; CarlCasl:iion s to ^With Mini Lt Gridiron Battles Sign Play leapolisI -Importan... ! CASHIONSIGNSUP A BAD SEASON FOR CHAMPS. .By Leo. 1ARMY AND NAVYr ARE BOOKED OuiMFr Losr'fe TO PLAY STROP*JG TEAMS TODAY V4T/ONAL Ol golf WITH MINNEAPOLIS ,, cnampiqWHIP v. :>ldiers Go C While Sailors | v*' - ^ 1 Against lolgate, ^ |s< are in to Will Be Used in Outfield or Philadelphia Meet Developed gO^ vania. at First Base by Catholic t Has VillanovaPennsylJ. I as Canti Ion. Here Its Opponent. ' «^j| The Chess Champs flu LOST- _ FIRST OF FOUR PLAYERS FOOT BALL GAMES SCHEDULED 1?rrcMiE LOSTTH CHOSEN TO GET IN LINE nl 1 LIGHTWEIGHT CROWN To TO BE PLAYED THIS AFTERNOON ml r,1 ^ IHT.J T^EPDY IAJELCHWo J^1 J Catholic* 1 nlvers*ity v*. Yillanovn. Wmlem Maryland xn. I.r1tan<m at Hrookland. \nllr?, al Lfbnntm. Aiorth 1 Federal Plans to Raid St. :c- Chip *W~77\ (ifoructown vm. WaahlnKton and C*ar»»l!na nhmlly \n. League Lost "7h£ I of ( ror^in. at dole / Lee, at llichmonil. nlYrralty Atlanta. weight Championship /. , ItfxJ \orth t'arollna \. A- Al. A Lcuis Cardinals.Foster and ,'^ytioujovover tinllaudet vm. Ylrglnla Military y Alodlcnl ( ollfKP. at Halriuh. , Williams m& Bun Institute, at Lexington. irKlnla Off bauer.^Pf I nlverxity of Miohlcnn v*. Ml« Hunting. home^3' Yale v*. Yotre Dame, at >>w Acrrlcultural CoIIpbp, at i:n»thlaan Haven. Lanalnir. I*ennMyIvania xn. Xavy, at i nlversify of \A Isronsin th. BY J. ED GRILLO. at Alndixon. Anotmep Champion . Philadelphia. IVrdne, vm. at Ithaca. M Carl Cashion si&rned a contract with who was beaten- t Cornell Ilncknell, wlejan vk. Ilrown I nlvrritlty, Harvard vm. Tufts, at Cambridge. nt Pro* idrnrr. the Minneapolis club of the American at Association He became the Princeton vm. Lafayette, Army vs. CulBatP, nt AA'est l'olnt. yesterday. Princeton. Dartmoutli v*. A'ermont. at nroncrl v of the minor lentrue cluh in Carlisle vm. I'nlverslty of ITanover. part payment for Henri Rondeau, the Dickinson v«. Williams Won "fife-from at Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, tlcttyxbtirjr, at outfielder who is to have a trial with Bantam championship t nlverslty of Ylrglnla vm. Sonth t'ariirip. the Nationals in the Cashion is CHAMPION CSbHMNV CouLOW \A spring:. e fltmlet/cs lost "the Carolina I nlverslty, at nxhlncrton and .IcflTcrxon \h. one of four players on the Washington ,rl°fl baseball championship lie. Charlottesvl Westminster. at Washlnutnn, Pa. club's reserve list who will be mem- JohnM Hopkinn vm. Washington \plira.ska % m. Kan Max \cuiew. at bers of the Minneapolis club next College, at llaltlmore. Lincoln. Im sases . .. The other three have been 3) St. John's vm. Pennsylvania Minnesota \t*. I niverslt* of South season. mtlougrlin (.),., ,.^<; Dakota, at by Joe Cantillon, but their selectednames' ~ I * Academy, at Cheater. Military Aliniienpohs. will not be made public until they have maisel beat out milan as Pametsicaw j5r i a^tmwk «, been signed to a contract. The Aw. League Beat Base Stealerp BY H. C. BYRD. tion for Yale to win than has b.-. 9^ Amur pectec!. Cashion is not apt to be used as a Geo. Is c^i^hipzm^ pitcher. Manager Griffith has asked Bi'rms The weu.' chamois "14 fessurc qampio\v;;r/( *3 oth service elevens, those Sase Stealer KiTke Nat. mclfluohlflj .c-7bboohes the Naval and Military Unless the Carlisle Indians are ah., it C Manager Cantillon to give the big Leagui Academy represent; aft idemv, play hard games today. The per cent stronger today than in a trial at first base, a position fellowfor of their previous sanies, ar. due is to meet and the they which he is anxious to have him dc- j vy Pennsylvania to receive a decisive def,-at n« ti for a contest with veloped. If he fails to come up to gny is booked hands of Pittsburgh Warner's lev. a has not pectations 011 the initial sack Cantillonex4 gate. If anything the Navy, despite shown sn:!icietit strength t» is will most put him in the ,t it is a member of the year to warrant a ... lief that v likely outfield, ^ meeting he able to stand off for it is believed that when played i cotowe of the the Pittsburgh _ g Ave," has the prospects in that position he will developregularly OfAMPlONSHIP Ffton V I OTlUA-f for any length of time. aggregation J. into a batter. iiest contest. mighty strong THECCSWELL ElSHTi *. I * Cantillon left last night for the west. 'he Navy is going to give The University of North Carolina is He will stop off at Cincinnati for a «w*." .' one of the roughest andPennsylliahardest following in the footsteps of tl conference with Chairman Herrmann of iflicts the Quakers have, had in of Virginia in meeting Universitybig the national commission. He also will ,eMT!Er V southern schools. Today it will play Axir». _ ' win. The pay a short visit to his brother, W. D. * I JCiirs, even if it fails to the University of Ueorgia at Atlant*. Cantillon. general manager of the BEET- ,T'.v:,, Sailors have very nearly as gooa a Bast fall the departure from south Great Northern railroad, who has been.! | tea m as represented them last season, foot hall to competition v.:'1 Atlanticthe dangerously ill for some time. Joe will " not made much biggest institutions in the whol.- south winter on his wh lie Pennsylvania has place near * * was made Virginia, ami now it Hickman, Ky. so this It will hy a showing far fall. seems that North Carolina is Eddie Foster and a if fails Alva Williams left NORTHEAST DUCKPIN LEAGUE. nd that the interest in that branch of ' more of surprise the Navy after the Charlottesville patterning- here yesterday for Carthage, 111., Wil- win than it will be if it does finish liams' Chapin Sacks. The Birkles. he racing more au'horities. home, where the two popular Wood... 93 9.7 77 R.Darr.. 7«» 113 00 game"*is developing score. Incidentally, the games Virginia ami : will in on th the long end of the players put several weeks hunt- [ Miller... 02 07 10.7 Renn ST. IHi 10t: apidly than in the racing the flat, I North "Carolina art' to pla\ against tin BALL PLAYERSWANT \ [HEBRAVES UNSIGNED will have to face a more mg down the Mississippi river. Foster. Garner.. Ill 82 8° McCarthy 113 00 00 o far as small owners go," he said. PennIvaniaUniversity of Georgia will giv. their after a visit to his home in Cnicago, Bradford. 84 0.7 88 Fa llows.105 101 0.7 shing attack than it has met at any for wmr Abbott.. 107 0.7 101 72 84 111 Seven different gentlemen have given a line on the strength of h ot expects to return here before the Sealmry.. ne commissions to up likely ivious time this fall, and unless it c.nt.-st to the pick their big Thanksgiving day spend remainder ofholidaysthe Totals.. 487 484 4.71 Totals.. 471 .703 .704 torses from the selling race class. a it is not The big game either of th»s< off season here. ! ? ts up stronger defense only lot quite good enough for the stakes S have in south Atlantic foot hall MORE BYSTALLINGSF0R1915 the schools CONCESSIONS in NATIONAL CAPITAL DUCKPIN LEAGUE. go ing to succeed stopping ® | a nd high-class handicaps.and school now is between themselves. Having been thwarted in their ROLLGOODIVIATCH Velvet Kind. Climbers, them over the sticks for the races next shi to raid 'e.irson.. 07 88 108 Griffin... 100 08 09 AlidIpmen. the St. Louis Browns,intentions 96 5'ear." t would not be unexpected if the High School and the St because Owner Hedges took the Tnwser.. 1<»7 0.7 Hearin... 0.7 111 10.7 The Western ""hapin. 00 100 111 Fillin 00 00 00 Amendments in Contracts Are As all the racing associations in the lames, Whitted and Moran Only A[my loses to Colgate. The Alban's elevens are to play today ,1 to sign all his players for nextprecaution 1 Oilier.. 03 11.7 102 Pierce... 100 03 02 ast and in Maryland and Canada are is the at! h "« season last ab record the latter institution has Satterlee Field, which early spring, the Federal Hills Barely Win FrorrI Hurley... 103 104 0.7 Wells.... 107 82 100 Sought.Fultz Ee-Elected fostering the sport, and found it was a Members Who Have Not remarkle of the latter institution. Ho » League is making a raid on the St. Capitol card the season now m£ide in recent years places it among ground Totals.. 400 .70S ,712 Totals.. 408 474 40.7 'rawing during elevens are fairly fast, and a goo. Louis Cardinals in the hope of being c losing, the prospects are that there to thlb most powerful elevens in the east, for. able to a for Three Years. Come Terms. scholastic contest is looked put winning team in St. Brunswicks in National Brunswick. Capitol Hill. Viill be more high-class racing over and its victory over Cornell recently Louis next season, if there is such a Robinette 811 03 107 McCor'k. 88 102 84 t he we had 08 hurdles next year than have esltablishes the fact that it is not weak thing as the Federal League at that Fletcherd 87 87 101 Litchfield 118 07 i:n men who hunt Weckerly 114 00 100 Risselle.. m 03 120 many years. Young a back time. Rumors of a compromise being League. NEW YORK, October 17..When the a nd ride are attracted to the BOSTON.
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