Rssssss^ Ifjstfr Lettcttfns Iffraui Tio N S Irtuie Gift Pens for Mothe HOSIERY

Rssssss^ Ifjstfr Lettcttfns Iffraui Tio N S Irtuie Gift Pens for Mothe HOSIERY

r-•»■’•* •*..» .-^rr-. ' <*■■» 4 *■« ^ « <w i ■-.. ’■^■^ V i- \- Ifjstfr lEttcttfns IffraUi FRIDAY, MAY S, 1958 k. i R s b ’ The Wsstirar Para mot af P. M Waottw idaht at S Jo^..ta tlw aoSool O yda O. Bockwtth. M l Mlfh^ W CTU w ill kayo an aU<day Hw Bowora PTA win hold ita t u a 8 t, amployod a t Caao' Broa. ttiaaday. May 10, from gnmal awatlng Monday, May ». I. Changed nudttortaiB. Iflaa ^ M acf of TitegM llr-TiniMf About Town UM State XXpartiiaat of Ikfiioa- lac., aad Richard A- Chl«M— 10:90 ajn. la tha South Matbodiat in tha aefaool auditoctum. Prom pt­ AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Uon wUl ahow oUdm of Sar roomt MS HolUater St, amployod at CSutclw: Rad Cfoaa aowlnt wSl bo ly a t T p jn . ahrth gradara wUI pra- fo r Bridge Party! \ EltfEim.Y INSTALUD m a y , dhawam after tettalgbt, lotMTMtod is tanrlM t o foUowod by a potluck Kmeboon at aont a h alf hour eoacart’ o f muaic vWt to SwadOH and talk alwut rear-Hart A Moftmaa- Baotyle _ — Ponaa SetT-— T tm tt 1 Member af the Aaiit Law la laibX.tPa. tlw AoMTlcuia folk duioo <3o. la MirttOrd, haaa been nooa, la charsa of MrA Marlon ahjoyad durfog the year. At S tha aduoatioMl pco(mm «f that The data o f the annual daaaartl Teanla Caarta — Walks Baraaa ef OIroolattan ahowarn. B g ii In aspar M>a lilBc put on ky the country. , v ad to mSahonhlp lit tha laart< Barrott and bar committee. At X o'clock olactloa of OBcara for thp ■ ■Mi am. floout traopa m. tha Rov. John B. Poat W tlw eomliig yaar wlU ba bald aad r4- bridga party of tha Woman’a | t m a n s X o t o n s ' Mtatcheiter— Village Charm ford' Cntptar. NaUonal z • t « t e St. SumomT Sdiool tloa of Coat Acoountante. Rorth MaSiodlat Chureh\will porta for tha praaant yaar wUf ba ' Manchaatar'Mamorlal igod If. Imwiod rr mat XaitlM’ nn and St. •A iBMcial maettnsof tha St. Md> apmk cuV<AlcahoI, A cairlatlaa aubmittad. A aortal hotm^wl^ape iiagad from .nONS SOTBBWiatiD^BV /■ trdNa tomorrow aftar- '.’a Canatoiy Aaaa. w m jte haM RaapoBaUMlity,** ^ dial rafraahmaata will oor 0 tha follow- ] VOL. LXXIV, NO. 185 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, MAY 7, 1955 aa P a g* M ) PRICE FIVE CENTS S to 4 la tba yard of tha lowar church a t • 1 .H o a - Claroaea T. ___ lOS prograln. ly It , duo/to| S*. loa St., wiU ' homo fo f BROTI M not. m e«w of xata day. Dua to tha raoaat onlaci^ Halrdraaaan 'of Manobaater adio ant for ih a | V ............ ." ' wia So pcmpooed Bwnt of tha 'oaawtory andsttw a'aetback party _ y alcbt at HEi> ItM z . s S o'clock for tha/beaafltfit ofo f 8I un2 contributad ganarouMy to ^ ia Sm blarnA^ No. 0 - ANTTIBfE V -—.. plau baiac formad for Itadr arthritic clinic at Maachaator Mo* Day moating *0 isitr !«• aunt. It la aJopacM that It .CouacU N f i / ^ t ) a * r e o o f P HABTPOBO CHapaM-S«t JPire Takes Nine Lives mortal Hoapital have baaa laritad at S pm. at Thiajrbar'adaaaart bridga. which] puhihionara a w anah to^Ate Pocahoataa. till Vtmbara B lte NbiBa. BbckvlUa. A aortal / X mmnal maattes of tha Var> cordially lavl| to laapect tha a*w therapy depart-, la b < ^ eallod tha Tulip ^Mma Paa- aad paitldpafa l^tha arafS of i mant, Wadneaday, M ay 11. a t 1:90. wOhrSiteStalMnta wlU fol- Uvai Bridga Party. wdU birhaM la | FT*, wfll bahald Tuaaday aaaoclatton. _-Jjaatar man ara W Stanlay McCray, tha hoapital d in fv roam __ ____ amployaa at Pratt and Mr. and'Mra. Ruaaall T . Mocmaa, ba a a a li^ at 1:90 whoa a ohoieo o f "te r Mra. Normaa TraVla, M Turn* Mra Claranca Ka- dcaaorti" and oOffaa w ill ba i ■ dTlag raoarva* itaojKAircraft who won a tote} 58 Chaatnut S t, announce tlw H rth buu Rd., who la ra^alai of a daugb^, liaidA Jana, on ^ Andrew damaon. Mra. WIIMm -Stroud, tlon a for aanivaraary par- ~~ 'M In monthly aussaatioa rssssss^ at the .Eaat Hartford 9 at tha Wtotford'^oapltol. Tba chairman for th f party, haa an- ty o f Aaaambly No. IB, \ M u m m t M B acoonUns to William 'P. mMarhal grandparanU are Mr. Oraat ' Booka Dtacusatan nouacadAa tha that a^artty than ofw illtba, ba hwplUl priaoa. Ordar w fo r OirlB, win meat Wadaaaday night aiwing rOom ia limited-tw47 taalaa, I ■ \ _____ ...M a y 14, at « gaaoral managar. They are and Mra. William P. McOaUand pi of 91 Lako St and the pi Tso at tha Mary Chanay U- advance 'raaertatloaa Should bal Mhar In i SlHW 1p.m. Maaoaie TamplA would 1 ^ lb. Dubola, SS E n ax S t, made; by eaUlBg, Mra. John AlUaon | who, won SUM -lad Hamilton grandparanta ara- Mr. aad ; The book to ba dlacutead la Uka, m aeea|yieaa by Mao'* Vicol'a"Tha New Srtaaca." or Mra. PhUl|);lilWrcomb^ nw s ^ y fc ta l l 2 HannayT^fS S t John St, |1|H. Richard Mooaan of Old ............ es on X 111 ...... '■» ii U.S. Urges [ Blast Effects Manchester t i o n s Irtuie Halt of AU ‘Sits Tight’ Salk Shots With Plans Washington,' May 7 . The starting date of the ^you're T^ht / ■ The goverament today urged mass anti-poiio inoculation .y '- '- v ' that all polio vaccinatioii pro­ program in Manchestef and grams be halted untiLIt can Connecticut depends e n tir^ report Sunday whether, in its on word due Sunday from Ae fe^nmy/~with Hie • ^ Plremaa aaaiat two reaMente of tlw Caaifirt hotel dawa aa a a ^ ladder ddUteg a term alarm Mato hi the Chleago hatrt. NIm lodgora wore fcSM aad U Injnrad.tod. ra M a c t lo ii'^ ''police aad draaaea view, present supidiO} of the Washington bn an evaluation X/'; \ mead oootoa o f Uvea. (K B A Tbiaplw to ). -\>. Salk vaccine aiVkiwfe. \ . now being made of a. report Surgeon Cenertl LaonXrd A. 'pn the Salk vaccine. ■V Scbecle' made this aanouncament Harold 8. Barrett, a state early today, several houfa after a dapbty health conuniaalpner who Boost in jobs alx-man medical panel completed Hvet ^sqt 120 Lakewood Circle a two-day study Uf the way \ia South, said “Tha program te not which tha aerum is manirfaatigbd being canceled, but we're Just sit­ Seen Boon to and tested. \ ting tight'^x Scbeela gave np hint- o f what' United Sta'tM Surgeon Oen. tha panel had raportM Ha Indicat­ ard Scheele'early this mora- GOlP ’56 Hop^ ed, . though that other “infbrma- lasuad anXaaaoOacatBant Uon" alao Wrtild be consldarad be­ ig that aU tnoouatioas ba held / Waahington, M ay T (P>—Soma fore tha Public Health Service up Ttrading comptetion o f a atudy ./Rapubllcana aald today a aaw> gala Waahington, March 7 (/P>—An afijeeinent vSs reported gives an offlclid opinion gunda^ - o f tm. report miulo by a panel o f HOSIERY la employment—If the trend con- near today to end the 65-day strike on the Louisvilleriue Sc Nash­ Cleared Vaortae Safe top medical experta. Stored In Our Own Vault : tlnuaa—promlaea to undermine a Only yesterday. Scheele had rec­ Schcete aaid tea evaluaUoa would jppteattel Democratic taaue In tha- ville Railroad Monday morning and send the disputed issued ommended that vaccinaUon pro- to arbitration. The agreement was hammered out at an all bo ready tomorrow. The 'report was On The Preihises ISM'iM^dcntial caaipaign. grama be continued. He aaid then made by a six-man Oommittea h m For Mother's But aoma Demperata inalatod (ht aasstea' of union and awn-V' that vaccine already cleared by. involved mrthods and mamuac- PURS^STOREO FOR 3*A OF YOUR VALUATION that an April flgura of 41.68S,0^ janwatarm rapraaantatlvas with the tha B ^ th Service for public use ture and testing o f the ih^ertao, ' paraona -working on rtviUaa ,>wa NaUonal8 Mediation Board. waa aafo. - te "mlalaadlng,** arguing th*ra la Sonw' detaU* ■till ware being Formosa T^uce Officiate of the National Foun­ Plana N at Oaneetod Day Ohs ^ oriUoal unompioymant in many -worked out but the mala faaturas dation for Infantile Iteralyais Meanwhile, Dr^. Stanley H. Oa- areaa of fba\country. A joint re- of the agraamaat—the basis' for could not bcreached for comment born, Connecticut^; state health port yaatarday by thd Labor a M arWtratiag tha case (wbmitting Hope Brighter, on the lateat move in the vaecine I" commiasioner, said ^ atate w ill Full fashioned nylons in sheer /' Ooaimerca Bapaiwenta alto Mid' to a nautraTa binding aituaUon. go ahead w ith , its plaps to Inocu- UNTRIMMED CLOTH GOATS ~ Ha5e unaaqtloymant dropped by 900,000 decision)—bad bean dsoMad upon 1^0 ^ o o l ^ d r o n unlrtw it ia toM and service weights.,.^, The medical papal met' at the rivlae. with reinforced heel sndided to about 3,M2,000. it waa tearned frtmi tea nagoUa- Menon^Claims National Institutes of Health, Civil defanae ebaervara, St Survival City, Nav:, to Icani Srat hand what aa atomte baaab can do, gat FUR TRIMMED CLOTH GOATS $2jN tors. a graphic lasaaa (Blay • ) aa they view the wreckage a f two bouaea which were Mnaaheil la explosten for extra wear. - / d o p JaateSed Bethaada, Md., after a number of ««>t poatpoplngV hold­ , San.

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