I I I I I I Ir I -1 I ,pt Vol. HlluiU eWASHInGTOH, D. [. JHLV 1945, nlo. G I N EVERY JOB THERE'S A LAUGH OR TWO One o.r.. fighting Bothers ov ers.as hos #e A DIRTY TRICK TIHE EUROPEAN VICTORY SONG us th, erses iotowingHe s"v~ he can't take credit for writing then, bat thesght other Brtth- An Irishman asked the manager ofa eirrus ore in serrice might get a kwk out of the,,), for a job. The mastrager inuiread what he could do- "I can dive 200 feet into a wet ra a,'' etme the A self-slyled Napoleon greedily sought ) SHED A TEAR, KIND FRIEND ready answer. "WhWt's your nalue ' asked the To conquer the continent x#ith fore;~ ]ib reign of terror has now been rut, or mqanager. "Mike Kelly.",*as the reiply. 'Okay, Mike, go ahead.rId showae," Ills evil pm,,re destroyed at its source. AIN'T IT A SHAME! So Mike made the {ive and broke his collarbone. And now our longed-for victory is here, And a song of cheer pierces the atmosphere. When the bugles sound their final ca. Next lay in ihe hoaptal tile manager cahe to see him and called him a flop . "That's,nt fair," And bombs explode no mnore Chorus- And we returt to what we did said Mdike., "I eou.d have done it only sonebody Before we went to war, squeezed the water out of the rag." 'Svoh6dny Nar6d"-- The sudden shift of status (E(, t;~; J. TiaO aN. 's, T. 0, '1he Russianas elan t their song~ On the ladder of success "A Free People"-' Will place some worthy gentleman The British sing along; In a simply awful mess. Chime in French, old and young, Just to think of some poor captain, Ali nation after nation Minus all his silver bars, Joins the chorus, i, every tonfuet Standing behind sone counter Selling peanuts and cigars. 2nd Chorus'- And think of all the majors With their oak leaves left behinid Our Europe is free again, And the uniform they're wearing aten'ding tohe again The mother r oivilization; Is the Western Union kind. It shan't be misled again, Shed a tear for some ]oor colonel Nor rivers of blood shed atgai If he doesn't fill himself, Within its newly laid foundation! Jerking sodas isn't easy And now that tylrants' rule is past. When your eagle's on the shelf. let's make our hard-'won flperhlon, Ilst 'Ti a bitter pill to swallow, And remain within Demoeracy's ranks. 'Tis a matter for despair, -Ds. ds" ,yes. yes'"-"Oui, nui"[ Being messengers and clerks again- It's up to you anti e A mighty cross to bear, To see that our,urope stays free! S. be kind to working people A Bit 'o Luck, That you meet whtre' r you go,- Ann GLICK, For the gUy w ho'swashing dishes May have bee, your old CO. L. U. No. 3. M. A. "BUSTY" DOSON, E.M, I1C, L. U. No. 77. YOUR LETTER SUCKER! I read it again. each worn soiled page., A MISTAKE The latest that came here fronm you. It was twelve o'clock on w internight, "No[! ain't gonna trade today, You said that It's only three weeks but seeis like an age, The fire bell rang the sky wa. bright; was cheese yesterday and it turned out lo be About time that atothe one's due. The hose was laid in record time, jell)'! The firemen were experts in their line. P. 3. ANnrI*oN, Fu~tnny how things that one seemed a hore, L. U. No. 474. Now help to warm no right through. The house was new, lust two weeks old, Like Bill and his toys, strew, over the floor, The fire it raged in the bitter cold; And the everyday things you both do, Cracking of flames, no other sounil, The house burned down to the level ground. ,See na. s qSo v e c'ra ,aee to att pahlet s'o p a to You say he's indloora since had weather came, sitte tt fit tic golameTh alikg /fr the vets Dcthrro And be's playinEk soldier today. Several days of invetigation God g ra0 tlhat to him it's always a ganle. To determine the cause of the coaflogration; The real thing is not neant for play. Report was made by Marshal Meyer, MOTtlER GOOSE-ELEC'RWac STYLE "Defective wiringt caused the fire. You aslk if TisI you. Gee, that makes me smile, In answer to your S, 0. S. t I'll stir you up ia little ess, Why, you're both ' ops" in nly other world - Not satisflpd with this report, The ones qI o.... bjack to, when weve heart! the The contractor began to rave and snort; And for a name. I guess. last 'l[ell' He proved to all the repar.t was wrong, Let's call it "'WIRE NUTS," And our batte flags are once again furled. For the SErVice never was 'tied on" Hickory, Dickry. D..k A .OUSrail.. U the clock. It's time to move on now, so I'll say al revoir, The wire report was il the hag, Frtmn then . things wvre hectic, Next tI ...y hizt your bliter I ]}lace. Bunt was supterseded for a painter's rag: Poor Mickey said, "Was my tail red! Write again socn dear, your words from afar Wires, though l]eat{, are oft to hlame, The darn thing was delelu,'' Bolster my courage in all that I face. In some folks' milAds they'll start a flaem. I. B. (MIcK... MeC,'rt.r., E, H. aiowia PFC. WILLIAM SmutluIC, JR., L. U1 No, 24. Formerly of L. U. No. a. tavo 4Oeeth St, A %., Vauh4,4 9to, Z. e. Page CHAT Frontispiece-An Era Ends.2. An Era Begin - - - - - 194 Shall Big Business Supersede Standards Bur eau ? 1 5 Take a long breath. The JOURNAL s back ident _ 17 _on the beam. The omission of the June, 1945, I. B. E. W. Unions Mourn, Honor Late Presi dent - ~~~197 number may yell mark the end of the Get- Electronics-New Tool for Control of Power _ _ _ ~~ 198 ..... mar war and the transmission to the inter- Health Insurance Probes Economic Depths - --200 mediate period of war and peace. Our stren- Bonneville and Unions Sign Epochal Agreemj uents - 201 uous efforts to keep within the paper quota Bell's Funny Wage Structure Under Fire - - _ 202 make other adjustmentsnecessary, but we Time and Motion Study Once Outlawed, Back 204 believe we can proramise our loyal readers that Aluminum, Electricity, Hand in Hand - 205 there will he no other omissions this year of "Henry Miller" Survives Enemy Torpedoing 205 JOURNA)L numbers. Broadcast Technicians Meet to Discuss Probl eros - 206 cav 206 Two City Teams Bowl by Telephone - - 207 Omission of ihe June nunber served one - - Editorial - - - - ... 2908 good purpose. It indicated to us again the Radio Stations in Agreement with I. B. E. NV, 210 loyalty and interest of our members in the Woman's Work - - - - - ..... 212 monthly magazine. We have been literally Correspondence - - - - - - .. 213 swamped by contributions and this July In Memoriam.- - - 222 number represnts a rigid selection of sa- Death Claims Paid for April, 1945 226 terial from contributions that would fill a Death Claims Paid for May, 1945 _ 227 magazine twice this size, This means, of Official Receipts - - - - - - - - 228course, that there willibe some disappointed people, but we will rapidly repair the breach * This Journal will hot ,e laid respu.,sjbl for vie wsby expressedcorrepon s, to the best of our ability so that before the The first of tacIt month is the closing date; all copy asust be iz, hurtIsand,on or before. summer is Iver, we roerto luave Ill the good contributions taken care of. EXECUTIVE OFFICEI[RS Internathonal president, EawFI . fIROWN. Tittiestie >rl{Secretary. , M. B GNIAZET, I2 1200 1Lbt St., N. W., Washington h, D1. I, Ithi ,I*; t,-+N . W. Wsinton5,... G," o St,, N. W., Washington &,D. C. It is apparent to anybody with half an eye lnterllationst Treasurer, W. A. IEIO 0iAN, 647 South, Sixth Ave., Mt. VYerno ,N.Y. * N. Y. ~~~~~~onthe presentI domestic situation that a re- VICE PRESIDENTS INTERlNATIONAL. conversion period is to be a difficult one. EXECUTIVE (OUNCIL There will be a good deal of confusion. First District F.L 195 Dundas St., London, Ont., Canada C... aRLES1. pA-tsSN, Chrdrrnan There will be considerable unemployment. Second District 4 JOHN J. l{~;a~ 4937 W. Cuyler Ave., Chicag, 41, Ilh. Em. 239, Park Square Bldg., Boston.. .I, Msss,. First Dist jet ~ Itaflya V,, A ~JSDE, There will also be attempts by hostile news- Third District WILLIAM Th WAIWER C. 2sth St., New York 10, N, y. papers ani iptiudicals uoom 1102, City (C,entrme Illg., 121 No., t r.-oad hI divide the labor St., Philadelphia 7, Pa. Second District-- I F. L. KXsm¥y Fourth District (laven M. FREEMAN 95 B.teou St., Hlyde Park 36, Mass, forces and to confuse issues to that extent 1423 flamilton National Bank Bldg., Third flis tri-t _..... WITIAM C. Rocco that labor will be unsure of its course of Cbihttarnooga, Tenn. 2104-5 Layw & Finance Bldg. Pittsburgh 19. Pa. Fifth District C. X. Ba.li..a Fourth Di rit e C. F. Pgiel.rIm actionj. In such a period it ig.ssential that 905 Waitts Bldg., Birnmingham , Ala. 2025 2r ndSt., N.
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