:X' NBT PBES8 RUN * THR WBATHBR Yatccaat br U. •. Weatba* ttareaa, AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Kaw ^aeea for the month of December, 19SS r » 5,209 Rain or snow tonight and Sun­ Member of the Aetlit Oereae ot s B V i * " day; warmer to n i^ t. Ctrealatloaa attrlfpatfr V O L . X L m .,N 0 . 70. (Classified Adn'Rising on Page 10) SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1929. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CISNTS TIGHT HATS M IY BRING HOOVER NEARS BALD HEADS FOR WOMEN UNSUNG HERO OF THE QUESTION MARK STOP BAD BLAZE ANTI-WAR TREATY London, Jan. 5.— “ Women’s tight hats may lead to their be­ coming bald,” says Dr. King END OF GOOD Brown, Medical Officer of Ber­ AT NORTH END mondsey. DISRUPTS SENATE "I think if women go on as WILUOIIRNEY they are they will be in time in ATWLOSS just the same position as the men today,” he added. “ But wo­ men will be progressing in in­ FENN BILL NOW Factions Settle Down for President-Elect Expected to telligence as they lose their Plant of WBson Nurseries, hair, so there is some advantage Long Dispute Reminiscent to be gained. Meantime they Lont'Jillson Co. and Lum­ BEFORE THE HOUSE Land Tomorrow Monung had belter go batless.” o f the Old L e a p e o f Na­ and Go Stnught to Wash- ber Yards Imperiled; Opponents Say Its Passage tions Battle— Both Sides SAYS BRAVES Luck Saves Much Stock. ingten. Will Mean City Domina­ Explain Their Views on Aboard U. S. S. Utah. (Via A r-; RAISED BIG Fire, which threatened to wipe tion of Congress. the Question. lington. V’a.. Radio Station), Jan. j out the entire plant of C. E. Wilson & Co., nurserymen, at the north 5 — Within 24 hours of the end o f end, swept a considerable part of his long Latin-American tour, m FUND Washington, Jan. 5.— Lines were Washington, Jan. 5.— The fight the big two-building establishment President-Elect Hoover today said drawn in the House today for its Senate over the Kellogg-Bri- late yesterday afternoon and caus­ good-bye to the many officers and hardest-fought legislative battle of treaty, reminiscent in ed a loss of about $35,000, largely seamen aboard the battleship Utah Big Leape Team Charged the present session, over the Penn many of its aspects to the old sustained by the Lunt Jillson Com­ with whom he had become ac­ bill for a new division of members League fight, settled down today to quainted on the journey northward pany, distributors of general farm among the 48 stater ot the nation a question of whether ratification With Collectmg $30,000 machinery, who occupy half of the will be unconditional or with res­ from Montevido, Uruguay. to meet shifts in population. Despite heavy seas and rain- ervations. main floor ot the more easterly of A close vote was predicted by squalls through-out the day and to Put Across Sunday the two main Wilson nursery build­ Administration forces, led by night yesterday, the Utah maintain­ both backers and opponents of the ed its usual speed and was still ings. Senator William E. Borah, (R ) of measure which. House leaders an- I Idaho, were determined to win an slightly ahead of its schedule this Sports BiD. It was the most serious blaze These remarkable action pictures nounced, will be brought out on the unconditional ratification. The morning. It is now almost-certain which has visited the north end In v s s \ < floor on January 10. | remnants of the old Irreconcil- that the ship will dock at Old show the arrangements made to years but In view of the extent ot S % j With ODme members from agri­ ables hoped to secure approval of a Point Comfort, Va.. before 8 o’clock Boston, Mass., Jan. 5.— Investi­ enable Sergeant Roy Hooe, me­ 7 ■■ the property endangered the loss is small, as a combination of fortunate cultural states raising the cry that "resolution of explanation,” an­ tomorrow morning. gation was launched today by At­ chanic, to make mid-air repairs on a new apportionment means city nouncing to the world that the Getting (bolder. circumstances and energetic flre- torney General Joseph E. Warner the motors of the big army plane flghting by employes of the Bon domination of Congress, advocates United States will stand for no in­ Although the Utah entered the of the bill countered with the terference in South America or gulf stream today the cold temper­ into the charges that a -$30,000 Question Mark while ia quest of a Ami factory, which Is just across the railroad tracks, supplementing declaration that Congress Las dis­ with the Monroe Doctrine regard­ ature of the mainland was suffi "slush fund” was raised to bring new record for sustained flight. the work of the north end firemen, enfranchised more than 5,000.000 less of its pledge to outlaw war. ciently felt to make overcoats ne­ professional Sunday baseball to Above, the plane is seen in flight prevented the destruction ot several people by refusing to obey the plain The Irreconcilable fight appeared cessary. This morning all of the Massachusetls. with Sergeant Hooe crawling out times as much property. mandate of the Constitution. to have been given an additional officers and crew appeared in their The attorney general also delved on the narrow cat-walk toward The fire originated at 3:45 McLeod the Leader handicap when Senator Borah ad­ blue winter uniforms. into the charge that the Boston the motors. At the right, he has o’clock from the explosion of a blow Rep. Clarence McI>eod (R ) of mitted that each signatory nation If he can conclude his business Braves management issued free roped one of the three propellers torch which an employe of Lunt Mich., who lea the fight in the cen­ was free to make war at any time in Washington in time, Mr. Hoo­ tickets with the pictures of a “ fa­ to hold it still and is working Jillson was using in the repair room sus committee for the Penu bill, de­ in self-defense and that each na­ ver, will attempt to arrange a tour vorable” candidate on the back in on its motor, parachute strappe<i of that concern at the north end of clared that the measure would pass tion could decide for itself what Df the West Indies before his inaug- efforts to defeat in the primaries to his back. Inset shows a close-up the building. by a close margin. constituted self-defense.- -He like­ wise declared the Monroe Doctrine aration. former State Senator Thomas H. of the daring mechanic. The Plant “ Under the constitution the mem- However, the president-elect’s V ‘ 1 J- was an integral part oiof AmericasAmerica's Bilodeau, an opponent of Sunday There are two of the Wilson bership of the House is directed to | therefore could be plans prior to his inauguration are buildings, both one-story high with baseball. be reapportioned after every census amply protected if the United not yet certain. From Washington The state probe was made to de­ basements and about sixty by one to meet changing population.” he he will go to Florida for fishing hundred feet in dimensions, stand­ States ratified the treaty. termine if the Corrupt Practices said. "No reapportionment has been Robinson’s Report. and a rest. So far no naval ar­ Act had been violated. REPRIEVE AT LAST HOUR FALLS TO DEATH ing side by side at the end of Allen made since 1911. rangements have been made for an­ place and flanked by tracks of the This statement of conditions pro­ The "slush fund” charges were "The Fenn bill provides that this voked Senator Robinson, of Ark., other cruise in the Caribbean. Mr. brought by Attorney Joseph P. New York, New Haven and Hart­ reapportionment shal. not be made Hoover will be able to make his Democratic floor leader, to remark Walsh, representing Councilman FROM lOTH STORY ford railroad. They are separated OP the 1930 census. An examination plans after he has been in Washing­ DELAYS DOUBLE HANGING by a twelve foot driveway. Both that the United States was "going William G. Lynch, accused ot trying of population records shows that ton for a while and surveys the are frame buildings with metal around in a circle” while rati^ng to get $5,000 each for a block of E ore than 5,000,000 people now the treaty. He said it appeared the myriad of problems that await his I shingle roofs. The easterly build­ have no representation in Con- thirteen councillors, and Daniel ing was gutted but the westerly one nation was “ right back where It attention before March 4. giess.” Present Plans. Carroll, manager of prize fighters. Milfionaire Bids Youug was untouched by the flames. started from’' even if the treaty Walsh, cross exam’ning Edmund Mrs. Leboesf and Her Sweet- ARCTIC AVIATORS The easterly half of the building Rep. John E. Ranklh (D ) of were ratified. According to present plans Mr. Miss., ranking Democrat on the and Mrs. Hoover will debark about J. Cunningham, secretary of the which took fire Is occupied by Lunt The Irreconcilables insisted, how­ Womau Good Night, Theu census committee, declared that he ever. that the United States an­ 9:30 tomorrow morning, leaving Boston National Leagne Baseball Jillson as a repository for all kinds heart, Dr. Drehr Saved will fight the bill to the end. and nounce its interpretation of the for Washington at 11 o’clock and Club, asserted t ^ t the Outdoor REACH THEIR GOAL of farm machinery which the firm he predicted its defeat.
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