The Observer Weekly Cloverleaf Inside and Out February 3, 2011 Cleveland Zoo Welcomes Home Three Big Friends By Alison Sheldon Cleveland Metroparks Zoo is thrilled about the return of Moshi, Martika, and Jo, the main attrac- tions of the African Elephant Crossing. The three female elephants have been residing at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium while their new home was being completed. The wait was well worth it. The new home for the elephants is five acres large and will be per- haps the most environmental- friendly facility to be seen in out- door animal exhibits in zoos across America. Sue Allen, the zoo’s public rela- tions contact, reports that a new water filtration system will cut wa- ter usage by 72 percent at the ele- phant house - from 26.3 million gallons per year to only 7.5 mil- lion. According to the Cleveland Elephants roaming in the Cleveland Zoo. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons Metroparks Zoo, the African Ele- phant Crossing quadruples space new and improved elephant America, not only educate visitors for the elephants and provides new house,” said junior Kierstin Jen- about these majestic animals, but features such as two yards for kins. also spread awareness about en- roaming, ponds for swimming, and The zoo also works to ensure that dangerment and the dangers they a heated outdoor range that allows the elephants are healthy and face, such as poaching and habitat the elephants to be outside during happy by providing the necessary destruction. the night. tools. A press release ensured that The exhibit will feature other ani- The project, which cost approxi- “accredited zoos, like Cleveland mals from Africa as well, such as mately $25 million, was funded by Metroparks Zoo, provide elephants meerkats, naked mole rats, and Cleveland Metroparks Zoo and the with high quality veterinary care, rock pythons. Cleveland Zoological Society. dedicated keepers, excellent daily The grand opening of the African The Crossing is also hailed to be nutrition, environmental enrich- Elephant Crossing will be in May th a living classroom with conserva- ment programs and safe, comfort- 2011, tentatively on the 5 of the tion education for spectators of all able homes.” month. ages. The zoo is not only focused on Save the date and make your way “I am pretty excited about the their star elephants, though. The out to check out the new attrac- Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, as tion. It is amazing to have such a Volume 4, Issue 32 well as hundreds of zoos across great exhibit so close to home. 2 Features Does Gore Make Everything Better? By Marc Frary out some kind of physical violence. Romero. Romero started the zombie In movies and television, gore is “Gore doesn’t necessarily make a trend that quickly spread. Everyone almost as important as the plot or movie better, but it doesn’t hurt,” loves a good zombie movie and Ro- any of the characters. All of the best said junior Jake Elliott. mero has provided. zombie, vampire, or other monster When we do get the blood and vio- These movies are full of people movies have been jam packed with lence that we want, it never seems either being eaten alive or stumbling blood and limbs. It’s why we love enough. To any of the senior genera- around missing arms and legs and horror movies and television shows tions, our thirst for blood would be anything else you can think of. Di- like Dexter, The Walking Dead, and seen as twisted or crazy. Growing up rector Romero is only one of the True Blood. in society today, it is acceptable to individuals that have answered our Think of your favorite modern enjoy scenes where people are call for violence. scary movie, chances are that they ripped apart or blown to pieces. As Video games these days are also have the gore that causes a feeling of seen in the Saw movies, a plot isn’t major providers of gore, like in the blood lust. Today, when we list the really needed when you see some- titles Gears of War or Condemned: best parts of a movie, at least 75 per- one being tortured every ten min- Bloodshot. Video games take gore to cent of the time we list some kind of utes. a new level where you really are the bloody scene. Gore isn’t only used Will our future generations look one who is running around in the to make movies and television back at us and think we were all just blood and probably causing it. shows scary, but it has also been a bunch of savages? Unlike movies and TV however, seen as kind of funny. “It’s not bad; it’s normal to have video games have something differ- Almost every movie could be made gore movies,” said sophomore Ke- ent to offer. They offer the thrill of better with an occasional splatter of yan Frierson. “I don’t have a prob- being the one that is in control. In blood. Comedies, romances, and lem with it.” the end, if all the violence is too even dramas could be improved with A good example of how gore made much for you, you can still have fun a little violence. An action movie a movie better would be movies like watching chick flicks and playing would be practically pointless with- Dawn of the Dead by George A. whatever the new Mario game is. Unprecedented Southern Storm Just Like North By Kelly Schaffter nesses closed throughout the South. “I think it’s a good opportunity for The South has always been “I think it’s crazy,” said junior southerners to learn how to ski and thought of as warmest part of the Sam Arndt. “The amount of snow enjoy the winter time fun,” stated United States. The place where the south is getting is unheard of.” sophomore Kari Morris. northerners travel to for the sum- Below freezing temperatures and Yet, some families were not so mer, or whenever they want a warm ice coatings on power lines caused lucky. With the unusual weather, get-a-way. This winter however many power outages. many were not prepared for the that is not the case. The South has Also with so many not being pre- drive. The storm caused two fatali- been bombarded with the winter pared to handle the snow and cold ties in Alabama alone. Another cold and snow. It’s no longer the temperatures, they had to take dras- passed away in an accident in Mis- safe-haven for summer lovers. tic measures—from wiping the sissippi. Some of the highways “I think it’s slightly unusual,” snow off their vehicles with their were even shut down to try and pre- commented sophomore Sammie bare hands to dealing with snow- vent any more of these occurrences. Hobson. “Considering it is the filled driveways and no shovels. “It’s unfortunate,” said senior South and they rarely get colder With no school or work, many Tera Staten. “Most of the residents weather.” families took advantage of the fun probably can’t drive in it.” Cold air filled the south and break. Many built their first snow- The snow continues to cover the brought a huge snowstorm that man and had their first snowball South hopefully bringing more started Monday night. With the fight. It was a fun time for many family memories and a relaxing promise of dangerous roadways for families. break. the next day, schools and busi- Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Advisor The Weekly Observer Kati Letzelter Alison Sheldon Mr. John Carmigiano Features 3 Quiz & Adjusting to American Idol Season 10 Quotes By Haley Ploucha According to some rumors, the elimi- The popular TV show, American Idol, nation process will be much faster, with has recently started its tenth season. the singing competition skipping the What do you think That’s right, double digits. Simon Top 24 and going straight to the Top 12. Cowell’s bitter, but true, remarks are As well as changes to the judges and about the Super gone, Kara DioGuardi’s self-centered eliminations, the contestants will also Bowl views are waved goodbye and Ellen experience change during the show. Be- Commercials? DeGeneres’ unknowledgeable remarks sides living in the Idol mansion, contest- about the music industry are history. ants will also have the chance to per- After four years of declining ratings, form original songs and make music and a previous season that was de- videos. And when it comes to “theme scribed as “lackluster” due to the few- week,” every song will be customized to est record sales ever, producers tried to that certain contestant. That’s right – no gain back a much needed audience. more rockers trying to sing country. “I don’t know,” junior Katie Carino “I think it was a little awkward when said. “It’s just getting boring. It’s the they had to do that kind of challenge,” Brady Kotlarek (9): same thing year after year.” junior Claire Turner said. “And I can “They are super fly. I Season 10 of American Idol has got- relate, since I’m awkward.” like them a lot.” ten an extreme makeover and the only Also, as most viewers have learned, judge left standing after the decade is producers of the show have lowered the former Journey band member Randy age limit to 15 in the hopes to find a Jackson. After the allegedly worst sea- larger talent pool this season. Idol audi- son of Idol, producers booted judges ences can now expect younger faces to Ellen DeGeneres and Kara DioGuardi.
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