passed: d October. 2020] THE UGANDA GAZETTE 1723 That the consent of the Board of Directors of the ■I. That the Company be deregistered from all aspects of Company be and is at this moment accorded to taxation with URA (Uganda Revenue Authority) and voluntarily wind up the affairs of the Company. other tax levy authorities. That the Company has met all outstanding debts 5. RESOLVED EURTHER THAT the Declaration of and obligations, that there are no claims actual or Solvency along with the Statement of Affairs of the pending against the Company, that no third party has company, be and is hereby considered and approved an outstanding security or oilier interest in any assets and the directors of the company be and are hereby of the Company and that there are no other reasons authorized to sign the declaration and Statement of that should otherwise prevent the dissolution of (he Affairs of (he company and to file the same with the Company. Registrar of Companies. That ATUHAIRE PATIENCE MERCELLA be and 6. That the Registrar of Companies lie notified is hereby appointed as the liquidator for the purpose accordingly. of the winding up of the Company. Dated al Kampala, on this 12th day of August. 2020. T hat the Company be deregistered from all aspects of taxation with URA (Uganda Revenue Authority) and other tax levy authorities. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Declaration of Solvency along with the Statement of Affairs SHAREHOLDER SHAREHOLDER of the company be and is hereby considered and Name: JAY PATEl Name: MAGAN PATEl approved and the directors of the company be and are hereby authorized to sign the declaration and Statement of Affairs of the company and to file the same with the Registrar of Companies. That the Registrar of Companies be notified General Notice No. 122« of 2020. accordingly. Till* MINING ACT, 2003. (The Mining Regulations, 2019) :ed at Kampala, on this 12th day of August, 2020. NOTICE OF GRANT OF AN EXPLORATION LICENCE. It is hiju-iiy notified that Exploration Licence, Number EL00102 registered ils Number 002976, has been granted in accordance with the provisions of Section 27 and Section 29 to Great Solomon Mining Company Limited, of P.O. AREHOLDER SHAREIIOLDER Box 7433, Kampala, Uganda, for a period of three (3) years -te: MILAN DOBARIYA Name: SANDZP PATEL effective from 23rd September, 2020.
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