29A Calendar of events 31A In our 25th year covering Sanibel and Captiva VOL. 25, NO. 11 TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1986 v 88 PAGES, THREE SECTIONS 25 CENTS Investment chib is in %uir swing "^,; The year-old, club of< people who want to play the stpck - market - or just learn more about it - has increased* its member-' vShip cap from 20 to 30, : 22 A They might be cute, but raccoons can be deadly " ,Because>otthe threat to , .humans of afatal vyorm In'fec^ > CflOW wfH > die raccoon be extra Sanibel woman dances in Fort Myers production Former New Ydrk dancer Marsha, WagneJE stjjl >has. what it takes on sta^e.'Stte-wlH' Join other Southwest Florida, dancers at the Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall this Satur- day evening, , WHATS INSIDE Alts-Leisure Business Cftvside < Classifieds -..^ Clubs V Crossword puzzle Milestones Police beat Sheliingtlps Beachin' it While it's fun in the sun for the volleyball players in Though they left Indiana for the Sunshine State, they the background, spring breakers Paul Shoaf and Ben- still sported their Phi Kappa Psi fraternity hats in case son Yank just want to do what most college students do they met any other brothers. in Florida this time of year • catch some rays. Read what college students think about Sanibel's Shoaf and Yank were on the Island with about 15 of law against alcohol on the beach after sunset on page their classmates from Purdue University in Indiana. 5A. Photo by David Dugatkin. + mmmmMmmzsz^^m* I L Tl-- ISLANDER Tuesday, March 18, 1986 3A cis&ndhv Temperatures at the same time last year were about the same as they were last week on the Islands: 2A Tuesday HIGH LOW RAIN March 18,1986 WEATHER Monday, March 11,1985 79 67 0 Tuesday, March 12,1985 78 67 0 Wednesday, March 13,1985 81 67 0 WATCH Thursday, March 14,1985 80 67 0 ISLAND SHORTS Friday, March 15,1985 80 67 0 Saturday, March 16,1985 80 67 0 EDITOR- Cindy Chalmers Sunday, March 17,1985 74 61 .22 ADVERTISING-BUSINESS MANAGER: Peter Cloud The weatherman calls for highs in the low 80s and REPORTERS Barbara Brundage, Scott Martell, Julie Niedenfuer Betty Thompson honored lows in the mid 60s under partly cloudy skies in PHOTOGRAPHER- David Dugatkin Southwest Florida this week. There is a slight chance of Some folks on the Islands might have complained CONTRIBUTORS. George Campbell, Mike Fuery, Ann about last week's rain, but they should keep in mind WHAT showers through Friday. ADVKTlS SALES: Rob Kasten, Paula Patterson, Last week's weather according to records kept by the that things could have been a lot worse • and were a lot Frances Stem as ABWA Woman of the Year worse elsewhere in the United States and Canada. Here CLASSIFIEDS: Gloria Kasten o IS IT? Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce was as follows: SUBSCRIPTIONS: Belinda York committee. HIGH LOW RAIN is a sampling of highs and lows recorded over the GRAPHICS DESIGN, PRODUCTION: Eloise Marietta, Julie The 1986 Woman of the Year in weekend. Niedenfuer Thompson has worked full-time Monday, March 10 73 53 .46 LOCATION the Sanibel-Captiva American LOW HIGH MAILING ADDRESS Business Women's Association for Michigan Homes on Sanibel for Tuesday, March 11 79 67 0 P.O. Box 56 2407 Periwinkle Way We don't want to know what it looks like or Wednesday, March 12 80 67 0 Montreal, Canada 32 37 Sanibel, FL 33957 Next to the B Hive was elected at the monthly dinner seven years. She manages 55 25 45 472-5185 what it reminds you of We want to know EX- meeting last week. Her friends homes and condominiums and Thursday, March 13 80 69 0 Winnipeg, Canada 36 46 Newsstand price 25 cents Sanibel-Captiva Islander ACTLY WHAT IT IS Friday, March 14 80 67 .70 Albany, N.Y. (USPS 481-400) • Second class and fellow businesswomen elected handles all the book work, reser- 27 40 Annual subscription prices The photos in this weekly stumper can be Saturday, March 15 78 77 0 Anchorage, Ala. postage permit paid for at Betty Thompson for the annual vations and correspondence from 33 extra close-ups or odd angles of things we all Burlington, Va. 36 Lee County $10 Sanibel Island, FL 33957. honor. renters and owners. In addition Sunday, March 16 74 65 1.58 S15 Postmaster: Please send form see every day around the Islands. They might Duluth, Minn. 23 43 Split A charter member of the she sells general real estate. She USA $15 3579 and changes of address be upside-down, reversed or a portion of the Fargo, N.D. 22 42 Foreign S20 to P.O. Box 56, Sanibel, FL Sanibel-Captiva ABWA chapter, earned her real estate sales 33957. whole. Thompson has given generously of license in 1974 and her brokers Milwaukee, Wis. 34 40 Joan Nicholson guess- her time and talents for numerous license in 1984. Portland, Me. 33 50 ed the stumper correct- club projects over the past eight Before moving to Sanibel Syracuse, N.Y. 35 49 ly this week She told us years. For the past three years she Thompson managed an apartment it was portion of a has coordinated the association's complex in Indianapolis, Ind , for telephone receiver that Christmastime participation in three years and was an executive MMMMB COUPON — — ™ appears on the the WINK Giving Tree project for secretary at Metropolitan Airport Betty Thompson emergency and some the American Lung Association. in Indianapolis for 4V2 years. SLOW AND EASY public phones She has served as the ABWA When she accepted the Woman Island throughout the Islands hospitality chairman and of the Year trophy last Thursday Island ABWA chapter and looked If you think you know AEROBICS Last week's stumper membership chairman and has co- evening Thompson said she was forward to her continued par- ;at what this v, eek"s stump- chaired the wavs and means proud to be associated with the ticipatfon in the organization MON?| Gifts er is. caJ The Islander. 472-5185 The first person to call ajth the correct answer WED. M0:45 A.M. The Best Little Gift Shop on Sanibel receives his choice of an Islander t-shirt or a Power squadron commends 28 students FRI. J SHELLS * T-SHIRTS * GIFTS one-} ear subscription to the newspaper TUES. - 9:30 A.M. Kin s We put smiles CDCC 9' Crown on lots of faces... for completion of Safe Boating Course rKCC with $5 purchase Ambiance in our wonderland of terrific 1609 PERIWINKLE WAY toys, cuddly creatures, colorful equipment, boat handling, basic navigation, chart The Sanibel-Captiva Power Squadron proudly an- Studios I HOURS 9-9Mon-Sat fRI^I 472-43'!8 kites, dolls, books & more nounces that 28 students recently completed the Safe reading, inland and river boating, piloting problems, J Sometimes on Sunday Boating Course. Those receiving graduate certificates engine troubleshooting and marlinspike seamanship. 975 Rabbit Rd are: Richard Blackburn, Elizabeth Boers, Gerard The squadron commends the following people who Sanibel Gift wrapping 472-3545 Buhrman, Eleanor Calfee, Randy Cook, Ray Dewhirt, donated their time and knowledge to teach this & Shipping Tahitian Garden Plaza John Eichenlaub, Paul Greenman, John Harrington, course: Ed Barnes, Bob Crossman, Herb Ferguson, 472-5543 Margaret Harrington, Tommy Jaeger, Fred Lorenz, Charley Gold, RoyJML George Irwin, Bob Kessler, Rosalie Lorenz, George Lyle, Linda McCarthy, Ariane Bob Muhlig, Bill Rekshan, Chuck Ringel, Bruce McCarthy, Earl McCoy, Ann McCroskery, Hamilton Skubic, Ed Smith, Gordon Tracy and Bob Vartdal. McCroskery, Maureen Morgan, John Opel, Julia Opel, The Safe Boating Course is taught annually, andall ^POGUE^OGERS George Paisley, Nancy Paisley, Anthony Ragonese, interested parties are invited to participate. Dates for Hans Trinler, Sandra Trinler and Linda Wheeler. next year's session will be announced in the fall. • Lets Co Don't The course included rules of the road, required Out TO The Meeting set to discuss private elementary school UR Horse Photo Finist\ing MOVIES A Sanibel woman who is exploring the possibility of 4.1 want to be supportive of a teacher who cares This week's stumper establishing a private elementary school on the Island about my child. TWO SHOWS EACH DAY Around has put together the following simple test for parents 5.1 believe my child can learn more that public 7:00 P.M. & 9:30 P.M. If you answer yes to four or more of these six ques- schools are providing. tions, then you should be interested in learning more 6.1 want to send my child to a private school, but I • MARCH 19-25 about One Room School House, Inc. am concerned about qualified teachers. T/X" R Yes or no: An organizational-brainstonning.meeting is plann- WHY 1.1 monitor my child's homework daily. ed for 7:30 p.m. next .Tuesday, March 25, at 1072 The most dazzling thriller of the 2.1 am frequently in touch with teachers about my Yachtsman Drive. Any parents who are interested in new year with heart pounding child's special needs. learning more about the concept are urged to attend action that doesn't let up. 3. I have established standards of behavior to For more information call Noranne Brenner, 472-9509 which my child must adhere at home and at school. evenings WAIT — ONE WEEK ONLY — one or two days for TWO FILMS A DAY! 20 Years Ago This Week tional publications recently. Articles have appeared in your color prints when MARCH 26 - APRIL 1 March 17,1966 the New York Times, Sports Illustrated and Audubon "TWICE IN A LIFETIME" R 7 P.M.
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