View of the three Barbican Centre towers from the Shard’s viewing platform. Islington is in the background including the Emirates Stadium. 80 6 LOCAL SEARCH 6.1 INTRODUCTION 6.2 LOCAL SEARCH This chapter covers the ‘Local Search’ for Any future proposal for a tall building on one METHODOLOGY opportunities for tall buildings within the areas of the identified sites will need to comply with identified by the ‘Strategic Search’ in Section 5. the relevant policy criteria which will be set The following methodology is applied for each out in the Council’s Local Plan and/or in a site search area: Strategic Search Areas have a potential to include specific planning guidance. sites that might be appropriate for tall buildings. 01 URBAN DESIGN ANALYSIS The Local Search looks at identifying local It further will also be subject to additional opportunities for tall buildings within these search technical impact assessments, design scrutiny This establishes an understanding of the local areas. through design review and engagement with character of the area, and includes the following: the planning authority and the local community. The methodology for the Local Search is based This will test and scrutinise impacts, which • Identification of character areas; on the Historic England Tall Buildings Advice fall beyond the scope of this Tall Buildings Note, which recommends the undertaking of • Assessment of existing building heights study, such as impacts on nearby residents characterisation and building heights studies to help including any taller buildings; (potential loss of sunlight, daylight, privacy, identify appropriate locations for tall buildings. It overlooking, amenity and social infrastructure • Identification of important townscape features recommends the preparation of a design framework provision); impacts on the micro climate and local views; and that identifies those elements that create local and on the amenity and quality of the public character and other important features and • Identification of planning designations realm; detailed impacts on heritage assets; constraints, and then identify opportunities where (Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings, Vistas, compatibility with the character of a place; tall buildings might enhance the overall townscape. Strategic and Local Views). impacts on views and the skyline; contribution In following this advice this study provides a to regeneration and place making; the design framework for tall buildings in Islington comprehensiveness of a development; its mix of 02 HYPOTHETICAL TALL BUILDINGS SITES as recommended in the Historic England Advice uses; the number, type and size of housing; and Note 4. This is also considered in compliance with This involves the identification of potential sites the provision of affordable housing; as well as the Design Policies within the Draft London Plan, of a reasonable scale that could come forward the quality of the design, form and appearance specifically policies D1, D2 and D8. for comprehensive development and where, of the proposal. hypothetically, a tall building could be proposed. The Local Search identifies a number of sites All of these aspects will need to be considered Sites identified include: as being potentially suitable for tall building in when a detailed proposal comes forward. principle, based on the urban design and character • Islington Site Allocations; Therefore, if any future proposal does not analysis. However, this does not mean in any way comply with the criteria in the TB Policy and/ • Other sites that may have the potential for that any proposal that meets the strategic height or the detailed technical assessments identify redevelopment or intensification; and and location criteria stipulated in this document impacts which are considered unacceptable, is acceptable and automatically should be • Housing estates that may benefit from such proposal can and will be refused. granted planning permission. improvements. ISLINGTON TALL BUILDING STUDY FINAL REPORT 81 UNDERSTANDING THE VISUAL IMPACT AND PROMINENCE OF TALL BUILDINGS • Site specific analysis required to understand detailed visual impact of a TB • Generic impact understanding can be established in relation to height: • Major Impact Zone (45 to 90 degree viewing angle) major impact, highly visible • High Impact Zone UNDERSTANDING THE VISUAL (30 to 45 degree viewing angle) IMPACT AND PROMINENCE OF TALL high impact, very visible, partly obstructed by buildings BUILDINGS • The taller the building the larger its • Site specific analysis required to impact zones understand detailed visual impact of a TB • Generic impact understanding can be Character Impact Assessment Criteria: established in relation to height: • The major impact zone of a TB should • Major Impact Zone be entirely within a character zone (45 to 90 degree viewing angle) that can accommodate such an impact major impact, highly visible • The high impact zone of a TB should be • High Impact Zone largely within a character area that can (30 to 45 degree viewing angle) accommodate this impact high impact, very visible, partly obstructed by buildings Figure 6.1: Establishing the zone of immediate influence • The taller the building the larger its impact zones For the purpose of testing, a notional tall building • Conservation Areas and listed buildings 04 IDENTIFICATION OF is identified on each site in a potentially suitable – generally exclude locations within a OPPORTUNITY SITES FOR TALL location. Conservation Area where the prevailing BUILDINGS Character Impact Assessmentcharacter Criteria: is low to medium rise, and where it Some of these sites are unlikely to come forward would detrimentally affect the setting of a listed The remaining sites from the Sieve Analysis are for development any time• Thesoon majorbut they impacthave been zone of a TB should building; then assessed in respect of their potential to identified in this study for bethe entirely purpose of within providing a character zone positively contribute to an enhanced townscape. a comprehensive assessment that explores all • Strategic views – generally exclude locations that can accommodate such an impact At this point the maximum height of a potential potential options. To this end, a few sites across within the view cone of a designated vista or tall building is established, its impact on existing borough boundaries have• beenThe included high impact but it zone ofstrategic a TB should view; and be local views tested and its location within the urban will be up to the local authoritieslargely in questionwithin toa character area that can • Potential impact on local character – this fabric reviewed in respect of strategic legibility and determine appropriate building heights in their accommodate this impactinvolves establishing the zone of immediate townscape impact. own borough. influence (see Figure 6.1) to understand Any potential site without a clear justification on the potential impact and visibility of a tall 03 SIEVE ANALYSIS how a tall building could meaningfully contribute building from adjacent character areas. Where to an enhanced legible townscape and local appropriate the impact of a district landmark is This involves the assessment of each of the character is discarded at this stage. tested. Generally the inner impact zone of a tall hypothetical tall building locations against the building should be entirely within a character In some cases additional design requirements for following criteria: zone that can, in theory, accommodate a tall each tall building are provided in respect of siting, • Planning designations – generally exclude building as part of its townscape character, orientation or role of the building. Guidelines for locations that are well outside the designated while the middle impact zone should be to a tall building clusters are also provided where this is town centre, opportunity or intensification area large extent in such an area. Sites that do not relevant. or the CAZ; fulfil these criteria are excluded. • Transport accessibility – generally exclude The Sieve Analysis for each of the local search locations that are peripheral to a transport node; areas is included in Appendix A. 82 6.3 LOCAL SEARCH 6.4 DEVELOPMENT IMPLICATIONS This following sections (6.5 to 6.11) of this chapter For avoidance of doubt, the potential cover Methodology points 01 Urban Design appropriateness for tall building locations and Analysis and 04 Identification of Opportunity Sites heights that is stipulated for each of the search To test the local impact and in-principle for Tall Buildings for each of the following seven areas, does not in any way replace the requirement appropriateness of potential tall building areas identified within the Strategic Search. for any tall building application on identified sites opportunities a 3d massing model of each to fully justify its approach towards height and centre was prepared within which tall building 1 Archway; built form in a tall building statement. This should opportunity sites were tested as simplified 3d 2 Finsbury Park; evaluate the benefits and justification for a tall height volumes (primarily cylinders). Height building on the potential site in relation to the volumes were also reviewed within the Google 3 Upper Holloway / Caledonian Road / Arsenal surrounding context, views and how it will enhance Earth London 3d model, which allowed an Corridor; the local townscape. It needs to demonstrate a interactive testing within a highly realistic and 4 Highbury and Islington; comprehensive
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