12 THE MOUSING OREGOXIAy, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1921 OH, MAN! WILLARO TO MEET FARRELL IS WANTED R?6mT YovR LET M TELL) 5w T That a In To & A - I YOU A60VJT SwCul. PlPE - Loov VICTOR OF TITLE GO The TRAP ThaT PIPE AT The CRAirJ iJ J oh-mu- II FIGH ; J HSTJO Either Dempsey or Carpentier Kearns Flooded With Offers Will Be Fought. for Clever Boxer. BOUT TO BE LABOR DAY LOCAL BOUT IS SOUGH Xex Kickard Makes Announcement Fighter Wants to Meet Victor i - Following Calling Ofr of Re- Darcy McGoorty Go to Be turn Championship Fight. Staged Tomorrow Xight. !!i::S;!!;;Opp NEW YORK. Feb. !. Tex Riclcard. Marty Farrell Is wanted in New boxing1 promoter, tonight announced York. Jack Kearns Is flooded with of Select your GOOD tOOM an that the Dempsey-Willar- d fight. ( "UcTa lTTSTfS JO f.uf f7 ThinKI fers for the clever performer An-frel- Too - J I or. which Dempsey announced In Los es f At it- - voo even J V Vctt a 2 ( HSAft mV can't understand why Marty insists vt J staying west. Farrell received a tele union suit with care today was off. had been post jh poned with the consent of both par- PiPC TrtAM Vh-H- I I fiD ir.poeiNJT V J gram from Kearns yesterday inform ties until Labor day, September 5. ing him either to take on a fight here Realizing the intimate contact of a union suit, It is understood, however, that a or jump back to New York on the , double-quic- k. more and more men of fastidious tastes are wear-- sew contract will be necessary. Un- der the original terms, both Dempsey The contest Tex Rickard wants to ing Richmonds. They appreciate Richmond's and Willard were granted large sums stage is a go between Mike friendly well for their second encounter. When the O Dowd, champion o comfort as as the knowledge that New York stats boxing commission me- - world, and Farrell. Marty would their clothes have a perfect foundation. recently adopted a rule limiting the like nothing better than to meet maximum admission rharsri to sl hox O'Dowd, but first wants to get The distinctive fit of Richmond Union Suits in? contest to J15, Kickard decided I few fights under his belt and would is the result of designing that has taken that he would lose money and de- just as soon go through the process into con' manded that the two heavyweights here as in New York. The first man sideration every line of the body. They will iox on a percentage basis. It is be he would like to meet is the winner lieved this plan did not meet with of tho Eddie McGoorty-Jimm- y Darcy neither bag nor sag. Their satisfaction is lasting. the approval of the boxers. contest, which will hold the board Mr tor to Be Fought. in the main event of tomorrow niht' Richmond Union Suits never vary from their boxing card at the armory. intended size. The facing is cut to Jttckard said he would stage a boat Darcy tangled be Tabor day between Willard and the and Farrell have exact size and then sewn on each garment with three fore. They met in San Francisco more lock-stitche- winner of the Dempsey-Carpcnti- er than a year ago and put up a fast d seams. oout. under Willard a existing con four-roun- tract. d scrap. This is only one of eight excluaive Richmond features. Farrell also had a hankering to Ask the salesman to show you the other seven. "for rarlous reasons I have Je tackle Johnny Tillman next Wednes cided to postpone the Dempsey-W- il day night but Frankie Murphy has LEVI STRAUSS & CO., San Francisco, CaL lard fight until Labor day," he said. been selected to meet Tillman. "While both Dempsey and Willard Reports from the McGoorty and Pacific Coast Distributors are willing and eager to observe the C.IHH T 1Hk ka fX' Darcy training camps pronounce original contract and meet In Madi- the son Square battlers in fine fettle. Both boxers Garden March 17, I have tapered off in their yes decided that the contest had better workouts and the Arleta Athletic club- - and pupil under Lonestar Deltz, coached terday and will do little but limbef re staged In the open following the a comparatively green Pendleton up this Dempsty-Carpenti- er would like to schedule a return afternoon. match of July 2. also Oregon McGoorty good iclimond game with the B'nal B'rith club five. FOOTBALL COACHES OF COAST football squad to the eastern looks exceptionally Arena to Be Built. up with championship, with seven victorious In the gymnasium and if he boxes up CLOSED CROTCH He would also like to hook games up The surprising- demand for tickets several out-of-to- teams for Satur last season, has also built to the standard set in his workout f the Dempsey-Willar- d bout makes day night games while Tuesday and SUFFER ONLY ONE CASUALTY a formidable basketball team tnis sessions Darcy seems to be in for It clear that the Garden would ac Thursday nights . the team will De season. It is understood he has re nothing but a trimming unless he UNION SUITS commodate but a fraction of those open to meet any of the local quin celved offers to coach several minor tights above previous form. PATENTED OCTOBER 6 1912 w no desire to see it. tets. Now That University of Oregon Hag Retained Shy Huntington, Stub college teams in the northwest next McGoorty Is a first-cla- ss middle x sha., therefore, erect a large Tonight the Vernon tossers will Allison of Washington Is Single Mentor to Feel Ax. year, but he Is undecided as to where weight. Darcy is a tough, strong open-ai- r arena for the international take on the Peninsula Mohawks on he will go. Local fans are eager to youngster who at times has shown contest and stage a match between the Peninsula Park floor at 8 o'clock. retain him here next year but he has flashes of form which stamped him Willard and the winner of the The members of the team, are Herb, BY L. H. GREGORY. as armor plate. The pair were in the expressed an unwillingness to return. as a contender. on the B'nai B'rith floor and will start spring a surprise or two yet this sea- bout under the exist Kudquist and Jack Barton, forwards; Unlvers'ty of Ore woods three months and killed a Eddie Coulon appears every inch at 8 o'clock. son. ing contract, September OW that the a regular scrapper. Billy. Mas- - 5." Claude Mills, center; John Rehberg gon given a reprieve to the couple of bear, some wildcats and LAXDIS AS JUDGE ATTACKED little B'nal B'rith has been after the scalp The team will be given a rest of Kickard said he intends to erect and Sid Shaw, guards, and Art Grebe, has other game. Baker came near losing cott has always had things pretty of the Honeyman lads for some time. two or three days and then will start open-a- ir N' system or an arena here this spring Dan Williams and Morris Neudelman, graduate coaching a digit when a dying bear grabbed much his own way around here in and the game Saturday night is ex hard training for the games with nd transfer his boxing organization spares. at least removed quarantine restric- the little finger of bis throwing hand, Question Raised Whether Jurist the bantamweight division. Promis pected to draw a fair gathering or Oregon. Coach Rutherford Is expect- there during the summer. During tions while the patient Is under ob- but the bear died before it could do ng young coast boxers from time to the hoop fans. B nai B rlth has been ing four hard games against Ore- open-a- ir Can Offices. the period he will stage COCPLE VIEWS FIRST CAME servation the football coaching sys- much damage beyond giving Baker Hold Two time have threatened to usurp Mas defeated but once this season, and gon. Oregon has the dope with her to Wil- ciiampionsnip Douta In all weight the scare of his lite. D. 22. Con- cott's claim championship honors, was the Arleta Athletic on account of having defeated tem at all the Pacific coast colleges WASHINGTON, C, Feb. up that time it Ag- ciassea. easy year. Del will be with Portland this com- gressional Investigation to determine but to date have failed. club five, which took the B'nai B'rith lamette, who In turn defeated the Arena to Sen. BO.OOO. Mrs. A. Chapman can rest for another What ing says in gies. Despite this handicap, the Mr. and B. Watch season. He he feels equal Judge is permitted aggregation into camp. No team The arena will seat at least 50,000 happens after next season is another right now to catching every game on whether Landls frankie Monroe, who In a recent Portland has yet been able to take Beavers are not disheartened, but are srpectators and will permit the offer- Kalama Beat Rainier. story. the schedule. Paddy has been traded under law, to continue as federal rating of California boxers by a well-know- n the measure of the Honeyman fuve. determined to defeat Oregon this judge of the northern Illinois district critic, was placed as among week end. ings of large purses on a percentage KALAMA, Wash., Feb. 2.
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