Index A Absence of Malice, 53 Ain’t in It for My Health, 59, 83 the Baby, 77; Bronco Billy Academy Awards (Oscars), 3, Albee, Edward, 52, 53, 54 and the Greaser, 3; Broncho 4, 5, 7, 10, 18, 31, 38, 39, 41, Alexander, Katharine, 11, 12; Billy and the Maid, 2; 42, 43, 46, 47, 50, 53, 56, Death of a Salesman (play), Broncho Billy and the School 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 74, 12; In Name Only, 12; That Mistress, 3; Broncho Billy’s 79, 80, 81 Awful Mrs. Eaton, 12; That Christmas Deed, 2; Broncho Accomplices to the Crime, 57, 92 Certain Woman, 12 Billy’s Redemption, 2; Accountant, The, vii, viii, 74, Alfred Hitchcock Presents Broncho Billy’s Sentence, 3; 75, 85 (TV series), 42 Broncho Billy: The First Reel Action in the North Atlantic, 31 Alias Smith and Jones Cowboy, 81; The Girl from Adam at Six A.M. (TV series), (TV series), 54 Montana, 2; The Great 51 Allegiance (musical), 55 Train Robbery, 2; The Lucky Adams, Joey Lauren, viii, 66, Allen, Eric, 49 Dog, 3; Raffles, The Amateur 67, 90; Big Daddy, 66; Allen, Woody, 20 Cracksman, 2; The Son-of- Chasing Amy, 66, 67; All the President’s Men, 47 A-Gun, 3; Western Justice, 2 Come Early Morning, 66; All the Real Girls, 68 Andrews, Lloyd, 17, 29–31, 90; Coneheads, 66; Dazed and American Beauty, 66 Rhythm of the Rio Grande, Confused, 66; Mallrats, 66; American Dream, The (play), 53 30; Take Me Back to Trucker, 66; Valley Inn, 66 American Folk Blues Festival: Oklahoma, 31 Adams, Julie, 17, 27, 28, 30; The British Tours, 1963– Andy Griffith Show (TV series), Bend of the River, 30; 1966, 82 33 Creature from the Black American Folklife Center, 82 Angelou, Maya, 41 Lagoon, 17, 27, 28, 29; The American Psycho, 67 Angel Unaware (memoir), 23 Last Movie, 28; Slaughter on America’s Answer: Following the Annie Oakley (TV series), 22 Tenth Avenue, 28 Fleet to France, 79 Antiquities, 73 Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The, Amityville 3-D, 63 April Fools, The, 52 14 Anderson, Gilbert “Broncho Arkansas Baptist College, AETN, viii, 80, 81, 82 Billy,” v, vii, 1, 2–4, 15, 17, 25, 26 African Americans and 18, 35, 77, 81, 86, 91, 93; The Arkansas Educational Arkansas film, 6, 7, 8, 10, Bandit King, 2; The Bounty Television Network. 11, 14, 63, 87 Killer, 3; Broncho Billy and See AETN 95 Arkansas Entertainers Hall of Successful Arkansas Designing Women (TV Fame, 65 School Integration, 80 series), 44; Evening Shade Arkansas Judge, 11 Bend of the River, 30 (TV series), 44, 54; Hearts Arkansas National Guard, 82 Bentley, Wes, 66–67 Afire (TV series), 44; Arkansas Times, 51, 91 Benton, Arkansas, 45, 50, 56, Liberating Paris (novel), 44 Armendáriz, Pedro, 18 59, 65, 73 Bloody Mama, 42, 47, 49, 86 Arthur, Jean, 19 Bentonville, Arkansas, 35 Blount, Lisa, 43, 56, 62, 63, 74, Astaire, Fred, 14 Berg, Amy, 81 75, 76; The Accountant, 74, Autry, Gene, 16, 17, 21–23, 24 Berkeley, Busby, 15 75; An Officer and a Berlinger, Joe, 81 Gentleman, 62; Chrystal, B Bernie, 62, 85, 92 74; Randy and the Mob, Babymaker, The, 42 Berry, Halle, 63 75; September 30, 1955, 43; Bacon, Kevin, 59, 90 Berryville, Arkansas, 15 South of Reno, 62 Bacon, Lloyd, 15 “Besame Mucho” (song), 22 Blue and the Gray, The Bad Santa, 63, 68 Beware, 26 (TV miniseries), 44, 45 Bailey, Jeff, 56, 61, 62, 74 Beyond Glory, 31 Blue Dahlia, The, 19, 20 Ballad of Virgil Cane, The, 49 Big Daddy, 66 Blues Brothers, The, 54 Bambi, 15 Big Parade, The, 7 Blytheville, Arkansas, 22, 80 Banderas, Antonio, 67 Big Sky, The, 31, 85 Bogart, Humphrey, 31 Bandit King, The, 2 Billie, the Hillbilly, 16 Bogdanovich, Peter, 48 Bandits, 63 Billingsley, Jennifer, 50, 51; C.C. Bogle, Donald, 7, 87 Barbaric Beast of Boggy Creek, and Company, 50; General Bonar, Kent, 84 The, Part II, 46 Hospital (soap opera), 51; Bonner, Frank, 54, 88 Bardette, Trevor, viii, 29 Lady in the Cage, 50, 86; Bootleggers, 45 Barkin, Ellen, 67 The Thirsty Dead, 50; White Bound for Glory, 53 Barnaby Jones (TV series), 51 Lightening, 50; The Young Bounty Killer, The, 3 Bashful Bachelor, The, 25 Lovers, 50 Boxcar Bertha, 42, 47, 55 Bates, Kathy, 42 Biloxi Blues, 60, 61, 64, 85 Boy on a Dolphin, 20 Batesville, Arkansas, 76; Ozark Bird, Laurie, 49 Boyle, Peter, 63 Foothills Film Festival (in Bishop of the Ozarks, 16 Bradbury, Ray, 42 Batesville), 76 Black, Karen, 37 Brand of Fear, 21 Bear, Arkansas, 84 Black, Lucas, 62 Brando, Marlon, 29 Beast from the Haunted Cave, 48 Blessed Event, 15 Branson, Missouri, 23 Beautiful Mind, A, 67, 70 blood, dirt & angels (blog), Brennan, Andy, 49 Beckett, Samuel, 53, 54 viii, 92 Brennan, Walter, 14, 49 Beery, Wallace, 4 Bloodworth-Thomason, Linda, Bridegroom, The, 45 Before Little Rock: 44, 45; The Bridegroom, 45; Bridges, James, 42–43, 56, 62, 96 Index 91, 93; The Babymaker, 42; Burn, Robin, 11 Cowboy (TV movie), 81; Bright Lights, Big City, 43; Burns, Bob, 11, 25, 89 A Long Season, 81 The China Syndrome, 43; Burton and Speke (book and Carradine, David, 47, 48 “The Jar” (short story), 42; film), 41 Carradine, Keith, 37 The Paper Chase, 42, 55, 86; Bury My Heart at Wounded Carroll, Earl, 12 September 30, 1955, 43, 62; Knee, 41 Carter, June, 38 Urban Cowboy, 43 Busey, Gary, 46 Carville, James, 42 Bridges, Jeff, 41, 56 Busfield, Timothy, 64 Cash, Johnny, 37–38; A Bright Lights, Big City, 43 Butler, The, 7 Gunfight, 37–38; “Delia” Brimley, Wilford, 59, 60 (song), 37; Five Minutes to Brinkley, Arkansas, 25 C Live, 37; “Folsom Prison Brisco, Mary, 82 Caan, James, 41 Blues” (song), 37; “Hey Broadway Cowboy, 13 Caesar, Adolph, 60 Porter” (song), 37; “I Walk Broderick, Matthew, 61 Caldwell, Erskine, 31 the Line” (song), 37; Walk Broncho Billy: The First Reel Calloway, Cab, 27, 31 the Line, 38 Cowboy, 81 Camden, Arkansas, 47, 75 Cassidy, Hopalong, 24 Broncho Billy and the Baby, 77 Cameron, James, 48 Castle, Irene, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, Bronco Billy and the Greaser, 3 Campbell, Booth, 82 90, 93 Broncho Billy and the Maid, 2 Campbell, Daniel, viii, 73; Castle, Vernon, 13, 90 Broncho Billy and the School Antiquities, 73; The Castle House Orchestra, 14 Mistress, 3 Discontent of Ed Telfair, Castleton Barbara, 11, 12 Broncho Billy’s Christmas 74; The Orderly, 73–74 Cat Ballou, 30, 31 Deed, 2 Campbell, Glen, 38, 39, Cates, Darlene, 59 Broncho Billy’s Redemption, 2 40, 91 Cave Springs, Arkansas, vii, 35 Broncho Billy’s Sentence, 3 Canerday, Natalie, 56, 61, 62, C. C. and Company, 50 Brown, Dee, 41 63, 64, 65; Biloxi Blues, 61, Chalmers, Thomas, 80 Brown, John, 44 64; October Sky, 64; One Chambliss, Phil, viii, 75, 76, Brown, Johnny Mack, 21, 24 False Move, 62, 64; Shotgun 83, 88, 90, 91; The Mr. Visit Broyles, Frank, 44 Stories, 64, 68; Sling Blade, Show, 76; Shadow of the Brubaker, 57–58, 85 62; South of Heaven, West Hatchet-Man, 76 Brunswick (record label), 15 of Hell, 64; Valley Inn, 6 Chandler, Janet, 11, 13, 14 Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Cannonball Run, 51 Chandler, Raymond, 17 (TV movie), 55 Captains Courageous, 5 Chaplin, Charlie, 4 Buffalo Flows, The, 81 Carnival (musical), 50 Charles Banks Wilson: Portrait Bump, 84 Carny, 46 of an American Artist, 81 Bump, Dallas, 84 Carpenter, Dale, vii, 81; Charles B. Pierce Awards, 73 Burlsworth, Brandon, 74 Broncho Billy: The First Reel Charleston, Arkansas, 80 Index 97 Charleston, South Carolina, 4 83; Beast from the Haunted Davis, Brad, 66 Charlie’s Angels (TV series), 45 Cave, 48; Bloody Mama, 42, Davis, Gail, 17, 21–22, 23, 90; Chasing Amy, 66, 67 47; Boxcar Bertha, 42, 47; Annie Oakley (TV series), Chastain, Jessica, 70 Corman’s World: Exploits of 22; Brand of Fear, 21; The “Chattanooga Shoeshine Boy” a Hollywood Rebel, 48, 83; Cisco Kid (TV series), 21; (song), 23 Fighting Mad, 48; The The Far Frontier, 21; The Cher, 63 Terror, 48 Gene Autry Show (TV Chicago, Illinois, 1, 2, 4, 14, 59 Corman’s World: Exploits of a series), 21–22; Indian Child Bride, 24 Hollywood Rebel, 48, 83 Territory, 23; The Lone China Syndrome, The, 43, 55, 85 Cornered, 17 Ranger (TV series), 21; Pack Chopper Chicks in Zombietown, Cotton Plant, Arkansas, 62, 82 Train, 21; Six Gun Mesa, 21; vii, 61, 86 “Count It as a Blessing” Sons of New Mexico, 21; Christmas Story, A, 53, (song), 82 West of Wyoming, 21 Chronic, The (album), 53 Cowboy and the Senorita, The, Davis, Michael Ray, 73 Chrystal, 62, 74, 75, 85 22 Day It Came to Earth, The, 44 Cisco Kid, The (TV series), 21 Cowboy Holiday, 13 Dazed and Confused, 66 Clinton, Bill, 59 Crazy Heart, 62 Dean, James, 43 Clinton, Hillary, 44, 59 Creature from the Black Lagoon, Death of a Salesman (play), 12 Clinton, Roger, 67 17, 27, 28, 29, 86 Death of Bessie Smith, The Close Encounters of the Third Creature Walks among Us, The, (play), 53 Kind, 53, 55 28 Death Wish, 60 Coach (TV series), 65 Crimes of the Heart, 63 de Havilland, Olivia, 20, 50 Coal Miner’s Daughter, 57 Cripps, Thomas, 7, 87 Delight, Arkansas, 38 Cochran, Robert, vii, viii, ix, Crosby, Bing, 11 Deliverance, 50 82, 85 Crosby, Floyd, 80 DeMille, Cecil B., 13 Coen, Ethan, 40 Cross Creek, 59 Demme, Jonathan, 48 Coen, Joel, 40 Crowd, The, 7 Demon Mountain, 49 Come Early Morning, 66 Curse of Demon Mountain, The, Dempsey, Jack, 4 Come Morning, 73 49 De Niro, Robert, 47, 48, 54 Coneheads, 66 Dennis, Gill, 38 Conlon Nancarrow: Virtuoso D Depp, Johnny, 59 of the Player Piano, 83 Dances with Wolves, 46 Designing Women (TV series), Conner, Alma Mabel, 14 Daniels, Lee, 7 44 Conqueror, The, 18, 35, 62, Danko, Rick, 57 Detroit, Michigan, 42 Cooper, Chris, 64 Dardanelle, Arkansas, 39 DeValls Bluff, Arkansas, 66 Cooper, Gary, 54 Date with Dale, A (TV series), Devil Dogs at Belleau Wood, 79 Coppola, Francis Ford, 48, 65 23 Devil’s Knot, 81 Corman, Roger, 42, 47, 48, 55, Davis, Bette, 12 Dial, Rick, 56, 62, 66 98 Index Diamond Mountain, 49 Encounter with the Unknown, Faulkner, William, 64 DiCaprio, Leonardo, 19, 59 44 Fayetteville, Arkansas, 4, 43, Dickinson, Jim, 28, 89 Endgame, 53 44, 48, 56, 57, 67, 76, 80, “Didn’t It Rain” (song), 83 End of the Line, 57, 59, 60 83, 84; Offshoot Film Die Goldsucher von Arkansas Enemy Below, The, 18 Festival in Fayetteville, (The Arkansas Gold Rush), England, Arkansas, 69 76, 84 42; Die Regulatoren in Epperson, Tom, 62 Ferrell, Will, 59 Arkansas (The Arkansas Equinox, 54 Field of Dreams, 64 Regulators), 42 Erickson, Leif, 46 Fields, W.
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