l 100th Birthday! Eastern Pennsylvania JIA Bro. Wesley W. Cheese­ Masomc Picrnc man (center) of Melita Lodge No. 295, Phila­ SATURDAY, J l':"E 15, 1991 delphia, on May 16, 1990, his lOOth birthday, with Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom Past Masters Bro. Robert Allentown, Pennsylvania A. Detweiler (left), the 10:00 a.m . to 10:00 p.m. AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF PENNSYLVANIA Senior P.M. of Melita, and Bro. George S. Peck, . \thm~~ion to Dorm•, ,md \\'i ld \\'ater VOLUME XXXVIII MAY 1991 NUMBER2 P.M. (right). Kingdom. im ludmg ,dl 1ide~. pal king a nd :) hours of fO<xl and sod.t: S20.00 ~cnio1 Cititt'Jh "61 \ear~ \atlllg·· .md children 2 \t'ats to 6 n.n~: IR.JO Chilthcn unde1 ~ \l'<ll~: Flee Masonic Temple Marks Centennial of Norman Hall Decoration Food \,·ill be scru·d f10m I :00 p.m .to 6:00 p.m. 1891-1991 . Location: Routt' 22~ ,md :W9. Room lm 1.000. Fil'>t tomt'. fir-,t Jt·­ ~('ncd. Bro. Wesley W. Cheeseman of Melita for many years. A life member, he Fndmcd i-, m~ <hn k fm Lodge No. 295, Philadelphia, on May 16, regularly makes a cono·ibution to the £01 tit kt·h. :\I.tke <ht •t k p.l\ .thlt· 1990, celebrated his IOOth birthday. Bro. Lodge each December. On his birthday, to: ":\I.t.,oni< Pit nu ... Cheeseman, 79 years a Mason, followed a plaque was presented to him by the in the footsteps of his father, John W. Lodge. Bro. Cheeseman spent severa l :'\anu.· Cheeseman, who became a member of hours chatting and asking questions Lcxlgc :'\o. ----------­ Melita Lodge at the time Wesley was about the members of the Lodge and the born and who later was a P.M. of Melita University of Pennsylvania athletes .\dthe-,., ------------- Lodge for over 50 years, and Secretary of whom he knew since his boyhood in Cll\ State lq> the Lodge for 35 years. Bro. Wesley West Philadelphia, beginning in the Cheeseman was a regular attendant at 1890s. He has always been a follower of Telephone :\o. Melita until in his late 80's, and was a the Penn teams. Plca-,t t'IH lo~t· ,1 '>tamped. '>l'lf­ Trustee of the Permanent Charity Fund adthes'>ed em elope and toupon. :\I \IL I 0 . riw Off itt ol nw C1 and :\fa.,tel nw :\la'><lllit remple Masonic Temple Om :'\01th Bwad ~t!l'l't One North Broad Street Second Class Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598 POSTAGE Phil,ldt lphi,t. P .\ 19107-2.)98 PA I D Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Addi tional Offices STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP (Act of Oct. 23, 1962: Section 4369 Title 39, United States Code) February 1: 1991. The Pennsylvania Free­ mason: published quarterly a t Masonic Temple, One North Broad Street, Phila­ delphia, PA 19107. Publisher: The Right Worsh ipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania. Editor: Robert A. Pote. Owner: The Right Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania. Known bond-holders, none. No advertising handled. Free distribution averages 180,000 each q uarter. I certify that the state- On Friday evening, August28, 1891, at that it could be refurbished and deco­ ber of Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 300, .ments made by me are correct and complete: seven o'clock, the newly-decorated rated. Hundreds of the Brethren, their Hunting ton, Pennsylvania), availed Roben A. Pote, Editor. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to above. Norman Hall in the Masonic Temple friends, and the Grand Lodge Officers, themselves of the opportunity to view the Please include complete imprint of address on your postal return clipping. was opened for inspection. It had been including the R. W. Grand Master Bro. third Ha ll decorated at the behest of the closed since January 23 of that year so John Simpson Africa (1832-1900, mem- Masonic Temple Art Association. This 16 Grand Master's Itinerary JULY 1991 SEPTEMBER 1991 1-4 Imperia l Shrine of North America, 7 Special Communication of the Gra nd Lcxlge, for the San Francisco. CaJifomia purpose of Dedicating the Lodge Room, Lcxlge No. namic times. There is renewed emphasis involved in their communities - to 12-13 Council of Deliberation, A.A.S.R .. Hershey 409. Pine Grove on va lues, leadership, involvement and work with their neighbors for the good of 14-15 1onheast Conference, Grand i\Iasters, 12 Lcxlge No. 683. 75th Anniversaf} , Monroeville community service. Masons are experi­ all - to let the world know who we are, Deputy Grand i\1asters, and Grand Secretaries, l4 Grand Holy Royal Arch Chapter, Lancaster encing more of Masonry in their Lodges realize what we stand for and see what we Cockeysville, i\fD 18 Sal\'ation Army, IOOth Anni\'ersaf}', Poustown today and they are taking their Masonry do. Lodges are reaching out into real life 16-17 Grand Lodge of Ontario 21 Lcxlge No. 370, !25th Anniversary, Mifflinburg 18 Honor Day, lmem ational Order of J ob's Daughters, into their communities. I see it develop­ to tell the story of Masonry. 22-25 Sup1eme Council , A.A.S.R., Indianapolis, I Elizabethtown College 27 Commiuee on Masonic I lomes, Eli£abethtown ing- emerging- as I travel across the It is a challenge we have all accepted. 20 Annual Dei\Iola} Concla\'C, Altoona 28 Lcxlge No. 368, !25th Anniversaf}', Philadelphia state and visit in your Lodges and com­ Grand Lodge has been quite visible in 26 Commiuee on i\lasonic Homes, Elizabethtown munities. the community, recently p resenting 27 Pennsyl\'ania Yomh Foundation Meeting, OCTOBER 1991 Eli1.abethtown The feedback is positive and pro­ President Buchanan Day activities and 5 Lcxlge No. 360, !25th Anniversaf}', Susquehanna gressive. The dynamics of the changing participating in the Loyalty Day parade 7 Lcxlge No. 52, 200th Anniversary, Philadelphia times are happening where there has in Lancaster. Likewise, Lodges across AUGUST 1991 18 C.ommiuee on i\lasonic Homes, Elizabethtown been good planning and mature leader­ the state are participating in community 17 Dei\fola}, Grand Master's Class 19 Autumn Days, Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown Bro. W. Scou Stoner ship. And, where it has happened, the anniversary celebrations, parades and 24 Special Communication of the Grand Lcxlge for the 26 Pennsyt\'ania Youth Foundation Meeting, R . W. Grand Master results are gratifying - even dramatic. I charitable events. Some are opening the purpose of laying the Com erstone of the West Shore Eli£abetluown School District 26 Special Communication of the Grand Lodge f01 the In a recent communication to the am to ld in many Lodges that the pro­ doors of their Lodge Halls to invite their 31 Lcxlge No. 378, !25th Anni\·ersary. i\lL. Cam1el purpose of Dedicating Lodge Room and Comerstone Masonic Education Committee, I noted: grams are more interesting; that the friends and neighbors in for tours. Laying, Greensburg l\Iasonic Cemer, Greensburg Brethren appreciate varied programs Masonry in Pennsylvania has moved "Our Masonic Fraternity has not that bring them to Lodge and keep them into the nineties, addressing the chal­ gained its long history and great coming back. lenge of change, being dynamic today Norman Hall, continued from front page esteem by avoiding challenges. T he With involvement in the Lodge comes while " ... we act in conformity to our Association was founded in October (excluding the price of the new carpet). piers divide the hall into twenty bays, Masonic principles are as helpfpl now Masonic knowledge. Knowledge - precepts and support the name we have 1887, with R.W.P.G.M. Bro. Clifford Norman Hall is a fine example of decorated with designs copied from as they have always been. As we share Masonic Educatio n, if you will - always borne, of being a respecta ble, Norman decorative art, which exempli­ Celtic manuscripts and placed against a our Masonic knowledge among our­ Pay nter McCalla (1837-1892, member of renews an appreciation for our heritage, regular and uniform Fraternity." Concordia Lodge No. 67) as its first fi es a n earl y med ieva l north ern gold mosaic background. Illustrations selves anew and meet the greater chal­ our va lues and the principles of Free­ President (1887- 1892). T he Association European arch itectural style, more from The Book of Kells (in the Library of lenge of telling . .. the Masonic story Sincerely and Fraternally, masonry and better enables us to tell had already decorated Egyptian Hall in properly called "Rhenish Romanesque. " T rinity College, Dublin) probably pro­ . .. we will place Masonry in a strong others about our Fraternity. Knowledge 1889 at a cost of $4,200 and Ionic Hall in The plasterwork is, perhaps, one of the vided some of the models. Six of the bays position to enter the 21st Century." rekindles pride. 1890 for $4,000. most outstanding features of this Hall . It show full-sized human fig ures each I see Masons of Pennsylvania meeting Across the state, Masons are respond­ ~t.:::.~ The artist and decorator who executed is the work of Bro. T homas Hea th (1 821- holding a medieval stonemason's t<;>p l, the challenges of change in these ely- ing to the call for Lodges to become R. W. Grand Master the paintings and embellishments in 1874, member of Lodge No. 2). Sur­ which represent the working tools of Norman H all was Brother George prisingly, even the ceiling beams are Freemasonry: Plumb, Trowel, Level, Herzog (1851-1920, member of Lodge made of plaster, painted and "grained" Sq uare, Mallet, Rule and Compasses.
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