PRICE With A 7 > . Constructive PER COPY VOLUME 20, NUMBER 16 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1951 PRICE FIVE CENTS Nat l Dental Ass n Auxiliary In Their 38th Annual Convention, Memphis ■ JACKSON. Miss.—Seldom . men­ tioned In Mississippi politics since the death of the late Senator,Theo­ dore Bilbo in 1947, the Negro vote; issue has come to life again in a showdown run-off’primary for the governorship. Opposing candidates in the Demo­ cratic run-off primary set f-or-Au». gust 28. arc Hugh White, a former governor, and Paul Johnson, son of Mississippi's 1910-43 governor. Each oi the revival candidates claim, the other has the backing of Negro voters hi this white suprea- cy state. Johnson warns that if elected, Wliite would "lead you out the back door into the Republican Party. ■ Citing the large majority vote given Johnson over seven other can; dldates in the first orimary in all­ Negro precincts al Mound Bayou mid Ml, Carmel In the delta, White said: '.‘The Negroes ami Truman want to se me defeated. They want a (Continued on page ? "Our official host of the Shel­ saw. demonstrations of the la­ by County Dental Society, along test facilities in the denial field; with the public press, radios, and the Caribbean tour of five and the citizenry at Idrge, gave countries. About 32 dentists the National Dental Association and their wives left Miami Sat­ one of the greatest sessions in Convention highlights indud urday, August 18, by Pan Amer­ the 38 yepr history of the organ­ ed featured addresses by Dr ican World Airways for San ization", declared Dr. M, L. Wal- Ben F. Carruthers, of the secre Juan,.Puerto. Rico, Cuidad Trujil- NASSAU. Bahamns -CANP1- Al­ fred Francis Adderley, Barrister, “ ton, of Thomasville, Georgia, tariat, Human Rights Division, lo, Port - au - Prince, Kingston, graduate of Cambridge (England) President, who presided over United Nations; and Mrs. Alia? Camaguey, Havana. The tour university and the first Negro mem­ the five day session. B. Arrington, Executive Director, will extend over a two week pe­ ber of the Bahamas executive coun­ The Memphis meeting also re­ Y. W. C. A., Baltimore, Md„- a riod. It is one of the largest cil. was appointed acting chief Justice of Bhamas here last week. ported the second largest regis­ visit to the University of Tennes­ groups of Negro professional Of Cincinnati, Is The first of his race ever to ex­ tration with approximately 800 see College of Medicine, where- men from the United States ever ercise the highest judical powers in dentists from the nation over on the delegates heard lectures and to visit the Caribbean. New President the Island, lie is holding down the post temporarily, pending appoint-^ ■ment of it permanent eucocsgoiv to ' BY LEWIS O. SW1NGLER 8.1 Oswald Bancroft, «-hite, wiTo re-' ^harges Dixiecrafs Owe Police Cleared For approximately 700 dentists tired. Who attended llie Thlrty-Elchth Adderly flrs‘( came into promin­ Of Brutality Annual Convention of the National ence In 1938 when he successfully Solan Vote Of Thanks Dental Association last week Mem­ defended Forrester Scott, u Phila­ Charges phis lived up lo its far-fl.iuf tra­ delphia lawyer,; in a kidnapping WASHINGTON The Dixiecrats owe Representative Abra­ ditional reputation. “Tlie Place it case. ham Multer (D., N.,Y.) a "vote of-thanks" for his part in defeat­ Two patrolmen accused of beat­ Good Abode " The slx-day se-slon. ing an anti-discrimination amendment to the $1,700,000,000 De­ held from August 12th through tlie ing four youths, ages 13-17. were 17th nt Booker T Washington High fense Housing Bill; passed this week, the National Association for cleared of alleged charges, Com­ School, was presided over by Dr the Advancement of Colored People has charged. missioner Ai’mour announced re­ Mprttn Walton of Thomasville. Ga.. Clarence Mitchell, director of the provision of housing by the cently. who’in appraising this first annual the NAACP Washington Bureau, as­ Federal Government under this title In a letter written by the Hyde- meeting this far below tlie Mason- serted that Rep. Multer. who usual­ and in the provision, or operation Park-Hollywood Civic League, the Dixon line, declared:- . ly is listed as a friend Of civil and maintenance, of community fa­ civic organization protested that "The visit to the University of ATLANTA. Georgia — (SNS) — rights. 1‘canfused liberals on the cilities and services assisted by this Patrolman DeShazo and Nicholson Tennessee College of Dentistry by Telling the truth saved an floor” when Rep' Jacob Javits (R„ title there shall be equality of treat­ "struck the boys in the face, back the members of tlie NDA upon in­ Atlanta man S3G. N. Y.) introduced the ' amendment, ment of persons of all races, relig­ and stomach” in an attempt to vitation of Doan James T Glnri Municipal Traffic Judge Luke which Was defeated by a vote of 79 ions and national origins who are to force a confession that they broke was an indication of the growing Arnold Thursday sliced 836 off 10 57. be served by them." windows in the Hyde Park School. trend toward the practical applica­ the fines of a 28-year-old Several liberal Congressmen who The incident took place on last tion of the values of democratic' shipping clerk because the de­ ‘In - the Senate, Senators Paul had agreed to introduce NAACP Monday. ideals here in the deep South All fendant admitted “drinking a P/Douglas, (D . Ill.) and Irving Ives amendments in the House were According to Inspector Young, the officials of the dent:-,I college quart of beer.” (R., N. Y.) made'an unsuccessful talked out of it by southerners, ac- after a thorough investigation, there and the entire student persdnnel The magistrate remarked that " attempt to write NAACP-sponsored cording to Mr. Mitchell. Congress- were discrepancies in the testimonies showed our delegates ex orv 'courtesy it was the “first time in ten nritl-segregation amendments into man Javits, asked to drop anti-Jim .of the boys and a janitor, who wit­ to make the visit to the college on-? years” he had seen a person the bill while while it was in com­ Crow amendments, nevertheless in­ nessed the incident. of the highlights of the conven­ {■barged with driving intoxica­ mittee'. The Committee agreed, how­ troduced a strong amendment spon­ tion." ted "admit how much he’d had ever, if the two senators, would not sored by the N AACP. Tlie Javits Three of the youths claimed they President Tbcmas warmly com­ to drink" instead of claiming , offer their amendment on the floor, amendment was attacked by Rep. had been slapped when talking to mended Union Protective Assur- tlie "customary one bottle.” ¿(the report on the bill would contain Multer, who said that present- the commissioner; however, the . ance Company for its .-ecepllon, re­ Arnold, however, did suspend Withe following language: . regulations of housing agencies janitor claimed that there was no ferring to It as "one of our most the driver’s license of the de­ ' ■7, “Your committee expects that in made it unnecessary rough treatment involved. Both pa­ enjoyable affairs . andana had fendant. Arresting Officers C. trolmen denied having struck the equal words ol praise tor■ all other N. Edge and L. C. Williams boys. activities carried out under super­ listed the defendant as Henry The civic club accused the men or vision of the Shelby County Dcr.- L. Jester, of 506 John Street, carrying off the fourth boy; Com­ Al tai Society, official host to the S. IV., Apartment 480, an em­ CQRDELIA GREENE JOHNSON The convention began with Wor­ missioner Armour says they took convention ployee of Victor Motor Pro-, HONORED FOR SERVICE ship at Bethel Baptist on Sunday him home . Orí SECOND LARGEST ducts. By LOU SWARZ morning. A mammoth Mass Meet “There is not sufficient evidence REGISTRATION ing at the Pilgrim Building follow to warrant disciplinarian action." The Memphis meeting represent­ HOUSTON, Texas — The Ma­ ed this In the afternoon. The prin­ Commissioner Armour said. "We ed the second largest registration tinal Beauty Culturists’ League cipal address delivered by Dr. are not going to tolerate brutality In the history of the association. went on record as having had its O’Hara Lanier President of Texas on either white or Negro citizens." Dr Walton added "This was due best National Convention in its 32 Southren University who developed he stated. m large part to the widely adver­ years hete in the Pilgrim Building1 tised reputation of Memphis as a ■Culture In Excellence" using Jack great host city,” he stated last week under the guidance of ie Robinson and Ralph Bunche as Mrs. Cordelia Greene Johnson. Na­ "Tlie local dentists in Memphis examples. Deacon Shot set a Ttcord in their pre-convention tional President who also received National President Johnson gave special honors. ( ■ planning." the pre-‘dent said I Awards and Plaques to several In Right Hip "Every detail was thoroughly pro­ members for meritorious service tc secuted. and when the convention NBCL during the year: Jackson Negro Chef Sampson Pruitt. 34. a deacon at time rolled around everything was Other special features of the con the Golden Leaf Baptist . Church, ready to go " TAMPA. Fla. - The Negro cltl- . vention were: Dr. C. H. Bynum. DR. SPRINGER NEW PRESIDENT zens of this city, spearheaded by Subject Of Article In was allegedly shot in the right hip by member, Assistant Secretary, Director of Interracial Activities. Georec Barclay, 41. as he fled front New Dental Officers And Memphis Dr. Wallon was automatically the local branch of the National XI.
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