for All Department! toll RED BANK REGISTER RE 64013 VOLUME LXXVIII, NO. 7 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1955 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12. Billy Hoag to Sing Coast Guard Auxiliary Holds Rendezvous Here Walling Post School to Get At Sea Bright Concert Launches Drive Prosperity on the March Here, SEA BRIGHT—Billy Hoag, sing- TINTON PALLS — The Capt. New Fire Escape er and operator of the Bamboo David A. Walling American Legion room here, will be one of the add- ost launched Its 1956 membership Sales Management Survey Shows SHREWSBURY—Bids for a new ed attractions at tonight's open drive Monday of last week. fire escape from the second story air jazz concert at the Sea Bright Participating members were di- NEW YORK CITY—Prosperity of the oldest section of the school bathing pavilion. ldcd Into six teams comprised of will be received at the Sept. 12 Is on the march In Red Bank, with Also featured tonight are Kenny a team captain and five members, families earning more and upend- meeting of the board of education. Barry of HI fill ail (Is and Stephen Bernard O. Markcy, commander of' Dr. Moran to Open Action to obtain the bids was ,Cestaro. Music will be provided by he post, said. Team captains will ing more than those In most Mo- taken Monday night after Frederic Hal Miller and his orchestra. 'eport the results of their cam- Dental Office tions of the United States. Fessler, Hazlet architect, informed The concerts are sponsored paigns at each meeting, Mr. Mar- The facts are revealed In Salea the board he received state ap- kcy added. proval of the plans. He estimated weekly by the Sea Bright Cham- FAIR HAVEN — Dr. Frank S. Management's new copyrighted sur- It would cost $7,500. The present ber of Commerce and the borough The six-week drive will end Scpl. Moran, Jr., will open an ofllcc Mon- vey of buying power, covering th« escape has an exit from one of two of Sea Bright. Cy Friedman of the 8. day for the general practice of entire country. classrooms at the western side of chamber is chairman of the band dentistry in the new Meyer build- They show that business activity the building. The new fire escape committee. ing at 116 River rd., Fair Haven. in Red Bank reached new heights will have exits from each class- Three Named to in the past year, with retail stores room. The descent will be away chalking up a sales volume of J52,- from rather than alongside the 722,000, an Increase over the S51,- building. Pet Parade Set Planning Group 386,000 record of the previous year* Thomas P. Doremus, board at- FAIR HAVEN—Three members r,arge-Scale Buying torney, Informed the board that For Keansburg of a 17-mcmbpr quasi-official com- The large-scale buying, which New Jersey's law on indecent lit- mittee whjeh will work out a plan means more luxurious living, Is tied erature contains no , prohibition KEANSBURG — The animal to upgrade new residential con- to a. prosperous, growing popula- against "horror comics." Lester C. kingdom ^will take over the beach- struction on a borough-wide basis tion. Better earnings made It pos- Scott, board secretary, said he re- front of this resort town Saturday were named Monday night by sible. The data shows that the quested copies of a New York law afternoon of this week when the Mayor Edgar V. Denlse. •1,300 families in Red Bank had a dealing with the matter. When first annual pet parade will be net income last,year, after deduc- they are received, a resolution will held by the Beach Merchants as- The now committee comprises BoclaUon. the nine members ot tho planning tion ot personal taxes, of $28,788,- be drafted fov forwarding to New hoard, the four active members of 000. It marked a gain over the 125,- Jersey's legislators. The committee in charge of the 854,000 accounted for In 1083. event announced that the parade tho zoning board of adjustment Seek Lunch Boom Women s open to all kinds of animals. ami four residents from different Tho local earnings total, divided Howard Matteson, principal, was They reported that several unusual sections of the borough. Named by the number of families In the authorized to attempt to engage entries have already been received, Monday night as resident members city, represents a net Income of two women to supervise children In addition to the customary do- were Russell Borua, John Ander- $8,895 per family. during the lunch hour, thus re- mestic pets, such as cats, dogs son and Charles Soden. Charles This was more than was earned lieving the faculty of that respon- and birds. Otto Barth and Fred Morallcr of Harvard rd. was nam- by families generally throughout sibility. Mr. Matteson said use of Soharff; co-chairmen, announced ed as the first resident member at tho United States, $5,274, and than Parent-Teacher association volun- the only restriction on animals Is council's July 25 meeting. the $5,905 per family earned In the teers last year did not prove com- that skunks to be paraded must Objective of the committee, said Middle Atlantic states. The figures pletely satisfactory because differ- first be deodorized. Mayor Denlse at the July 25 ses- arc arithmetical averages. ent mothers were on duty each The parade will form at 1:30 sion, will bo to set up regulations The fact that sales were In ex- day. p. m. at the corner of Carr and to prevent the construction of cess of Income locally shows that small houses that would mar the Dr. Frank S. Mornn, ,lr. Red Bank 13 the trading hub for The principal's suggestion that Center aves. All contestants must much of the surrounding area. $1,000 be appropriated to pay for report by 1:30 p. m. to be placed appearance of the borough and A native of West Orange, Dr. the two women's services was met In the proper division. The pa- would not bring in enough tax Moran graduated from Seton. Hall Local Income High with prolonged discussion. The radera will proceed north on Carr revenue to pay a proper share of preparatory school in 1944. After How much better off financially main argument was that $1,000 ave. to Beachway and then march the costs of schools and other a period with the U. S. Army, people in Red Bank were last year was too much to pay for ISO hours along Beachway to the steamboat municipal services. during which ho served In tho Pa- Is evidenced by the figures. They of work. Mr. Matteson finally was pier. Recreation Study cific area, hn entered Georgetown show that local Income, on the directed to make the best arrange- Marching with the pets and their university, Washington, D. C, where basis of population, should have ments he could. He said one of Also appointed Monday night by been only .0085 per cent of the na- masters will be three bands. The Mayor Denlse were Councilman ho graduated with a bachelor o( the mothers would be on duty in Bayonne P.A.L, band, which pa- science degree. He Is a graduate tional, hut that It was actually .0115 the lunch room, the other on the Tony Hunting, to represent coun- per cent. raded here last year; St, Patrick's cil, and Joseph F. Hunter to rep- of the Georgetown university School playground or in the gymnasium band of Jersey City, and the Un- of Dentistry. on rainy daya, resent the planning board to work The general rising Income situa- ion Beach band will provide the with' a committee of Dnds, Inc., on Dr. Moran is a member of the tion, the experts agree, la a sound Mrs. Arthur G. Ross later,ques- marching music. a survey of future recreational American Dental association, Oml- one, baaed on a stabilized dollar tioned the propriety of the board's Prizes will be awarded In several needs of the community. Mr. Hunt- cron Kappa Upsllon honor dental and an economy built on growing engaging people who are not categories. The judges will be Dr. er Is chairman of the planning society, Psl Omega dental fraternity private enterprise and decreasing specifically trained to supervise A. R. Gilman, head of the Llncroft board, and Mr. Hunting chairman and tho American Society of Den- defense spending. children. Mr. Matteson said he animal hospital; A. W. Smith, of of the community affairs commit- tistry for Children. How each community stands with would try to train the mothers se- the Woodland farm estate of Am- He la married to the former Bev- relation to others in purchasing lected for the job. ory L. Haskell, and Edmund Daw- tee of borough council. Council received a petition sign. erly Miller of Vlncennea, Ind. ability and economic well-being is , Mr, Scott suggested local worn son, of the Strongheart Dog Food shown In the survey by a "quality en Interested in taking the part- company, which is contributing ed by 17 residents of Locust ave protesting the parking ban on the of market" index. Thia la a weight- time positions should contact Mr. many of the prizes. ed figure that takes Into account Matteson at the school. The Beach Merchants associa- west side of that street. Kenneth N. J. Potato Coaklcy, who presented the peti- population, Income, sales and other The pay for janitors was set at tion is' also making plans for its factors.
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